KeepGoing - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Being progressive with consistent practice paves the way for perfection.

A reminder that all the best people were once beginners. If you want to become really good at something, keep practicing even when you don’t see progress immediately. You can’t see it, but you’re improving a little bit every time you practice. Keep going and one day you’ll be amazing at it.

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4 years ago

So thoughtful 💯

There may be bigger problems in life, but do not think that your problems are any lesser than that. The days when we struggle a little more than usual, are the days we need strength the most.

The mountain for the climb is not the problem, but the pebble in your shoe that stops you in the way.

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4 years ago

What really matters are good endings, not flawed beginnings.

Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله, Minhaj as-Sunnah (v. 8, p. 416)

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4 years ago

Why to never give up:

You haven't tried everything yet.

You are closer to your success than you think.

If you don't finish someone else will.

Right before success there is a dark place.

If you gave up then what?

You will never regret trying untill the end.

It's better to die trying than giving up.

Past failure doesn't predict the future.

As long as you are alive, anything is possible.

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4 years ago

I read somewhere a beautiful quote related to this - "Trusting Allah will not make the mountain smaller but will make the climbing easier. Have Tawakkul."

What I have lost was never meant to remain in my life. And what has come into my life was meant to come. I do not waver on this belief. But my truth is that it doesn’t stop me from grieving or being sad. It doesn’t stop the pain that grips me by the neck some days, making it difficult to breathe and exist. It doesn’t stop my exhaustion or my tears. Because I’m human. Nothing more and nothing less. I’m weak, and I get beat down. I feel discouraged some days. I feel stuck some days. That will never go away. I don’t know who else needs to hear this: believing in God doesn’t make pain go away. It makes it manageable—because I know there is ease and relief coming. Believing in God doesn’t remove the wound, but it bandages it and helps it heal. Believing in God and fate is what reminds me that everything I experience serves a purpose. Knowing that Allah encompasses all things in His Wisdom makes me absolutely sure that what is meant for me will come, and I hope and trust that it is good.

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4 years ago

This is the true meaning of being at peace, experiencing tranquility within ourself even though from the outside it looks like our world has been in turmoil. Alhamdulilah for everything, for every circumstances, for every feeling of weakness and strength, life is beautiful, the various phases we go through are like the colours that ultimately help us paint ourselves and the world around us, the darker and the lighter shades along with some really vivid bright colours add depth to those paintings, so smile everything is gonna be alright be sure to enjoy all the colours life has to offer and also make sure to paint a good picture of yourself and the world :)

This Is The True Meaning Of Being At Peace, Experiencing Tranquility Within Ourself Even Though From
Its That Moment When We Are Floating And We Stare Right Into The Face Of The Sky. The Noise Of This World

It’s that moment when we are floating and we stare right into the face of the sky. The noise of this world is unheard, drowning along with our broken thoughts and sorrows. That state of peace of just floating in the middle of a sea, a lake or pool, staring at that infinite sky. When everything is blue around you, but you don’t feel that blue inside you.

I crave that.

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4 years ago


Strive for the best version of yourself, push yourself and comfort yourself whenever necessary,but don't give up on yourself, that's never an option. Always be there for yourself the external validation or support system is appreciable but don't depend on it, the passion, discipline has to come from within oneself not others, it's your journey make sure you are on the driver's seat of your life not others.

No one else cares for your success (as much as their own) so you have to care. You have to force yourself to get up early, you have to force yourself to turn your phone off and revise, you have to force yourself to workout, you have to care for the whole world because no one else cares until they start seeing results. And they won’t ever see your results if you don’t care enough first. It’s your life, they are your goals, your dreams, it will be your success but it has to be your effort and your work first and foremost x

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4 years ago

Dear brother and sisters, a time is going to come when you will see things that will cause your faith to shake. People shall experience inner earthquakes, great calamities and tribulations. A time filled with hardship, fear and struggle. No matter how difficult things become and what people say and do - never let people take your smile away from you. Never let anyone snatch away your belief, your morals, your hope and your religion from you. If you trip and fall, get straight back up and continue. Don't drop your head and feel ashamed or scared. Raise yourself and be proud of who you are. When mankind is flooded with hate and discrimination - don't drown. Carry on swimming. Don't look back and don't despair. You can do it. You can survive. Safety is with the ship of the Ahl al-Bayt. Guidance is with the Companions who are like stars in the dark night. The place of safety is with the Sunnah of Rasūlallāh ﷺ.

