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Okay, So I Have This Stuck In My Head For A Bit. What Is Raiden Had A S/o Who Was Pregnant But, They

Okay, so I have this stuck in my head for a bit. What is raiden had a s/o who was pregnant but, they don’t know their pregnant and one day a kid just pops out. I need to know please.

So this is kinda a hard one to do becuase I feel like you would know if your pregnant, so I'm making that when you get pregnant wirh a demi god. baby doesn't take as long to be born and doesn't give it as many side effects. Only down part is only protection that works is condoms.

This is more so alot of the character's reacting to raiden and he reader having a surprise child that neither of them knew of.

It's a little short but hey i like how it turned out and I hope toy all enjoy it.

Warnings: mention of past sex, birth and body parts.

Okay, So I Have This Stuck In My Head For A Bit. What Is Raiden Had A S/o Who Was Pregnant But, They


Raiden is obvious that much is known, his s/o on the other hand didn't really read the signs that their body gave. So two very obvious idiots in love, things are bound to happen. One of those things is Raiden getting his S/O pregnant and neither of them realising.

There isn't many other people in a relationship with other gods that they have met so they are mainly going off what feel right for them. But now raiden sits with his lover curled up into his side as he also cradles an infant, his daughter.

She looks very much like her father in some aspects, the light dust of white hair on head is one of them. She knew his voice from what he gathered, she doesn't like him being away very much the same as his S/o. Inari is what they had both settled on name her after all it was quite fitting.

"Raiden?, are you alright" he hears the voice of his lover. He turns gentle to watch them as they smile watching him with their daughter. "Im well, just enjoying this, first time we have stopped to just be close in a little, even if it's becuase of an unexpected gift" he says gentle laying his daughter against her other parent. "She's a surprise that's for sure, a beautiful one.

I didn't even know I was pregnant" he leans down and presses a soft kiss against his lovers forehead. "I guess this means from now on we are using condoms. Becuase I'm on brithcontrol and well" they gesture to Inari. "She happened" raiden nods. "That's probably for the best, as much as I adore this little one, I do not think we were ready for her" he explains as he gentle rubs her forehead.

"We really aren't but, she's here and we will make it work" his S/o replys as they lay their head against his chest. "How do you think the elders will react to her?" He's quite for a little. "They will find out in time, as of now I wish to spend as much time as I can with my family" he says. He smiles gently enjoy the peace that took hold of his heart. Everything is so calming.


Fujin is the first other then raiden to hold Inari, the wind God is so gentle with her as he smiles too both Raiden and (y/n). Fujin adores his niece and Raiden loves seeing his brother, lover and daughter. They are his family.

The next few days are spend as bed rest for both Inari and his S/o, Raiden does what he can for both of them while also catching up on much needed work too. Fortunately his daughter is very quite, she makes little noises to gain his attention when she can.

And that's how he ends up with her sleep in his arm while he rocks her slowly, in his other hand is reports on outworld. Master Hasashi had been so kind as to let them stay in the fire gardens so that he could know both his loves are safe.

Inari grumbles lightly before she goes quite again snuggled up to her father as he hums lightly. "Lord Raiden, can i offer you so tea?" The thunder God looks up from his papers to see master Hasashi at the door.

"That would be lovely, thank you once again for letting us stay here for a while. (Y/n) is still healing and I believe they enjoy spending time here too, it is peaceful." He says lightly has Hanzo brings in cups and a small teapot. They both sit in the quite as Hanzo prepares the tea.

"Does anyone else know of you're daughter?" He ask lightly. Raiden is tries to recall who He has told. "Fujin is aware, and I've informed Sonya but they are the only ones but yourself and grandmaster Kuai Laing who know." He says lightly rocking Inari lightly.

"Woueld you like to hold her?" Master Hasashi freezes for a second. Looking to Raiden before giving a short nod. The thunder God smiles as he gentle places her in the man's arms. "... (y/n) and I want to ask if you would be. Her God father?, I do not knwo what it means but If something we're to happen to (y/n) and I would you be willing to guild and care for her?"

It's a hard topic for both of them. For raiden the thought of not being able to look after his daughter or himself and his lover perishing. And For Hanzo the memories of the life he once had, the family he once had. "She will be safe here, and your family is always welcome in the fire gardens." Hanzo says lightly cradling Inari. "Thank you Hanzo"


"Wait! You got knocked up by the God of thunder and weren't going to tell us!!" Johnny yells only to get a slap up the head by both Sonya and Cassie. "Look we didn't know until I had her ok, we weren't exactly expecting her. But umm... It turns out brithcontrol doesn't stop you getting pregnant from a God" they explain while holding Inari.

