John Murphy - Runaway
John Murphy - Runaway
Warnings: Mention of blood, crazy!Jaha, panic attacks, claustrophobia, injuries, slight mention of depress!on and su!c!cal intentions
Words: 1.7k

“Tell me, which type of crazy isn’t enough for you?” I screamed at the delusional Jaha.
“Your promised land sucks!” John replied to Jaha.
Jaha may not have been the best chancellor on the Ark, but the least he could’ve done is being human. He threw Craig at the beast for bait, and now he expects us to follow his ass into the middle of nowhere? Hell no.
John was laying on the shore, holding his bleeding arm tight against him. I kept my gaze towards the flying thing in the sky. My gaze finally changed back to the poor teen laying by my side. I walked toward him, lowered myself to the ground and placed my hand on his, trying to get him to face me. As I did, he flinched at my touch. He looked at me as if he had never before; his blue eyes shone brighter than ever, his dry and dirty skin, plastered with blood.
I slowly took back his hand and took his arm. I looked into his eyes, making sure I didn’t give him more pain than he already was in. Watching him, being in pain, killed me. I know he; John Murphy wasn’t the kindest person on Earth, but he was still human.
John Murphy.
We met on the Ark, in class, like normal teenagers would. When we had chemistry class, he would always pass me notes. He would write me a cheesy chemistry related pick-up line like «Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you're CuTe». It was a habit of him to flirt with girls all the time, but I was never the one to judge him. I was the shy, private girl that you would hang out in the cafeteria, because you’d need my notes for class. John was the first one to see through that shy image.
Once, I had forgotten my homework in study group, and he was kind enough to give it to me. He knocked on my station door while I was practicing my self defense skills, I opened up the door, looking rough and sweaty, he looked at me with his stupid smirk on his face.
“What do you want?” Looking at him, out of breath.
“Someone’s looking hot.” As he gave me his signature smug and charming effect.
“Thanks, Murphy. Can I help you with something?” He looked at me up and down, as I placed two fingers under his chin, tilting it up.
“You forgot your homework in class, so I wanted to give it to you.” He handed it to me, achieving an honest smile from him.
“Thank you, it’s very kind of you.” I responded, returning him his smile.
“I’ll see you then, Y/N.” “Yeah, see ya.” As we finished our conversation, I closed the door behind me, hiding the blush from my cheeks.
I held onto the door for few seconds, smiling widely.
“How is he so cute?” I thought to myself.
His wincing caught me awake.
“Sorry.” I wrapped the piece of cloth tight around his forearm. I offered him my hand, helping him up on his feet.
As he took my hand, I placed his arm around my shoulder, helping him get enough support.
I snapped my head toward John, but he was looking at something else. I carefully looked where his eyes were and found what he might’ve been staring at. A solar panel? Again?
He walked closer to it and I followed, holding him. I bent down and brushed a few leaves from it. It was in fact an intact solar panel. Just like the ones we saw in the dead zone.
We were both confused but realised that crazy Jaha might’ve been right. As Emori told John; “Go North, follow the light”, she might have given us a major clue to this whole trip.
“Do you hear that?” John asked, walking slowly through the woods.
“Hear what?”
He gave me a sign to follow him where he heard the noise. The noise, that I now heard, became clearer; it sounded like music. On the Ark and especially not on the ground, we didn’t have music except for random rhythms tapped on buckets. We saw a metallic door with sounds of the muffled music. John looked at me, the door and tried to force it open.
“John, it’s not gonna work.” I murmured loud enough for him to hear.
To my surprise, the door opened.
“Ye of little faith, smartass.” He dramatically spat at me. My eyes rolled far enough to the back of my head as he walked through the door.
The place was dark, but as I observed, the lights smoothly turned on. We both looked at each other, wondering what the hell was going on. John leaded the way, walking down the dark stairs, that led into an underground bunker. The place was warm and clean. It looked just like I imagined when I was a kid.
John practically ran towards the food and opened packets of dried food. He threw one at me, laughing in relief. I did the same, turned around and saw a remote. I clicked on one of the buttons, that opened a video. The music stopped and a man appeared on the flat screen. John took a seat from behind. There was a man, who talked about an A.L.I.E person. After a few minutes, he shot himself. We both stopped breathing, and heard the door close.
“No, no” John ran up the stairs, banged on the doors a few times. “We’re stuck here.”
He got down, walked right by me, and started taking heavy things to take down the door.
