Going - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
moji2 - fascinating photos



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1 year ago
Something Fishy Going On..

Something Fishy Going on..

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1 year ago
Going Forward

Going Forward

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6 months ago

I reread it again with translation!

I love this moment ;_;

I Reread It Again With Translation!

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4 years ago

i havent been out of the house in more than a week because firstly i have like hybrid online school so we're in school sometimesb but im also sick, so i havent been able to go to school even then, and im going crazy. ive managed to finish reading 7 books this year and we're 10 days into february... anyway, send help

I Havent Been Out Of The House In More Than A Week Because Firstly I Have Like Hybrid Online School So

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1 year ago
Guinness Is Going Vegan

Guinness Is Going Vegan

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~They say the hardest goodbyes are the ones you never see coming. I couldn't disagree more with that statement. The hardest goodbyes are the ones you see coming, the ones you can't stop, the ones that are unavoidable. You can't think of a way out of them, and there's nothing you can do or say to make them stay. So, no, it's not the unseen goodbyes that hurt the worst. It's the long, foreseen, and inevitable goodbyes.~

-a poem of a new kind

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2 years ago
20 Reasons Why Going Vegan Sucks

20 Reasons Why Going Vegan Sucks

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3 years ago
Every Road Leads In One Of Two Directions, And It All Depends On Whether You Are COMING Or GOING.

Every road leads in one of two directions, and it all depends on whether you are COMING or GOING.

As the graphic in today’s message reminds us ” just as Jesus said — “I am the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE” [ John 14:6 ] and this is the ONE WAY to eternal life. Sadly, while the opposite sign clearly says Do Not Enter Jesus also warns us that “Wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat.” [ Matthew 7:13 ]

The decision in which direction to go is clear. The signs are there for all to read.

Which direction on this road have you chosen to go?

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You


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3 years ago

She's Gone. Into Darkness.

Black, deep black. She opens her eyes. Black, deep black.

Is this real? Is it? Is darkness real?

She looks around her. Black, deep black. Just. Plain. Black.

Is this a nightmare? Is it? Is she even alive? No, just simply existing.

What's the worst feeling? Darkness. Loneliness. Blackness.

Save her. Just pull her back, Don't let her fade away. Don't. Please, Save her.

Pleading. Praying. Is anyone even there? Can anyone hear her? Help her. Slowly... Fading... Going... She's swallowed by the darkness. She's gone. Gone... just like that.

She gave up.

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3 years ago
As If I Didn't Have A Heart To Melt.

As if I didn't have a heart to melt.

Credit to the k army who made it on twitter

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1 year ago

Moonster Monster - Snippet

Moonster Monster - Snippet

Rating: General audience Description: Remus's Lions and university worlds start to bleed into each other with a little prank welcoming him into the league as a player. Thanks to @lumosinlove, @noots-fic-fests, @hazelnoot-analyst for their general awesomeness.

Moonster Monster - Snippet

"What the heck?" Remus pulled the hard, thin object out of his suit bag. Flipping it around, he saw the bright primary colours of Dr. Seuss, and the classic Dr. Seuss font. "Give us a read", shouted Nado, seconded quickly by Walker. "Marvin K. Mooney, will you please go now!, by Dr. Seuss", started Remus, before adding, "feeling really welcome right now, guys."

Moody and Arthur walked in, saw the players circled around Remus, and grinned.

Moody barked out, "That was an instruction! All of you, GO NOW. There's a traffic jam en route, and we are already running ten minutes late. Story time can wait until we're on the bus."

Once on the bus, however, Talkie started pulling books out of his bag and stacking them on the seat next to Remus.

"It appears you've been holding out on us a lot more than we knew, Loops. Or should I say, Moony? Quite a few former Badgers have started sending me these - he plonks down a pile of books and starts reading off titles - Goodnight Moon, Moony Luna, The Magical Drawings of Moony B. Finch, more than 10 different books titled Moon Monster, and, AND you haven't even noticed that I've been scattering them around the rink for the two weeks!" "Geez! That was what was going on? I thought we were having another book drive!"

"And the donation bin is your stall? So. Are you Moony, or are you Loops?"

"Loops." "Yeah?" "Yeah. Moony doesn't fit me anymore. I like Loops, it feels good."

"K, Loops." Kasey pipes in from the seat behind, "Kay Loops. We still want story time though." Remus sighs, and grabs the first book off the pile. "Goodnight Moon, written by Margaret Wise Brown, and illustrated by Clement Hurd." "In the great green room, there was..."

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1 year ago
Im Going To Ethiopia

Im Going To Ethiopia

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1 year ago
Going To The Chapel

Going to the Chapel

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1 year ago
Going Crackers...again

Going Crackers...again

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7 years ago
I Saw A Picture Of An Outfit Youd Wanna Wear In The Desert And Loved It *.*

I saw a picture of an outfit you’d wanna wear in the desert and loved it *.*

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5 years ago
Day One On My Sewing Quest....

Day one on my sewing quest....

Haven’t started shit, andddd have been looking for sewing classes in my area. I am not going to hullshit this though. Little by little my head is starting to get filled with new ideas. I really need to start thinking about getting a sketchbook though, before all my ideas run amuck and I forget them. The color red is inspirational. 🙌🏼❤️

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