"No that's something I didn't want to hear" Johnny groans. Sonya laughs. " You guys are always welcome around here, after all raiden been around since before Cassie was born. He's kinda like an uncle too her" they all laugh enjoying talking about whatever comes up in conversation.

"So.. when are you and raiden gonna tell Liu Kang and Kung Lao? I'm sure they would both love to meet her, and I'm so telling Jin and the other two i got to hold her first" Cassie says as she bounce Inari on her lap. "Well we are hoping to see both Liu and Lao, I think they already know about her but then again. Johnny hasn't told them yet so maybe not"

"Hey! I can keep a secret!"


"This is her" Liu Kang ask while cradling the thunder gods child. "Yes that is her" raiden confirms as (y/n) smiles lightly to the young man. "She has Raidens hair, very white. She look like you both" He says as both he and Lao fuss over the little girl. "She looks like a potato Liu" Lao say earning a laugh for Raidens lover.

"Just remember Lao you were once a potato too!" (Y/n) replys. Raiden smiles as he watches to two men he saw as his sons interact with his daughter. It's moments like these that make him feel so compete.

"So.. are you going to tell the elder gods?"


Inari Ōkami (稲荷大神) The god or goddess of rice and fertility. Their messengers and symbolic animal are foxes.

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More Posts from Jt-artsandfics

3 years ago

I love Kung Lao so so much. And Bi-han from the latest movie. Any imagines you got I would love!! Maybe them being jealous and protective?

Jealous and protective. pt 1

I feel this alot they are two of my favourite characters and I loved the actors who played them so I'm going to keep with the 2021 movie for this version. Hope these are to your liking Bi-hans is more domestic protection but he is a jealous man. So don't touch what is his.

Warings Sergestive scenes, mention of sex, nudity, bathing together

Photos are not mine just used as headers.

I Love Kung Lao So So Much. And Bi-han From The Latest Movie. Any Imagines You Got I Would Love!! Maybe

Kung lao: jealous and protective

Kung lao when jealous gets this little pinch between his eyebrows, his jaw tightens to the point of pain and the young man stares. It's no secret really that Kung lao loves getting under people's skin, but when it's someone else doing it to him it's very much a different story. It's well known Kung lao doesn't like Kano, most of the shaolin monks didn't like the man. But what had him on high alert right now was how close the man is too you. His eyes dart across the fight pit, watching and waiting to see if his assistants would be needed for the brute of man. Kung Lao knows that you can handle yourself in a fight, he and Lui Kang had trained with you since you arrived long before the new fighters.

"Come on!, stop dancing around and fight. Unless you want a dance but best I can do for ya is the naked one" The Australian man calls out. "How about you focus on not getting your ass kicked Kano. It's starting to seem like it's your new hobby" Kung Lao smiles a little under the shade of his hat. His love knew how to rile someone up, wither it in a fight or shared moments between them in the shadows of there rooms.

Kung Lao doesn't know why he's jealous, let alone of Kano. His lover had made it very clear that they are not interested in the man. Perhaps it's the constant of flirty coming from Kano, the degrading, sexist and rasict comments that all came from this man.

"Oh you wanna play dirt hun? We'll play dirty then" kung lao tense as he continues to watch them fight making sure no harm comes to his partner. He can see Kano is hitting his peak of anger, he can see the red in his eye become brighter. Kung Lao is quick and almost in the blink of an eye he is beside his lover his hat being used as a shield against the laser once more. It is quite between the three, one of his arms are wrapped around his partner's waist holding them close as he slowly lowers his hat. There's many emotions there but the one which is the most obvious is the anger towards the Australian man.

"The training is over, Kano if you do not learn to control your anger or arcana you will continue to fail." Kung Lao said nothing else as he drags you from the fight pit. You let him pull you thought the many halls of the temple until you can feel your arm staring to hurt from the pressure he's putting on your wrist. "Lao?" Your voice is soft and soothing to his nerves. "Are you hurt?" His eyes meet yours as he finally stops walking. "I'm alright, but you on the other hand have a serious case of jealousy" you laugh lightly, it gains a grunt from him as he rolls his eyes. you run your hands over his shoulders, leaning up to place a kiss on his lips, he let's out a sigh of relief. His shoulders let go of their tension as he pulls you closer.

