18 - shewelcome to my delulu space

46 posts

Me, Too.

me, too.

Me Every Time I Write

Me every time I write

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More Posts from Kazbrekkerscrutches

3 years ago

Kaz Brekker - The Night of Sorrow [Part 2]

Part 1

Warnings: Mention of slavery, mention of Haphephobia (Fear of being touched or touching others), mention of the menagerie, gunpoint(slightly)

A/N: Hello! So Part 1 kind of blew up, and I decided to make a part 2! Here it is, I was in online school today so I had plenty of time to write. I deeply hope that you'll enjoy and let me know if you want a part 3! Thank you so much for the support and enjoy!

Words: 1.6k

Kaz Brekker - The Night Of Sorrow [Part 2]

[Y/N's POV]

“Y/N? Are you still in Ketterdam?” Jesper snapped me out of my thoughts. I had just spotted a letter from the Menagerie. Tante Heleen wouldn’t normally call me at this hour, but I couldn’t back down now.

“Yeah, Jesper. May I take that?” I pointed to his shot of whatever was in there. He didn’t have time to nod his head, before I chugged it down my throat. The liquid will surely help throughout the night. I started walking out of the club, until I heard the sarcastic voice of Jesper calling me.

“Off to the Menagerie? Want company?” “No thanks, Jes.” I offered a wink from the side, pulling my hood up.

[Kaz’s POV]

Jesper was sitting at the bar alone, just after Pekka Rollins had broke into my chamber. I walked down to the main floor, without my cane for support, but I saw Y/N walking out of my club. She looked scared.

“You all right, boss?” I sighted, stealing Jesper’s presuming shot. “No, but it can wait.” I looked up to him, catching his worried eye.

“The Menagerie?” I asked him, taking a look behind my back. He nodded. “I’ve been warned off the job.”

“By whom?” “Who do you think.” I turned around to face my building.

“Did he remember you?” Jesper asked incorrigibly.

“If he had, I’d be dead.” Unlike Jordie. Stop that. I told to myself. “Sunrise is in five hours. We’ll need something good.”

“Yeah, but we’re off the job now, right?” No, Jesper. A million Kruge means more to me that your gambling addiction.

“Never make decisions out of fear, Jesper. Only out of spite.” I responded to him; more politely might I add.

“Well, greed always worked for me.” It sure did Jesper.

“Go guard the door.” Jesper might mean more to me than I’ll ever admit, but he makes me think of Y/N.

My Y/N.

I’ve never been like this before. I’ve never felt anything else than emptiness and grief. This feeling, ever since I lost him, it was incorrigible. Until I met her.

She made my heart, or else the rest of it, feel alive. She was a part of me and if I lost her, I surely would surrender myself to the True Sea, her favorite place.

Jesper walked out of my sight, letting me deal with the bargains for the night. Even though I had higher priorities tonight, I couldn’t help to think of her.

[Y/N’s POV]

I had just walked into the Menagerie. As though I liked to go there for the other poor girls, I wasn’t with them anymore, not in my heart, nor in my head. The only crew I had were the Wraith, the Sharpshooter, and the Bastard of the Barrel.

As I walked into the office of dear Tante Heleen, she greeted me with her usual lever of greediness. “There you are.”

She walked up from her desk and made me drop my weapons. One knife in my boot, two knives in the back, four daggers in the back armour, two lockpickers behind the ears, and one poison ring.

She still looked at me with her signature look.


I dropped my last knife that hid under my hood, offering her a deadly look. “Come, come sit.” I walked up to her office which was filled with tons of unfulfilled papers. “I have a job for you.”

I stopped fiddling with my fingers and looked up to the woman. “I work for Kaz Brekker now.”

“That’s not entirely true. Mr. Brekker still owes five more installments on you.”

“I am not an animal you can trade around whenever you need me, Heleen.” I responded to her sharply, hoping that she would take the hint to find someone else.

“I don’t think that for a second, little fox.” She chuckled. I still wish I had that knife.

I took a deep breath, before I’d explode. “Regardless, I’m on a job.” She nodded.

“I’ve a more important question for you. Do you want to go with him?” I didn’t answer yet, because there is always something else.

“Because you know you can’t leave town without my permission, so… If you want to leave, you must be paid in full.”