“John, stop. You’re gonna hurt yourself. Stop!” I screamed at him from afar.
After a few minutes, he stopped. I watched him slide down on the wall. As much as he acted tough guy around everyone, I knew he got claustrophobic.
“I’m not letting you go into Skybox alone, okay?” I almost screamed at him, running away from the fire.
Both of us had reasons to hate Jaha; he had floated both of our parents for trying to save their kids. He deserved to feel the pain that we felt. We had both started a fire, in Jaha’s office, right before our curfew; some guard was somehow still awake and was now following us.
He tried to make me go away, so that he would take the blame, but I couldn’t. He was my friend and I’d be better in a cell; with the only family I have left. We turned and were now stuck into a dead end.
“Raise your hands, both of you.” We turned around and looked at the guard. We both got thrown in a cell.
We were in that cell for about a week, they didn’t open the door, just food and water. A day before the guards came, John had a panic attack. He started shaking, crying, and overthinking. After being locked up for so long, ideas started to pop up in his brain.
“John, you, okay?” I asked as he stood up, pacing nervously. He shook his head and tried to breathe.
“Huh, I really don’t like small spaces.” He responded, taking his head in his arms. I sat up, walking closer to him. I know you shouldn’t touch people when they’re having an attack, so I didn’t.
“Deep breaths, okay? Hey, look at me” He snapped his head. “In, and out. Good, one more. In, and out.” He took deep, but shaky breaths. “Do you want me to take your hand, or something?” I proposed him, softly. He nodded, slid down the wall. I reached down besides him and gently took his hand in mine.
The beginning of something more than a friendship.
“John, come down.” He stood up and walked back down the stairs. “We’re gonna get out of here.”
“And how do you know that, huh? How do you expect us to find a way out in this dead end?” He rolled at me, tears forming in his eyes. His breathing accelerated, taking his head in his hand. He kept mumbling a sentence; In, and out.
I used to help him breathe, on the Ark, whenever he was in shock. He sat besides me, keeping his eyes closed. I walked closer to him, crouching to his level. I slowly reached out for his hands, and took them in mine.
I was the only one who could touch him, and with that, he would be soft.
I looked into his furrowed expression, rubbing my thumb on his hand. “In, and out, John. It’ll be okay, we’re smart. You’re smart, so for now, let’s just be in the moment.” He raised his eyes, seeing the pain that has been bottling up for a while.
“Why do you like me?”
“Who says I like you?” I answered, seeing a glimpse of hope in his eyes.
“Come on, Y/N. I’m not that stupid. I’ve seen the way your cheeks blush whenever I’m near you. How you’re the only one who has ever believed in me, in my entire godamn life. I’ve also seen how the way you look at me; like I’m the most important person in your life.”
“John, after my parents got floated, I had no one. In class, I would study my ass off only to distract me of what was really happening. I was really close to giving up, but one day, you came up to me, and that was the first time that I didn’t want to give up on life. You gave me hope, John. And, you kept talking to me, like you knew I was in a bad state, thank you for that. And, yes. I do really like you, John. For all of the good that is in you.” I softly spoke to him, the words aching in my dry throat.
A tear escaped his eye, with a smile growing on his face. I wiped his tear, and placed my hand on his cheek. He leaned closer and placed a soft, yet passionate kiss on my lips. Even though we were covered in blood, dust, and sand; he still had his signature smell. He smelled like berries and warmth. He made me look at him, tilting his head down to reach mine.
“I’m glad you’re still here, love.” It makes me smile; I’ve never cracked an honest smile since we came down here. He placed a soft kiss on my nose.
“I like you too.”
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More Posts from Kazbrekkerscrutches
James "Bucky" Barnes - With Me
Warnings: Mention of trauma/nightmare/guilt, otherwise it's fluff. REAL FLUFF
Words: 1k

Ever since I was a child, I couldn't remember anything but the tragic events of my past.
My mother was taking me to this beautiful cabin in the forest. There were trees and flowers all around me. As though I felt free and safe, I knew I wasn’t. On my way out to the cabin in question, I heard a metallic, almost like a ringing sound coming from behind me.
My own mother was standing there, hold a machine-like device. It was shining, almost brighter than the sky. “Mum, what is this?” She looked at me, only to have me tear up to her gaze. “I’m sorry. I have to.”
