justinemiranda - Justine Miranda
Justine Miranda

Some places I went, some pictures I took, and some thoughts I had while traveling around the world.

117 posts

(Paris, 10/21/11)

(Paris, 10/21/11)

(Paris, 10/21/11)

Notre Dame. 

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More Posts from Justinemiranda

13 years ago
(Salamanca, 11/05/11)
(Salamanca, 11/05/11)

(Salamanca, 11/05/11)

Casa de Lis café. The Casa de Lis is an art deco/art nouveau museum, but the best part is the stained glass. This beautiful window is in the cafe, which faces the setting sun. The atmosphere in general is cosy and relaxing, but it's especially nice at the end of the day.

They tell us not to take pictures, so these were sneaky. 

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13 years ago
(Toledo, 09/02/11)
(Toledo, 09/02/11)

(Toledo, 09/02/11)

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13 years ago
(Firenze, 08/23/11)

(Firenze, 08/23/11)

Brunelleschi's Dome, Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore. 

Built in the 14th century, the dome was an amazing feat of architectural genius. Of all the geniuses of the renaissance, architect Filippo Brunelleschi managed to design a structure that could support its own massive weight.

To get to the top, we climbed roughly 460 steps between the outer and inner dome.

Click the link. I promise it's interesting. And better at explaining cool things than I am.

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13 years ago
(Paris, 10/21/11)

(Paris, 10/21/11)

We walked by a few street vendors next to the Notre Dame selling hot dogs in baguette buns smothered in cheese. At first, we joked about how ridiculous and carb-filled and heart-attack-inducing these hot dogs would be.

Then we ate some.

We figured it counted as authentic french food because of the baguettes.

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