Urban Fantasy Author. Blog for my story, learning to draw, and making up tag games. Occasionally I reblog things I find inspiring. 18+, mature themes.
194 posts
OC Deep Dive Tag
OC Deep Dive Tag ✨
@the-golden-comet may be a pirate-wrangler, but I'm the one who keeps stealing their tag games. 🏴☠️
Oh y'all know I'm starting with Kazimier from 🌐7 Circles🌐
I am however adding a cut bc some of this is pretty spoiler-y. 🙊
Phobias: Hemophobia (his own blood, specifically), medical needles. People whose lust tastes of sadism.
Other fears: IVs, feeling not in control, being drugged, being poisoned, getting cut/stabbed, healthy fear of death. Fear of falling in love.
Pet peeves: Naivety, 'baby-talking', clingy people, sometimes even having sex is a peeve.
3 items in their bedroom: Something to lounge on like a chaise, garish clothing, a lot of rope.
First thing they notice in a person: The sound of their voice/how they pronounce things, the way their face moves as they talk.
Scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?: Hmmm...4.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? Freeze, followed by fight, flight, fawn (fakely), or fuck.
Do they have a big family/are they a family person?: Does being in a gang at age 10 count as being adopted into a family? Could be a family person if he let himself care about people like that.
What animal represents them? A cat. So particular, weirdly hyperfocused sometimes, likes toying with vermin, can't tell if he'll roll with you giving him attention or try to claw you.
What is a smell they dislike? Cleaning solution
Broken any bones? Maybe, he's almost 300 so it would be a miracle if he hadn't yet.
How would a stranger describe them? Each stranger would describe a completely different person. Kazimier is a shapeshifter. If a stranger somehow saw his 'neutral' form, they'd say he looks fuckin' weird. Horns, green hair, mis-matched eyes of red and green, strange red markings on his cheeks, fangs, black claws, dressed like an 80s rockstar and has this crooked smirk on his face... the fuck?
Night owl or a morning bird? Night? The place he comes from, Du'Preve, barely has a day and night, it's always pretty dark.
A flavor they hate and a flavor they love? Hates sadism, loves desperation. (Kaz is an incubus, and you can discern those feelings from the taste of their lust)
Any hobbies? Sewing (very helpful for a shapeshifter), games like chess, billiards, darts, clue- anything that keeps his mind engaged. Also enjoys doing other people's makeup/make-overs but does this very rarely and is a dictator during the process.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? He's already thinking about how much he's going to make everyone suffer. Flip a coin as to whether he shuts it down immediately or plays along up until people get hurt. There is one (1) spontaneous asexual vampire gal who could get away with doing this.
Do they like to wear jewelry? Yeah, and he owns a lot of it.
Neat or messy handwriting? Neater than you'd expect, large unabashed spacing and snarky loops.
The two emotions they feel the most? Fear and curiosity.
Favorite fabric? Hahhahahahaa.. yeah it's cashmere.
What kind of accent do they have? New York-ish, like Baccano. The quality of his voice is not unlike Todd Haberkorn's normal speaking voice, brassy, abrasive, animated, wry and snarkish.
Taggames list: @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @lychhiker-writes @fortunatetragedy @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting +Open Tag! (No pressure tho!)
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OOPS, I dropped my laptop and Kazimier X Reader smut fell out! 😮 🌶
Fang Kink | Monster X Human | World of 🌐7 Circles🌐
I sure hope the two people who voted for this on my poll don't find it~
And I don't know what I would do if @monstersflashlight knew they inspired me to post my smut directly on Tumblrrr....~
Notice: 18+ interacts only. Explicit sex, Ungendered reader insert, alcohol consumption, references to blood, author unable to resist worldbuilding
[Part 1/2]
You’ve been keeping a secret for a couple months now.
As a human, you’re not allowed into the monster empire, you’re supposed to live your measly life outside its borders in the Outlands. If you ever were to venture into the dark claws of Du’Preve, the closest monster district to your human settlement, you would be executed or worse if they discovered you weren’t one of them.