“Kaz doesn’t have that, besides I am not your propriety. I never was, and I never will be. I’ll go wherever I desire.”

“Oh, but you are, I bought you from that, what should I call him, your owner?” I stood up, one of her man placed a gun up to my temple. “Here’s the man I need you to kill. Do it, and you will be free.”

The man lowered his gun and let me take the card, which had the address of the person written carefully on it.

I took back my weapons and took off to the place in question. Dear Saints, forgive me please.

I walked off and disappeared in the shadows.

[Kaz’s POV]

I had just seen Poppy, the still upset stealer. Tante Heleen had probably already given the job to Y/N, probably to make her kill the Conductor. I urged myself to reach the place, praying on whoever out there to not make her kill him. As I walked up the stairs, I found her standing on top of the man, knife by the throat.

She wasn’t doing the talking; she was shaking and in clear deny with herself. “How old were you when you were taken? Who are you looking for? Your parents? A sibling?” He stopped talking, as she placed the knife deeper down his throat. “A sister?”

No. A-

“Brother.” We had both thought the same thing. I know how she deeply missed her brother. She could spend days praying to her Saints to give her mercy, concerning her brother.

“He was 12 and I was 15 when four men took us from my parents’ wagon, separated us. I came to Ketterdam on a labor merchant ship. I don’t know where he went.” Her eyes were glistening with tears. “Tell me what I can do to help.” He begged.

“One had a silver tooth. Went by the name of Gregor or Griggs, I can’t remember exactly.”

“I don’t run in those circles, really. You’re likely after longshoremen or stevedores who take side money from people like Heleen.” He was covered in blood, still begging her for mercy.

She hesitated. “If you can’t give me a lead, you can at least give me my freedom.” She pulled up her knife almost cutting his throat, before the man spoke. I approached a step before it was too late, but…

“Sankta Lizabeta.” She looked stunned by the Ravkan language. “You follow the faith too. Please. What amount of prayer can forgive murder?” He pleaded.

“Ask the Saints for me.” She pulled up her knife, ready to execute him before I stepped in.

“Don’t.” She threw the knife, only an inch from my face. I lifted my hand that wasn’t holding my supporting stick, to show her I didn’t mean no harm. “He’s our way to Alina Starkov.”

“Him?” I nodded slowly.

“Heleen knew it. She was using you to sabotage our mission.”

“She and I made a deal.” She insisted.

“It isn’t worth more than what we get with him alive.” I walked closer to her, trying to convince her.

“You chose him over my freedom?”

“You assure it’s one or the other.” I waited for her to pull out the knife from his neck. I could the see the hesitation in her action. But I do know that she knew it was better to spare him.

She left him a small, but not deep cut on in neck and walked away. I sighed, thanking the whoever I prayed for. She backed up almost touching my chest.

“Conductor. I have a job for you.”

Y/N sighed nervously.

“Get us to the little palace.” The Conductor nodded as Y/N untied him. Jesper came through the door, taking the man to the refreshment room.

It was just us, now.

“Y/N. I thought I had told you I would handle this.” I approached her, taking a deep breath before wiping her tears off of her face. “I didn’t believe you.” She turned around, to her embarrassment, and responded shyly, cleaning her knife with a cloth.

“Do you believe me know?” She turned to face me again.

“Yes.” She sniffed, also calming herself down.

“Good. Now, let’s make it through the Fold.” I offered her a small comforting smile, which she offered me back. We both waited for Jesper to come out of the gentleman's restroom, accompanying him.

“Are we good to go, Jesper?” I asked, clinking my stick on the floor. They both got out and nodded in agreement.

They both walked through the front door as I looked at her.

“Shall we?” She walked in front of me, following the crow.

I turned around to reach the door, at least the rest of it. The man will need a new door. I thought, shutting it behind me, and following her to a sea of destinies.

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3 years ago

John Murphy-Please

Warnings: Blood, Bullet wound, Y/N instead of Raven(2x01-The 48), Mostly inspired by the original script, All Rights to The 100cw.

Words: 1,4k

John Murphy-Please


“Come on, get in here.” Raven whispered to me. We were under the dropship, trying to save Bellamy from Murphy. Jasper was resting, so the second engineer had to come in. And that would be me.

