Age Of Sigmar - Tumblr Posts
Just to mix things up and give myself a break I decided to paint a dwarf this weekend. So here's my first Fyreslayer, the Auric Flanekeeper
So I've decided to try to army's on parade 2023 so prepare for a bunch of skaven progress pics as I start to figure out how I'm making these jerks work.
I've been working on this guy from print n play as a proxy mancrusher gargant. I think one more session to finish metals and do the hair and I'll call it done.
Got a violent urge to do some sculpting so i got to work on a daemon prince of Slaanesh.
It all started with his head, I really like the old long keeper of secrets heads so I figured I'd make make this guy's head long as well. He'll get some horns too
Then it was on to the back. Had to figure out the muscles since not many people have four arms so it's hard to find good reference pictures
What he currently looks like. He's getting pretty damn big so he'll probably have to be a daemon prince in name only.
I still have a lot of work left but I'm quite happy with the progress so far
I plan on adding a boob
Daemon prince of Slaanesh progress part two
He's really starting to take shape now that he has legs
I decided to beef up his back a bit while i was giving him an ass
Daemonette size comparison
But now i need to let the putty dry before i can do much more work.
Daemon prince of Slaanesh progress part three
Didn't make quite as much progress today as I'd hoped but not every day can be super productive.
This should come in handy
Worked a little more work on the face and gave him horns, may add more
Got started on the claws
Daemon prince of Slaanesh progress part four
I shortened the left arm a little and got to work on the right one.
I decided to give him a sword so i cut the basic shape out in plasticard
What he currently looks like from behind
With the boob in place he's starting to look a lot more slaaneshi.
Lets hope tumblr has mercy on this post.
Daemon prince of Slaanesh progress part five
The current state of him. With the claws and sword sloppily attached using wire I'm starting to get excited. Soon I'll be done with the fleshier bits and I'll get started on armor and clothing.
Hands are difficult but satisfying. The putty slips of the wire foundation if im not really careful. Thinking ill try a thinner coiled wire next time so the putty has more surface area to stick to
The other side of the claws. Next I'll have to add the "thumbs"
Such a fun project and i really feel like im learning a lot.
Been having a blast painting slaanesh models lately
Though i have little interest in warhammer underworlds as a game the models are always a delight. These were nearly finished for months before i decided to go get back to them and repaint all the metal in nmm (non metallic metal for the uninitiated)
I absolutely love this sculpt. The model screams "hero" with his luxurious cape and arrogant pose. I tried to paint a morror effect on the shield which turned out to be harder than initially anticipated due to its complex shape but I'm happy enough with the result
Yet another model whose pose I love. I really wish there was a propper unit of these rather than just this one model but i can't complain too much as i had fun painting her.
When i assembled this crew i had some issues with a huge gap in this guy's shoulder pad so i decided to have a bit of fun with it and ended up sculpting a janky face there which is why it looks a bit strange
Closer picture of the face in question. Told you it's janky
Aah the humble slaangor. A delightfully freaky model with its spindly legs and wonderful crab claw.
Bonus Lord of Pain
A bit of a followup post to the last one because i reached the image limit.
I figured out how i want to do a lot of things going forward with my warband while painting this beef cake. Another figure with the arrogance I want in a slaanesh hero.
I tried imitating the bases in the dread pageant kit with some success. I doubt I'll have the patience to do it on the rest of my slaaneshi host but it was a fun experiment
This was also the figure where im the most satisfied with how the leather sleeve and legging turned out
And now for a little teaser for things to come
Something a little different while I’m waiting for some stuff I’ll need before i continue expanding the Necromunda gang
In the meantime I’ve revisited a model that’s been unfinished for far too long.
Plague Lord Nurglitch!
Still very much a work in progress. I decided not to strip the old paint as i was quite happy with how some of my old work turned out. It’s really fun to revisit an old figure and really see how my painting has progressed so far.
I found this guy in a hobby shop, not knowing he even existed and bought him instantly. Skaven was the first army I collected for warhammer fantasy battles and later age of sigmar and I had always had a soft spot for clan pestilence so finding this figure was quite a shock.
More progress on Nurglitch..
Both the plague lord himself and his steed have been finished.
Still need to paint his lil buddy Bilios and give them a proper fancy base as the one I’ve been using so far really doesn’t do them justice.
They’ve been good practice for the pallid sickly look i want for the skin of my pestilent clergy and their crazed followers.
Today was...long, so I tried some new painting styles and painted up a stormfiend this evening, I still need to sort out their base and maybe clean up a bit or two but I've named them Francis
Trash Goblins
I’m really enjoying the Chaos version of these two, not least of all because girly Paimon is a heckovalot of fun to draw and Dajjal as a chaos champion is just an absolute unit.
Yeah but what if our deathwatch marines were Slaves to Darkness Chaos Champions?
Alright folks, here's the bananas Warhammer fan-theory of the night:
Every Warhammer universe belongs to a single unified timeline.
In the past, there were small teases regarding a possible connection between the universes of warhammer fantasy and 40k. Old sources had little references to a galaxy in a bottle in an aldorf wizard college tower or a planet in the eye of terror- contradicatory and only easter eggs at that.
With the return of primarchs and the advancement of the 40k timeline, many people wonder if a 40k end times is coming.
There are a ton of ways it could go, none of which I find terribly interesting to explore. What interests me is the potential that the end times of 40k lead to the creation of the Old World.
My working theory is that the Emperor ascends to Godhood and creates a planet in the image of old Earth as a refuge for humanity to survive the destruction of the galaxy, warded from chaos. Several Xenos races fight their way onto the ark-world, and chaos manages to breach the wards at the pole, but the plan is successful and a small number of humans survive the destruction of the galaxy.
This would mean the story of warhammer begins with the modern day, and the furthest possible point forward in the timeline is the Age of Sigmar.
The grand timeline would look like:
Modern Day->Horus Heresy->40k->Old World->Age of Sigmar
Do i think GW would ever in a million years? Probably not. Fun to think about, though.
For those of you who haven’t read this article yet. There are two more Warbands that have been announced but we haven’t seen yet. The Spire Tyrants and The Scions of Flame have had their runemarks revealed and no further details.
For those of you who haven’t read this article yet. There are two more Warbands that have been announced but we haven’t seen yet. The Spire Tyrants and The Scions of Flame have had their runemarks revealed and no further details.
One of my Stormcast Eternals for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. I never made enough for a large force, but plenty for some Warcry, which I've still never played. Used the old Bretonnian Knight head swap trick, now that I'm into 3D printing I'd probably just print heads tbh