Enterprise - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

OMG that is so amazing! I want! I have the tng but it's a cheap piece of shit that the press-on of the crew on the front is peeling & fading.....

1968 Star Trek Metal Lunchbox And Thermos
1968 Star Trek Metal Lunchbox And Thermos
1968 Star Trek Metal Lunchbox And Thermos
1968 Star Trek Metal Lunchbox And Thermos
1968 Star Trek Metal Lunchbox And Thermos

1968 Star Trek metal lunchbox and Thermos

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4 years ago

Starfleet: We're the effectively the government and we need to set a good example. All of you here are responsible, honorable people and we're count on you to carry out very important orders. We can't afford to mess up first contact or start wars, so please set a good example.

The Enterprise crew: haha spaceship go vroom vroom

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6 months ago
I Never Did Update When This Got Finished Last Summer, Did I?
I Never Did Update When This Got Finished Last Summer, Did I?
I Never Did Update When This Got Finished Last Summer, Did I?
I Never Did Update When This Got Finished Last Summer, Did I?

I never did update when this got finished last summer, did I?

Happy with how it turned out, even if it does take some serious hairpin architecture to construct a bun that'll hold the hat steady - it's a little heavier (and a lot more ready to blow around in the wind) than anticipated.

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6 months ago

“Average Starfleet starship is stolen 3 times a year” factoid actually just statistical error. The average starship is stolen 0 times. The starship Enterprise which has been stolen at least 10,000 times by its own crew during its five year mission is a statistical outlier and should not have been counted.

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6 months ago
I Thought You Guys Might Enjoy These Early Sketches Of The Enterprise.
I Thought You Guys Might Enjoy These Early Sketches Of The Enterprise.

I thought you guys might enjoy these early sketches of the Enterprise.

I Thought You Guys Might Enjoy These Early Sketches Of The Enterprise.

They are all taken from The Making of Star Trek by Stephen E. Whitfield and Gene Roddenberry

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2 years ago
I Loooove Experimenting With Color, So I Drew This Scene From Star Trek Where Spock Is Possessed By This

I loooove experimenting with color, so I drew this scene from star trek where spock is possessed by this alien. I don‘t remember all of it, but i liked his smug little smile in that scene :D I really like the color atmosphere in this one :3

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2 years ago

Christopher Pike: Arguments

Christopher Pike: Arguments

Imagine having an argument with your father(Christopher Pike) over you having a boyfriend right before the SOS from Vulcan:

"Dad stop, I've known him since high school. You've met him and liked him!" I exclaimed as I walked through the house, my father closely following with an exasperated expression upon his face.

"Yah well, that was then and this is now!" He argued back. Finally getting fed up, I turn around, my hands in tight fists, my hair messy due to my frustration. My father doesn't look as angry as I am, he looks more unhappy than angry. His eyes seem defensive, but his posture screams dominance over the conversation.

"You don't get to stop me! I don't live under this roof anymore, you're not even my real dad!" My words are cold and precise, the sharpness in them could lacerate the toughest of materials. My expression may seem cruel and cold, but I can feel my body subconsciously wince at the low blow at the end of my sentence. I want to take it back, but I refuse to back down.

His strong look falters, his eyes dropping to the floor for a second before reconnecting with mine. His anger is completely gone, left only with an injured look, almost as though I had slapped him. The fight leaves him, I can practically see his body deflate before he speaks.

"You're right.... You don't live here... and I'm not your father." His voice feigns coldness, but I can hear the barely audible tremble at the end. My own eyes burn with tears as he turns his back to me, walking back through the house. I stand there for a few seconds, simply stunned by the turn of events.

I had walked in here with the intent of introducing my father to my boyfriend, who I first met in high school, then reconnected with in StarFleet. He's only a year younger than me, but his intelligence attracted me the moment I met him, and don't get me started on his accent. We had been good friends in high school, and when we reconnected in Star Fleet we developed a new kind of attraction. We've been going strong for a couple of months, and I thought it was time I told my father, and arranged to introduce them to each other.

