Tobias Eaton - Tumblr Posts
“I’m Four. I have a fear of heights, I am extremely good looking and I’m good with guns. Also I have really awesome back tattoos. I will forever and always love Beatrice Prior.”

favorite male character: Four (Divergent) {15/18}
“Tobias, please reconsider.”
“Don’t you call me that. my name’s F o u r .”
Rewatching divergent, insurgent and allegiant because why not. (He's so hot)
don't blame me | tris & four - divergent
scary boyfriend skills
o final da saga divergente foi uma bela bosta, vou ter que ler os livros agora pra ter um final digno (se eu tiver spoiler do final, vou ficar puta)

tobias "four" eaton | lost in the fire by the weeknd & gesaffelstein
Three’s A Party: Four x Reader x Eric
TrAshy Says: This literally just popped into my head so if it’s shit, you know why. No hate to Tris but reader’s jealousy is almost as bad as her boys ;)
Warnings: A little violence, Suggestive themes
“I don’t know how you do it, Y/N.” Tori exhales, nimbly dodging your fury of punches.
Though she preferred the laid back nature of tattooing, Tori still liked to spar, especially with you. It was the perfect time to catch up on life and hone your fighting skills. You guys may have been best friends, but neither of you went easy on each other, as told by the bruises that were starting to form on both your bodies.
“Do what?” you breathe, blocking a high kick. “Date both of them. One of them is bad enough, but both? Together? You’re just asking for trouble.”
This isn’t the first time your relationship has been the topic of conversation, but it still catches you off-guard all the same. Tori uses this to her advantage and swipes your feet from under you, knocking you flat on your back and pinning you underneath her booted foot. You tap out begrudgingly, and she half-smiles at your glare before helping you up.
Keep reading

Dystopia men. That's it.

A Safe Feeling - Eric Coulter
Eric x fem!reader
Word count: 1,402
Requested: Hi can you do a imagine where the reader is the daughter of Jeannie Matthew and she divergent and she in a relationship with eric and her best froend is four and later tris please and thank you - @rachelcarroll1819
Authors Note: Thank you for requesting!
Divergent Masterlist