She huffed out another word before pulling the trigger on it. My weight was launched by a man. He was dressed in a military uniform and another one was in the infamous Captain America costume. They were defeating her, until she popped one of her tooth, only to have bubbles coming out of her mouth.
“Mum.” I knew she had tried to kill me only a few minutes ago, but a part of me was left heartbroken.
She wasn’t breathing. Saints, no.
I shifted my weight to walk up to her, only to be stopped by the same pair of strong arms. “No, please. I just want t-t-to see he-er.” I looked up, only to see a beautiful man, whom had so precious blue eyes I could’ve swam in them.
He unhooked his arms and let me approach her. I hadn’t realised she was wearing a pin, containing the letters H.Y.D.R.A on it. A tear shot out of my eye, but I stood up, turning to face the males.
“Who are you?” I asked, still shaken from the previous moments.
“Steve Rogers.” The captain handed out his hand, only for me to shake it. I did, offering him a kind gesture even after what had happened.
“James Barnes.” He offered me his hand, but took mine only to take me further from my mother’s corpse.
“I’m Y/N Y/L/N, but I guess you already knew that.” He nodded sadly, only before an automobile came through the woods. I felt an arm drape over my shoulder, and as I turned my head, James was looking at me with a soft yet sad smile.
Steve and my former companion walked me towards the automobile, which led to go God knows where. His arm was still draped over my shaken body: I couldn’t stop seeing her say those words before attempting to shoot me. I closed my eyes, trying to see back the last thing she had said to me.
My attempt was interrupted by James taking my hand in his again. “What’s on your mind?” I hesitated, still surprised on how they seemed so fine about what had happened.
“I remembered that she said something before trying to kill me: Hail H.Y.D.R.A. Is that supposed to mean something?”
“They’re not the good guys. Trust me.”
My memories from my past were still haunting me at this day. Even half a century later, I still couldn’t get them out of my head.
Being a super soldier was such a burden: she tried to kill me for being a scientific project.
Steve was dead: I had lost my best friend who saved my ass more times than I couldn’t count.
But I still had James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes.
He was the one who kept me from my own sorrow.
I was sitting in my desk, peacefully thinking when I felt a hand on my shoulder. “You, okay?” James’ soft voice made me jump a bit. I turned on my chair, finding him wearing his casual black clothes.
“I’m fine.” I responded trying to stand up, but he crouched at my level, earning a look from my tired eyes. “I’ve known you since 1943, I know when you’re lying. What’s wrong?”
He took my hands in his, approaching his head towards mine. “I can’t stop thinking about them. My mum, my dad, my brother. A second ago, I was working on a design for my bow, and the next I was submerged by my past. And I know it was my fault, I-I-I…”
“Don’t say that. It was never your fault.” Tears that were bottling up during the day shot out of my eyes, dropping onto him. “What happened to them: it was all HYDRA’s fault, and they are going to pay for that.” I locked my eyes with him, finding the sincerity in them.
He placed his hands on the side of my face, passing his fingers slightly into my hair. He then pressed his lips to my forehead, drying my tears in his palms. I leaned into his touch, finding my home in him.
“They’re all dead, smartass.” As small chuckled left my mouth.
“That’s the smile I love.” He whispered, pulling me up with him. He scooped me in his arms, hugging me so tight. I inhaled his intoxicating smell, a mix of cinnamon and firewood. He brushed his calloused fingers along my back. His actions were soothing and calming, as was his presence.
“Come on. Let’s go to bed, it’s getting late.” I didn’t even realize it was nighttime until I saw the moon shining on us. He led me to our room, where we would spend most of our evenings in.
He handled me one of his shirts, as he knew I adored them so much. I slipped that on and got comfortable in the bed. He laid by me, pulling me into his embrace and whispering sweet nothings in my ears.
“You’re so beautiful. I never, ever want to spend a day without you by my side. I love you, darling.”
I lifted up my head just enough to catch his lips onto mine. They always felt so soothing and warm. It was the most peace I’d ever experience in my life.
“I love you too, dearest.” He pressed his lips against mine again, greeting them with passion once again.
I nuzzled myself into his chest, truly falling asleep in an instant.
John Murphy - Purple Sky
Warning: Pure fluff? Again, mostly inspired by the original script (6x01-Sanctum)
Words: 1.0k

“Looks like we found the water source.” Bellamy huffed out from behind. “Woah. Now, that's a view.” The suns, yes suns, we glowing up the sky with beautiful light.
