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22 posts
Kayralis - Blogtomyself - Tumblr Blog

This is the lucky clover cat. reblog this in 30 seconds & he will bring u good luck and fortune.
#thevoices #thecharacters #thebook
Person: What's your book about?

I'm both somehow 🙃
Clear Skin & A lot of money
Clear Skin & A lot of money
Clear Skin & A lot of money
Clear Skin & A lot of money
Clear Skin & A lot of money
Clear Skin & A lot of money
Clear Skin & A lot of money

Don’t let the circumstances get in the way of your skin care
Me and my coworkers started a 10 minute debate on who’s who out of the Jonas brothers. We’re grown ass females in out late 20s and early 30s. The fandom is still lit 😭😭

Day one on my sewing quest....
Haven’t started shit, andddd have been looking for sewing classes in my area. I am not going to hullshit this though. Little by little my head is starting to get filled with new ideas. I really need to start thinking about getting a sketchbook though, before all my ideas run amuck and I forget them. The color red is inspirational. 🙌🏼❤️

Never watch GOT but I know damn well theses two bitches would piss meeee offfff

#the she-wolves of winterfell

I love you. :D

What’s anime????? I have no idea
The random facts of life
Like fucking a camel in the desert because it's has a cel toe. Js😒 #isis logic
I struggle with wanting you all the time, so please don’t mistake my silence for indifference. It’s just I have to hold myself back because I feel too much. Too often. Too wildly out of my control.
Tina Tran, My words don’t say much at all (via citywillows)

Brand new screenshots from Tales from the Borderlands, the newest episodic saga from Telltale Games! New screens show off cameos from characters from previous games, like Zer0, Shade and probably a whole lot more. New shots of our new characters, Fiona and Rhys, plus a whole lot of psychos, bandits and Hyperion robots. We’re still looking at a Summer release, but no official date set yet. Telltale is working with both Gearbox and 2K, to deliver Tales from the Borderlands as a solid canon piece to the Borderlands world.

Funny pictures of the day (81 pics)
How People Treated Lance Armstrong
I don't really know wtf is tumbler about.
Hi I am New.
Hello how do u use tumbler ??
Really cool.

Nautilus Gears