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Hi! Can I Have A Match Up For The Bad Batch? Im 5'5, I Have A Short Curly Mullet, And Super Pale Skin

hi! can i have a match up for the bad batch? Im 5'5, I have a short curly mullet, and super pale skin and big dark brown eyes, Im a omnisexual, asexual demigirl (she/they) im super quiet and reserved until ive known you for a long time, then im super loud and annoying,I also tend to not talk at all when I first meet someone, I tend to end up the therapist friend of the group and try and help them as best as I can, ive also been told im very wise??? I can be very clumsy, mainly walking into doors and walls, I tend to just talk about nonsense, like poetry, music, life, whatever is going on, and honestly I just sound a lil high, music and art and honestly my life passions, music is in my family and art is my own hobby, I play the guitar and saxophone and just get into the z o n e, I love sketching whatever is going on, like anyone in my vicinity has now become a r t, I love skating and riding my bike, mainly for the adrenaline rush but also bc its fun??? tysmm!! and if ur not doing matchups just ignore this!!

I match you with... Wrecker

Hi! Can I Have A Match Up For The Bad Batch? Im 5'5, I Have A Short Curly Mullet, And Super Pale Skin

Song for this match up -stop the stars by tiny deaths

Wrecker and your first meeting you both literally run into each other while at the markets. This beef cake of a man catches you before you can fall and gives a quick apology before he is running after Omega again.

He feels that your so fragile compared to him.

After your first incounter you both seem to gravitate to the same place bumping into each other on nearly every occasion of a trip to the markets.

You star to keep sweets on you for Omega just so you can spend more time with Wrecker.

Hunter is the first one who recognises what's going on and he enjoys watching hoe awkward the two of you are.

The rest of the batch have a bet going on of who will be the first to ask the other out. Tech and Omega have credits on you while the rest of the boys have their money on Wrecker.

Wrecker loves listening to you. It doesn't matter what it is you are talking about this man is like a love sick puppy was he eagerly listens to you.

Please draw for him he will do his best to also draw for you.

Teach him how to skate it will be one fo the best things very. This man knows how to dance and he will find any opportunity to dance with you. He my not be subtle but when it comes to dance he's very good at keeping tempo.

He will give you piggy back rides anywhere just to prove he can carry you to the ends of the earth.

Wrecker is a very big sweetheart and just loves spending time with you.

Your legs carry you thought the busy markets of Ord Mantell, stopping at stalls when something peaks your interest. This had become quite a habit of yours as you wait for the hulking clone you had come to be close with.

You hum lightly skipping along to the next stall where you purchase mantell mix knowing that wrecker and Omega couldn't help themselves with the sweet treat.

Just as you finish paying you hear shouting from a familiar voice. "(Y/N)!" Omega calls out to you. Turning around with a smile on your face, you can see Her on Wreckers shoulder as as make their way thought the crowd.

"Hi you two I got you a gift" you call back as Wrecker makes his way over to you. You hold up the two containers of mantell mix which makes them both smile. "Yesss thank you (n/n)" Omega says with joy before taking a handful and shovign it in her mouth. You laugh lightly before handing the other container to Wrecker who smiles and thanks you.

The three of you walk together enjoying chatting with one another. Three others watch you from a distance with smiles on their faces as they watch you disappear into the crowd. "So is anyone going going tell them that Omega is playing match maker or are we just going to watch them dance around each other every time we come back from a job" Echo says which makes Tech look to him.

"Statisticly, Wrecker will continue being clueless until (Y/n) says something, he may be our muscle but he can be quite clueless without guidance" Tech replys while pushing his goggles up the bridge of his nose.

"I think it's nice that Wrecker has found someone" Hunter states before walking away to continue wirh supplies.

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More Posts from Jt-artsandfics

3 years ago

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3 years ago

hello!! i love reading your bad batch matchups and was wondering if you could write me one!

i’m 5’7-5’8, with straight blonde hair(ends around my collarbone bones) and blue eyes. i have an athletic build from dancing. i have a pretty pale complexion.

as i said before i love to dance and during majority of the year i spend most days after school in my dance classes. i’m super passionate about dancing as it does take up most of my life. i would consider myself an introvert but love to hang out with my friends whether it be online or in person. i’m also a huge fan of the marvel cinematic universe, especially bucky barnes in particular. i am pretty private about my emotions, i don’t usually show them in front of people. for hobbies, i love to draw and paint, most recently i have painted the bad batch’s symbol on my converse.

I match you with... Echo

Hello!! I Love Reading Your Bad Batch Matchups And Was Wondering If You Could Write Me One!

Echo when he first sees you doesn't think he is even in the chance of talking with you. So when you come over and sit right beside him.

Echo nearly has to do a double take at you. And Omega comes over and introduced you to Echo and the rest of the batch.

Over time your relationship with Echo grows every time they stop planet side he visits with different gifts for you, from flowers to little trinkers and odds and ends.

Sometimes he watches you dance, he loves watching how your muscles move and bend as you dance. Sometimes he wishes he could dance with you. If he was the man he was before he would have taken your hand and offered to dance with you.

It's one of his favourite things is to watch you perform. He could watch you for hours on end.

He loves running his fingers thought your hair and playing with it. Something that feels so intimate for him.

He's half tempted to try and grow his hair back so that you can return the favour and play with his hair.

He loves paintings and drawing and if it's something you have made he would love it even more wanting to savour it and keep it safe.

Loves to see you with the bad batch insignia on your shoes and finds it quite adorable how much you have taken to the batch.

You and Echo are both curled up on your sofa watching movies for the night. You're sprawled out across his chest with hair fanning out all over the place. His inacted hand runs thought your hair and gently massages your scalp.

Echo hums happily as you both move onto the next holo in your holovid marathon. It's moments like this which makes him feel alive again. Just the peaceful times curled up watch holos with someone who means the galaxy to him.

"Echo what are you thinking about?" You ask quietly eyes flickering up to his. "Just how I'm the luckiest clone in the who known Galaxy cyare" he says proudly. You giggle lightly and place gentle kisses against his cheeks before pressing one to his lips. "Whatever you say sweet talker" you reply before zoning back into your holo. It's a favourite of yours something from another time but it's still a classic to you.

Echo gets interest peaks as he sees alot of himself in one of the characters of the holo. "Sunshine I have a falling you have a thing for men with metal arms, I don't have competition do I?" He ask which makes you blush.

"Echo! How could you say that, Bucky Barnes is the man of my dreams" you say which makes him laugh before he rolls you over to be pinned against the couch. "Is that so mesh'la well I might just have to try a little harder to keep your attention" he chuckles before kissing you. "Echo! We are missing the best part of the holo" you cry out.

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3 years ago
He Is Really Blessing Us

He is really blessing us

3 years ago

Bringing this back