“Okay, so those wires should open the door, but with the wires from the solar panels, they’re gonna be hot.” I breathed to her; she gave me her I’m not stupid look. “Sorry.”

We started working on the wires, until one of the wires burned my hand. I yelped and looked at Raven. She quickly got out to talk to Clarke. I heard Murphy shout and pull the trigger. I screamed as I felt a bullet hit me in my hip. Even though the pain was terrible, I finally finished pulling out the wires, making the dropship door open.

I walked out, applying pressure on my wound.

“Y/N!” I heard Finn say, before I fell unconscious.

[Present time]

I heard a sound coming from outside the door. I was bleeding out from the inside, but I guess I could still pull a trigger. A grounder walked through the ship, probably looking for parts. Without wasting a second, I pulled the trigger on the grounder. Another sound popped up, still coming from the same direction. I kept the gun close to my face, until a familiar face came through the door.

“W- whoa! It's okay. It's okay, Y/N, don't. Don't shoot. Please.” Murphy raised his hands in defense. I still held the gun in my hands.

“Why not? You shot me.” Even though we were friends on the Ark, a lot has changed since we got on the ground. He tried to kill Bellamy, one of the only family figures that I had. I pulled the trigger, but I didn’t have any ammo.

“Yeah, I would’ve shot me too.” He said, sitting down by a wall.

“What are you doing here, Murphy?” I asked him, feeling the pain run though my veins.

“Dying. Same as you.”

“Speak for yourself. How many more are out there?”

“None. You fried them all. The only reason this one survived is because they left him behind to guard me.”

All of a sudden, I couldn’t breathe. Blood raised higher into my throat, making me cough.

“Y/N. Lie on your side. Lie on your side. Come on.” I tried pushing him away, but he wouldn’t budge. “Fine, then just roll over yourself. Get down on your side. You’re okay. It’s all good.” He wiped the blood from my mouth and rubbed my arm softly.

“Why are you helping me?” I asked him, tears floating over my eyes.

“I don’t wanna die alone.”

“You know, if you hadn’t become such a dick, you could’ve earned me back.” I told him, as he fixed his leg. I was the former doctor with Clarke, but I could tell from where I laid that he wouldn’t die from his injury.

“I’m sorry for shooting you, but I’m not sorry for trying to get justice on my behalf.”

“You knew that if you killed Bellamy, you would never get me back. You tried to get revenge, because I pushed you away when I was hurting. Instead, you’re killing me.”

"That’s not true. Bellamy got this on himself. If I had wanted you dead, you’d already be dead right now. He deserved it. They all did.” He spat at me, hurt showed in his eyes.

“I’m sorry, that they strung you up; I tried to convince them that it wasn’t you. Murphy, we’ve known each other for years, and even though you acted all though, I knew that there was still a real human heart underneath. I cut the rope that was strangling you. I knew that the John Murphy, that I grew up with, was still inside the man I looked on the ground.”

He was speechless.

“I loved you, John. I fought for you, and you didn’t notice. Not for a second.”

After what seemed an eternity, I felt dizzy.

“Y/N?” My head hit the ground. “Y/N!”

[Murphy’s POV]

I ran to her side, pulled her head onto my lap, and looked at her with regret.

“I’m so sorry, Y/N. Please don’t die, I love you. Just wake up. Please. I don’t want you to die, come on!” I cried, holding her.

“What happened to her!” Abby appeared in the ship.

“I shot her. I didn’t mean to, I swear. She’s dying.” I told Abby; my sore eyes dropped with tears.

“It’s okay, we’ll help her.” The guards took her from my arms, placed her into a stretcher.

Abby asked me what happened and Bellamy came into my sight.

“Bellamy. You're- you're alive.” I walked to him before he tackled me to the ground.

“You murdering son of a bitch!” He punched me a couple of times.

“Bellamy, get off of him!” I heard Y/N say.

She’s still alive.

[Time Skip]

[Y/N’s POV]

I got back to Camp Jaha, injured and barely hanging on. They got me into medical, and I saw John going somewhere, with Bellamy. I mumbled the same thing in my periods of consciousness.


Abby woke me up, and she was there with her apprentice, Jackson.

