kappu-ke-ki-67 - Mama AJ
Mama AJ

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437 posts

General Information:

General Information:

Full name: Cedric Oz Morningstar

Gender: Male

D.o.B/Age: August 30th/ 21 (286 in demon years)

Height/Weight: 6'5" / 220lbs

Physical Appearance: He has long light brown, wispy hair and bright green eyes. He generally has a smile on his face. He wears a loose fitting white shirt with black jeans. Many piercings decorate his ears.

General Information:

Place of Birth: His mother's childhood town

Race: Mixed Half demon

Education: High school

Occupation: None


Strengths; Comedic timing, good at getting out of a sticky situation, cooking, is the only on of the triplets where the bloodlust is almost non-existent

Weaknesses; He doesn't have a good grasp of his powers, not very book smart

Talents; He can talk his siblings down from their slips

Fears; That he'll kill someone one day

Likes; Sweets, his family, eating in general

Dislikes; Music, academics

Thing that makes them special: He is the only one out of the demon children that hasnt kill anyone yet.

Key personality traits: Goofy, dumb, always smiling

Backstory: Cedric is the baby of the family, and for that he was rather spoiled by his mother as she was sure he would be her last baby. Growing up with so many siblings, it was hard to get attention otherwise. Especially from his father. Cedric wasnt anything to write home about in terms of strength or power, so he wasnt involved like his older siblings were in training. he spent his childhood taking care of his mother while the others were busy. When his mother died, he was the one to hold her hand as she took her last breath. He didn't want to help his sister look for their father and kept a watch of the house. When Melanie came back and he was dragged with, He takes everyday to enjoy his mother's company.


Family: Lucifer; Father. AJ; Mother. Melanie, Alastar, Gwen; Youngest brother. Samuel, Minhyuk, Kyung-ah; youngest half brother.

Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: Straight

More Posts from Kappu-ke-ki-67

3 years ago

Guestbook Entry; Sam

General Information:

Full name: Samuel Zachary Athaliah

Gender: Male

D.o.B/Age: October 29th/ 305 yrs old (23 in human)

Height/Weight: 6'3" (192cm)/ 205lbs (92kgs)

Physical Appearance: Sam is a big guy, tall and most of his weight being muscle. He has long wavy hair that he doesn't bother taking care of. His eyes switching between a rose pink when hes calm and dark red when hes angry. He has a arm full of tattoos and, being Satan's spawn, he was a code of S4926 on his left bicep. He generally wears a baggy t-shirt and sweatpants with dried blood stains on them.

Guestbook Entry; Sam

Place of Birth: Michigan, MI

Race: Mixed Halfling

Education: He didn't care about school

Occupation: Self employed assassin


Strengths; His physical strength is nothing to be contested with

Weaknesses; Mei and Mel, his girlfriend and sister that he would do anything for. He relies too much on brute strength during fights

Talents: Efficient at killing, high intimidation factor

Fears: His girls being hurt

Likes: Sleeping, blood, being a demon

Dislikes: Humans, his mother, sweet food

Thing that makes them special: He is the only known actual spawn of Luciel and will one day be handed the crown of Hell

Key personality traits: Intimidating, Murder happy, protective

Backstory: He is the oldest child of AJ, and from a birth his mother hated him. She made it clear that he wasn't wanted and that his father had basically forced her to have him. He spent most of his childhood getting into fights and experimenting with his powers. he enounced his human side and full embraces being a creature from hell. He only cares about his oldest sister and the sweet girl that isnt scared to be around him. When Melanie came back to the past, he was pulled with her from his reign in the underworld. he was angry at first until he realized Mei was alive in this timeline. He still struggles with the romantic side of his relationship be hes relatively content here.


Family: Luciel; Father. AJ; Mother. Melanie, Minhyuk, Kyung-ah, Alastar, Gwen, Cedric; Half siblings.

Relationship Status: Dating Mei

Sexuality: Straight

What they look for in a relationship: Someone to calm him after a night of ending lives and not run away screaming when he does so

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3 years ago

31 Day of Angst; Day #2 [Mind Control]

Siren felt like she was being watched all week. Unknown eyes digging into her back at every minute of the day. No matter how fast she turned around or checked in every dark crevasse of the house, she never found anything to be there. She felt like was losing her mind. No matter what she did, she didn't feel safe. Nor did she feel like anyone around her was safe. Was it some kind of Vampiric warning she never experienced before? Or just her paranoia of her past catching up to her? It wasn't long before the unease got to her mind. The confident façade she lived off of slowly slipped away. Siren began jumping at any unknown sound, immediately going on the offensive. Multiple persons in the house asked her daily if she was alright to which, of course, she would tell them she was fine. She eventually kept to herself in her room, only coming out when the other vampire came to visit.

