Tuesday - Tumblr Posts

How many Tuesdays did you have?

Yesterday was Tuesday

But today is Tuesday too

And then it’s Tuesday again

Pig in a poke

I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.

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1 year ago

Tuesday Things

Tuesday Things

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8 years ago
Siempre Confundo Martes Con Jueves (en Ingls Claro) Si A Alguien Le Sucede Lo Mismo, Recuerde Este Dibujo

Siempre confundo Martes con Jueves (en inglés claro) si a alguien le sucede lo mismo, recuerde este dibujo del Martes :D

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3 years ago

Happy Two's-Day!

On this blessed Tuesday - 2/22/22 - it has been decreed that the Twos have aligned! Henceforth, it shall known as the Two's-Day above all Tuesdays!

So let it written - so let it be done!

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For Honor, Home, and Love

Here's something I wrote on fanfictionnet for Victorious ages ago and was surprised by how much I still kinda like it. Of course there are things I would word differently or alter now, but meh.

Tuesday holds a special place on the weekly page, though at first glance and to most it is merely an insignificant day nestled between the dreaded Monday and the hope giving Wednesday. But it is far more than just another day. Tuesday is without question the most surprising day of the week. One might argue that this title would be held by Saturday or Friday, where crazy shit was bound to go down… however that's just it, you expect those two days to provide the unexpected, making it in effect less unexpected. Thursday is just pre-Friday, and Sunday the day of regret for the previous two. No, Tuesday is the day that no one sees coming, despite it always being there. On Tuesday you can go from perfectly normal to up to your ass in leeches and never have seen it coming. Because it is the unexpected that you can never expect, even if you've been down the rabbit-hole before it seems to have the magical ability to erase your memory and make you it's mystery bitch all over again.

Now what does this have to do with the lean brunette young woman in a bedroom not her own, sitting upon a comfy jet black swivel chair waiting for the room's owner to return so that they might be rid of each other's presence? Well, the fact that it's Tuesday and the room belongs to… "Jade, what's this?" The aforementioned young woman asks not a millisecond after she hears the other girl's boots announce her return on the Japanese maple hardwood flooring.

Mentally and physically groaning at what was likely another inane remark about her room or request that would never be fulfilled, Jade draws her eyes sharply toward her 'guest', soon after barking, "Private. So get away from my laptop, Vega!" Swiftly crossing the expanse of the relatively large room to snatch her gorgeous black beauty adorned with a skull crossed with twin scythes from the other girl's mitts. Noticing that it's unlocked and to her dread displaying a short tale she couldn't really identify Jade takes a moment to prioritize her thoughts before asking, "How did you even get in?" Growling at her soon to be formerly living classmate.

What would normally send most anyone without any power over her running in terror only brought a thin smile to Tori's lips, "Your password was written on that sticky note." She points to the desk and a lovely pink post-it inked with black. In a flash Jade grabs the note and crumples it with her non-laptop carrying hand.

Tori merely smiles as she reads the memorized contents aloud, "Sc1ss0rV3ga2D3th…" Jade freezes in place, unable to even form the most basic syllables let alone words, so she can't stop the other girl from continuing to speak, "…which itself raises plenty of awkward and terrifying questions that I really don't want to ask."

As the last word falls silent the room is engulfed in an emptiness of nothing except the two beings currently inhabiting it…and an old wind-up clock sitting on Jade's nightstand ticking away. There was a very interesting story behind the handcrafted brass antique marred with a few dings and scratches…but that's not really the focus of this particular Tuesday now is it?

Given that Tori not only had her….questionable password already carved into brain, but had had access to everything on her laptop… Jade's mind was in free fall without a parachute insight. Then the other girl spoke, "Riiigght, so my family knows I'm here… and I'm not really into being violently sexually assaulted so…" Tori had already risen from the chair and was making her way toward the door when she finished speaking. Not really intent on departing, because there was no way she was going to pass up the opportunity presented her by her snooping. She just needed to motivate the fleshy statue to speak, and this was not a situation where Jade could just let Tori go, the pass alone was enough ammo.

And right on cue the other girl stated, "I'm not going to assault you." Though she might strangle her for this invasion of privacy, and that is the fuel she uses to bypass the fear…rage. The one emotion Jade West knew inside and out how to express from its deepest depths was Anger. No one could quite do pissed like she could, no, she was the crowned queen of fury and spite, wrath and revenge. And now she had that wellspring to call upon…

Tori half turns, "Yeah, says your password." Casting her eyes at Jade's hand, still holding the piece of tiny paper bearing a horrible blade soaked in social poison.