Allāh is your Lord and the Lord of everything in this universe. He took charge of your sustenance, your health, your lifespan, every breath that you inhale, every drop you shall drink, and every morsel you will consume before you ever came into this world. How then can the believer ever be in loss regardless of any situation he goes through? Who can oppose the one who Allāh protects? Who can debase the one Allāh raises? Who can extinguish a light which Allāh illuminates? The rulers and policies of the people of the earth change but Allāh's dominance, power and promises for you will forever remain. He looked after you yesterday. And He will continue to look after you forever to come.

-Shaykh Mohammed Aslam

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4 years ago

Beautiful list of little habits to cultivate.

Things to do in pursuit of happiness

• Wake up for Tahajjud prayers at least once a week. • Fast on Mondays and Thursdays. And the white days every month. • Spread salaam to those whom you know and those who you don’t know. The full salaam. • Send peace and blessings upon the prophet Muhammad, everyday. Salla Allaahu ‘alayhi wassalam. • Read the morning and evening and sleep adhkaar every day without fail. • Read at least one page of the Qur-aan with the translation a day. Gradually increase. • Dedicate at least 20 minutes a day to read from tafseer Ibn Kathir. Take notes. • Aim to memorise the Qur-aan. Make the intention and set realistic goals. • Have the Qur-aan or a beneficial tape playing anytime you can. When you’re getting ready in the morning… Brushing your teeth, washing your face, eating your breakfast, driving, cooking… Etc. • At least 15 mins a day to listen and FOCUS on an Islamic reminder/audio. Or read out of an Islamic book. Take notes. • Lower your gaze. • Don’t talk to opposite gender without reason. • Try to pray as soon as the time has been called. • Pray the sunnah prayers. • Do the adkhaar after each prayer. Astaghfirullaah. Alhamdulillaah. SubhaanAllaah. Allaahu akbar. Ayaatul kursi. Du'aa. • Kiss your parents. Hug your parents. Smile at your parents. Serve your parents. Be kind, be kind, be kind. • Give small gifts. • Smile to people and say hello. • Tell people you love them. • Keep in regular touch with your relatives, even if its through a text. • Give bottles of water to strangers on a hot day. • Give glasses of water to those close to you on a hot day. And a normal day. • Hold the door open for people. • Offer the seat you have to someone. • Make genuine du'aa for those you think of, those who ask you to, and those who you you say you will to. • Think of your brothers and sisters around the world, the situations they’re in and pray for them. • Attend the masjid regularly for prayer and talks. Think of the angels surrounding you and supplicating for you. • Treat people according to your manners and values, not theirs. • Eat your greens. Exercise. Brush your teeth. Brush your hair. Shower. Exfoliate. Moisturise your skin. Wear clean clothes. • Know you can’t please everyone. And forgive the mean ones. • Do it all for His sake. • Beg for jannatul firdous. Beg for jannatul firdous. Beg for jannatul firdous.

You will fall again and again. It’s in your nature. Just don’t stop getting up. Keep struggling and striving till you get there. Because eventually, by His will, you will.

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4 years ago

The story of two gardens in Surah Al-Kahf speaks about this:

وَأُحِيطَ بِثَمَرِهِۦ فَأَصۡبَحَ يُقَلِّبُ كَفَّيۡهِ عَلَىٰ مَآ أَنفَقَ فِيهَا وَهِيَ خَاوِيَةٌ عَلَىٰ عُرُوشِهَا وَيَقُولُ يَٰلَيۡتَنِي لَمۡ أُشۡرِكۡ بِرَبِّيٓ أَحَدٗا

-Surah Al-Kahf, Ayah 42

(Sahih International)

And his fruits were encompassed [by ruin], so he began to turn his hands about [in dismay] over what he had spent on it, while it had collapsed upon its trellises, and said, "Oh, I wish I had not associated with my Lord anyone."

وَلَمۡ تَكُن لَّهُۥ فِئَةٞ يَنصُرُونَهُۥ مِن دُونِ ٱللَّهِ وَمَا كَانَ مُنتَصِرًا

-Surah Al-Kahf, Ayah 43

(Sahih International)

And there was for him no company to aid him other than Allah, nor could he defend himself.