"Forgive me for being too over bearing, I just do not like that man touching you" he says resting his head on his loves shoulder. His hands rest against their hips as they both stand together is a blissful moment. "Lao you don't have to be sorry, I know very much at Kano likes trying to get under your skin just as much as you do his. But you happen to be the man I love and adore." He smiles bringing you in for another kiss. "I also happen to love you riled up and jealous, it doesn't happen often" you chuckle. "That it doesn't, my love"

I Love Kung Lao So So Much. And Bi-han From The Latest Movie. Any Imagines You Got I Would Love!! Maybe

Bi-han: jealous and protective

Bi-han is very good at hiding us I emotions, but when something happens that invoke him they show like wild fire. Jealous is something he feels very often, his sweet love he knows very much is his. Has stated on many occasions to reassure him. Not many people knew about you, and that's how he wished to keep it, anyone who found you ended up dead or mutilated to no recognition. your his love, the one thing that means the world to him other then the Lin Kuei. And he wouldn't let anyone into his house where his heart was.

"Bi-han?" He's staring again he knows, but he loves being close to you, watching you as you move around and work. It doesn't help that he's just tracked blood all into the house as he stand there watching them in the kitchen. They turn around to meet his gaze. "Bi-han!, baby what did I tell you about blood on the floors!" He chuckles moving closer to them pulling them into a reluctant hug that they squeal and try to escape. "BI-HAN!" "Wǒ de xīn, please let me enjoy this" he lifts you to sit on the kitchen bench ad he pulls us I mask off and kisses you.

"You're lucky I love you" he laughs lightly kissing their forehead then cheeks before returning to their lips. It's quite between them. Both enjoying being close to one another basking in each other's love. "Bi, did you find the man who broke in, and would this happen to be his or your blood, becuase you need a bath" he hums lightly pulling away a little seeing the small specks of blood now on your face and covering your hands and clothes. "His" is the only reply he gives as he picks his lover up and carries them towards the bathroom.

Bi-han sets them down in the bathroom as he begins to undo all of his armor, he can hear the water begin to pour into the bathtub. "You have blood all thought your hair Baby, how badly did you leave his body?" Bi-han turns to his love as he continue removing his clothing. "That man broke onto my home, where my Wǒ de xīn is, he is lucky I was will ikng to show him enough mercy to grant him a quick death." he finishes stripping of his clothes and makes his way into the bathtub, sinking down into it and let's out a sigh. His pale eyes flick to his love. "Tiánmì de ài, come" that's all he has to say as his little heart strips before joining him in the bath. He pulls them back against his chest, resting his head on their back. His lips trail sweet kisses against his lovers skin. His skin is such a different contrast from the hot water pooling into the bathtub. "Would you like an to wash your hair Bi?" He lets out a soft sigh as he nods into your shoulder. "Yes" he let's you move to face him resting against his legs. He reaches back grabbing a bottle of shampoo before handing it to his love. this is something he will fight for, the moments like this with shampoo in his blood soaked hair as he wipes blood off his lovers face. "Sorry I'm not as traditional as you Bi-han, I know I'm probably very different to what you were used to back then" his hands rest on his lovers hips pulling them closer. "You are everything to me, I do not care that you are not from my time. You are my heart, my love and I'll be damned to the hells if I ever lost you Tiánmì de ài" he leans down pulling his sweet one into another kiss as they run their hands thought his hair. "We are going to have a red bath soon baby" "then I hope the next man who tries to break in here will learn the same lesson if this is where I will be after I kill him" he leans back pulling his sweet partner to lay against his chest. "I wish to just stay like this for a little"

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3 years ago

Mortal kombat Ocs and collage of what they look like from actors, YouTube influencers and people. I DO NOT OWN PHOTOS THEY ARE ALL OFF GOOGLE.

Mortal Kombat Ocs And Collage Of What They Look Like From Actors, YouTube Influencers And People. I DO

Morri gan Nakar- Fabel

Powers/abilites: Reality Warping/ possesion of the dead. they are able to travel thought different realms and realities to deliver messages to gods. Morri also has to take the body of a human to live. Most times will take the form of a deceased person so that their body before can finally decompose. Their bodies age but they themselves are immortal in a sence.

Nationality: depends on the body atm they are Irish.

Speices: unknown believed to be a God/demi God.

Age: between 400- 500.

Gender: takes on that of body but genderless/nonbinary.

Sexuality: Panssexual

Love interest: Raiden

Clothing of choice: 1700s Irish farmer/soldier garb.

