Supp I’m kenji/GGY TRIO/ ELLIS CEO Nooo my secret-shadow the hedgehog snapcube
220 posts
Ok So Now That I Have Talked About The Ggy Or Just Ggy Now Lets Get On With Ellis And Maybe Crystal
Ok so now that I have talked about the ggy or just ggy now let’s get on with Ellis and maybe crystal
So let’s start with Ellis what happened or what could have happened to him like did ggy kill him or did he just live with out both of his friends or only one (witch is Tony obviously)
But is he alive or did he die like he didn’t do anything to make ggy want to kill or both that we don’t since he & Ellis took Tony’s story and that’s it we don’t know what happens there
Since the story is really only focused on Tony & Gregory not Ellis or anyone else but there are a few mentions of other characters like Zoey and another kids
Like him , cassie & crystal didn’t do anything to Gregory/ggy at all or that we don’t know to him at all
But I just may think that the only person that he could’ve have killed is crystal since it is cannon that she is a hacker just like him and she did hack into the animatronics and told Tony about the hacking (that how I remember it )
And they only way Tony knows about the hacking is because she said that the hacker (aka Greg/ggy ) hack it the animatronics and he cover his footsteps (with means he hid the fact that he hack into the animatronics so people couldn’t tell )
And if crystal can tell and if she finds out that Gregory is ggy well she’s probably meeting Tony again but not in the pizza oled or at school
But with Ellis In the other hand I have 2 options
option one he dies like Tony because he want to find out what happened to Tony or Tony & Greg and well he dies because he couldn’t mind his own business like Tony did
option two he just moves on he goes to Tony or gregory & Tony’s funeral and he moves on he deals with his only friends death and moves on with life
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More Posts from Kallmeweirdhprroe
Idk but for some reason the part of what remains of Edith finch that the part
Abe:Edith has a right to know my/these story’s
Frank & Susan:Those/the story’s are the reason on why children are fed 
Reminds me of Abe & frank & Susan portman relationship because of the particulars, hollowgasts
And that maybe if frank wants Jacob have a different relationship with him or no relationship at all since Abe was a shit dad to him & Susan since they thought that he was having an affair because of a letter that Emma sensed
And that he maybe just wanted to protect him from all the stuff that Abe put them through when they were kids since he did neglect both of them and that he wanted to protect Jacob from all those story’s that mad
And that fact that he has a gun safe and sleep with a gun or a few guns (I wouldn’t be surprised if he did sleep with more than one gun)
Ok so I decided to the the ’’are we soulmates in every universe’’ but but with the ggy trio so let’s do this :]] (I’ll probably regret this later/tomorrow….)
(I’ll dol different versions)
1. Tony & Ellis
Version .1
Tony:hey Ellis…. do you think that we’re soulmates in every universe??
Ellis:are even soulmates In this one Becker……/I waisted 12 years on you why would I do that again??/can’t we be more than that
Version .2
Ellis:hey Tony do ya think we’re soulmates on every universe???
Tony:we aren’t even soulmates in this one what made you think that?? /you need to let go of me Ellis I been dead for 2 years…..
2.greg & Tony
Version .1
Tony:hey Greg um do you think we’re soulmates in every universe??
Greg:Tony it’s better that we aren’t …../tony I killed you in every universe that could exist
Version .2
Greg:hey I have a question do you think we’re soulmates in every universe?? / do you think we’re friends in every universe
Tony:Greg It’s time that you let me go it’s been 2 years now / am I alive in other universe??/can’t we be more that that??
Greg & Ellis
Ellis:hey Gregory do you think we’re soulmates in every universe??
Greg:are we even soulmates in this one?? /its the best that we aren’t
Version .2
Greg: hey el’s (Ellis) do you think that maybe we’re soulmates I every universe
Ellis:Greg we aren’t even soulmates in this one…/can’t we be more than that??
Here’s a crack ship I made don’t ask how I made it or when I made it I just did but here elongy or elonygy (Ellis , Tony , Greg ) or can be ship or platonic 
Everything & everyone else
Oh to be loved by an artist, oh to be loved by a writer
(Talking abt Greg & Tony)
Ellis:what abt Being loved by BOTH an artist & writer
Ahhhhhh :]] my favorite kids
heeeey talestumblr, I bring sketches of gay people

I’m in a new fandom witch means that I wanna post :]]]
Jason:let it go pal he can’t control you anymore
Max:what are you talking about???
Jason:you know what I’m talking about
Max:well ya your a loser
•walks away from everyone•