The sky was filled with purple looking clouds, bright pink reflects in the water. It didn’t look like our previous planet; we could see the planet we were orbiting around from above. Everything was so beautiful; peaceful. “We camp here.”
“It looks like the suns are eclipsing.” Clarke remarked. We tilted our heads up, seeing the two bright lights uniting together.
“Murphy. Murphy, wait. We haven't tested it.” Jackson warned. I snapped my head as I heard John walking forward to the sea. He took off his gun from his shoulder, his sling along with it. I took a step forward, feeling a bolt of pain from watching him.
He said “yeah” a couple of times, completely ignoring Jackson.
“Your wounds haven't healed yet.” He took off his shirt, leaving it on the shore, before walking right into the water. He dipped right through the surface. After a few seconds, I had hoped he would come back to the surface; but he didn’t.
Oh god.
“John?” I raised my voice, stepping closer to the water.
Clarke felt the sudden urge of panic running through my veins. “Something’s wrong.” She called out to the others, still looking at the surface. Echo, Bellamy, Miller, Shaw, Jackson and Emori were all thinking in silence. I didn’t realize I had stopped breathing until John popped through the surface. I sigh came out of my mouth.
“Come on in. The water's fine.” He laughed, passing his hands in his damp hair. Emori and I let out a laugh, relieving the pressure from our minds.
“Who knew cockroaches could swim?” I happily replied to him. I dropped my heavy bag from my back, walking towards the shoreline.
“What, want me to teach you?” I never actually had learned how to swim; John had time to learn when he was tackled by a giant sea serpent with crazy Jaha.
He walked closer to me, taking my hands in his. “No. John, no.” He pulled me to the water, feeling the sudden cold but refreshing feeling of the water.
“Oh, you’re coming with me.” He grabbed my shoulders, closing the gap between us, getting my clothes wet. I looked up to the laughing boy; shook my head in amusement. Oh, you’re so on.
I pushed him down, landing right into the water. It splashed; damping my clothes all the way to my skin. He got up, shaking his hair into my face. I laughed, blocking my face from his 125 years old crusty hair.
“John! You are unbelievable, big trouble. Big trouble.” He took my waist and we both fell into the shallow water. I wiped the hair that got into my face, and took a deep breath. I was adoring everything.
Watching John enjoy this moment.
Seeing the others laugh to the cockroach’s actions.
Looking at the bright and clear sky.
Being alive, with my long-time lover.
I placed my hands around his shoulders, placing my hand higher in his hair, avoiding his neck.
Ever since he got strung up, I was the only one who could clean the wound but touching it was another thing. Once, I touched his neck, on accident, and he flinched, traumatized by Bellamy’s actions. I respected his boundaries and he respected mine.
He smiled widely, tilting his head back to deepen my hand in his hair. I chuckled loudly, placing my other hand on his cheek, touching his scars and healed cuts. He returned his gaze to look at me; the suns making his eyes lit up even more than usual.
“God. I love you, John.” We wouldn’t say those words in public, but it felt right in the moment. It felt just like him and I.
“And I love you even more, Y/N.” I sweetly closed the gap between us, meeting his lips for the first time in a hundred years. His lips tasted the same as I remembered; sweet berries and warmth. He deepened the kiss, tightening his hold on my waist, feeling his bony hands on my damp skin. I really had missed this.
“Isn’t she your sister, Echo?” Shaw questioned from afar.
“Can you blame her? We’ve all been sleeping for 125 years.” She replied, holding on to Bellamy.
“You know we can hear you right?” John responded to them, leaning his head by mine.
“Get over here, we need to set camp.” Clarke answered sharply, turning around.
I looked back to my lover, placing an army hand on my forehead, and waved it forward. He snorted, giving me another passionate kiss before walking back to the shore.
John got his pack, walked forward to the woods. “Forgetting something?” I held up his shirt in my hands. He walked back, almost taking it as I launched it behind my back.
“What are you, twelve?” I laughed, wrapping my arm around his torso. He held on to my waist, giving me a deep kiss, and taking his shirt back from my hand. “Thank you.” He said, almost in a singing voice.
“Come on.” I helped him put his shirt and his sling back up.
“Lead the way, my love.”
We both headed off to the woods, taking chopped wood and twig to create a fire.
The light went out and we both watched it. I was laying in between his legs, my back pressed his chest, he laced his arm with mine and kept his face close to mine.
The most peaceful night in a long time.