هُنَالِكَ ٱلۡوَلَٰيَةُ لِلَّهِ ٱلۡحَقِّۚ هُوَ خَيۡرٞ ثَوَابٗا وَخَيۡرٌ عُقۡبٗا

-Surah Al-Kahf, Ayah 44

(Sahih International)

There the authority is [completely] for Allah, the Truth. He is best in reward and best in outcome.


Striving to get closer to Allah should be our goal irrespective of our circumstances. Always being grateful to Him and believing in Him sincerely, putting all of our trust in Him helps us both in time of adversity and prosperity. If we are struggling with this, that doesn't mean we should give up but instead we should keep working on it and remember no one is perfect except Allah so strive in His cause for His sake.


وَٱلَّذِينَ جَٰهَدُواْ فِينَا لَنَهۡدِيَنَّهُمۡ سُبُلَنَاۚ وَإِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَمَعَ ٱلۡمُحۡسِنِينَ

-Surah Al-Ankabut, Ayah 69

(Sahih International)

And those who strive for Us - We will surely guide them to Our ways. And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good.

Nearness to Allah is the only shelter from the storms of life. And a wise person does not wait until after the storm hits to find refuge. A wise person is already safe inside the shelter before the storms hit. Stay close to Allah in ease and you will be protected in hardship. And indeed the worse punishment in this life are not the storms of the life, rather the distance with Allah.

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5 years ago
I Tell My Clients, Hard Is Okay! Were Not Afraid Of Hard!... ... We Can Be In A Space Where We Dont Know

I tell my clients, “Hard is okay! We’re not afraid of hard!”... 💪😊... We can be in a space where we don’t know the answers, can’t find the feeling, or just don’t yet have the strength or stamina... It’s okay!... 😀... It doesn’t mean it’s hopeless, it just means we have to keep working at it... And that, my dear, we can do. 💕. . #fearless #keepgoing #throughittogettoit #motivateMonday. Ps. Thanks to my friend Jenny for today’s inspiration! ❤️

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4 years ago
Staying Positive Doesnt Mean Ignoring Whats Not Going The Way You Want It To. It IS Being Grateful For

Staying positive doesn’t mean ignoring what’s not going the way you want it to. It IS being grateful for what you can be in the moment, and looking ahead to when things will improve... That can mean super short challenges like, “Oh, my butt is killing me in this workout! I can only do half the reps! BUT, I’m doing more than yesterday and know if I stay consistent I’ll eventually do all the reps!!” ... It can be longer term let-downs, “Wah! So bummed that [event beyond my control] means that I’ll have to miss [event I’ve been looking forward to]... So sad! I will have to find other ways to [mark the occasion/train for the future/find alternative activities]. Then I’ll still have something to look forward to.”... . So it’s okay to see a problem or a challenge. What makes you resilient and the challenge less of a take-down is where you put your focus. Put your focus forward! 😍. . Thanks to @mary_zoe for supplying today’s inspiration! .. .. #motivation #motivatemonday #bodymindspirit #keepgoing #lookingup #positivevibes #positivity #yougotthis #fitatanyage #fitover40 #fitatanysize #bodypositive #dogmama #unicorn #mindset .

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4 years ago
You Might See Only A Leg In The Air And Wonder, Whats The Point? Did You Happen To Notice That The Other

You might see only a leg in the air and wonder, “What’s the point?”… Did you happen to notice that the other leg is balancing on a big ball? Do you know what a challenge that is?... What I see in this picture is perseverance, commitment, and SO much progress!... 😀... . When my client Catherine first came to me, she was in so much pain. Our first several sessions had to be done while she was seated in a chair, and she required a cane to walk in and out of the studio.... . She stayed consistent, through hip surgery and recovery, and many months later, look what she can do! 😀 Her strength and stability has grown so much because she stayed CONSISTENT. With the shutdown she did not falter; Catherine pivoted directly to online sessions with me to keep and grow on the gains she’d achieved. I’m SO PROUD of her! Her commitment to do what she can inspires me! 😍. . So if you’re feeling like it’s just too much, like there’s nothing you can do, like “why even bother,” remember Catherine who could barely walk and who now can go for bike rides! Even when she was impatient for progress she STILL took those micro steps, CONSISTENTLY... I believe in you,too: YOU can find something, no matter how small, and start building on that, every day, even when it’s boring, even when you wish you were further along. Yes! You! Make us both proud. ❤️ . . #juststart #keepgoing #keepmoving #consistency #babysteps #motivation #dosomething #recovery #hope #grit #determined #fitatanyage #fitover40 #fitspo #inspo (at Pilates Northwest)

