Cedric - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

To My Followers (Please Read)

So thank you to all my new followers and thank you to the old ones love you all.

Since my recent imagines have all been emptied from my queue you have seen some new things I’ll be writing for such as

~ American Horror Story

I don't have to many Tate ones in mind, and so far I feel like when watching the shows he's the only one that I could really write for. But there will be a few more of him.

~ Harry Potter (characters)

As for Harry Potter. I have A LOT planned for Harry Potter characters in the future. I have: x Daughter reader, x Sister reader, x Reader, etc... So far the characters I have that would be in a relationship with the reader planned are Cedric Diggory and Draco Malfoy. I am trying to think of some Harry Potter himself being with the reader ideas but if you have any go ahead and send then in.

~ Avengers

I have started this. I have some characters already listed on my masterlist but that will grow. I have: x sister reader, x daughter reader, x reader, etc... Characters that I have ideas for: Bucky, Steve, Peter Parker, Tony, Clint, Nat / Blackwidow, etc...

~ The Flash

There will be more of these, but I don't have that many ideas at the moment

~ DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow

There will be more of these but again not to many at the moment 

~ The Vampire Diaries

There will defiantly be more of these soon. Lots of requests. And I’m hoping to write more Kai, Love Him! And more Original vampire(s) Imagines, not  set in The Originals time period

~ X Men

I have A Lot of these planned, A Lot

~ Gilmore Girls

Probably very soon get some more ideas.

~ Jokers daughter 

I am up for doing more imagines for that they are always fun but I need more ideas for them.

~ Teen Wolf

Of course, there are a lot more planned!

# To all the people who have sent in requests. I’m so super very sorry they are not done yet. They should be done soon I hope. Some I did almost finish and then my google docs kept deleting my stuff, which really really sucks. Then I was a senior in high school and I had a ton of school work, then my school's online site decided to delete my account thinking I didn't go there anymore so then I couldn’t do my work for 3 weeks so I had A LOT of catching up to do. Then prom, grad night, graduation. So I have not had time to get to a lot of requests. What I have written you’ll notice doesn't have the “Requested:” on them because I thought of them myself and wrote them when I had time or thought of the idea. I have one full book and I had to buy a new book,(well journals) I write down all my ideas and requests in there so I can always go back and look through and see what I want to write. I promise your requests will get done soon! I promise I’m not blowing you off.

And I have lots of ideas that I’m gonna write that I have written down from myself that I’m sure you guys will love.

Please give feedback on imagines, and on this post and please request, and visit my Masterlist - I will be rearranging my masterlist soon because I feel like its to busy

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5 years ago

Anytime Anywhere Always - Draco Malfoy

Draco Malfoy x fem!reader

Cedric Diggory x sister reader

Warnings: Cedric’s death

Word count: 494

Summary: Draco comforts the reader after her brother's death

Author’s Note: short cause I have a simalar one in mind for later. so far all my Draco imagines just have gifs that I like or that are cute, one cause I like them, and two haven't found any to go with the story that I want 




It was nerve-racking waiting to see who would end up as Tri-Wizard Champion. Y/n didn’t like how long it was taking her brother and Harry, the other two had already come out of the maze. So where is her brother? She didn’t want Cedric to put his name in the cup to begin with. But he insisted that everything would be ok. So she trusted him on it. Although she was starting to think something was wrong with her big brother because one, she could just feel it and two, she had a sudden pain in her chest.

Suddenly there was a flash of blue light and the two boys were back, but when Cedric didn’t get up and she heard Harry sob above his body. She stood up from besides her boyfriend.

“Cedric? Cedric!” she yelled running down the stairs of the stands with Draco right behind her. Y/n ran over to her brother's body dropping to her knees. “No, no, no. come on wake up Ced. please” Y/n whimpered hugging her brother's body, silently crying.