Kaz Brekker - The Night of Sorrow [Part 2]
Part 1
Warnings: Mention of slavery, mention of Haphephobia (Fear of being touched or touching others), mention of the menagerie, gunpoint(slightly)
A/N: Hello! So Part 1 kind of blew up, and I decided to make a part 2! Here it is, I was in online school today so I had plenty of time to write. I deeply hope that you'll enjoy and let me know if you want a part 3! Thank you so much for the support and enjoy!
Words: 1.6k
![Kaz Brekker - The Night Of Sorrow [Part 2]](
[Y/N's POV]
“Y/N? Are you still in Ketterdam?” Jesper snapped me out of my thoughts. I had just spotted a letter from the Menagerie. Tante Heleen wouldn’t normally call me at this hour, but I couldn’t back down now.
“Yeah, Jesper. May I take that?” I pointed to his shot of whatever was in there. He didn’t have time to nod his head, before I chugged it down my throat. The liquid will surely help throughout the night. I started walking out of the club, until I heard the sarcastic voice of Jesper calling me.
“Off to the Menagerie? Want company?” “No thanks, Jes.” I offered a wink from the side, pulling my hood up.
[Kaz’s POV]
Jesper was sitting at the bar alone, just after Pekka Rollins had broke into my chamber. I walked down to the main floor, without my cane for support, but I saw Y/N walking out of my club. She looked scared.
“You all right, boss?” I sighted, stealing Jesper’s presuming shot. “No, but it can wait.” I looked up to him, catching his worried eye.
“The Menagerie?” I asked him, taking a look behind my back. He nodded. “I’ve been warned off the job.”
“By whom?” “Who do you think.” I turned around to face my building.
“Did he remember you?” Jesper asked incorrigibly.
“If he had, I’d be dead.” Unlike Jordie. Stop that. I told to myself. “Sunrise is in five hours. We’ll need something good.”
“Yeah, but we’re off the job now, right?” No, Jesper. A million Kruge means more to me that your gambling addiction.
“Never make decisions out of fear, Jesper. Only out of spite.” I responded to him; more politely might I add.
“Well, greed always worked for me.” It sure did Jesper.
“Go guard the door.” Jesper might mean more to me than I’ll ever admit, but he makes me think of Y/N.
My Y/N.
I’ve never been like this before. I’ve never felt anything else than emptiness and grief. This feeling, ever since I lost him, it was incorrigible. Until I met her.
She made my heart, or else the rest of it, feel alive. She was a part of me and if I lost her, I surely would surrender myself to the True Sea, her favorite place.
Jesper walked out of my sight, letting me deal with the bargains for the night. Even though I had higher priorities tonight, I couldn’t help to think of her.
[Y/N’s POV]
I had just walked into the Menagerie. As though I liked to go there for the other poor girls, I wasn’t with them anymore, not in my heart, nor in my head. The only crew I had were the Wraith, the Sharpshooter, and the Bastard of the Barrel.
As I walked into the office of dear Tante Heleen, she greeted me with her usual lever of greediness. “There you are.”
She walked up from her desk and made me drop my weapons. One knife in my boot, two knives in the back, four daggers in the back armour, two lockpickers behind the ears, and one poison ring.
She still looked at me with her signature look.
I dropped my last knife that hid under my hood, offering her a deadly look. “Come, come sit.” I walked up to her office which was filled with tons of unfulfilled papers. “I have a job for you.”
I stopped fiddling with my fingers and looked up to the woman. “I work for Kaz Brekker now.”
“That’s not entirely true. Mr. Brekker still owes five more installments on you.”
“I am not an animal you can trade around whenever you need me, Heleen.” I responded to her sharply, hoping that she would take the hint to find someone else.
“I don’t think that for a second, little fox.” She chuckled. I still wish I had that knife.
I took a deep breath, before I’d explode. “Regardless, I’m on a job.” She nodded.
“I’ve a more important question for you. Do you want to go with him?” I didn’t answer yet, because there is always something else.
“Because you know you can’t leave town without my permission, so… If you want to leave, you must be paid in full.”
“Kaz doesn’t have that, besides I am not your propriety. I never was, and I never will be. I’ll go wherever I desire.”
“Oh, but you are, I bought you from that, what should I call him, your owner?” I stood up, one of her man placed a gun up to my temple. “Here’s the man I need you to kill. Do it, and you will be free.”