Weapon: short sword.

Morri has been around for a very long time, take forms of those who have fallen and living thought them until they move on to another "host" all thought they can take the form of living people they much rather someone who has passed as to not kick them out of their body. In the time that they have existed morri has had 9 different forms. They are a massager of fate, and their main goal is to inform God's and deities of certain events. They themselves are somewhat of a God.

Mortal Kombat Ocs And Collage Of What They Look Like From Actors, YouTube Influencers And People. I DO

Jules Verne-( julien Verniswul ) -Shayd

Powers/abilities: Powers/abilites: Super-Powered Tattoos/ Item-Duplication- can create more of something from just one item. His tattoos glow when he uses his powers. The bigger the thing the more it drains her. Can create clones, moving images of self but mainly makes other objects to use for figuring.

Nationality: Australian (that he knows)

Spieces: Edenian/Chaosrealmer man's not exactly human but looks it.

Age:  28 - 29

Gender: male.

Sexuality: bisexual prefers men.

Love interest: Bi-han(sub-zero/ noob saibot)

Clothing of choice: black techwear. Free running wear.

Weapon: knives

Jules as a baby was left abandoned in earthrealm in Austraila. He was shipped around though different families but always ended up back in the orphanage. He meets Abrisham when she is first sent to the orphanage and becomes very close to her. He sees her as his sister and is very protective of her. The orphanage is tough on them both. Trying to drill a religion neither of them want into them. Jules takes it personally when people would bully or harass his sister for her Heritage,  something that Jules himself doesn't know of his own. They stay close living together after they both leave the orphanage. Jules chases his dream of free running and becomes somewhat of an internet star for what he does. Both parkour and martial arts become a hobby of his while he is a child.

Mortal Kombat Ocs And Collage Of What They Look Like From Actors, YouTube Influencers And People. I DO

Brisbane Fielder- Abrisham Farha-Hannan

Powers/abilites: Pain Infliction- she has the ability to inflict pain, damage and injury to others by doing it to himself. She does not feel it but it works both ways. To active her ability she has to stare at someone. But when she hurts herself in the other person does it to their body, she receives it back.

Nationality: afghanistan (place of birth: born in Australia.

Species: human.

Age: 24

Gender: female

Sexuality: lesbian  

Love interest: Cassie Cage

Clothing of choice: she wears a hijab and clothing simlar to assault gear/ free running gear.

Weapon: what ever she can get her hands on.

Brisbane original name is: Abrisham Farha-Hannan

Abrisham is a young girl originally from Afghanistan,  she was three 13 when her family was killed and she was left in the care of an "Jules Verne" Verne being her elder being 17 when she was 13. Jules is her adopted older brother. Both are extremely close due to either not knowing their family or their family passing. The orphanage is tough on them both. Trying to drill a religion neither of them want into them. Both Jules and Abrisham as they grow up and eventually stay together until Brisbane changes her name and joins the Austrailan military for a little before rejoining with her brother when she gets a chance. Tho she was religious when she was younger she has not stayed with it. But she still wishes to wear her family clothing and that of her country.


I will be drawing them up in the next few days or sharing a small peice of art I already have of Morri gan and Raiden.

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3 years ago

Gods im a MK slut ans really wanan make ocs for it but like. I have so many as it is...

Anyone else a MK slut? Cause whoooo boy there’s so many pretty gals and guys TvT

On another note! If you want to see me draw Sona smooching anyone in particular, send me an ask! I’m sure there’s PLENTY of kisses she can do~

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3 years ago

Boring old werewolf instincts:

Sexual jealousy

Constant aggression

Rigid hierarchy

Must win sports

Homophobia And Sexism Is Normal™

Eat people

Cool new werewolf instincts:

There is no five second rule

Corvids are friends

Hang out as a pack


Gotta pee

3 years ago


Bris and Jules are very friendly. They are adopted siblings so they enjoy talking with people on life experiences.

Morri on the other hand is very distant from people unless they are dead or they are using said persons body as their new form.

Gonna hopefully post some info on them in a little just finishing up some if Morrigan's lore becuase they have alot.

(Interesting bunch these lot)

So I'm thinking of soon doing some art of my mortal kombat ocs I have three and was wondering in anyone would actually like to see them and know more about them like what they are, what they did before mortal kombat, who's shipped with who, abilities.

Here's their names

Morri gan Nakar - "Fabel"

Jules Verne - "Shayd"

Brisbane Fielder - no alias yet.