Chaos Gods Of Law Would Be Cool To See In Age Of Sigmar. Alluminas, The 2nd 1, Somorphia, And Solkan
Chaos Gods of Law would be cool to see in Age of Sigmar. Alluminas, the 2nd 1, Somorphia, and Solkan
i can kinda imagine the GoL intro into AoS. idk, maybe... 1 of the gods of Order tries to fight either archaon or belachor, and a portal opens into the realm of chaos... the Order god tries to avoid the eyes of the chaos gods and the horned rat, eventually stumbling into the Gods of Law. the Order god makes a deal with the GoL. and idk we get Law equivalents of the chaos forces; Conscripts of Light, Blades of Solkan, Disciples of Alluminas, something for Sormorphia, and the other 1 gets her(?)own force.
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