The man lowered his gun and let me take the card, which had the address of the person written carefully on it.
I took back my weapons and took off to the place in question. Dear Saints, forgive me please.
I walked off and disappeared in the shadows.
[Kaz’s POV]
I had just seen Poppy, the still upset stealer. Tante Heleen had probably already given the job to Y/N, probably to make her kill the Conductor. I urged myself to reach the place, praying on whoever out there to not make her kill him. As I walked up the stairs, I found her standing on top of the man, knife by the throat.
She wasn’t doing the talking; she was shaking and in clear deny with herself. “How old were you when you were taken? Who are you looking for? Your parents? A sibling?” He stopped talking, as she placed the knife deeper down his throat. “A sister?”
No. A-
“Brother.” We had both thought the same thing. I know how she deeply missed her brother. She could spend days praying to her Saints to give her mercy, concerning her brother.
“He was 12 and I was 15 when four men took us from my parents’ wagon, separated us. I came to Ketterdam on a labor merchant ship. I don’t know where he went.” Her eyes were glistening with tears. “Tell me what I can do to help.” He begged.
“One had a silver tooth. Went by the name of Gregor or Griggs, I can’t remember exactly.”
“I don’t run in those circles, really. You’re likely after longshoremen or stevedores who take side money from people like Heleen.” He was covered in blood, still begging her for mercy.
She hesitated. “If you can’t give me a lead, you can at least give me my freedom.” She pulled up her knife almost cutting his throat, before the man spoke. I approached a step before it was too late, but…
“Sankta Lizabeta.” She looked stunned by the Ravkan language. “You follow the faith too. Please. What amount of prayer can forgive murder?” He pleaded.
“Ask the Saints for me.” She pulled up her knife, ready to execute him before I stepped in.
“Don’t.” She threw the knife, only an inch from my face. I lifted my hand that wasn’t holding my supporting stick, to show her I didn’t mean no harm. “He’s our way to Alina Starkov.”
“Him?” I nodded slowly.
“Heleen knew it. She was using you to sabotage our mission.”
“She and I made a deal.” She insisted.
“It isn’t worth more than what we get with him alive.” I walked closer to her, trying to convince her.
“You chose him over my freedom?”
“You assure it’s one or the other.” I waited for her to pull out the knife from his neck. I could the see the hesitation in her action. But I do know that she knew it was better to spare him.
She left him a small, but not deep cut on in neck and walked away. I sighed, thanking the whoever I prayed for. She backed up almost touching my chest.
“Conductor. I have a job for you.”
Y/N sighed nervously.
“Get us to the little palace.” The Conductor nodded as Y/N untied him. Jesper came through the door, taking the man to the refreshment room.
It was just us, now.
“Y/N. I thought I had told you I would handle this.” I approached her, taking a deep breath before wiping her tears off of her face. “I didn’t believe you.” She turned around, to her embarrassment, and responded shyly, cleaning her knife with a cloth.
“Do you believe me know?” She turned to face me again.
“Yes.” She sniffed, also calming herself down.
“Good. Now, let’s make it through the Fold.” I offered her a small comforting smile, which she offered me back. We both waited for Jesper to come out of the gentleman's restroom, accompanying him.
“Are we good to go, Jesper?” I asked, clinking my stick on the floor. They both got out and nodded in agreement.
They both walked through the front door as I looked at her.
“Shall we?” She walked in front of me, following the crow.
I turned around to reach the door, at least the rest of it. The man will need a new door. I thought, shutting it behind me, and following her to a sea of destinies.
Anakin Skywalker - Older
Warnings: Death, Mention of the Dark Side [haha]
Words: 2,1k

[10 years earlier]
“FATHER!” My throat was raw as the piercing scream came out of my throat. Obi-Wan was stuck in two different pulsing electrons as we watched my father die. Tears of anger and revenge shot on my face.
As the pulsing electrons disappeared in front of me, my lightsaber shot up, the green color filing up the space around me. My legs were running before I knew it, while taking the first step to attacking the Sith. My fellow Jedi walked behind me, now attacking the Sith by two. Slashing sounds were all that could be heard through the grunts and the lightsabers hitting themselves.
My mind was racked with wrong ideas, ideas that weren’t the Jedi way, but now my father was the one to pay. Our enemy made me trip over the melting pit, but I cached a nozzle on the side before perishing into the whole. My lightsaber, that my father had helped me do it, fell into it. It was probably the only thing that I had that reminded me of him.