Hearing a car pull up to the house, Siren grabbed her purse and quickly made her way out to greet who she thought would be Dimitri. To her surprise, the silver haired vampire saw a blacked out Charger in the driveway. Clutching her purse in an attempt to feel where her knife was inside, she took a step back. Soon, three rather large bodies exited the vehicle. They wore all black outfits and shades hiding their eyes. Siren barred her teeth to implement some intimidation, but the large of the three only chuckled lowly at her. "Nice try, Wu. You don't scare us." He smirked at her. Siren flinched at the use of her last name. "How do you know that name? Who the hell are you?" Suddenly a fourth person emerged from the Car. He radiated danger in every sense. He calmly walked up to the freighted Siren, towering over her easily. He removed her glasses, revealing dark red eyes, his wicked grin flashing huge fangs. Siren's eyes widened as she tumbled backwards. "Z-Zhang Wei? I-" "That's Lord Wei to you, runt." Zhang interrupted her. "We've missed you, little one. You still owe on your father's debts." Zhang motioned to the grunts behind him. The three laughed as they advanced towards Siren with excellent speed. in a blink, she was grabbed by the arms and lifted up to her feet. One of them stood behind her, holding her head tightly by the hair as she struggled to break free. the harder she fought, the tighter they dug their nails into her cold skin. Tears formed at her eyes as she pleaded with them.

"Let me go! Let me go, please!"

Zhang mockingly pouted at her. "Oh, I'm sorry, little one. Debts must be paid. I don't give free services. You're coming back with us. Your fellow slaves need something to take the pressure off them for a while." He gave her a smirk. Siren's eyes widened as the tears came faster, rolling down her cheeks. She put the last of her energy into fighting them.

"NO! No, I'm not going back! You can't make m-" Her words were cut off as she slumped into the Grunts arms. Zhang clicked his tongue at her as his hand dropped from her forehead. He nodded to her associates, they letting go of her cautiously. Siren's eyes were void of life as she stood in front of them. Face expressionless while the tears dried in her eyes. Zhang let out a final laugh. "That's a good little girl. Now, get in the car. We have a long flight ahead." He pointed at the car. Siren nodded, her body almost robotic as she made her way to the car, getting in the backseat. Zhang brushed his hand off on his suit. "Dumbasses think they're above me. To bad I own their minds."

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3 years ago

31 Days of Angst, Day 3: Betrayal

"You're sorry?" AJ stared at the short demon standing in front of her. Lilith glanced down at the floor, anxiously rubbing her hands. After realizing Hoseok didn't really love her and was only using her as some stand in for her old friend, she realized an apology was in order. AJ wasn't buying it, though. "You stole my body. You stole my boyfriend. Drove us apart even further than I thought possible and you're 'Sorry'?"

Lilith spoke quietly, refusing to look up. "I didn't mean to, I was just-"

"Didn't mean to?" AJ took a step forward, getting upset. "How the hell could you accidentally ruin my life?"

"I just wanted someone to love me.."

"I loved you. As a friend. I stood up for you when everyone backed you into a corner! I'm the only reason Lucifer didn't kill you when you let me go!"

Lilith hugged herself as she felt tears leave her eyes "I know.. I know, I don't know how else to fix this. I'm so sorry.."

"You wanna know how you can fix this?" AJ leaned down, an inch from Liliths face forcing her to look her in the eyes. "Leave."

"B-but AJ-"

"Leave. Or I'll sick Luci on you."

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3 years ago

Gonna try to do one a day. Will they be Canon? Idk. To ge discussed later lmao

Gonna Try To Do One A Day. Will They Be Canon? Idk. To Ge Discussed Later Lmao

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3 years ago

31 Days of Angst; #8 [Terminal Illness]

Eunmi hadn't slept or eaten properly in about a week. It was normal for Idols and trainees to have such lifestyles; sacrificing their health for a chance in the spotlight. Her boyfriend had expressed some concern as dark circles formed under her eyes and she rapidly lost weight, her once skin tight clothes becoming baggy on her smaller frame. Eunmi brushed him off and lied, promising she would eat and get full rest that night.

As she shuffled her way out of her room the next morning, haven been up all night redoing some parts of the choreo she never felt like she had right, the lack of self care caught up to her. With one wobbled step, she blacked out on the floor. She woke up to the sound of machine beeps and bright white lights in her face. Her arms were covered in IVs attempting to replenish nutrients to her body. Alastar had come home and noticed his housemate passed out cold. After calling for AJ, he took Eunmi to the hospital to receive care. Eunmi looked around the room with blurry vision, her body not catching up with her brain. As things started to come into focus, she noticed a nurse standing in the corner, taking down vitals and doing a routine check of her. Eunmi weakly asked what happened. The nurse responding plainly that she was lucky she wasn't dead, telling her about Alastar bringing her in and how they found her. Eunmi felt a jab to her heart, realizing she almost killed herself but simply not sleeping. The Doctor came in a few moments later, holding a clipboard with an uneasy expression. He introduced himself before asking Eunmi if she had any family with heart problems. Heart problems? Not to her knowledge. But who knows what's on her mother's side of things. The doctor took a few breaths to find the best way to tell her. ~~~~~~~~~~ Eunmi stared at the hospital lunch in front of her. Unable to eat, even after all that happened. Her eyes already stung from sobbing all day but the more she got inside her head, the more new tears started to form. Cancer. In her Heart. Likely spurred on by not taking care of herself.

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