Not letting the words phase her Jade fires back, "The idea of a password is that it shouldn't be something that you'd think of." Not letting a breath fall between them, she continues, "Now …don't we have work to do?" Hoping they can drop this with a logical segue from uncomfortable territory.

Completing her turn with her back now to the door Tori offer with a shrug, "Sure…" Then lets a smirk play upon her lips, "…after you fill me in…not literally…" That insinuation earned her a toxic glare, but she resumed anyway, "…on that weird little story synopsis you have there." Pointing at the laptop lazily.

Jade couldn't freakout, she couldn't, that would be bad for so many reasons. The one topping the list is her accidentally revealing far more than she ever wants to without even knowing which story the infuriating girl was talking about…., 'It might be nothing, it might just be one of the play ideas, nothing to worry about in that case,' With her thoughts reigning her in she offers a blanket response, "I am a writer…a good one thank you very much. So I do tend to write things."

Eyebrow raised Tori inquires, "And the lesbian lovers sounding eerie like you and me?"

As the words were fired from lethal lips Jade could feel them leaving blistering trails of pain as they penetrated her heart. But she couldn't be stalled, she had to impede, "What are you talking about?"

Leveling a look of determination Tori strides forward, putting Jade on high alert as she herself takes a step back about to ask what she thought she was doing…. while in the depths of her being she was screaming for the girl to do something, unexpected. To both her dismay and delight all Tori does is reacquire the laptop, then opens it to reveal a tiny poorly thought out almost non-existent scrap of something Jade had typed up in boredom last Tuesday.

A wave of relief washes over her as she recognizes the 'story'. Fighting back the urge to smile with glee Jade offers matter-of-factly, "They're all fictional characters set during a modified ancient Greece. You aren't in it." Adding a dash of venom at the end.

"Bullshit." Is the last word spoken before the laptop was tossed on the bed in the same motion as Tori steps forward, invading Jade's personal space once again… but this time not stopping until she was sharing the same air. Mere inches away deep chocolate eyes revealing twin mirrors, reflecting nothing, yet revealing too many truths to be properly comprehended in one day. Tori had obviously read more than just that silly little piece of scrap, she had to have accessed the Jori files…stupidly named, nevertheless unrelentingly accurate. There the accursed writings of a madwoman besot with malice and pain forged tales of love and life that could easily open so many doors… but the content, the inspiration would never be revealed, for there written for none to ever see was her greatest fear…

…and love,

Tori Vega.

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6 years ago

Days of the Week and Witchcraft ✨

A good way to plan when to do your spells

Sunday - The Sun - Solar power, success, personal empowerment, material wealth, health, beginning anew. 

Monday - The Moon - Lunar power, purity, spiritual cleansing, astral work, divination, psychic ability.

Tuesday - Mars - Physical power, passion, sexuality, drive, ambition, achievement, masculine power, activate protective talismans, reverse hexes and psychic attacks.

Wednesday - Mercury - Knowledge, money, communication, the arts, change, acceptance, adaptability.

Thursday - Jupiter - Luck, growth, fulfillment, worldly power, justice, authority, health, and prosperity. (Mercury brings quick cash, but Jupiter governs the long term accumulation and preservation of wealth.)

Friday - Venus - Fertility, love, money, prosperity, healing, charm, goodness, blocking, glamour, self-care, feminine power.

Saturday - Saturn - Binding, banishing, stopping, ending, loss, renewing, transforming, protection.

— Just a thing from my grimoire

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6 years ago

I'm born on a monday 🌙 But I identify more with wednesday, friday and sunday 🌺🍉

tag your vibe

days of the week;

monday: snoozing your alarm clock, navy, seeing the moon in the morning, vanilla ice cream, writing poetry, blurry photographs, windswept hair, iced coffee

tuesday: seeing a cat on the street, a light rain shower, untied shoelaces, indistinct music from someone else’s earphones, empty coffee shops, denim jackets, long train rides

wednesday: pastel highlighters, drinking water, group laughter, plucking daisy petals, floral scents, counting down to a birthday, peonies

thursday: old books, a downpour, telling the truth, comfortable silence, hand holding, wrapping a gift, the smell of leather, reminiscence

friday: neon lights, sweet cravings, a little bit drunk, falling in love with a stranger, remembering your dreams, cherry red, late night showers, desserts at midnight

saturday: watering plants, childhood cartoons, a bowl of cereal, meeting someone new, waking up early and laying in bed, spontaneous plans, sitting on a rooftop

sunday: strawberry smoothies, golden hour, a soft feeling of wistfulness, lazy afternoons, 4pm naps, lofi mixes, deja vu, long daydreams, lighting sparklers

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2/22/22!!! ON TUESDAY!!!