McGonagall and Dumbledore looked at eachother having a silent conversation before both nodded. McGonagall walked over to Draco placing a hand on the young Slytherin’s shoulder “Draco, dear. Take Y/n back to the Slytherin common room.”

Draco nodded before walking closer to his girlfriend who was silently sobbing over her dead brother. She fought him at first not wanting to leave her brother, but eventually let him pull her away. He pulled her into his arms whispering sweet thing to help calm her down. Before quickly getting her out of the arena and back towards the school.

“There we are. Come over and sit love.” Draco spoke, leading her through the Slytherin common room. Helping her sit on the couch, before grabbing a blanket and sitting down next to her. Pulling her into his side and laying the blanket across them. “I’m here for you. Your gonna need someone to lean on and I’m here for you. No matter what.”

“Thanks, Draco. That means everything to me.” Y/n thanked him.

^       ^        ^

After all the students had come back the two were still on the couch cuddling. It’s way past midnight, they should have been in bed a long time ago.

“Love, I should get you to bed” Draco suggested looking down at her, kissing her head.

“Can we both just, stay here?” Y/n asked fidgeting with the blanket not looking up at him knowing her eyes are probably still red.

“Yeah, yeah we can.” Draco answered, rubbing her arm up and down for comfort as Y/n cuddled more into his side.

“Draco?” Y/n asked again

“Yes love?” Draco asked back

“Thank you” Y/n stated grabbing his hand and playing with his fingers

“For what?” Draco asked again, not understanding what she meant.

“For being here for me” Y/n responded intertwining their hands

“Anytime, anywhere, always love” Draco stated.

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2 years ago

Worried - Cedric Diggory

Cedric x Fem!reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 313

Summary: Y/n’s worried about Cedric being in the tournament.

Authors Note: He never died in this I hated that part!


Harry Potter Masterlist


Worried - Cedric Diggory

“I’m worried about you.” Y/n stated to her boyfriend as she nervously played with her fingers.

“I’ll be fine.” Cedric smiled over his shoulder as he grabbed his wand off his desk.

“They say this is the most dangerous challenge, Cedric.” Y/n stresses hoping he would understand where she’s coming from.

“Hey.” Cedric turned walking towards her. He reached his hands up to cup her cheeks, tilting her face to look him in the eyes. “I’ll be fine. Ok? Promise.”

As they headed to the final challenge. A maze. Once everyone was there and ready to start y/n had to move to the stands. Cedric turned around and looked up to where Y/n sat in the front row of the stands.

“I’ll be back before you know it.” he reached up to hold her hand for a brief moment, smiling up at her.

“I’ll hold you to that.” She smiled back best she could given how nervous she was for him. Y/n squeezed his hand back as tight as she could.

Waiting for Harry and Cedric was getting very nerve racking. Others showed up but they were still missing. Once they came through everyone cheered happily to see them come through okay. Y/n was happy as well till she studied the look on Cedric’s face. Specifically his eyes, and that was all it took for her to know something happened. But she’d ask him later, as for now she just wanted to hold him. Know he’s okay.

“Oh thank God.” She said as she reached him from running down the stairs to hug him.

Cedric wrapped his arms around her tightly once she was in his reach. After what he just went through and finding out Voldermorts back Cedric was just happy to be holding her in his arms once again. “I told you I’d be ok.”

Tag: @gruffle1

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1 year ago

Callista and Phoibe in canon: Two royal sisters who are each other's worst enemy and ruin each other's life because of a jealousy, trauma, and hatred that they never managed to talk over and heal from and they continue hating each other until their dying breath Callista and Phoibe in this piece:

Phoibe take a photo of me with Mickey Mouse and Goofy

Okay, Which One Of You Let The Morally Dubious Fantasy Characters Go To Disneyland?

Okay, which one of you let the morally dubious fantasy characters go to Disneyland?

Characters Phoibe (back row) and Callista (front) are @nahyerart 's OCs, and characters Dolunay (second row) and Cedric (third row) are @askviolasblog 's! Hyacinthia (fourth row) and Eros (fifth row) belong to me.

