Notre Dame - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

I've jumped off of assassins creed Notre dame before, now that the real building is modeled after the assassins creed building which is modeled after the real building Does that imply then that I haven't not jumped off the roof of the real Notre dame

art history nerd here! when the notre dame burned a few years ago, the most damaged area was the roof. y'know who has a very extensive 3D model of the roof? ubisoft, for assassin's creed! ubisoft has been very involved in the restoration of the notre dame, pledging over half a million euros in support. so yep, that is most likely an assassin's creed dude carrying the olympic torch!

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3 years ago

Almost everything everyone has already said here is why I'm incredibly OUTRAGED!

And this is along with my outrage for Israel continuously discriminating against Palestine by destroying key centers for information to put the Palestinians behind and ruin them.

The thing is, this is a loss to everyone, not just the Palestinians (but mostly them) since it just leaves more people with less resources to have them educated, and we don't know the true extent of how that education, or any of the information that was found within the Palestine National Library, the Azhar Library, and the National Culture Center, could have been used to help others or to learn about new things and ideas from different perspectives.

So in conclusion,


Yall Better Be Just As Outraged About This As You Were About Notre Dame

yall better be just as outraged about this as you were about notre dame

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10 years ago
Christmas Eve, 2014.
Christmas Eve, 2014.
Christmas Eve, 2014.
Christmas Eve, 2014.
Christmas Eve, 2014.
Christmas Eve, 2014.

Christmas Eve, 2014.

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8 years ago
Cathedral Notre Dame, Paris 2016
Cathedral Notre Dame, Paris 2016
Cathedral Notre Dame, Paris 2016
Cathedral Notre Dame, Paris 2016
Cathedral Notre Dame, Paris 2016
Cathedral Notre Dame, Paris 2016
Cathedral Notre Dame, Paris 2016

Cathedral Notre Dame, Paris 2016

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5 years ago

Oh noooo!!! D:

Not a dream

The Notre Dame cathedral is on fire

Not A Dream

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5 years ago

just in case anyone doesn’t know :)

notre dame is burning.

this is ok.

it has happened before. it will happen again. it has been lost before. it will be lost again. and again. and again. and again. art and architecture are transient, and temporary, and 850 years may seem like a lot to the individual, who will live maybe 100 if they are very lucky and very healthy, but even the pyramids at saqqara have only existed for about 6000 years and that’s still not all that much, if you consider the grand scheme of things.

yes, this is terrible. as someone who is deeply religious and literally a professional historian with a focus on art and architecture, this is terrible. im mourning. im gutted. im horrified and upset and miserable. but.

it’s not over.

victor hugo wrote hunchback because notre dame du paris was in the process of collapsing and falling apart, and revitalized the entire world’s focus and love for this church, and that was not even 200 years ago. it led to it being renovated.

the roof has fallen in. the scars of fires are on its buttresses. the rose window has fallen out. the beams and piers have collapsed. the spire has toppled. the stones have suffered, and will suffer again, but it is not gone.

renovation work is essential. sometimes things collapse and burn and break and have to come back. it’s not a terrorist attack, it’s renovation, an accident, but we have so much evidence, history, carefully documented everything on one of the most studied places in the world.

it’s not the end.

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5 years ago

we're in the middle of a dystopia talk about fucking that dammit

I should be working on my finals but I can’t. I need to talk about this because the world is looking at us through Notre-Dame, and I need to use this. You want to talk about France? LET’S TALK.

We have been on the brink of civil war since November.

You can’t even begin to imagine what it’s like to live in France right now. Every Saturday, we protest for our rights, our civil, constitutional rights. Some may remember the student protests of last year (if not, here is a chronology of what happened: x, x, x, x). Since then, it’s gone downhill. In my university, the dean faces charges but is still in function, he hired a milicia with bulldogs who patrols the uni and separates any group of student they deem too big. They used to control our id before going in. The police violence is the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my life.


I’m terrified to go outside, but I still go to protests because we are being silenced, slowly, methodically, by the Macron government. I was hurt multiple times during protests, almost always in the face. I was gassed, I was hit by water canons. The police isn’t even caring about the non-protesters. I’ve seen them shoot gas grenades at toddlers, three-year-old choking on lacrymo. Two girls, gassed, and a little nine-year-old who had her arm broken running away.


A mother falling to the ground because a plastic-shrapnel grenade exploded next to her ankle and destroyed her foot. Most of my friends have PTSD, any sharp sound can send every single one of us into a panic attack. We can’t handle fireworks or firecrackers anymore.

The blood. I can’t make you understand how much blood is spilled during the protests. The number of times they scream MEDIC during protests makes me sick.

