jupitercreates - Jupiter’s Creations
Jupiter’s Creations

Hello hello! Welcome to my tumblr, here I’ll post and repost Art that makes me happy! 18+✨ Linktr.ee/jupiters.creations ✨

39 posts

Jupitercreates - Jupiters Creations - Tumblr Blog

2 years ago
A Recent Collection Of Some TOH Doodles From Instagram
A Recent Collection Of Some TOH Doodles From Instagram
A Recent Collection Of Some TOH Doodles From Instagram

A recent collection of some TOH doodles from Instagram 

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2 years ago
A Series Of Illustrations Of My Original Character Amun (and @mosskats Character Dursus)
A Series Of Illustrations Of My Original Character Amun (and @mosskats Character Dursus)
A Series Of Illustrations Of My Original Character Amun (and @mosskats Character Dursus)
A Series Of Illustrations Of My Original Character Amun (and @mosskats Character Dursus)

A series of illustrations of my original character Amun (and @mosskat’s character Dursus)

1- “Follow me...”

2- “Where are you leading me?”

3- “Come here.”

4- “Stay here, with me.”

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2 years ago
Shadow Work Concept Suggestions:

Shadow work concept suggestions:

Shadow Work Concept Suggestions:

Why do you practice magic? Is your drive derived from your being? Is it superficial and aesthetic? Is it of curiosity or interest? Is it selfish? Is it to deal with oppression or injustice?

You are not immune to propaganda. What have you been influenced by, without necessarily noticing? How have your influences affected your interactions with, and views of, the world?

When you have had interactions with non-corporeal entities, how has your subconscious, mental illness, neurodivergency, state of mind, influences, and/or bias affected your interaction and interpretation there of?

When you have been hurt by another, what is the core influence for your initial reaction?

When you discipline yourself or talk down on yourself, who’s voice do you speak in?

When faced with cognitive dissonance or self-doubt, how often do you give in to the Dunning-Krueger Effect?

If/when you experience imposter syndrome, why are you the person that you are in that moment?

When confronted with new information, how do you react? What is the core of the reaction you have?

Write down your morals and personal philosophy as succinctly and accurately as you can. Do your daily actions and words reflect those values?

What emotion makes you feel like your magic is strongest? Why is that emotion potent enough to cause that?

In moments when you have wished harm unto others, how have you justified such desire and how does that same line reasoning affect the way you engage with the rest of your life?

In moments when you have felt or been othered by a group of people, what is your initial reactive emotional state?

Contemplate the concept of infinity. The vastness of reality, both structurally and conceptually and your place within them.

How much of your persona is rooted in intertextualism? How does this affect the way you bond or engage with others? Does it effect how you interact with different age groups in a negative way?

When you categorize things, places, concepts, and people what criteria do you use? How does sorting this way affect your engagement with these various categorizations?

If you were to describe yourself without using your name, occupation, physical qualities, species, or interests what would it look like?

Is there any other way that you could practice magic and have it feel right? If you can think of some, how many are rooted in aesthetic and consumerism?

How can you, in your daily life, strive to ensure the health, growth, happiness and development of those around you? Even those whom you do not know.

What is your initial reaction to ignorance? What is the core of that reaction? How do you react to willful ignorance?

Would you stand up for someone downtrodden, oppressed, or attacked? Even if those around you would not? Would you want to? How can you become the person who does?

What does community look and feel like to you? Does your current community match your idealization of it? Is it possible for you to have an effect on the community?

When faced with the concept of death and mortality, what is your initial reaction? Does that reaction carry over to confronting its actuality? What are the roots of both reactions?

Shadow Work Concept Suggestions:

Remember, shadow work is not necessary for witchcraft. If doing shadow work is initially difficult for you to approach genuinely, I would recommend speaking to a licensed therapist. You can give your therapist talking points to explore with you in order to help you come to a better understanding. If you are struggling as a result of mental illness or you feel like you may be a danger to yourself or others, please reach out to someone to help you. There are programs that can help you, you may just need someone to look into it for you. Stay safe and stay grounded.

What other concept suggestions can you think of?

Shadow Work Concept Suggestions:

If you’d like to learn more about me, see a list of all of my content, find my services, take part in magical experiments, take magical surveys, or support me on Patreon click here.

2 years ago
Rachel Maksys Newest Video Had Me Thinking; Shed Make A Cute Who. This Was Another Fun Style To Try!

Rachel Maksy’s newest video had me thinking; she’d make a cute Who. This was another fun style to try!

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2 years ago
Now THIS Was A Fun Challenge. I Tried A Lineless Style For This Weeks Singing Puppet. I Tried To Make

Now THIS was a fun challenge. I tried a lineless style for this week’s singing puppet. I tried to make him cute yet ominous at the same time. He looks a little more creepy than ominous but I’ll take it!

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2 years ago
Forgot I Never Posted Them Anywhere, But Heres 4 Little Original Postcards I Made For Gallery Nucleus
Forgot I Never Posted Them Anywhere, But Heres 4 Little Original Postcards I Made For Gallery Nucleus
Forgot I Never Posted Them Anywhere, But Heres 4 Little Original Postcards I Made For Gallery Nucleus
Forgot I Never Posted Them Anywhere, But Heres 4 Little Original Postcards I Made For Gallery Nucleus

Forgot I never posted them anywhere, but here’s 4 little original postcards I made for Gallery Nucleus Portland!:D

Thank you so much to everyone who bought them and gave them good homes!:D

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2 years ago
2 years ago

I never expected this to blow up like it did (+300 notes is a big deal for me) thank you to everyone who reblogged! I love reading the notes 🥰

After The Latest Puppet History, As Always I Looked Forward To The Puppet Song. I Loved The Inclusion

After the latest Puppet History, as always I looked forward to the puppet song. I loved the inclusion of D&D rolls to try to defeat the legendary white tiger, and the puppet construction was immaculate as usual. I caught the inspiration bug and drew this! Lots of new brushes and fun background elements. This was a joy to work on. I hope the Professor and friends like it!