OP for this draw the squad is Cinnatsuki (please correct me if I have the wrong username, Im going off of a reverse image search), you can find the archive of the template here!

Art Challenge Archive!
Draw the squad, based on this picture of @markiplier and friends

(Alternate versions under the cut)

Okay, Which One Of You Let The Morally Dubious Fantasy Characters Go To Disneyland?
Okay, Which One Of You Let The Morally Dubious Fantasy Characters Go To Disneyland?

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3 years ago

General Information:

Full name: Cedric Oz Morningstar

Gender: Male

D.o.B/Age: August 30th/ 21 (286 in demon years)

Height/Weight: 6'5" / 220lbs

Physical Appearance: He has long light brown, wispy hair and bright green eyes. He generally has a smile on his face. He wears a loose fitting white shirt with black jeans. Many piercings decorate his ears.

General Information:

Place of Birth: His mother's childhood town

Race: Mixed Half demon

Education: High school

Occupation: None


Strengths; Comedic timing, good at getting out of a sticky situation, cooking, is the only on of the triplets where the bloodlust is almost non-existent

Weaknesses; He doesn't have a good grasp of his powers, not very book smart

Talents; He can talk his siblings down from their slips

Fears; That he'll kill someone one day

Likes; Sweets, his family, eating in general

Dislikes; Music, academics

Thing that makes them special: He is the only one out of the demon children that hasnt kill anyone yet.

Key personality traits: Goofy, dumb, always smiling

Backstory: Cedric is the baby of the family, and for that he was rather spoiled by his mother as she was sure he would be her last baby. Growing up with so many siblings, it was hard to get attention otherwise. Especially from his father. Cedric wasnt anything to write home about in terms of strength or power, so he wasnt involved like his older siblings were in training. he spent his childhood taking care of his mother while the others were busy. When his mother died, he was the one to hold her hand as she took her last breath. He didn't want to help his sister look for their father and kept a watch of the house. When Melanie came back and he was dragged with, He takes everyday to enjoy his mother's company.


Family: Lucifer; Father. AJ; Mother. Melanie, Alastar, Gwen; Youngest brother. Samuel, Minhyuk, Kyung-ah; youngest half brother.

Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: Straight

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7 months ago

Remi, Cedric and Esme's son! He's very sweet and will not hurt a fly

Remi, Cedric And Esme's Son! He's Very Sweet And Will Not Hurt A Fly

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6 years ago

See, Harry’s described as being tall in DH, but then I still decided to make him this tiny little thing and ship him with all these tall people like Ron, Cedric, and Blaise. Smol Harry is amazing.

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3 years ago

I hate him, I hate him not, just kidding I hate him- Cedric Diggory

You hated him, you absolutely hated him, from his perfect smile to his perfect reputation, and his perfect girlfriend to be. It’s not like you hated Cho Chang for any real reason she was just perfect and maybe it was the fact that your younger brother was chasing after her.

Yes, you were the older sister of Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived or what you loved to call him, The Bi Who Lived. People never really believed you were a Potter due to your deceased mother being a quidditch player, her title earning you a lot of stares like come on she was the famous one, not you. Your mother was not Lily Potter instead she was a random half-blood that James and Lily met during their Hogwarts years and fell for, luckily they all loved each other so they all married. James had gotten your mother pregnant during their time at Hogwarts which lead you to where you were now. A sixth year in Hogwarts and Merlin was it a horrible place to be. Hogwarts wasn’t terrible in fact you loved it but you hated that you had to be in school during the time they finally brought back the Triwizard Tournament.

Maybe you wouldn’t have such resentment for the Triwizard Tournament if you're brother hadn’t been unlucky enough to be chosen to be in it along with the bane of your existence, Cedric Diggory, the cause of your anger. So here you were now chasing after your brother who was going up to Cedric Diggory to talk to him about something and maybe if you were the bigger person you would be following Harry just cause but in complete honesty, you were following Harry to give the Hufflepuff a piece of your mind. How could the asshole give people badges being terrible to your brother who didn’t even want to be in the damned tournament.