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2/22/22 2:22!!!!! OMG!!!!!!


2/22/22!!! ON TUESDAY!!!

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3 years ago

list of things that are special today-

22/2/22 (all twos)

22/02/2022 (PALINDROME)

22/2/22 on a tuesday (two-s day)

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11 months ago

Tumblr users will see a post mentioning a day if the week and just fucking black out and reblog it

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𝐹𝓊𝓁𝓁 𝒩𝒶𝓂𝑒

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary George

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𝐹𝓊𝓁𝓁 𝒯𝒾𝓉𝓁𝑒

Her Majesty The Queen and Queen of the United Kingdom and the Other Commonwealth Realms

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Wednesday, April 21st, 1926 at 17 Bruton Street, Mayfair, London, United Kingdom

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Thursday, September 8th, 2022 in Balmoral Estates, Ballater AB35 5TB, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, United Kingdom 

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Father: George VI King of the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the British Commonwealth

Mother: Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother

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Younger Sister: Her Royal Highness The Princess Margaret The Countess of Snowdon

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His Royal Highness Prince Philip The Duke of Edinburgh (M. 1947 - 2021)

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His Majesty King Charles III

Her Royal Highness Anne The Princess Royal

His Royal Highness Prince Andrew The Duke of York

His Royal Highness Prince Edward The Duke of Edinburgh

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George VI King of the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the British Commonwealth

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Tuesday, June 2nd, 1953 at Westminster Abbey in London

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Wednesday, February 6th, 1952 through Thursday, September 8th, 2022

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𝐻𝑒𝒾𝓇 𝒜𝓅𝓅𝒶𝓇𝑒𝓃𝓉

His Majesty King Charles III

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Animals: Animal Conservation & Cruelty, Birds (Conservation & Pigeon Racing), Breeding of Animals, Cattle, Dogs, Horses, Veterinaries, Wildlife, & Zoology

Education: African Studies, Alumni, Asian Studies, Colleges, Economics, French Language, Geography, Mental Health in Students, Reading, Research, Schools

Medical: Associations, Cancer, Children (Illness & Speech Developments), Diabetics, Dietitians, Dentists, Disabled (Learning, Blind, Hearing, Neuro, & Physically), Doctors, Education, Elderly, Epilepsy, Eye Disease, Heart Disease, Hospitals, Hygiene, Leprosy, Lung Disease, Nurses, Pathology, Pharmacists, Physicians, Physiotherapists, Radiology, Research, Strokes, Surgeons

Other: Automobiles, Boating, Coin History, Maritime, Retail Industry, Sailing, & Stamp History

Services: Fire-Fighters, Lifeguards, Military Service, Police, Veterans

Science: Aeronautics, Agriculture, Archaeology, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Botany, Chemistry, Conservation, Electricians, Energy Industry, Engineering (Gas, Managers, Mechanical, & Military), Entomology, Forestry, Geophysics, Horticultural, Manufacturing, Miners, Natural Science, Parks, Planetary Sciences, Research, Solar Physics, Technology

Sports: Air Sport, Archery, Bowling, Bowls, College Athletics, Cricket, Croquet, Curling, Cycling, Fencing, Golf, Horse Racing, Ice Skating, Olympics, Police Athletics, Recreational Spaces, Rowing, Rugby, Soccer, Table Tennis, Target Shooting, Tennis

The Arts: Architecture, Art, Bands, Choir, Cinema, Dance (Ballet & Scottish Country Dancing), Dramatic Arts, Education, Entertainment Industry, Fashion & Textile, Fine Arts, Hospitality Industry, Journalism, Music (Bag Pipe, Education, Orchestra, Organ, Philharmonic, &. Pipers), Music Competitions, Opera, Painting (Portrait & Watercolor), Performing Arts, Printing, Publishing Companies, Radio Streaming, Sculpting, Television, Theaters

The People: Child Care, Culture & History, Dependents, Economics, Family, Financial Services, Humanitarian Relief Organizations, Insurance Services, International Affairs, Justice, Men & Women (Abuse, Discrimination, Parenting, & Rights), Neighborhoods, Relations, Religion, Sales Representatives, Solicitors, & Youth Opportunities

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Her Majesty The Queen is involved in over 100 different charities, organizations, associations, clubs, & military services. She is mostly a Patron of most groups but has positions like Patron In Chief, Joint Patron, Visitor, Honorary Freeman, Honorary Commodore, Sovereign Honorary Member, Sponsor, Governor, President, Master, Chief Patron, Honorary Member, Protector, & many other titles. As the Queen has stepped down from most groups, she has handed titles & charities over to other family members such as her husband, her children, and new family members like The Duchess of Cambridge.