“Mathews!” Eric called out with a smirk as he saw Y/n exit the hallway near the dining hall.
“You know I have a first name.” Y/n turned around crossing her arms over her chest. Eric knew she hated her mom’s views and being called by her old last name. She’s not Erudite anymore.
Eric gave a nod as he walked over to her, standing in front of her. “Yeah, but that’s for more intimate-”
“Shut up.” Y/n giggled and slapped him on the bicep as Eric chuckled, moving his hands to her hips.
“Where are you off to?” Eric asked as Y/n moved her arms to wrap around his neck. Normally Eric didn’t like showing PDA, unless it was to show she was taken.
“Need to talk to Four about some stuff.” She answered, tilting her head. It wasn’t easy to have Four as a best friend and date Eric. But the two agreed to be sival for her sake.
“Divergent stuff?” Eric spoke quietly, so no one would hear around him. When she had first told him about being Divergent, Eric didn’t take it well at first but then he realized he didn’t care. He loves her anyway.
“Will you keep it down. You know it could get me killed.” Even though he was quite Y/n still was scared at any possibility of anyone knowing. Being Divergent is a death sentence.
Eric nodded as a sigh of apology, moving his right hand up and down her back to comfort her growing nerves. “Is it about the nightmares?”
Y/n nodded with a grimace. “They have to do with my fears and with what I am, he's the best to talk to about it. And he’s my friend.”
Eric rolled his eyes and bit the inside of his cheek at his sight irritation. “Don’t remind me.”
“You're lucky I know what part of that you're referring to.” Y/n smirked, poking him in the chest.
“Oh, what part?” Eric played along, hoping to stall her a little longer.
“The Four part. He’s my best friend, has been since initiation and it bothers you like no other.” Y/n smirked a little, but in her defense she tried to hide it.
Eric shrugged. “I don’t like sharing.”
Y/n let out an amused soft laugh. “I’ve noticed.”
“You know I love you and I don’t care about the Divergent past, right?” He wanted to make sure she knew, he always made sure. Yeah he got annoyed that she’s friends with Four but her being Divergent? That doesn’t bother him.
y/n smiled. “I know. You always reassure me of that.”
Eric nodded. “And I’ll continue to.”
Y/n moved to leave his embrace, really needing to go see Four. “Love you.”
Eric pulled her into a rough kiss before letting go of her waist and back. “Love ya too.”
“I’ll see you later.” Y/n smiled at him turning around and heading off to figure her nightmare, fear problem out.
^ ^ ^
After about an hour Four and Y/n sat down, joined by Tris.
“The only thing I can think of is that your fears are changing.” Four stated leaning forward, resting his elbows on his knees.
“But how can I have less fears then when we first came here? How can they change?” Y/n wondered out loud confused. Shouldn’t she have more over time not less?
“I don’t know, Y/n.” Four wished he could give her an explanation, but he had nothing.
“Maybe its Eric.” Tris said, jumping into the conversation.
“Huh?” Y/n turned to her younger friend with confusion and curiosity. Four looked to Tris with a furrowed expression.
“Well he’s protective of you. He’d kill for you, so what if the feeling of protection he gives you is making some of your fears go away.” Tris explained what she meant.
“She has a good point.” Four looked at Y/n.
“Well that’s a development.” Y/n let out an amused puff of air.
“Bad?” Tris tilted her head, looking at her friend trying to see how she was feeling about this new ‘development’ as she called it.
“No.” Y/n shook her head.
“He’s been worried. You should tell him.” Four stated. He may not get along with Eric but he could tell how worried he’s been over Y/n’s situation. Eric could hide it well but Four could still see it.
“Yeah.” Y/n spoke, grabbing her jacket before standing up and heading towards the door. “Yeah, I’m gonna do that. See ya both tomorrow.”
Once Y/n left Four and Tris she headed to the training room, knowing that Eric was training the intaties today. It wasn’t hard to find him once entering the big room. He stood out.
“Hey handsome.” Y/n said as she came up behind him, wrapping her arms around his torso.
“Hey sexy.” He smirked, and as he expected her reaction was to slap him on his arm. It caused him to chuckle.
“Stop it.” Y/n laughed at his behavior. Always so different with her then around anyone else. “Can we talk?”\
“Yeah,” Eric was trying not to be worried. He turned his focus back to the intimates. “Intaites! We’re done for the day. Get out.”
After that they both headed to their shared apartment. They’d been sharing a living space since a little after they finished initiation. Once inside Eric shut the door behind them for privacy.
“So did you and Four figure out what's going on?” he asked and Y/n could see some concern in his eyes.
y/n nodded and licked her lips. “Yeah, about that.”
“What?” He asked gruffly.
Y/n went over and sat on their couch, Eric followed suit. “My nightmares have been odd. Like you knew and we found a few things out.” Y/n took a deep breath before continuing, looking him in the eyes. “I have less fears now. That’s why I keep reliving some of them. My nightmares seem to be the fears I still have.”
“How's this happening? Is it a Divergent thing?” Eric didn’t know much about Divergent. No one really did know anything about Divergents since they were killed on spot after being found out.
“No it’s not a Divergent thing.” She laughed lightly. Y/n leaned in and pulled him into a kiss. When she pulled away she told him. “Its a you thing.”
“Me?” Eric raised his brows in disbelief.
“Yup. You.” Y/n nodded in confirmation of his question.
“Can you explain?” he asked, still very confused. How is he the cause?
“Trus has this theory and Four and I agree with it.” Y/n scooted closer, grabbing his hands in hers. Smiling shyly up at him. “We think I’m having less face because you make me feel safe.”
“That's the goal.” Eric smirked proudly. That was the goal, to protect her. Make her feel safe. And he was relieved that nothing serious was wrong with her. “So many fears have you lost exactly?”
Y/n laughed in amusement towards his reaction. “Cocky much?”
Eric pulled her by the hips to straddle his lap. “Hey, if I’m responsible…”
He two was amused, but this was because of different reasons.
“Thank you.” Y/n thanked her tattooed brute. With the look of confusion back in his eyes, she continued. “I know you didn’t do it on purpose. Not exactly. You couldn’t. But thanks anyway and for protecting me and making me feel safe in general.”
Eric placed a hand on the back of her head and stared directly in her eyes. “You're mine. No one will harm you on my watch.”
Y/n smiled brightly at his declaration. “Don’t tell my mom.”
Eric scoffed. “I don’t tell your mom shit.”
“That's one of the reasons I love you.” Y/n smirked, leaning her forehead against his.
Eric grabbed her, pulling her closer, holding her tighter in his grip as he kissed the column of her neck. “What are the other reasons?”
Y/n let out a moan as he continued to kiss and suck on her neck. “Well if we head over to the bedroom I could-”
“Done” Eric said, effictley cutting her off. He stood up and carried her to their bedroom. All the while Y/n laughed at his actions and looked forward to the night's activities.
Taglist: @padawancat97
if your name is in the tags please marry me
I was planning on writing a head cannon on what it would be like to be Jeanine Matthews assistant and at your choosing ceremony picking dauntless. However, I have a full plot line in my head that would be too long to be a head cannon. so would you that be something you all would be willing to read? (also I am thinking of giving the character a love interest at some point if I fully write the fic, so i would love to hear thoughts about that)
Some feedback would be lovely on this matter.

-Eric Coulter
Knowledge: Prologue, pt.1, pt.2, pt.3, pt.4, pt.5, pt.6, pt.7, pt.8, pt.9, pt.10, pt.11

Rewatching Divergent with my bestie!
(Dystopian Era aka delulu for some men that are certainly not Peter, Uriah and Four)
Curse me, pretty pls-
now i need to vent about it!!
(ok i am going to write a poem on the ending like i imagine)
But, like c'mmon!! Can y'all tell me? Is the ending worth it? WITHOUT ACTUALLY GIVING AWAY ANYMORE SPOILERS-
Edit: I actually like the ending... especially the epilogue
I FINALLY FOUND A GOOD DIVERGENT TOBIAS X TRIS FANFICTION WITH THE PERFECT ALT. ENDING ON AO3!!!!! (i mean although tris died, v. roth pretty much made it up with the epilogue.. but still..)
This is NOT my work...

I have to confess I really like the Divergent-Trilogy
Normally when people talk about YA - dystopian Books this is sadly considered as bad but it’s not and here is why.
It’s a very Self Discovering Story in a World that lies in shambles. The fractions of this system are portraying different types of personality traits, which is for young adults actually really releatable in a way. Because you don’t really know were you belong, were your place is in the world, what kind of person you want to be. The other two books are more in portraying the journey to discover the world, to know what is out there. And also what I find myself really relating to is the Message of being different and it’s actually portrayed in an interesting way. Because I discovered it by myself people bitch If you are different from the Quote on Quote Standard. In the other two books I really like how Tris is dealing with grief and loss. I also really enjoyed her as a Character, she seems very mature and silent to me, reading her was to got into the head of a very introvert person, with a lot going on but still remaining the feeling of the silent one. And the ending to this trilogy is so sad, but I‘m a sucker for this kind of endings.