You stop in front of Cedric and his friends just in time to hear them say something along the lines of, “That Potter girl is so odd who could ever love somebody like her? A freak just like her brother.” Sure you had a resting bitch face and didn’t necessarily like hanging out with many people and most definitely acted like a bitch but you never made it known that you hated Cedric Diggory but to see him smile and nod at his friend's words pissed you off more than he usually did.

Cedric sits up fast as soon as he sees the two Potters. “Can I have a word?” Harry asks and you were about two seconds from grabbing the asshole by the ear and dragging him off but you didn’t have to.

Cedric nods his head getting off the bench and following Harry, his friends making fun of your brother and the asshole laughing at their words pissing you off more and more as the seconds passed.

You chose to keep a safe distance and ignore what they’re talking about, that is until Cedric opens his mouth.“Hey, listen. About the badges, I’ve asked them not to wear them, but-”

With a scoff, you storm up to the Hufflepuff and glare at the boy. “Well, you must not have tried hard enough. Perfect Cedric Diggory couldn’t even stop his friends from wearing a stupid badge. Pathetic.” You spit out the word pathetic, your hand itching to grab your wand and hex the boy.

“What’s your problem?”

“You, you are my problem,” You say shoving him, effectively making him lose his balance giving you enough time to walk away. To say you were pissed would be an understatement, but what bothered you most was why you let him get to you this much. You wish you knew how the hell Cedric Diggory could get so deep under your skin.

God, you hated that asshole.

Or was it love as all your friends told you.

No, you hated him.

Or did you?

No, you definitely hated him.

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6 months ago


Ok so as our exams got over, I asked for a good movie rec from this friend. He recommended me Tenet (directed by Christopher Nolan). Well no spoilers, but Nolan's films are the best and Tenet was obv. intriguing!!

Here's what happened: This character, Neil was like hot asf- So I googled Tenet's cast and found out Neil was acted by Robert Pattison. (Now simultaneously I was also watching this clip of HP and thought that Cedric looked actually good.) Anyways, I click on Robert Pattison and get these hot pics of his.. I scroll a bit and come to the movies. Then it happens...

Wait... Batman, you say? Makes sense why he's looking a bit fami- WTF! WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN BY HE'S ACTED IN HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET O- WTF!!! WTF!!! WAIT!!!! HE'S CEDRIC??!!! AIN'T NO FUCKING WAY!!

I click on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and ofc! I find Cedric has been acted by Robert Pattison.

Now, my day is completely ruined and I officially have a crush on Cedric Diggory (which makes his death even more painful, than it needs to be-) and I wanna kill my irl friend, rn-

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6 months ago






Ok so as our exams got over, I asked for a good movie rec from this friend. He recommended me Tenet (directed by Christopher Nolan). Well no spoilers, but Nolan's films are the best and Tenet was obv. intriguing!!

Here's what happened: This character, Neil was like hot asf- So I googled Tenet's cast and found out Neil was acted by Robert Pattison. (Now simultaneously I was also watching this clip of HP and thought that Cedric looked actually good.) Anyways, I click on Robert Pattison and get these hot pics of his.. I scroll a bit and come to the movies. Then it happens...

Wait... Batman, you say? Makes sense why he's looking a bit fami- WTF! WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN BY HE'S ACTED IN HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET O- WTF!!! WTF!!! WAIT!!!! HE'S CEDRIC??!!! AIN'T NO FUCKING WAY!!

I click on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and ofc! I find Cedric has been acted by Robert Pattison.

Now, my day is completely ruined and I officially have a crush on Cedric Diggory (which makes his death even more painful, than it needs to be-) and I wanna kill my irl friend, rn-

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