18 - shewelcome to my delulu space

46 posts

John Murphy - Runaway

John Murphy - Runaway

Warnings: Mention of blood, crazy!Jaha, panic attacks, claustrophobia, injuries, slight mention of depress!on and su!c!cal intentions

Words: 1.7k

John Murphy - Runaway

“Tell me, which type of crazy isn’t enough for you?” I screamed at the delusional Jaha.

“Your promised land sucks!” John replied to Jaha.

Jaha may not have been the best chancellor on the Ark, but the least he could’ve done is being human. He threw Craig at the beast for bait, and now he expects us to follow his ass into the middle of nowhere? Hell no.

John was laying on the shore, holding his bleeding arm tight against him. I kept my gaze towards the flying thing in the sky. My gaze finally changed back to the poor teen laying by my side. I walked toward him, lowered myself to the ground and placed my hand on his, trying to get him to face me. As I did, he flinched at my touch. He looked at me as if he had never before; his blue eyes shone brighter than ever, his dry and dirty skin, plastered with blood.

I slowly took back his hand and took his arm. I looked into his eyes, making sure I didn’t give him more pain than he already was in. Watching him, being in pain, killed me. I know he; John Murphy wasn’t the kindest person on Earth, but he was still human.


John Murphy.

We met on the Ark, in class, like normal teenagers would. When we had chemistry class, he would always pass me notes. He would write me a cheesy chemistry related pick-up line like «Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you're CuTe». It was a habit of him to flirt with girls all the time, but I was never the one to judge him. I was the shy, private girl that you would hang out in the cafeteria, because you’d need my notes for class. John was the first one to see through that shy image.

Once, I had forgotten my homework in study group, and he was kind enough to give it to me. He knocked on my station door while I was practicing my self defense skills, I opened up the door, looking rough and sweaty, he looked at me with his stupid smirk on his face.

“What do you want?” Looking at him, out of breath.

“Someone’s looking hot.” As he gave me his signature smug and charming effect.

“Thanks, Murphy. Can I help you with something?” He looked at me up and down, as I placed two fingers under his chin, tilting it up.

“You forgot your homework in class, so I wanted to give it to you.” He handed it to me, achieving an honest smile from him.

“Thank you, it’s very kind of you.” I responded, returning him his smile.

“I’ll see you then, Y/N.” “Yeah, see ya.” As we finished our conversation, I closed the door behind me, hiding the blush from my cheeks.

I held onto the door for few seconds, smiling widely.

“How is he so cute?” I thought to myself.

His wincing caught me awake.

“Sorry.” I wrapped the piece of cloth tight around his forearm. I offered him my hand, helping him up on his feet.

As he took my hand, I placed his arm around my shoulder, helping him get enough support.

I snapped my head toward John, but he was looking at something else. I carefully looked where his eyes were and found what he might’ve been staring at. A solar panel? Again?

He walked closer to it and I followed, holding him. I bent down and brushed a few leaves from it. It was in fact an intact solar panel. Just like the ones we saw in the dead zone.

We were both confused but realised that crazy Jaha might’ve been right. As Emori told John; “Go North, follow the light”, she might have given us a major clue to this whole trip.

“Do you hear that?” John asked, walking slowly through the woods.

“Hear what?”

He gave me a sign to follow him where he heard the noise. The noise, that I now heard, became clearer; it sounded like music. On the Ark and especially not on the ground, we didn’t have music except for random rhythms tapped on buckets. We saw a metallic door with sounds of the muffled music. John looked at me, the door and tried to force it open.

“John, it’s not gonna work.” I murmured loud enough for him to hear.

To my surprise, the door opened.

“Ye of little faith, smartass.” He dramatically spat at me. My eyes rolled far enough to the back of my head as he walked through the door.

The place was dark, but as I observed, the lights smoothly turned on. We both looked at each other, wondering what the hell was going on. John leaded the way, walking down the dark stairs, that led into an underground bunker. The place was warm and clean. It looked just like I imagined when I was a kid.

John practically ran towards the food and opened packets of dried food. He threw one at me, laughing in relief. I did the same, turned around and saw a remote. I clicked on one of the buttons, that opened a video. The music stopped and a man appeared on the flat screen. John took a seat from behind. There was a man, who talked about an A.L.I.E person. After a few minutes, he shot himself. We both stopped breathing, and heard the door close.

“No, no” John ran up the stairs, banged on the doors a few times. “We’re stuck here.”

He got down, walked right by me, and started taking heavy things to take down the door.

“John, stop. You’re gonna hurt yourself. Stop!” I screamed at him from afar.

After a few minutes, he stopped. I watched him slide down on the wall. As much as he acted tough guy around everyone, I knew he got claustrophobic.