On record, there are currently three persons who were shot in the eye. One man had his hand ripped off. Multiple men and women got broken ribs from the flashballs. THEY EVEN SHOOT AT REPORTERS from the national television and freelancers, with water canons and flashballs. They’ve beaten minors unconscious, they’ve shot a flashball into someone’s mouth and it exploded his cheek, they’ve thrown a disabled man off his wheelchair.


During the protests, we break things. Of course we do. We break glass, mostly, because it’s the cheapest to repair and it’s what’s the most impacting visually, so it’s our compromise. They break us.


If you carry a camera into a protest, they’ll track you down and target you until either your camera is dead or you’re too beaten up to be able to film. I’ve been there. I never bring my camera anymore. And even then, I wouldn’t film anyway, because the police is on social media, and they look at every video, they identify people’s faces, and then people get in trouble. They block entire streets so you can’t escape them. They make ‘nests’ where they circle around protesters until they’re surrounded, then they throw a gas grenade in the middle and when people run away towards the edges, they catch everyone one by one and beat them bloody.

And the worst is the misinformation. The media have done such a good job at misrepresenting the protests that there is infighting inside my own family, inside most families, at work, at school, between people who think the government is doing its best to control the situation and the protesters are violent anarchists set to destroy the country, and the people who’ve actually been in protests, who’ve peacefully raised their hands up when asked and where shot in the ribs with a flashball in thanks. My own parents didn’t believe me until I came back from a protest with a split eyebrow and sprained wrist.

This is a short documentary a French newsreport/gamer youtuber made. If you speak French, it will give you another inside view. If not, you can just watch the images from March 18th, until now the most violent protest since November.

In Paris, now the army is in the street. They pulled back the anti-terrorism squads soldiers (about 7,000) and put them in the street, against us. They had orders to shoot after three warnings and they are armed to kill. THEY ARE ARMED WITH LETHAL WEAPONS. The last time the army was sent to control a protest was in 1948.

You want to talk about France? Talk about that. We are scared. We feel abandoned by the world. And guess what? If France falls, you’re all coming with us. Right now, it’s easy to forget that the same thing is happening in South-America and all over Middle-East, because Western media doesn’t like talking about anything that isn’t white and pretty. But if they managed to forget to talk about just how bad it is here, then it’s going to happen to you too. So the first step? Is to talk about it. Share this, share other news report. Talk about it with your friends, your families. Contact your local news, ask them why no one is talking about it. Go to social media, tweet people, ask questions. Hell, ask ME questions.

France is heading straight to civil war, and I’m terrified.

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3 years ago
Le Figaro Have A Newly Published Photograph From Inside Notre Dame Shortly Before The Roof Collapsed,

Le Figaro have a newly published photograph from inside Notre Dame shortly before the roof collapsed, as molten lead fell into the nave. (+)

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5 years ago

notre dame is burning.

this is ok.

it has happened before. it will happen again. it has been lost before. it will be lost again. and again. and again. and again. art and architecture are transient, and temporary, and 850 years may seem like a lot to the individual, who will live maybe 100 if they are very lucky and very healthy, but even the pyramids at saqqara have only existed for about 6000 years and that’s still not all that much, if you consider the grand scheme of things.

yes, this is terrible. as someone who is deeply religious and literally a professional historian with a focus on art and architecture, this is terrible. im mourning. im gutted. im horrified and upset and miserable. but.

it’s not over.

victor hugo wrote hunchback because notre dame du paris was in the process of collapsing and falling apart, and revitalized the entire world’s focus and love for this church, and that was not even 200 years ago. it led to it being renovated.

the roof has fallen in. the scars of fires are on its buttresses. the rose window has fallen out. the beams and piers have collapsed. the spire has toppled. the stones have suffered, and will suffer again, but it is not gone.

renovation work is essential. sometimes things collapse and burn and break and have to come back. it’s not a terrorist attack, it’s renovation, an accident, but we have so much evidence, history, carefully documented everything on one of the most studied places in the world.

it’s not the end.

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2 years ago


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5 years ago

So sad. My favorite picture of Paris was taken on the rooftop of the Notre Dame, it was a tiring tour climbing all the way up but so worth it.



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5 years ago

I was so sad to see this :( I litterally went there this week-end and never thought it would be the last time i see it intact

grandbuste - Things I make and stuff I like :^)

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5 years ago

I am in love with the trend of bored Architects photoshopping increasingly ridiculous ideas for the Notre Dame roof

the community pool one tho is art

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9 years ago
The Eiffel Tower And Notre Dame. Paris, France
The Eiffel Tower And Notre Dame. Paris, France
The Eiffel Tower And Notre Dame. Paris, France
The Eiffel Tower And Notre Dame. Paris, France
The Eiffel Tower And Notre Dame. Paris, France
The Eiffel Tower And Notre Dame. Paris, France

The Eiffel tower and Notre Dame. Paris, France

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