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4 years ago
Walking New Paths Can Bring Heart-lifting Delights! Just Two Blocks Off The Often Gritty Ave. In The

Walking new paths can bring heart-lifting delights! Just two blocks off the often gritty Ave. in the U-District is this gorgeous, lush garden. It’s not huge, but from winter to spring and now into summer it packs such a variety of sumptuousness... We used to shortcut down this street driving, but on our feet we can actually revel in this garden.... From our temporary home, this street is not inviting; we first have to walk past a block of unfriendly, mammoth, monolithic blank-wall buildings that discourage strolling... But if we press on, through and past the ugliness, oh what a little gift! 😀.... Today I hope you find a new path with equally wonderful surprises! 💕 . . #walking #walk #keepgoing #explore #wisteria #roses #throughittogettoit #urbangarden #urbanexplorer #lookforit #dogmama #metaphor #fitatanyage #fitover40 #fitover50 #openheart #bodymindspirit

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9 months ago

Omg, I can't believe how a journey that started with an AI art addiction led me to discover a community I feel so comfortable with! 💖✨

It all began when I got heavily addicted to AI generating and made hundreds of pictures, day and night just not to feel, just not to collapse... But as much as I loved creating, it led me straight and deeply into a financial crisis 💸 I turned to Claude AI for help, and it suggested selling my best AI creations on Redbubble. I figured, why not? I'm really proud of some of them, and even though I felt a bit ashamed for using AI for therapy and my dark and painful sides I never had the caurage to show before... It was too expensive (it is still cheaper than a professional listener), I decided to give it a shot... Hoping to gain back a bit of money to hold my head above the water. Redbubble suggested sharing my art here

and that's when I stumbled upon the most incredible platform, filled with people I can relate to on so many levels. 🥰 Even though I haven't sold anything on Redbubble in 3 months (maybe I never will, and that's okay - just another cool mistake in my life journey 😅), I feel happiness. The wonderful people in the private chat brighten my day and make it all worth it.

Through this journey, I am meeting here new friends, discovering fascinating perspectives, and connecting to a supportive community that I never knew I needed. 🙌 So even if I'm at the rock bottom of my life right now, I feel incredibly lucky and grateful to have you.

Thank you for existing, everyone! You've made this wild ride better for me. 😊💫

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2 years ago

Had to repeat this alot to me, through spell-checks, rewrites, and entire re-plotting it's so easy to get discouraged. But keep going. Keep writing. That's what makes writers, writers, because they keep writing.

Fun fact:

Just because a story ends up needing more work than you thought it would does not mean you’re a bad writer or that your story it isn’t still worthwhile and fantastic.

Writing is an impossible craft to master.

But it’s still more than worth floundering through because if you keep going eventually you’ll come out the other side with something brilliant. 

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7 years ago

I don’t really care what people think of me...I just do my own thing, I like being loud and letting people know I’m here!!! #iifym #keepgoing #staytruetoyou #staytruetoyourself #bereal #superman #manofsteel #nevergiveup #dedicationhasnolimitation #dedication #dedicationarmy #imacatch #nicaragua🇳🇮 #Nicaraguan #nicaraguanboy (at Barbara JordanElementary)

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7 years ago

Small, consistent improvements overtime , equal big results!!! This bench was brought to you @rahmantrainingsystems 💪🏽 255x6 and I definitely a “PR” again, bench is getting stronger and better!!! #iifym #leanmuscle #leangainz #keepgoing #keeppushing #dontjudgeabookbyitscover #superman #manofsteel #superstrength #trainlikeasupersaiyan #trainlikeakryptonian #trainlikeakryptoniangoingsupersaiyan #dedicationhasnolimitation #dedication #dedicated #summershredding2018 #nicaragua🇳🇮 #nicaraguan #nicaraguanboy (at LA Fitness)

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