I didn't, however, plan on my father treating me as though I was too young to make my own decisions. As soon as I brought up my boyfriend, he turned rigid, his eyes hardened, and his fists clenched at the thought that I was dating someone. I admit, I also overreacted. I never wanted this to happen, I just wanted to introduce the man who raised me to the man I fell in love with.

I wanted to walk after him, I wanted to yell out his name and exclaim my apologies. Instead, I pivoted on my heel, turning the polished handle and opening the door, then slamming it shut before driving home.


Arriving at my quarters, I 'gracefully' stumble out of my car, slowly walking into the building to find my room. I sleep in separate quarters as I'm not a student but a teacher. I'm rifling through my purse in search of my keys when I get an instant message that Vulcan is requesting Star Fleets assistance, and to report for assignments.

My heart feels like it's being hit with a hammer, I've only been on a star ship once when my father insisted I go with him, I've never even been in combat before. I'm dreadfully and embarrassingly unprepared to rush in to aid Vulcan.

I push aside my anxiety and nervousness, my heart beat being tachycardic is an expected effect of this sudden event. My legs tremble slightly, but I continue to speed walk, getting to my area and receiving my assignment: Psychologist and physician assistant on board the Enterprise. Of course I get placed on the ship my father is captaining, at least I'll know that he's safe, but I will be stuck in the med bay, so I'll be a little far from him.


I quickly toss on some StarFleet regulation pants and my uniform shirt, because lord knows I ain't wearing that short dress. My hands fumble with the material of my shirt as I walk into the Med Bay, immediately being greeted by the CMO, he's quite nice, immediately telling me what my job will be before going on his way.

I head over to my office, organizing some forms and assessing forms that have already been left for me. I'm about to go talk to the nurses when I notice two men rush in, one placing the other on the bio bed. Standing up, I hesitantly walk over, watching as he gives the other man a hypo, knocking him out within a few seconds.

"What is Jim Kirk doing on this ship?" Yes, I know who Jim Kirk is, my dad talked about him sometimes, I remember when he first went down to Iowa and met him, that was when he became really protective of me.

The other man, Leonard McCoy I presume, immediately straightens up.

"Uh..." He is clearly struggling to find an answer, I know what these symptoms are, and I know the only reason Jim Kirk would have them is if he was given the vaccine.

"I know what you did, but I understand. Promise not to tell." I smile slyly at the end, sarcastically holding out my pinkie to solidify my promise. McCoy smirks in surprise huffing before interlocking our pinkies, both of us then dropping our hands to our sides.

"Leonard McCoy I presume?" I question, my voice steady, although I still feel a little uneasy around these two men.

"That's right. Pike?" His southern twang dimmed down a little. I smile tightly, nodding my head.


We had been en route to Vulcan, and my nerves were beginning to calm down; at least until Kirk woke up.

I was a little calmer because my boyfriend came on screen, he was giving us the summary of what we know and what we are going to do. Vulcan was releasing a distress signal, which we are heading over to help. I was in my head, worrying over how my father might act towards him now that he knows he is my boyfriend, but when Kirk is awake he seems to demand all attention.

He had McCoy and I rushing all over the ship, he was having a severe reaction, although I can say that I've seen worse.

"Kirk, just because I said I've seen worse doesn't mean you get to sprint across the ship and get your heart rate up!!" I yelled at him, slapping his arm. We're currently in the turbo lift, I'm trying to take his vitals when the doors open and Jim immediately pushes forward. Both men rushed out, and I admit I was pushed a little off balance. I stumble, and almost fall before I feel two arms grasp my waist, pulling me back up and into their chest.

I am about to push away from them when I hear their voice.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" His Russian accent is hard to miss, and I can't help but settle into his hold when I realize its him. I want to respond, but I'm so enthralled with the argument that is occurring that all I can manage is a comforting hand atop his interlocked ones and a slight nod of affirmation.