“I’m not letting you go into Skybox alone, okay?” I almost screamed at him, running away from the fire.

Both of us had reasons to hate Jaha; he had floated both of our parents for trying to save their kids. He deserved to feel the pain that we felt. We had both started a fire, in Jaha’s office, right before our curfew; some guard was somehow still awake and was now following us.

He tried to make me go away, so that he would take the blame, but I couldn’t. He was my friend and I’d be better in a cell; with the only family I have left. We turned and were now stuck into a dead end.

“Raise your hands, both of you.” We turned around and looked at the guard. We both got thrown in a cell.

We were in that cell for about a week, they didn’t open the door, just food and water. A day before the guards came, John had a panic attack. He started shaking, crying, and overthinking. After being locked up for so long, ideas started to pop up in his brain.

“John, you, okay?” I asked as he stood up, pacing nervously. He shook his head and tried to breathe.

“Huh, I really don’t like small spaces.” He responded, taking his head in his arms. I sat up, walking closer to him. I know you shouldn’t touch people when they’re having an attack, so I didn’t.

“Deep breaths, okay? Hey, look at me” He snapped his head. “In, and out. Good, one more. In, and out.” He took deep, but shaky breaths. “Do you want me to take your hand, or something?” I proposed him, softly. He nodded, slid down the wall. I reached down besides him and gently took his hand in mine.

The beginning of something more than a friendship.

“John, come down.” He stood up and walked back down the stairs. “We’re gonna get out of here.”

“And how do you know that, huh? How do you expect us to find a way out in this dead end?” He rolled at me, tears forming in his eyes. His breathing accelerated, taking his head in his hand. He kept mumbling a sentence; In, and out.

I used to help him breathe, on the Ark, whenever he was in shock. He sat besides me, keeping his eyes closed. I walked closer to him, crouching to his level. I slowly reached out for his hands, and took them in mine.

I was the only one who could touch him, and with that, he would be soft.

I looked into his furrowed expression, rubbing my thumb on his hand. “In, and out, John. It’ll be okay, we’re smart. You’re smart, so for now, let’s just be in the moment.” He raised his eyes, seeing the pain that has been bottling up for a while.

“Why do you like me?”

“Who says I like you?” I answered, seeing a glimpse of hope in his eyes.

“Come on, Y/N. I’m not that stupid. I’ve seen the way your cheeks blush whenever I’m near you. How you’re the only one who has ever believed in me, in my entire godamn life. I’ve also seen how the way you look at me; like I’m the most important person in your life.”

“John, after my parents got floated, I had no one. In class, I would study my ass off only to distract me of what was really happening. I was really close to giving up, but one day, you came up to me, and that was the first time that I didn’t want to give up on life. You gave me hope, John. And, you kept talking to me, like you knew I was in a bad state, thank you for that. And, yes. I do really like you, John. For all of the good that is in you.” I softly spoke to him, the words aching in my dry throat.

A tear escaped his eye, with a smile growing on his face. I wiped his tear, and placed my hand on his cheek. He leaned closer and placed a soft, yet passionate kiss on my lips. Even though we were covered in blood, dust, and sand; he still had his signature smell. He smelled like berries and warmth. He made me look at him, tilting his head down to reach mine.

“I’m glad you’re still here, love.” It makes me smile; I’ve never cracked an honest smile since we came down here. He placed a soft kiss on my nose.

“I like you too.”

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More Posts from Kazbrekkerscrutches

3 years ago

Hello people!

This week and the ones to follow, I will be at school everyday so I'll update more slowly. Feel free to send me some request, if you would like to.

Have a great week,

love you all.


Hello People!
3 years ago

Tobias Eaton/Four - I'm Not Going Anywhere

Warnings: Mention of fighting, blood, injury-ish, nightmare/PTSD awakening, trauma(obviously), Caleb (his name is traumatising)

Words: 1k

A/N: Main character takes Tris’ place and Four takes care of the reader after the fight. SHE/HER PRONOUNS

Also hello, I haven't written in a while, I've been busy working just busy in general. I'll try to upload more often.

Tobias Eaton/Four - I'm Not Going Anywhere

[Y/N’s POV]

I had just got back from Erudite: after a tough evening in the tower. Caleb wasn’t very interested in helping me: which proves that faction is after all before blood. The only thing that ran through my mind in that moment was the urge to yell at him: even punch him to make his realise that we’re still family, but he does not seem to care.

The silence was loud in the staircase: buzzing through my ears as I walked down to my current faction. MY steps became loud in the narrow hallway. I stopped my track for a second, thinking someone was following me. It was probably late: I was surely imagining things.