Obi-Wan needed to fight the Sith, but I knew that our opposant was stronger. I looked all around me to see what I could use to defend myself, as I saw my father’s lightsaber lying by him.
I’ve always been good with the Force, but when it comes to situations like these, I can barely function with the pressure. I focused my mind to help myself raise from the pit and to take my father’s belonging. I felt a boost of adrenaline run through my veins, making me lift up from the ground and catch my father’s lightsaber through the thin air.
I approached the both of them and attacked the Sith ruthlessly, slashing his body in half, and seeing him fall into the pit. I immediately rush to my father’s side, taking his hand in mine as Obi-Wan placed his head on his lap.
“Master.” Obi-Wan’s voice was filled with sadness and helplessness. Tears ran on his delicate face, making me tear up.
“It is too late...It's...” My father’s voice rang through my ears, making me regret not spending enough time with him.
“No, Father. Please don’t go.” My father looked down at me, holding his hand to my cheek, as I held his on my face, feeling his warmth for the last time.
“Y/N, my… beautiful daughter, Obi-Wan, promise me you’ll… both train…the boy.” He whispered loud enough for us to hear. I nodded my head against his hand.
“Yes, Master.” Obi-Wan ran his fingers on his face, admiring the only father figure he had.
“He is the chosen one...he will...bring balance...train him! Y/N… I love… you…” His hand fell from my cheek, falling on the ground. My heart was broken and a powerful heartbreak was unleashed inside of me.
“Father, NO. Please wake up, I-I-I need you.” My head fell on his chest as I felt Obi-Wan taking me away from his body.
“No, Obi-Wan, No.” I sobbed while he took me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m so sorry...” He whispered in my ear, brushing his hand by my neck, making me look up to him.
“I know it-t-t hurts, but we need to leave, now.” I nodded against my own will, but our Jedi duties were needed. I took my father’s precious lightsaber in mine and pressed a kiss on his forehead. “I will always love you, father.” I stood up and Obi-Wan led me towards the real battle.
[10 years later]
“Master Y/N?” A soft voice made me snap out of my thoughts. I had heard news that two Jedi knights were coming to help protect Senator Amidala. It made me relive some odd memories about my father, and my journey along the path of light.
“Yes?” My padawan came through the doorway of my chamber. He was one of the younger children I had helped in my journey. Most of my padawan were children who were orphans and didn’t know how to control their gift.
“The Jedi Knights are arriving.” He softly spoke to me. I smiled in approval. “Thank you, dear one. You may have the day to yourself, enjoy it!” He ran through the doorway, going to join his friends in the junior training center.
I really loved to work with the children, especially with the younger ones. It reminded me of my pleasant childhood on Coruscant. I walked towards the elevator, ready to welcome the two Jedi Knights. I didn’t know who were coming, but I felt a great force coming from the two of them.
I heard the doors open and turned around. I immediately recognize their faces.
Obi-Wan and… Anakin? Perhaps.
“Y/N!” He almost ran up to me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and holding me tight against him. We trained most of the time together, and eventually became best friends.
“It’s great seeing you after all this time, Obi-Wan.” I gave him a squeeze around his back as he let go of our embrace, taking a good look at the woman I became. I looked at the teenager behind him and I could recognize those blue eyes anywhere.
“Anakin? God, you’ve grown.” A smile grew on his face, I walked closer to him, smiling back at him, and embracing him into my arms. He wrapped his arms around my middle and landed his head in the crook of my neck.
His smell was always one of the things I always loved about him; he would always smell like sunshine and warm vanilla. I had no idea how much I had missed him until now. He mumbled something against my neck, making me shiver in his embrace. “I have missed you, Y/N.” His voice was much deeper and more mature, making me remind me of our last meeting ten years ago.
“I missed you too, Anakin.” I whispered by his neck, making me press my hand towards his hair, feeling his brownish hair in my fingers. We separated and just looked at each other for a few seconds.
I normally wouldn’t feel like this, but he made my heart flutter for the first time. After my father’s death, my heart couldn’t be repaired or fixed by anyone. His death had created a void in my soul, which made me loose some of my powers for a while.
Jar-Jar made his way towards the protectors and led them towards the Senator. Anakin turned his figure and smiled at me, offering me a small wink.
I smiled back and made my way towards the training center, which was below the conference floor. I had lived in Coruscant for a long time now, and it was and always will be my home.