2 years ago
2 years ago
SAVOUR Sweetling In The Grove Heart A Selection Of Watercolours From This Last Week. Weather Has Been
SAVOUR Sweetling In The Grove Heart A Selection Of Watercolours From This Last Week. Weather Has Been
SAVOUR Sweetling In The Grove Heart A Selection Of Watercolours From This Last Week. Weather Has Been

SAVOUR sweetling in the grove heart A selection of watercolours from this last week. Weather has been dreary and I’ve been longing for gardens. 

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2 years ago
Back At It With Another Post! Im On Doubloon (dabloon) TikTok And I Made My Dabloonsona, Trinket! Hes
Back At It With Another Post! Im On Doubloon (dabloon) TikTok And I Made My Dabloonsona, Trinket! Hes
Back At It With Another Post! Im On Doubloon (dabloon) TikTok And I Made My Dabloonsona, Trinket! Hes

Back at it with another post! I’m on doubloon (dabloon) TikTok and I made my dabloonsona, Trinket! He’s a silly lil guy who loves adventures, shiny things, hunting for treasure and nature. All the trinkets are things he’s collected from interacting with other TikTok dabloonsonas!

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2 years ago
Some Traditional Ink Pieces Ive Made For MCM And TB. Ive Been Really Burnt Out The Last Couple Months,
Some Traditional Ink Pieces Ive Made For MCM And TB. Ive Been Really Burnt Out The Last Couple Months,
Some Traditional Ink Pieces Ive Made For MCM And TB. Ive Been Really Burnt Out The Last Couple Months,
Some Traditional Ink Pieces Ive Made For MCM And TB. Ive Been Really Burnt Out The Last Couple Months,
Some Traditional Ink Pieces Ive Made For MCM And TB. Ive Been Really Burnt Out The Last Couple Months,
Some Traditional Ink Pieces Ive Made For MCM And TB. Ive Been Really Burnt Out The Last Couple Months,
Some Traditional Ink Pieces Ive Made For MCM And TB. Ive Been Really Burnt Out The Last Couple Months,

some traditional ink pieces I’ve made for MCM and TB. I’ve been really burnt out the last couple months, but working on traditional art has felt good!

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2 years ago
After The Latest Puppet History, As Always I Looked Forward To The Puppet Song. I Loved The Inclusion

After the latest Puppet History, as always I looked forward to the puppet song. I loved the inclusion of D&D rolls to try to defeat the legendary white tiger, and the puppet construction was immaculate as usual. I caught the inspiration bug and drew this! Lots of new brushes and fun background elements. This was a joy to work on. I hope the Professor and friends like it!

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2 years ago

I’m loving this season so far. Stay tuned I have my own fanart to post later!

Since The Professor Is Now Big I Had A Terrible Idea

since the Professor is now big… I had a terrible idea

also, it would be just Shane in a fursuit

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2 years ago
Four Illustrations Ink, Watercolour, And Gouache On Paper By Beatrix Potter (1866-1943) For The Tailor
Four Illustrations Ink, Watercolour, And Gouache On Paper By Beatrix Potter (1866-1943) For The Tailor
Four Illustrations Ink, Watercolour, And Gouache On Paper By Beatrix Potter (1866-1943) For The Tailor
Four Illustrations Ink, Watercolour, And Gouache On Paper By Beatrix Potter (1866-1943) For The Tailor

Four illustrations — ink, watercolour, and gouache on paper — by Beatrix Potter (1866-1943) for “The Tailor of Gloucester.”

2 years ago

Beautiful opposing colors and rhythmic lines!



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2 years ago
If You Think I Was Joking About Magpie Im Not.
If You Think I Was Joking About Magpie Im Not.
If You Think I Was Joking About Magpie Im Not.

If you think I was joking about magpie… I’m not.

Matthias (as a raven) belong to @sinealas!

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2 years ago

So simple yet so spirited! I love the small color palette and shape language

Cowgirls Tarot Card Art Prints By MourningDovesArt
Cowgirls Tarot Card Art Prints By MourningDovesArt
Cowgirls Tarot Card Art Prints By MourningDovesArt
Cowgirls Tarot Card Art Prints By MourningDovesArt

Cowgirls Tarot Card Art Prints by MourningDovesArt

(link in source)

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2 years ago

I love this dynamic pose, the old school pen texture and ink splatter, how the background draws the eye to the right places.

XII - The Hanged Man

XII - The Hanged Man

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2 years ago

This is so beautiful! I love this illustration style.

Baba Yagas Hut

Baba Yaga’s Hut

Prints, stickers & other goodies available HERE

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2 years ago
My Christening Post For Tumblr! I Made This Background A While Ago To Put All Of My Favorite Things Into
My Christening Post For Tumblr! I Made This Background A While Ago To Put All Of My Favorite Things Into
My Christening Post For Tumblr! I Made This Background A While Ago To Put All Of My Favorite Things Into
My Christening Post For Tumblr! I Made This Background A While Ago To Put All Of My Favorite Things Into

My christening post for tumblr! I made this background a while ago to put all of my favorite things into a piece. My favorite tea kettle and tea cup are a highlight of it for me.

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