I Was Reminded Of This Lovely Style Meme Existing And Wanted To Do It Again~ This Time Featuring My Character
I was reminded of this lovely style meme existing and wanted to do it again~ This time featuring my character Angri, from Torn Apart. XD It was really fun to do, and a challenge (though some of them are cursed)
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More Posts from Kazeharuhime
I forgot to post these yesterday, so here’s the next batch!
Kanebomi Plant A tall, leafy plant found sparsely in places such as coastal Furheart Iiah, some islands near Warminia Songlianne, and the nooks between Laykia Layna and Amicaia on Wing Alayna. The Kanebomi is a delicious, somewhat savory fruit on par with the Spotil in popularity. It is often imported for cooking, and since it is so rare, is rarely enjoyed raw, even though some may argue it's just as good raw as it is cooked.
Sweetflutes Deep in the Great Buddy Forest, one may happen upon a number of colorful Sweetflutes growing. They are rather hard and glass-like, but when plucked and carved their sound is top-notch. Little maintenance is needed, but they are very hardy and may try to grow back, especially if left in a damp place or abandoned somewhere. They have been known to replant themselves if left on the ground a while, so replucking as well as recarving might be necessary for such a wayward Sweetflute.
Vin Vinia An odd little vine with even stranger fruits. They might go good in a salad, and dried they can be used to make string or thread. They can also be used to make green dyes. It is a fairly rare plant in Wing Alayna, found only in some parts of northwest coastal Amicaia as well as deep south near (and past) the border of Laykia Layna. It is fairly common in the Reline Ah archipelago, but only found deep inland in its southern counterpart, the Fuline Ah archipelago.
Oisha Lalan Though perhaps a somewhat ordinary appearance in the forest, the leaves of the Oisha Lalan are quite well-known for their use in brewing a most exquisite tea. The center of the leaf has a strange, sour, almost sweet taste, balanced by the dryness and slight bitterness of its frayed edges. The plant is rather prolific, such that its leaves are rarely in short supply. It can be found in both the Great Buddy and Pachimori Forests, as well as places in Fuline and Reline Ah.
Belia Lunala A fluorescent flower found in Crescent Minoria. In its bell grows an epiphytic Yelia Radiani flower which helps it convert lunar light into a kind of white liquid, which gathers in its bell. This liquid serves to amplify the energy of the lunar light enough to serve the needs of both flowers, while also looking like quite a sight. The white liquid, when stored, can be used to provide light for a long time, though it is not preferred for its bright white light so much as the softer illumination from regular Radiani blossoms or other luminescent flora. The petals also have a rather sour taste, and can add an interesting flavor to tea when brewed. Being so bright yellow also makes its rather unusual slight in Crescent Minoria, as many of its flowers instead have glassy or black petals, so it can also be used as a wayfinder in the dark.
Miniwingola Lifernandes A curious flora that grows in the cloud grounds of Caela Amicaia. It can also grow in soil, but may not sprout its characteristic pair of wing-like leaves there. As such, the wingless variety is usually called by a different first name, such as Thinfrond instead of Miniwingola. Either way, they are fragrant herbs that make a great addition or garnish to any dish. The taste varies depending on the species and where it goes. The sky variety may take on a flavor like rosemary or thyme, while the ground variety sage or even parsley in wetter climates.
Omu-omu Plantai A very long-leafed plant similar to a succulent. It is often kept like an outdoor houseplant, the long leaves being tied up so they don't run along the ground and risk being trampled. In the rainier months the leaves become more cocoon-like unless intervention is made, sealing them off from receiving too much water in the rainier months, as it prefers a more arid climate. The plant can be found in Amicaia, colloquially named The Buddys’ Land, or the northern half of Wing Alayna, and on the continent of Warminia Songlianne, particularly away from the coast where it can get lots of sun without too much moisture. It is thought to originate from the latter, or perhaps a less rainy place in Wing Alayna.
Bigleaf Mineep (a.k.a Okipla Mineep) A small flower with a singularly large leaf. It is said that the Mineep puts all its love and care into its leaf, and neglects its flower, resulting in its pale petals and overall wilty appearance. Okipla leaves are favored in leaf-boat making for their size, and are cultivated in the palace garden to help faster production, as Buddys are strangely inept at farming, preferring to seek and gather rather than create large agricultural areas (something about liking grass too much, who knows?) A single leaf can also be broken up and used for salad, though there are some who take pity on the beloved leaf and refuse to use it.
Seafaring Mamolia As the name implies, the Seafaring Mamolia is a strange little flower that grows in the ocean (some may also be found in lakes, but then they'd be lakefaring now wouldn't they?), protecting a tiny flower with its colorful, petal-like bracts. It has a large root-float system to help keep it upright, even in boisterous waves. Strangely enough, they have seldom been seen to wash ashore naturally, and even in rare cases, never run completely aground. Though some still may help a near-washed up Mamolia get back to sea, independent as others claim the flower to be. With its many roots, bundles of them are sometimes dried and used for ropes and strings. The bracts, usually already salted by the sea, can also make quite a nice snack when dried.
Lesser Cloudia Founta (a.k.a Miniature Skypalm) A small tree-plant with palm-like bark. It has very shiny, almost metallic leaves that can be used in the creation of decorative armors, or else just as decoration. It will only grow in Sky Alayna, though it has been found in the cloud lands above Fuline Ah and it's islands as well. It is fairly easy to cultivate, but does not grow well with other plants, preferring the cloud to itself or at least with minimal nearby competition. Otherwise, it can make a fairly nice outdoor plant in one's yard or garden.
I forgot I did this a month ago. In prep for Art Fight I redrew over an old picture of my character Jasmine I did in 2015, based on Shh by Frou Frou. Imogen Heap just has a very Jasmine aesthetic and the lyrics don’t always match up but there’s a Vibe™. I’m working on some more Jasmine pics which are drawovers of old pictures but I got side-tracked by remembering I had a fanart crossover WIP in the works. I’m excited about that but I have so much Regret from enlarging that pic slightly so all the detail got blurry as heck so I tried to fix it but went overboard and now everything looks more detailed than it should have been dskjgnkjshn but that’s off-topic. Anyways!
Tsuname thinks he is a mer
I forgot to post this on tumblr... This was something I did towards the end of May for “Mermay” though Tsuname isn’t exactly a mer, he’s close enough to one I guess. XD; This was an overhaul of an old picture I did for Mermay in 2016, now with new and improved art. XD;
My 2020 Tumblr Top 10
1). 28 notes - Jan 5 2020
2). 10 notes - Jun 18 2020
3). 9 notes - Sep 27 2020
4). 8 notes - Aug 25 2020
5). 7 notes - Oct 11 2020
6). 7 notes - Sep 11 2020
7). 6 notes - Oct 30 2020
8). 6 notes - Aug 12 2020
9). 4 notes - Nov 1 2020
10). 3 notes - Oct 21 2020
Created by TumblrTop10
Mimillias Once a year, in the middle of summer, the Mimillias bloom all over the continent of Wing Alayna for just a day, then close up like they are for most of the year. Thus, Summerdance 15th has become a continental holiday, a day of rest for those who labor in this or that job, a day for everyone to simply go out and enjoy the flowers. It is often associated with romance, as the good many parties that are held often bring Buddys together that might otherwise be apart. Mimillias bloom in three different colors, pink for the plains, shown here, orange for the highlands and green for the forest.