He releases his hold, but quickly follows up by softly holding my right hand in his as we watch the bridge. My father is the captain, and though he is arguing with Kirk and also listening to Spock, he still manages to find the time to glance over at me a couple of times. I know that he's noticed Chekov and I, how close we are, how we glance at each other for reassurance, and most of all how we are holding hands. I'm not quite sure how he feels anymore, at first he was angry, but now he seems to have some sort of understanding.


My father has been stuck on Nero's ship for some time now, I obviously wanted to go with him when the Romulan captain demanded his presence. However, he had Chekov hold me back, whispering a promise that we would have that dinner if it was the last thing he did.

Jim and Spock - after having many fights, Jim even being sent to a planet, only to somehow come back - beamed onto the Romulan ship and are currently trying to rescue my father and their captain, Christopher Pike.

I spent most of my time on the ship trying not to cry as I treated injured crew members. I had to go back to the med bay, they were swamped, and McCoy had become our new CMO after our first had been killed. He was loud and straightforward, giving me a multitude of jobs to do simultaneously, to which I refused to disappoint, constantly thinking about whether my father would make it to that promised dinner.


It was two days ago that Jim and Spock brought my father back to our ship and defeated Nero, he was immediately rushed to the med bay, where I had to watch him be treated. My eyes had tears streaming out of them, I was just trying not to cry aloud, which became especially hard when he reached his hand out for me to hold.

Now I am driving him back to my home, my personal house is out of the city, surrounded by nature. He always told me that he loved my house because the trees and streams helped quiet his mind, so I thought it might be a nice place to take him. The car ride is silent, not a tense silence, but a content one. Content that he is alive, that I am alive, that he can be my dad again.

Though I am enjoying the peace, I feel a force pushing me to talk.

"I... I'm sorry." My tone is low and my voice quiet, I know exactly why I am apologizing. His neutral expression turns to one of confusion, his body turning with his face before speaking.

"Why are you sorry?"

"I'm sorry for what I said. You've been a better father than my biological one, you've raised me and loved me as though I am your own flesh and blood, and I repay you by saying you aren't my father." My chest is tight as guilt floods my system, I glance over to my dad, and am met by his calm, warm eyes.

"It's okay, that conversation is something I regret, too. I know I've been protective, and I do recognize that you are an adult. It's... it's just that you are my daughter, and I feel like you having a boyfriend means you don't need me anymore." His deep tone starts off strong, but gradually becomes quieter and softer.

I pull into the driveway, pulling the emergency brake before putting the car in park.

"No one could ever replace you, dad." Is all I say before getting out of the car, heading over to help him out and up the steps onto my porch.

"Y'know, I've always loved this house."

"...How would you feel about meeting my boyfriend here, I feel that I've hidden him away long enough. I just need you to know that he isn't and never will replace you." My voice is shaky as I look at him meekly.

"I would love to." My chest feels lighter, I can feel myself breathe easier. Glancing over to my father, he offers me a calming smile before opening the front door and walking into my house. I'm left standing stunned on my porch, a smile slowly growing over my face as I message Pavel to come over tonight for dinner.

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6 years ago
So Years Ago I Decided To Make A White Constitution Class Because My Dads Original Model From The 60s
So Years Ago I Decided To Make A White Constitution Class Because My Dads Original Model From The 60s
So Years Ago I Decided To Make A White Constitution Class Because My Dads Original Model From The 60s
So Years Ago I Decided To Make A White Constitution Class Because My Dads Original Model From The 60s
So Years Ago I Decided To Make A White Constitution Class Because My Dads Original Model From The 60s
So Years Ago I Decided To Make A White Constitution Class Because My Dads Original Model From The 60s
So Years Ago I Decided To Make A White Constitution Class Because My Dads Original Model From The 60s
So Years Ago I Decided To Make A White Constitution Class Because My Dads Original Model From The 60s
So Years Ago I Decided To Make A White Constitution Class Because My Dads Original Model From The 60s
So Years Ago I Decided To Make A White Constitution Class Because My Dads Original Model From The 60s