So you’ve taken extra care not to be discovered.
You could never pass as a vampire, with their red eyes and sharp teeth- nevermind a gorgon or gargoyle. But Liches… those looked just like humans until they put too many magic runes on themselves. A little black paint, and some inspiration from a Lich warning poster in your area, and viola, TOTALLY not a human.
Thus far, you’ve hopped the border just to look around for a little while. Du’Preve has some kind of strange curse over it that dims the sun, even at high noon it seems like late evening. You LOVED it. Something about it made you feel alive- you always did have more energy at night and it was a wonder to experience it at 2pm.
You would walk the dirty streets, trying not to stare as you passed people with hissing hair, barking owners of strange market stands, and old rune-riddled liches mumbling incoherently in the gutters.
You also tried very hard not to squint, to act like you weren’t used to the perpetual darkness. You’d overheard monsters spit that word onto the pavement, ‘Squints.’ ‘Damn Squints,’ ‘Filch-beggin’ no good fuckin’ Squints.’
It has the same other-ness that ‘Fang-Banger’ has back home, a term that’s spat at anyone who gets cozy with a monster, even when it’s not the person’s fault.
You might get called that just for visiting Du’Preve, honestly.
But no one back home knows about your adventures, just as no monster knows what you really are. It’s been working so well that on today’s trip into darkness, you decide to do something a little different.
Du’Preve was known to host all kinds of escapism- drugs, whores, alcohol, you name it. But the most interesting to you were the parties and the clubs that hosted them. Last time you were here you overheard talk of one club in particular, The Club Lascivia, where patrons are generally safe from gang involvement and getting drinks spiked by malicious strangers.
You had gone through what few Du’Preve-looking outfits you had, needing something to wear to a club- eventually settling for something skimpier than you’d usually wear in your excitement to dance the night- or the day, away. You slip through your settlement in an old cloak which you leave at the border, soon arriving at your destination- by all appearances just another monster looking to party.
The scene was electric, with colored lights and dirty music that hummed beneath your skin. You moved between the dance floor, enjoying yourself with your heart racing at how close you were to the monstrous patrons, and simply watching the crowd from the safety of a booth, seeing for the first time how human these monsters really were.
In the booth next to you were two gargoyles, their stone-colored wings slightly unfolded to give a sense of privacy as they gossiped about a third gargoyle between flustered giggles.
You see a male gorgon leaning too close to a disinterested woman at the bar and after a few heated words she throws her drink in his face, causing his snakes to curl back with a hiss.
On the dancefloor you watch a little lich flirting with a stunning vampire, dancing so close, rubbing against one another. The vampire brushes closed lips against the lich’s throat in a dangerous tease and you shiver unexpectedly, drawn to the tantalizing threat.
Wait- ‘hot’? What are you thinking?! Are you.. a fang-banger? No but you haven’t-
Before you can really parse out your thoughts, you notice a man approaching your booth with a couple of drinks.
He’s in a leather jacket that he hasn’t bothered to zip up over his fishnet shirt, allowing you to see the shape of his hips and the toned ‘v’ of his pelvis peaking up over a studded belt and artfully ripped jeans.
He stops a pace or so away from you, looking at you through tinted glasses as the lights of the club backlight his mane of curly black hair. Something about the way he looks at you makes you flush. He smiles, as if he knows what you’re feeling, and you see fangs glinting in his smirk.
“Mind if I join ya?" He asks in this brassy yet silken voice.
“Yes.” you find yourself saying, “-You can join me, that is.”
“ ‘Preciate it.” he says, and as he sits a strange thrill buzzes through your skull. “Here, for your hospitality.”
He sets a tall drink garnished with a twist of orange in front of you and your voice of reason momentarily returns. Was this safe to drink? You didn’t see the drink made, so it’s possible this was a sexy trap to lure you into a surprise kidney removal or something, right? You rotate the glass, as if somehow that would help you tell if it was spiked.