“Hi sweetheart. How are you feeling?”


“She’s lying.” Finn walked through the medical door.

“Abby, I know that face, just spit it out.” Abby was standing there, worry in her face.

“The bullet is still shifting, that’s why you’re in pain. I was hoping it would stabilize by now.”

“So, can you take it out?” I asked her, feeling the weakness running through my body.

“Y/N, we need to talk about that. The bullet is pressing on your spine. If we leave it in, you'll live, but you'll never walk again.”

“And take it out?” I responded with worry coming in my heart.

“The surgery could kill you. We have no equipment; we have no anesthesia.”

“But will I walk again?” A tear escaped my eye.

“Maybe, but you'd be awake the whole time. You’d feel everything.”

“Okay, sign me up.” Finn was staring at me; he was like a brother to me.

“Y/N, you could die.” Finn walked closer to us.

“Finn, in space, I wouldn’t need my legs. Down here, I do.” I looked at Abby.

“Take it out”

[Time skip]

“We’re almost ready.” Abby whispered in my ear.

Finn was sitting by me, taking my hand in his.

“Do you want me to stay?” I shook my head; I didn’t want him to see me this way.

He sat up. Abby told him to stay close, in case I would need anything. They clipped the belt over my waist and I felt the scalpel draw closer into my skin.

“Stop!” A few tears escaped my eyes. “I need John. I need him.”

“John Murphy? He shot you, Y/N.” Jackson lowered himself to face me.

“I don’t care, please. I need John. I can’t do this without him.” He nodded, looked at Abby, telling him to come and get him.

A few minutes had passed and they both walked into the doorway.

[John’s POV]

Jackson told me that she had asked for me, just before going into surgery.

“John?” Y/N asked with the shakiest voice that I’ve ever heard her talk.

“Hey” I walked to her, sat, and took her hand. “What are they doing to you?”

“We’re taking the bullet out. Murphy, we need to start.” Abby responded, instead of her.

“Y/N, I shot you, why do you even want me here?” Squeezing her hand, tighter.

“I forgive you, John. I understand now. I get how you felt, being strung up for nothing. I just need you here. I love you.” She told me, barely hanging on to reality.

“I love you, too. You need to hang on for me.” I stroked her hair with my other hand. “Okay? I can’t lose you.” She nodded and I nodded back at Abby. “She’s ready.”

Abby started the surgery. She started screaming, sobbing, and squeezing my hand tightly. I stroked her hair and helped her breathe with me. I remembered how she helped me breathe after Bellamy hung me. Watching her in pain, seeing how she felt right now, only remembered me of how I felt in the grounder’s prison camp.

I fought through it, thinking of her; having the idea of seeing her again, made me survive.

She has to make it.

I swear to God, I can’t lose her.

Not again.

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3 years ago

General Grievous

General Grievous

"Activate Ray Shields."

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kazbrekkerscrutches - marie
3 years ago


Link to my Instagram: rosexdenis

Created: 25/05/21

Updated: 21/07/24



Criminal Minds

Spencer Reid

We Shouldn't Be Doing This

Think of Me

House of the Dragon

Aemond Targaryen

Love of My Life

Wednesday (TV SHOW)

Xavier Thorpe


Believe Me

Take my hands

Stranger Things

Eddie Munson

"You're my favorite person, Eddie"


Tobias Eaton/Four

I'm Not Going Anywhere

The 100

John Murphy



Purple Sky

Raven Reyes


James "Bucky" Barnes/Winter Soldier

Reality Locks In

With Me

American Horror Story

Tate Langdon

Nice to Meet You

Kit Walker

Lana Winters

Misty Day

Michael Langdon


Lost Lovers


Kaz Brekker

The Night of Sorrow

The Night of Sorrow (Part 2)

Malyen Oretsev

Inej Ghafa

Jesper Fahey

Star Wars

Anakin Skywalker


Obi-Wan Kenobi

Poe Dameron

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3 years ago


As a fellow member of the LGBTQIA+ community, I wish you all an amazing month of June. And don't forget that this page is a safe place for anyone, no matter what gender, sexuality, skin color and ethnicity. I love you all, and STAY GAY (or anything in the LGBTQIA+ hihi)


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