jnhthy - nath

Girl written by taylor swift!! I algo try too write something and freak out about my life, movies and my favorites (she/her) 18y

59 posts

AS IT WAS (marauders Era)

AS IT WAS (marauders Era)

AS IT WAS (marauders era)

Pairing: marauders x reader

Warnings: i thinking none, just saddnes

A/N: english is not my first language be patient!!!! based on the song as it was by harry (perfect song)

what it was like… i found myself thinking about this after seeing three students walking to class in hogwarts as it was just me, remus and sirius walking to hogwarts happy and laughing out loud getting repressive looks from McGonagall telling us to quietly go to class, which doesn't working because we keep doing the same thing after she leaving.

Being a professor at hogwarts was difficult, it brought back a lot of good and bad memories, but regardless of good or bad, they left a pain in your heart because you had no one else to share them with. It was only 4 years after the last wizarding war and officially you were the only one left, obviously you kept in touch with Harry, Hermione and Ron as you had promised and despite many losses and scars they were all doing well, at least that's what you tried to do. convince yourself but as soon as you lie in bed you just wish you could go back to the time when everyone was happy and you still had your friends laughing, playing pranks, faithfully cheering on quidditch games, celebrating if they won or comforting them in some loss , every bit of it was valuable and you were grateful to have it with you, as the first wizarding977, an intense Quidditch match was going on, you were standing next to Remus, both of them proudly cheering for their home, shouting urging the players on. When James won the golden pigeon the arena went crazy and so did I, it was one of the best games and of course there was a big party afterwards. took out everything from you.

1975 your fourth year at school is going great, being muggle born you constantly took shortcuts to avoid pure slytherins at all costs plus bad comments they saing and they loved to joke with you but this time it was not possible rid of they for a group of terrible boys saw you and ended up saying bad things and dropping your books, leaving you late for your class and crying over the bad comments. When picking up your books 4 shadows stopped in front of you with their heads down you thought the same Slytherins came to harass you but on the contrary they were 4 extremely kind Gryffindors you knew them by names of course the famous James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupine and Peter Pettigrew. They helped you get your books asking what happened once everything was in order you thanked and told what happened just as you were about to go back to class they both stopped you and said they would accompany you to your class telling you which ones words they 'Now you are under our protection and no one will mess with you' soon you became friends and officially joined their group

1977, an intense Quidditch match was going on, you were standing next to Remus, both of them proudly cheering for their home, v urging the players on. When James won the golden pigeon the arena went crazy and so did you, it was one of the best games and of course there was a big party afterwards. particularly the best party

1978 your last year at the hogwards were all gathered in a quiet corner of the castle trying to spend your last moments at school as best you could laughing drinking and playing with each other you felt genuinely happy. A lot of the memories you wanted to go back to where everyone was happy and happy without worrying about the rest of the world, it was just us there.

1980 Harry came into the world, he was beautiful!! The cutest baby you've ever seen, although you haven't seen many, the fight was intense the war was getting worse but in the room where everyone was gathered nothing was on anyone's mind other than that beautiful little boy, none of you said it out loud but each one promisse to protect the boy in some way, even if it was with his life.

This is what happened you followed for years your friends, your family, and unfortunately saw them Sirius be arrested, James, Lily, Lene, Dorcas, Frank and Alice were all die and the pain was much worse than you could imagine and you were alone even after a few years with Sirius and Remus back it wasn't the same but at least you weren't all alone you felt at home for a few minutes but that feeling ended soon with Sirius death reminding you that none of that had ended up leaving you with the same feeling of loneliness, Remus was there by my side but he was no different from you there was only the two of you and you promised you would protect harry and that's what you did until you lost Remus also leaving you officially alone until it was all over , luckily it's over but you wish it had ended up with everyone gathered in a room with harry just like when he was born, celebrating and dancing but instead you was looking at that same place of the last party of the castle alone thinking of all these memories and you wish everything was the way it was before

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