My steps led me to the center of the underground passages before someone put their hand on my mouth. Two other pairs of arms lifted me through the air: crushing the nerves in my limbs by their strength. As my boy tried to free itself from their hold, my punches were a success after a few seconds of kicking and struggling to get out. I used all of my strength to prevent myself to fall off the edge. My hand had reached one of the guys that were ripping my own skin off of my body right now.


His face was the one to make me crack. One of the guys had punched me in the head, almost making me fall off the edge as I gained a boost of aggression to push them off of me. They almost fell off the cliff, which gave me enough time to think this through.

Why would he do this to me?

He’s my friend, is he?

What do they want from me?

Why are they trying to kill me?

Some many questions were running through my head. Two fists were placed in front of my self, waiting for them to come to me. Another one of the boys shot his fist in my face, causing me to fall down of dizziness. Blood was running down my face, especially nose causing it to throb in pain.

I couldn’t fight anymore.

But Dauntless don’t give up, at least they try to.

As if time stopped, I saw the glimpse of Al’s fist coming up only to be stopped another man stepping in. My vision was too blurry to figure out who it was. I could only see bits of action. The three abductors were down and I felt a pair of strong arms lifting me up.

“Are you alright? Can you stand up?” I could barely get words out of my mouth. The only thing that could get out a whisper, filled with pain.


He lifted me in his arms, carrying me out their reach as I felt my soul get out of my body. Then, all was black.

[Four’s POV]

She must have lost consciousness. I carried he back to my room, gently setting her on my bed. Her clothes were ripped from the dicks that went on her.

Right now, the only thing that mattered was her.


Only her.

I’ll deal with them in the morning.

I carefully slipped one of my sweater on top of her body, looking for any other wounds than her face on her.

She was all bruised and bloody. A broken nose including a head trauma. They’ll pay for that.

I took a bowl a clean water and carefully wiped blood from her knuckles, lips and even the trauma on her head.

I set a chair by my bed, not wanting to let her go of my sight.

She looked so vulnerable, I wanted to make her mine: make her safe and keep her close to me at all times.

[Some time later]

I woke up from my watch; it was still night.

She was still lying in the position, breathing deeply but shakily as well. I stood up, feeling her pulse on her soft wrist only for a few seconds. I didn’t know why her pulse was so high. She was sleeping; at least I thought so.

Her head suddenly snapped from one side to another on the pillow. Her arms lifted themselves on the top of her face; as if she was protecting herself poorly. She was whimpering; almost sobbing of pain. A few words could only come out of her mouth

“Stop, please.” I lowered myself to the level of the bed.

I tried placing my hand on her shoulder only to find her jumping awake. My own body moved as fast as hers to sit by the edge of the bed.

“You’re okay. Y/N, you’re safe” She looked lost until her eyes met mine and tears shed out of her eyes. I softly placed my hand on her cheek, carefully wiping her tears with my thumb. She was shaking.

It took all of my self control to not take her in my arms, but it wasn’t enough. I pulled her softly into my embrace, she squeezed me tight against her.

[Y/N’s POV]

Four pressed me against him, God I was so scared. I couldn’t breathe. They were all over me again, hitting me but this time I couldn’t do anything about it. Al, Chris even Will was there. They were all laughing and kicking me as if I were their punching bag.

But he was there now. Keeping me safe from them. “Thank you.” A soft whisper left my mouth, still holding on to him.

He softly took the back of my neck forcing me to face him. “Y/N, I will never, ever let them get close to you ever again. I promise you that. You will never see them again.”

“If they even think about approaching you, I will kick them over the bridge myself.”

A soft smile appeared on my face.

He softly kissed my forehead, holding me back against him.

My head suddenly felt like a tornado and he noticed as fast as I did. “Come on, lie down.”

He looked down sweetly at me.

“You probably got a concussion. Get some rest, love.”

I catched his hand before he got back in his chair. He stared down at me with his soft expression gleaming.

“Please don’t go”

He smiled sweetly.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

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3 years ago

Extra bonus:

Extra Bonus:
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Anakin Skywalker: Absolutely Gorgeous
Anakin Skywalker: Absolutely Gorgeous
Anakin Skywalker: Absolutely Gorgeous
Anakin Skywalker: Absolutely Gorgeous
Anakin Skywalker: Absolutely Gorgeous
Anakin Skywalker: Absolutely Gorgeous
Anakin Skywalker: Absolutely Gorgeous
Anakin Skywalker: Absolutely Gorgeous
Anakin Skywalker: Absolutely Gorgeous

Anakin Skywalker: absolutely gorgeous


3 years ago

Reblog if you’re bisexual, support bisexual people or are actually a bunch of tiny velociraptors in a human suit

3 years ago

me, too.

Me Every Time I Write

Me every time I write