As you’re grappling with how to politely refuse the cocktail, his hand and its many rings brushes against yours and he plucks your glass off the table to take a deep drink, smiling as he catches the look on your face.
He sets it back in front of you with about a third less liquid in it and leans back, his arms draping across the top of the plush seating. “You’re smart not to trust a stranger, but I don’t get my kicks at this club from unwilling participants.” he teases, not unkind, but with a hint of what those kicks may be, “Go on then.” he urges, looking at you, not the drink. “If you want it.. It’s here for you.”
You had never been propositioned quite like this. His air was pushy, dominant, forceful even. But in his words and relaxed posture he invited you to walk away. What if you did? He might chuckle as you excuse yourself with a scarlet blush.. but you don’t think he’d follow.
What if you didn’t?
In a streak of boldness you look him in the eye and pick up your drink, draining it entirely as you stare him down. You were a human with enough gall to sneak into monster territory, after all.
“Moxie.” he praises with a quirk of his brow. It crosses your mind that you’re impressing a monster with your bravery and you feel tipsy off that alone. He licks one of his fangs and you can’t take your eyes off him. You think to the vampire on the dance floor and wonder what it feels like to have those sharp teeth on your skin.. on your lips..
“Now that you're done with your drink, you wanna taste of somethin’ else?” He asks, and you blush at his ability to seemingly read your thoughts.
What.. What should you say? Obviously you were getting hot and bothered here but to do anything physical with a person from Du'Preve, to willingly walk into his grasp, that was a much much bigger taboo than taking yourself on a little adventure across the border now and again.
You feel a light touch on your wrist, the man has moved in the semicircular booth to sit beside you. “Hey now..” the man soothes, his fingers barely resting on your skin. “You can be nervous, moxie, or anythin’ between. If we do somethin’ I just need you to want it.”
Your voice comes out as a whisper, anxious and daring all at once. “I want it.”
[PART 2]
7C taglist:
@gioiaalbanoart @biblicallyaccuratefruitbat @katenewmanwrites @pencilpusher1000 @lychhiker-writes @autism-purgatory @wyked-ao3 @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @smellyrottentrees @fortunatetragedy @aalinaaaaaa @the-golden-comet @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting @nbkuhn @ddgraywrites (hmu to be =/- to the list)
Another one! Kazimier as a kid:

Oc from my story 🌐7 Circles🌐. Kaz started a questionable career pretty young 😮💨. Also in-story Kazimier's name comes from that cashmere sweater!
Random 7C fact: young shapeshifters are called changelings.
Art taglist: @the-golden-comet @lychhiker-writes @gioiaalbanoart @quillswriting (hmu to be +/- to this taglist)
They're A Ten, But.. (Tag Game)✨️
Hopping on this after seeing @the-golden-comet did one awhile back. My characters from 🌐7 Circles🌐:
Klaus 🌻
is a ten, but he has severe daddy issues that prevent him from showing more than the charming suave upper-class bachelor persona he projects.
Seeker 🌠
is a ten, but is prone to going along with whatever you say/bit of a pushover.
Kazimier 💋
is a ten, but you're nothing more than a meal to this callous incubus.
Valian 🐁
is a ten, but eats any fruit with the rind still on.
Tagging: @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @lychhiker-writes @fortunatetragedy @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting +Open Tag! (Hmu to be +/- to my tag games list)
Quick and snarky Kazimier doodle to start out the week~

Tried to do a more simple style but I'm not sure how I feel about it 😅
I'm hoping this week to color some of my more detailed art of Kazimier! (So stay tuned for something higher quality than this lol)
Art taglist: @the-golden-comet @lychhiker-writes @gioiaalbanoart @quillswriting (hmu to be +/- to my art tags)
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better! 💜💜💜

Omg. Thanks 💕
I love shit like this, I'll have to pass it on when I get off work!