Lissca | tired | moody
186 posts
Justlissca - Never Forget Your Pokerface~ - Tumblr Blog
KID: *appears out of nowhere*
Conan: Gah!
Conan: God, you're like a pop up book from hell.
Conan during a KID heist: You’re just showing off
KID: Of course, I am a showoff, that’s what we do
Todoroki: Sometimes, I don’t realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weird.
Midoriya: I'm willing to do a lot of things.
Midoriya: But admitting to All Might that I'm cold after he told me to bring a jacket is not one of them.
Shinichi, seeing his house covered in weird slime: what.
Kaito: I have to take credit for this.
Shinichi: I think you mean blame.
Shinchi: Right now, I don't know if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge.
Kaito: ...
Kaito: Can I pick?
Kaito: How the mighty have fallen!!
Shinchi: It's a dropped chocolate bar. Stop being so dramatic.
“Millions of users” there’s 100 people max on this website

i haven’t had a chance to play yet i just want u all to know that i love Barret so much
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they all need help
Kaito: I had a thought.
Shinichi: Oh no.
Kaito: I swear it's a good one this time!

I’m not done with these guys yet.

Ass out, they say. It’ll be hot they say

Shinichi: You don't strike me as a professional criminal.
Kaito: That's what makes me so good at it.

Kaito: Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?
Shinichi: That has got to be the lamest pick-up line in existence.
Kaito: Don't worry. That's just Plan A.
Shinichi: So what's Plan B?
Kaito: To take you hostage.
Shinichi: Stop that. It's to early for you to be in such a good mood.
Kaito: It's four-thirty in the afternoon.
Ran: Aren't you going to stop him?
Kaito, chasing Hakuba with hair dye and scissors.
Shinichi: Nope. I've given up trying.
Kaito: Want to see what kind of trouble we can get into?
Shinichi: Oh god, we're going to die, aren't we?
Kaito: it's a Tuesday, I know how to restrain myself.
Shinichi: You absolutely do not.
Shinichi: I still want to know how you managed to get the car on the roof.
Kaito: I can't reveal all my tricks.

Smack smack smack ヾ(・ω・ヾ)★*・.。
Shinichi: You see, theory is when you know everything but nothing works
Detective Boys: Okay
Shinichi: Practice is when everything works but no one knows why
Detective Boys: Okay
Shinichi: And when it comes to getting Kaito to do as he’s told, theory and practice are combined: Nothing works and no one knows why

Smack smack smack ヾ(・ω・ヾ)★*・.。