So years ago I decided to make a white constitution class because my dads original model from the 60s was white. Then I saw there was paneling masks so I decided to go a bit A/Refit with the paint job. I started this in 2011 only doing the top saucer while I lived with my parents. I left it there and they finally sent me A box of all my stuff that I left there. So I started this again about a week ago took a while to figure out what colors I anted to use and where but I pretty much got it down. I couldn’t remember what my original idea was for it 7 Years ago but this is it now 😂

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6 years ago
Nerding Super Hard Right Now. Repainting An Old Project That Was A Failure. Tried To Do The Aztek Pattern

Nerding super hard right now. Repainting an old project that was a failure. Tried to do the aztek pattern with flat and gloss.. the gloss yellowed and turned out really bad

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6 years ago
So I Nerded, And Continued Nerding After My Work Out. And Nerded Some More. Then The God Damn Pylon Broke
So I Nerded, And Continued Nerding After My Work Out. And Nerded Some More. Then The God Damn Pylon Broke
So I Nerded, And Continued Nerding After My Work Out. And Nerded Some More. Then The God Damn Pylon Broke

So I nerded, and continued nerding after my work out. And nerded some more. Then the god damn pylon broke :)

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3 years ago

Discovery Enterprise project:

Part 1

Discovery Enterprise Project:

The start of a new project. My first time painting anything since august. I’ve only painted the deflector dish but I’m using the colors of the original enterprise on this.

Discovery Enterprise Project:

Yes I’m a Star Trek nerd. A lot of my older posts are me building star ships

Discovery Enterprise Project:
Discovery Enterprise Project:
Discovery Enterprise Project:
Discovery Enterprise Project:
Discovery Enterprise Project:
Discovery Enterprise Project:
Discovery Enterprise Project:

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3 years ago

Discovery enterprise project:

Part 2

Did up the nacelle primary colors. There will be more to come in regards to paneling and such.

Discovery Enterprise Project:
Discovery Enterprise Project:
Discovery Enterprise Project:
Discovery Enterprise Project:

Started the deflector dish paneling as well. I got just the right amount of subtlety

Discovery Enterprise Project:
Discovery Enterprise Project:

Also experimenting with the chiller grills. Sprayed clear blue on the back then did a clear base and alclad 2 chrome on the topside. This way it looks chrome when unlit and light still passes through when they’re on

Discovery Enterprise Project:
Discovery Enterprise Project:

Small light test with my phone

Discovery Enterprise Project:

Now on to painting the impulse engine

Discovery Enterprise Project:

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3 years ago

Discovery enterprise project:

Part 3

Lots of masking and more stuff done

Discovery Enterprise Project:
Discovery Enterprise Project:
Discovery Enterprise Project:
Discovery Enterprise Project:
Discovery Enterprise Project:
Discovery Enterprise Project:
Discovery Enterprise Project:
Discovery Enterprise Project:
Discovery Enterprise Project:
Discovery Enterprise Project:

Paneling next!

Also, the belly isn’t done because ri intend to seam hide after the lights are installed. Same for all the other seams

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5 years ago
#StarTrek #trekvarnews #DesdelaButaca #StarTrekDiscovery #enterprise (en Santiago, Chile) Https://www.instagram.com/trekvarnews/p/BwmlnIbjWwM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6jpzor1zffgs

#StarTrek #trekvarnews #DesdelaButaca #StarTrekDiscovery #enterprise (en Santiago, Chile) https://www.instagram.com/trekvarnews/p/BwmlnIbjWwM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6jpzor1zffgs

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5 years ago
#StarTrek #trekvarnews #DesdelaButaca #StarTrekDiscovery #enterprise (en Santiago, Chile) Https://www.instagram.com/trekvarnews/p/BwmlnIbjWwM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6jpzor1zffgs

#StarTrek #trekvarnews #DesdelaButaca #StarTrekDiscovery #enterprise (en Santiago, Chile) https://www.instagram.com/trekvarnews/p/BwmlnIbjWwM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6jpzor1zffgs

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