[Time Skip]
I was training in the center with some electronics. I still had, even 10 years after, his lightsaber. I always had ease with the green lightsaber, as it offered me balance in my very core. Yes, I had my father who guided me before, but he appeared to me a few times. His Force was given to me after his perish, and I knew he would always be with me.
I used a blindfold to cover my eyes, seeing through it with my Force, my lightsaber was ignited and I took a deep breath before concentrating myself.
The electronic shot. Blocked it. It shot again, blocked it again. This sequence was repeated a long time before I took of my blindfold and decided to meditate.
As I removed it, I say Anakin standing in the doorway, eavesdropping. I closed my saber and walked closer to my training equipment.
“Hi there, pretty boy. Want to come in?” He nodded, smirking slightly. I opened the window that was facing towards the city, directly pointing at the sunset. We both walked towards the opening.
“How have you been, Y/N?” I took a deep breath and looked up at him, leaning against the railing.
“It’s been a hard couple of years, but otherwise I’ve been great, Anakin. I finished my padawan training and I’ve been on the council for about five years now. To be honest, I’ve never thought that I would be on the council someday.”
I chuckled to myself, hearing the words of my father that he used to tell me when I was younger; “When you’ll get older, I promise you that you will have a seat by my side, on the council.” This promise could’ve been fulfilled if things were different.
“And you? I imagine a lot has happened since I’ve met you on Tatooine.” He smiled and leaned too against the railing.
“Well, I’ve had loads of training sessions with Master Obi-Wan, but I do believe I would be ready for the trials.” He turned his head to me, running his hand through his hair. “I know that I should’ve started training when I was younger, but I feel it in my soul. I really do.”
“I get that Anakin, and I’m a master now, which can be helpful if you would want me to talk to the council, or even just to get you to do the trials without anyone, but me, knowing.” His feature stood up straight, as did mine.
His nose arrived at the top of my head, as I looked up to his complexion. “You wou…could do that?” I nodded as he wrapped his arms around my middle, spinning me in the air with him. A laugh came out of my throat for the first time in years.
As he put me down, still holding on to me, I wrapped my arms behind his neck, slightly running my fingertips in his soft hair. Anakin lifted his head, still looking in my Y/E/C eyes. His deep blue eyes and features were glowing against the dim daylight. They both looked down to my lips, lowering his head to meet mine.
Our lips collided together, making me stand up on my feet to reach his level. His hands travelled lower to my waist, pulling me closer into his warm embrace. His soft palm travelled all the way to the back of my head, making a chill run up down my spine.
My lips against his felt, like fire on ice. Soothing and loving in both ways. He was delicate and soft with me, just like he always was. My Anakin.
Even though I knew that “love” was forbidden in our sacred code, he and I had a different way of thinking. I had heard one of his conversation with the senator the other day, and somehow I couldn’t get it out of my head: “Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is central to a Jedi's life.”
I always thought this way, because I knew that my father had a woman in his life, maybe he didn’t love her but he made sure that I knew that he loved me.
We both parted, as a smile grew on my face. “I’ve been wanting to do that ever since I turned ten.”
“You waited that long, huh?” A small laugh came out of his mouth.
“Yes, Master Jinn.” I kissed him again, this time his hands making their way through my hair, finding a small braid on the back of my Y/H/L Y/H/C hair.
He placed a small kiss on my nose before taking the braid in his fingers. “Is that…”
“My padawan braid, yes. I kept it, because it reminded me of you and, my father. He was the one to place the bands on it, when I was Master Windu's padawan.”
“I can never remember what the bands are supposed to mean.” His softness made me laugh.
“Well, the yellow and the red at the bottom are the ones I had when I was thirteen and sixteen, and then the white and green ones mean that I am a counselor and also a healer. Mostly healer, but I do have great skills from my previous master.”
“Oh, I do not doubt that.” I nudged him in his rib, making him chuckled a little. We both didn’t realise that the sun had gone out, when I looked to my right, seeing the stars appear.
“I believe your duties are calling, Anakin.” He nodded and gave me a last kiss, before running toward his master, a few floors higher.
“Y/N!” I turned to Anakin, seeing him stand on the doorway. “How about we train together tomorrow?” I smiled and gladly accepted. He turned around, practically jumping towards the elevator which made me smile even brighter than I was before.
Link to my Instagram: rosexdenis
Created: 25/05/21
Updated: 21/07/24
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