Besides charities, the Queen is charge of all things military, veterans, and other service positions. She has many rankings & titles she uses depending on what branch or group of service she is visiting that day.

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𝐹𝓊𝓁𝓁 𝒩𝒶𝓂𝑒:

Rachel Meghan (Markle) 

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𝐹𝓊𝓁𝓁 𝒯𝒾𝓉𝓁𝑒:

Her Royal Highness Megan The Duchess of Sussex, The Countess of Dumbarton, & Baroness Kilkeel

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Tuesday, August 4th, 1981 in Los Angeles, California, United States of America

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Father: Thomas Wayne Markle Senior

Mother: Doria Loyce Ragland

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Half-Sister: Samantha Grant

Half-Brother: Thomas Markle Junior

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Trevor Engelson (M. 2011 & D. 2013)

His Royal Highness Prince Henry (Harry), The Duke of Sussex (M. 2018)

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Son: Master Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor

Daughter: Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor

In July of 2020, Megan suffered a miscarriage which would have been her 2nd child before Lilibet

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Hollywood Little Red Schoolhouse

Immaculate Heart High School

Northwestern University: School of Communication - Bachelor’s Degree with a Double Major in Theatre & International Studies

American Embassy in Buenos Aires

Abroad Program in Madrid, Spain

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Encouragement of Social Entrepreneurship

Girls’ Education

International Studies & Travel



Healthy Living

Mental Health: Positivity, Self Love, & Spirituality 


Animal Well Being

People & Social Issues:


Gender Equality

Inspirational Women

Modern-Day Slavery

Social Justice

Welfare of Prisoners

Women's Empowerment & Issues

The Arts:




Performing Arts

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Kappa Kappa Gamma

Other Work:

Advocate: The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality & the Empowerment of Women

Counselor: One Young World

Global Ambassador: World Vision Canada

Publisher: A Cookbook with the Hubb Community Kitchen

The Clean Water Campaign: Traveled to Rwanda

The United Service Organizations: Toured Afghanistan & Spain



Smart Works

The Association of Commonwealth Universities

The Royal Foundation of The Duke & Duchess of Cambridge & The Duke & Duchess of Sussex

The Royal National Theatre

Vice President

The Queen’s Commonwealth Trust

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𝐻𝑜𝓁𝓁𝓎𝓌𝑜𝑜𝒹 𝒫𝒶𝓈𝓉: 


1995: Student Sitting on Stage in Married with Children


2002: Jill in General Hospital

2004: Natasha in Century City

2005: Cori in Cuts, Hot Girl in A Lot Like Love, & Teresa Santos in Love Inc.

2006: Briefcase Model in Deal or No Deal (2006 to 2007: 34 Episodes), Gwen in Deceit, Susan in The War at Home, & Veronica Perez in CSI: New York

2008: Kelly Calhoun in The Apostles, Sadie Valencia in Good Behavior, Tara in ‘Til Death, & Wendy in 90210

2009: Annie Oritz in Knight Rider, Holly Shepard in Without a Trace, Junior FBI agent Amy Jessup in Fringe, & Meghan in The League


2010: Kat in The Candidate, Megan in Remember Me, Officer Leah Montoya in CSI: Miami, & Tatiana in Get Him to the Greek

2011: Dana in The Boys & Girls Guide to Getting Down, Jamie in Horrible Bosses, & Rachel Zane in Suits (2011 to 2018)

2012: Rachel Zane in Suits Webisodes (2012 to 2014), Terry in Dysfunctional Friends, & Charlotte Boyd/Sleeping Beauty in Castle

2013: Mindy in Random Encounters

2014: Amy Peterson in When Sparks Fly

2015: Kirsten in Anti Social

2016: Cass in Dexter’s Handbook

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𝐹𝓊𝓁𝓁 𝒩𝒶𝓂𝑒:

Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise (Mountbatten-Windsor) Laurence

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𝐹𝓊𝓁𝓁 𝒯𝒾𝓉𝓁𝑒:

Her Royal Highness Anne The Princess Royal

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Tuesday, August 15th, 1950 at Clarence House in London, England

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Father: His Royal Highness Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh

Mother: Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth 𝐼𝐼

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Oldest Brother: High Royal Highness Prince Charles The Prince of Wales

Younger Brother: High Royal Highness Prince Andrew The Duke of York

Youngest Brother: His Royal Highness Prince Edward The Earl of Wessex

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Captain Mark Phillips (M. 1973 & D. 1992)

Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence (M. 1992)

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Son: Peter Phillips

Daughter: Zara Tindall MBE

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Oldest Granddaughter: Savannah Phillips

Second Granddaughter: Isla Phillips

Third Granddaughter: Mia Tindall

Youngest Granddaughter: Lena Tindall

Grandson: Lucas Tindall

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Buckingham Palace

Benenden School: Six General Certification of Education O-Levels & Two A-Levels

University of Regina

Memorial University of Newfoundland

Cranfield University

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Animal Diseases



Dairy Shorthorn Cows


Endangered Species

Equine Veterinary

Gloucester Old Spots Pigs



Native Wildlife

Sheep Dogs

Veterinary Services & Surgery


Culture & Travel:

Antarctica Restoration & Preservation

Australian Culture

Canadian Culture

Chinese Culture

German Culture 

Italian Culture

Scottish Culture


Adult Education






Learning Disabilities

Literary Awareness



Public Speaking


Science & Technology

Women in STEM









Acid Violence

Air Ambulance

Air Evacuation for Medical Emergencies


Burn Treatment


Child Health

Deaf People

Degenerative Conditions

Dental Surgery


Emergency Medicine

Exercise Medicine

First Aid

Health Services

Hearing Dogs



Illness Recovery

Maternity Unit

Mental Health

Mentally Disadvantaged & Handicapped


Motor Neuron Disease


Occupational Therapy



Palliative Care

Paramedic Training





Physically Disadvantaged & Handicapped


Plastic Surgery

Reconstructive Surgery

Spinal Cord Injuries




The Disabled

Transportation & Vehicle Maintenance

Tropical Health

Women’s Nursing Unit of the British Army



Deprived Young People

Fallen Warriors





Post Office Employees


Prison Visitors






Social Issues:

Advice Offices

Affordable Rural Housing

Business & Business Competitiveness

Fundraising for Charities

Haulage Industry

Humanitarian Disasters



Meat Industry

Poor Transportation Links in Developing Countries


Practical Information Offices

Restorative Justice

Rural Affairs

Social Exclusion



Boat Cruising

Boat Racing

College Sports

Disabled Sports






Recreational Sports





Sporting Venues

The Arts

Art Museum




Metal Making




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Harper Adams University

University College of Osteopathy

University of London

University of the Highlands & Islands


City Lit

King’s College London at The University of London

The Council for Awards of Royal Agricultural Societies

The Institute of Meat

The Royal Society

The Science Museum


Give Them A Sporting Chance

The Chaffinch Trust

Honorary Fellow/Fellowship:

Green College at the University of Oxford

St. Edmund’s College at the University of Cambridge

The Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation

The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science, & Technology

The Institute of Sales & Marketing Management

The Institution of Civil Engineers

The Institution of Engineering & Technology

The Nautical Institute

The Royal Canadian Geographical Society

The Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists 

The Royal College of Psychiatrists 

The Royal College of Physicians & Physicians of Edinburgh

The Royal College of Surgeons of England

The Royal College of Surgeons of England - Faculty of Dental Surgery

The Royal Institute of Navigation

The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain

The Royal Society of Edinburgh

The Royal Society of Medicine

The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene

The Royal Veterinary College

The Welding Institute

Honorary Life Member:

The Flying Doctor Society of Africa

The HMS Nelson

The Incorporation of Fleshers of Glasgow

The Naval Club & RNVR Officers Association

The Royal Army Service Corps & Royal Corps of Transport Association

Honorary Member/Membership:

Associazione Nazionale Italiana Di Riabilitazione Equestre

Lloyd’s of London

The British Association for Shooting Conservation

The Caledonian Club

The City Livery Club

The Clyde Cruising Club

The Cruising Association

The Household Division Yacht Club

The Incorporation of Hammermen of Glasgow

The International Yachting Fellowship of Rotarians in Great Britain & Ireland

The Island Sailing Club

The Jockey Club

The Linnean Society of London

The Loch Lomond Golf Club

The Mudhook Yacht Club

The North Parish Washing Green Society

The Racehorse Owners Association

The Reliant Motor Club

The Road Haulage Association

The Rotary Club of Elgin

The Royal & Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews

The Royal Highland & Agricultural Society of Scotland 

The Royal Highland Yacht Club

The Royal Osteoporosis Society

The Royal Southern Yacht Club

The Royal Thames Yacht Club

The Smeatonian Society of Civil Engineers

The Society of Merchant Venturers

The Speculative Society

The Spitfires Past Masters Association 2018

The Worshipful Company of Poulters

Honorary Member & Patron:

The Grand Antiquity Society of Glasgow

The Royal Forth Yacht Club

The Special Forces Club

The Suffolk Horse Society

Honorary President:

Spinal Injuries Scotland

The Oxford Farming Conference


The Association of Royal Navy Officers 

The Blue Seal Club

The British Olympic Equestrian Team

The Club

The Concours Hippique International Officiel (Member of the Honorary Presidency)

The FEI Olympic Council

The Honorable Artillery Company

The Icelandic Horse Society of Great Britain

The International Olympic Committee

The London Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games

The Merchants House of Glasgow

The Royal British Legion Scotland

The Royal Naval Sailing Association


Associate Member: Gloucestershire Federation of Women’s Institutes

Chair: The International Olympic Committee Members Election Commission

Chancellor & Honorary Graduate: The University of Edinburgh

Club Member & Patron: The Gloucestershire Old Spots Pig Breeders Club 

Competitor: 1976 Montreal Olympic Games

Founders’ Patron: Benenden School

Freeman: The Fishmongers’ Company

Friend: Racehorse Relief

Grand Master: The Royal Victorian Order

Grand Patron: Railway Convalescent Homes

Honorary Associate: The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons

Honorary Assistant: The Worshipful Company of Loriners

Honorary Brother: Court of The Guildry of Stirling

Honorary Chair: The National Lighthouse Museum & the Campaign to Illuminate Future Generations

Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws: The University of Aberdeen

Honorary Freeman: The City of London

Honorary Member & Old Master: The Royal Company of Merchants of the City of Edinburgh Charitable Trust

Honorary Member & Royal Patron: The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland

Honorary Patron: The Scotland Malawi Partnership

Life Member: The Royal Navy & Marines Equestrian Association

Life Vice President: The National Federation of Young Farmers’ Club

Liveryman: The Worshipful Company of Engineers

Master: The Corporation of Trinity House

Past Master & Honorary Assistant: The Worshipful Company of Farmers

Perpetual Master & Yeoman: The Worshipful Company of Saddlers

Royal Bencher: The Honorable Society of the Inner Temple

Royal Fellow: The Royal Academy of Engineering

Royal Honorary Member: The Royal Yacht Squadron

Royal Vice President: The Royal Windsor Horse Show

Stowaway Member: The Southampton Master Mariners’ Club “The Cachalots”

Trustee of Council: St. George’s House

Warden: The Gordonstoun School

Past Master:

The Guild of Freemen of the City of London

The Worshipful Company of Butchers

The Worshipful Company of Carmen

The Worshipful Company of Farriers

The Worshipful Company of Woolmen


Acid Survivors Trust International

Aerospace Bristol

British Universities & Colleges Sport Limited

Camp Hill Veterans’ Services


Citizens Advice Scotland

Columba 1400

Farms for City Children

Latitude Global Volunteering


Maritime UK

Medical Research Scotland

Mercy Ships International

Riders for Health

Save the Children Corporate Fund Raising Committee in Hong Kong

Save the Children UK

Sense International & Scotland

St. Andrew’s First Aid

St. Margaret’s Chapel Guild

Swinfen Telemedicine

Tenovus Cancer Care & Tenovus Scotland

The Association of Wrens

The Australian Veterinary Association

The Battle of the Atlantic Memorial

The Beef Shorthorn Cattle Society

The Boston Stump Restoration & Development Appeal

The British Nutrition Foundation

The British Quality Foundation

The Butler Trust

The Campaign for Gordonstoun

The Canadian Communications & Electronic Branch Association

The Canadian Therapeutic Riding Association

The Canal Museum Trust

The Cathedral Church of Saint German Peel Development Appeal

The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport UK

The Cranfield Trust

The Development Trust for the Mentally Handicapped

The Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust

The Edinburgh Students’ Charities Appeal

The English Lacrosse Association

The English Rural Housing Association

The Excelsior Trust Centenary Celebrations 2020 - 2021

The Faculty of Sport & Exercise Medicine

The Firefighters Memorial Trust

The Foundation for Future London

The Friends of Happisburgh Lighthouse

The Gloucestershire Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs

The Gloucestershire Rugby Football Union

The Heart of Arabia Expedition

The Holy Trinity Church Appeal

The Hornet Services Sailing Club

The Horse Trust

The Incorporated Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

The Injured Jockey’s Fund

The Intensive Care Society

The International Police Association

The International Sheep Dog Society

The International Students’ House

The Iona Abbey Capital Appeal

The King’s Own Scottish Borderers Association

The Lady Masters’ Association

The Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

The Longhope Lifeboat Museum Trust

The Magpas Air Ambulance Capital Campaign

The Mary Peters Trust

The Medical Research Council Mitochondrial Biology Unit

The Minchinhampton Centre for the Elderly Limited

The Moredun Foundation

The National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux

The National Association of Official Prison Visitors

The National Institution of Adult Continuing Education

The National Museum of the Royal Navy

The National Pony Society

The National Transport Trust

The Naval Ladies’ Club

The New Zealand Conservation Trust

The New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Association Incorporated

The Northern Lighthouse Board

The Not Forgotten Association England & Northern Ireland

The Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust

The NZ-UK Link Foundation

The Pony Club

The Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

The Restorative Justice Council

The Riding for the Disabled Association in Australia

The Rowland Hill Fund

The Royal Alfred Seafarers’ Society

The Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society

The Royal Celtic Society

The Royal College of Anesthetists

The Royal College of Emergency Medicine

The Royal College of Midwives

The Royal College of Occupational Therapists

The Royal College of Pediatricians & Child Health

The Royal Corinthian Yacht Club

The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo

The Royal Geographical Society

The Royal Highland Education Trust

The Royal Logistic Corps Association & Museum

The Royal Lymington Yacht Club

The Royal National Children’s SpringBoard Foundation

The Royal Naval Equestrian Association - Eventing

The Royal Navy & Marines Charity

The Royal Northern Agricultural Society

The Royal Northern & Clyde Yacht Club

The Royal School of Veterinary Studies at the University of Edinburgh

The Royal Scots Club

The Royal Scots Regimental Association

The Royal Signals Association & Institution

The Royal Signals Museum of Army Communications

The RYA Foundation

The Sailor’s Children's Society

The Scotland’s Churches Trust

The Scots in London Group

The Scottish Fiddle Orchestra

The Scottish National Fat Stock Club

The Scottish Rugby Union

The Shipwrecked Fisherman & Mariners’ Royal Benevolent Society

The Shorthorn Society of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland

The South Georgia Heritage Trust

The Spinal Injuries Association

The SS Great Britain Trust

The Stroud Hospital League of Friends

The Three Counties Agricultural Society

The Unicorn Preservation Society

The University of Edinburgh Graduates’ Association

The Vine Trust

The Wellington Trust

The Whitley Fund for Nature

The Wooden Spoon Society

The Worcestershire & Sherwood Foresters Regimental Association

Townswomen’s Guilds


UK Coaching

UK Youth

United Kingdom Antarctic Heritage Trust

United Kingdom Sailing Academy

Voluntary Services Overseas

Western Port Oberon Association

Wetwheels Foundation

Women’s Royal Naval Service Benevolent Trust

Woolf Institute

YSS Ltd.


Carers Trust

Save the Children UK

Racing Welfare


Sense: The National Deafblind & Rubella Association

The Benenden Society

The Blues & Royals Association

The British Olympic Association

The City & Guilds of London Institute

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Commonwealth Study Conferences & Commonwealth Study Conference Association

The English Speaking Union of the Commonwealth

The Medical Equestrian Association

The Mission to Seafarers Limited

The National Equine Forum

The Riding for the Disabled Association

The Royal Agricultural Society of the Commonwealth

The Royal British Legion Women’s Section

The Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851

The Royal School Haslemere

The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, & Commerce

The Royal Yachting Association

The Scotch Beef Club

The Seagull Trust Cruises

UK Fashion & Textile Association

Victim Support Scotland & UK

Working Clumber Spaniel Society

World Horse Welfare

Royal Patron:

Hearing Dogs for Deaf People


MND Scotland

St. Andrew’s First Aid in Australia

The Blond McIndoe Research Foundation

The British Equine Veterinary Association

The Friends of the Temple Church

The Friends of TS Queen Mary

The Gibraltar International Literary Festival

The Honorable Company of Gloucestershire

The Leuchie Forever Fund

The London International Youth Science Forum

The London Scottish Football Club

The Motor Neuron Disease Association

The National Coastwatch Institution

The Northern Ireland Prison Service Central Benevolent Fund

The Security Institute

The Special Boat Service Association

University of Edinburgh Club of London



The HMS Albion

The HMS Talent

Vice Patron:

Memorial to the Women of World War 2

The British Horse Society

The British Show Jumping Association

Vice President:

The Foundation of the College of St. George

The Royal Bath & West of England Society

The Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association

The Royal Geographical Society


Dorothy House Hospice Care

St. Mary’s Cathedral Workshop

Strathcarron Hospice

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Margarita Elizabeth Rose Alleyne Armstrong-Jones

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Lady Margarita Armstrong-Jones

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Tuesday, May 14th, 2002 at Portland Hospital in London, England

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Father: David Albert Charles Armstrong-Jones, 2nd Earl of Snowdon

Mother: Serena Alleyne Stanhope, The Countess of Snowdon

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Brother: Charles Patrick Inigo Armstrong-Jones, Viscount Linley

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Garden House School

St. Mary's School

Tudor Hall School

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Her first name Margarita is after her grandmother Princess Margaret Countess of Snowdon who died 3 months and 5 days before her birth.

Margarita’s second name Elizabeth is after her great grandmother Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother who died one month & 2 weeks before her birth

Her third name Rose was chosen by selected by her brother Charles.

Margarita’s fourth name Alleyne is also one of her mother's middle names.

At age 14, she attended her first society fashion show at the Dior Cruise show at Blenheim Palace.

Lady Margarita & Eloise Taylor (Daughter of Lady Helen Taylor) modeled for the first time in a fashion show in aid of Kids Company which was organized by Chelsea Ballet Schools.

She was one of the bridesmaids for her second-cousin Prince William & his wife Catherine’s wedding in 2011 when she was 8 years old. Margarita also attended the wedding of Prince Harry & Meghan Markle in 2018 & also attended the wedding of Princess Eugenie & Jack Brooksbank that same year.

Margarita is currently 27th in line to the Royal Throne after her brother & father.

She is a jewelry maker.

Margarita does attend Christmas Lunch Day Buckingham Palace every year.

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010 

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Father: Gary Christie Lewis

Mother: Lady Davina Windsor

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Younger Brother: Tāne Mahuta Lewis

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Senna’s middle name, Kowhai is to honor her father’s Maori heritage.

She lives in New Zealand with her with parents and younger brother.

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Sylvana Palma (Tomaselli) Windsor

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𝐹𝓊𝓁𝓁 𝒯𝒾𝓉𝓁𝑒:

Sylvana Palma (Tomaselli) Windsor, The Countess of St. Andrews & Dr. Sylvana Tomaselli

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Tuesday, May 28th, 1957 in Placentia, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

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Father: Maximilian Tomaselli (Formerly of Salzburg)

Mother: Josiane (Preschez) Tomaselli

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John Paul Jones (M. 1977 and D. 1981)

George Windsor, The Earl of St. Andrews (M. 1988)

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Son: Edward Windsor Lord Downpatrick

Oldest Daughter: Lady Marina Windsor

Youngest Daughter: Lady Amelia Windsor

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Educated in both Canada & England

Bachelor of Arts Degree from The University of British Columbia

Master of Arts Degree in York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Master of Arts Degree from the University of Cambridge in Cambridge, England

Fellow of St. John’s College at the University of Cambridge in Cambridge, England

Dr. Sylvana Tomaselli specialized in British & French political theory in the 18th century focusing on the history of womanhood.

She has written about David Hume (A Scottish Economist, Enlightenment Philosopher, Essayist, & Historian), Jean-Jacques Rosseau (A Genevan Composer, Philosopher, & Writer), John Locke (an English Philosopher & Physician), John Stuart Mill (An English Civil Servant, Member of Parliament, Philosopher, & Political Economist), Mary Wollstonecraft (An English Advocate of Women’s Rights, Philosopher, & Writer).

Dr. Sylvana Tomaselli is the translator of Book II of the Seminar of Jacques, The Ego in Freud’s Theory in the Technique of Psychoanalysis. 

She teaches the 3 History of Political Theory Papers.

Dr. Sylvana Tomaselli is an affiliated Lecturer of the Faculties of History, Social, & Political Sciences

She is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society

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Director of Studies in History, Social, & Political Sciences: The University of Cambridge

Founding Member: The European Centre for the Philosophy of Gender in Siegen, Germany

Historian & Lecturer: The University of Cambridge

Tutor for Postgraduates: The University of Cambridge

𝐿𝒾𝓃𝓀: https://www.hist.cam.ac.uk/directory/st240@cam.ac.uk

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