Angri - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
And Because I Felt Like Uploading Old Art Today, I Found A Line-up Of The 12 Sisters From Torn Apart!

And because I felt like uploading old art today, I found a line-up of the 12 sisters from Torn Apart! That’s right folks there’s 12 of them. XD All with emotive nicknames. From top left to bottom right there’s: Artsy, Fraidi, Happy, Obnoxi, Catsy, Sleepi, Dramati, Chiffie, Blushie, Bookie, Seri and Angri. I might actually change some of the sizes of the sisters. I liked the idea of there being a bunch of tiny ones but it looks kind of weird. Maybe I’ll make some of them look a little older. XD

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7 years ago
I Dont Remember If I Uploaded This To Tumblr... I Dont Think I Did. Well, Its On DA But For Anyone Who

I don’t remember if I uploaded this to tumblr... I don’t think I did. Well, it’s on dA but for anyone who doesn’t follow my dA, here it is again. XD Well, I wanted to draw my characters from Torn Apart acting out this sequence from Hercules my friend posted from pinterest, so, I drew it. Yep, that’s all there is to it. This is kind of old now... more than a month old actually, ew I didn’t realize how old this was. But it’s cute and I forgot to upload it, so oh well. XD;

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6 years ago


17. Any OC OTPs?…Anyone that knows me knows I’m the queen of OTPs… XD; but ummm. Maybe I’ll start with favorites. Let’s see two of my favorites at least one character is spoiler. But uuum… Other than those two, or three, (later: or four…) I kinda like Tsuname and Ril’siiya’s relationship. They’re both bubbly people who go through a lot of trouble and I think they can both relate to being the annoying one most people don’t like, so when they’re together it’s almost like they have a safe spot to just be themselves around each other, because they can’t annoy each other with the things that normally annoy other people. XD;

Also from Aliens there’s Crang and Kitch. They’re kind of childish and may not fully understand what’s going on, but they’re pure and cute and have helped each other before in the past I think. XD;

One that developed somewhat recently is Kenneth (long-necked blue/purple reptile alien, not to be confused with an angsty blonde ice boy from Zenith named Kenith… still not over how I accidentally made his name mirror Zenith’s name XDDD; ) and Lyna. Lyna is a short but tough cat-ish alien and has none of Kenneth’s playing the tough guy, telling him to rest when he’s injured. I find their dynamic interesting because he’s super tall plus his long neck and she’s this short thing that has the power to boss him around. XD

But ummm… a lot of my other OTPs are characters that mature later and get together. Like Angri and Aidren from Torn Apart are a disaster at first, but especially when Angri matures and comes to accept herself, they work a lot better. XD;

Or APG and Lily from Knights & Lilies. At first it’s a one-sided crush on APG’s end, but eventually when Lily is older, she comes to understand what she did to him by not understanding his premature feelings, and feels bad about it. So yeah they’re cute when they’re older, too.

The pairings in Twin Scars also don’t really happen until later. Tetsuya and Hiyura’s relationship isn’t really explored until the very end, possibly to be continued if the sequel ever gets off the ground. I think Tetsuya may have tried to interact with her in the past, but Hiyura was always quick to shut him down before the end of the story.

Romance isn’t really a part of the main story of TS, it’s mostly about the sisters and Isura’s friends and Hiyura’s turnaround. In general most of the romance arcs happen post-story in sequels. Like Isura may have met Kirk in the main story briefly, but it’s only when they’re older that they meet again and the relationship is explored more in Kirk’s story. I think Kirk’s story would be fourth in the series if it ever finishes, but it’s one of the ones I’m most excited to write/draw. XD I already have part of it comic-boarded out elsewhere, that’s fun… based off the snippet I wrote for him a long time ago. I haven’t really had the change to explore either of the TS pairings as an OTP much though, so it’s hard to say they’re anywhere close to a favorite actually. Though their stories definitely intrigue me, especially Kirk’s. XD;

As far as other OTPs… I have a number of parent couples that are/were cute, or tragic pairings…  One totally light pairing from KnL are Lily’s parents. They still act like teens around one another even though they’re 40 or almost 40 respectively. XDThe parents of Sleepi and her sisters from TA were also fairly cute, though that one’s a bit sad.And of course from Aliens Tsunne (Tsuname’s older brother) and Sz’nami were cute. Though that one is also sad.. XD; Tsunne helped Sz’nami become more bold and to stand up to opposition instead of just taking it. He taught her how to use her wave abilities stronger and helped her gain confidence. She in turn supported him when the pressures of being the son of the village chieftain got to be too much. They were good for each other while they lasted, I think. XD

Oh! One last pairing I almost forgot about (I’m sorry this post is so long I was only gonna list favorites then I got carried away) XDD;; Is Trunt and Flint from Lands of Seven. Flint is an angsty thing and Trunt is more steady. They kind of start out like a fighting couple where Trunt figures out Flint’s secret and kind of holds it against her, but Flint ends up liking him and I think it’s mutual. XD; And Trunt keeps her secret (even though it’s one of those secrets that probably everyone actually knows), and I’m not even 100% sure how they get from weird argumentative couple to more than that, but I kind of find them cute. XD;

Well, there’s plenty more, but either don’t rise to the level of favorite or I’m not really on them right now so development is hard to come by. But yeah, I have a lot of pairings. XD;

(Tried breaking this up into smaller paragraphs to make it more readable. Did it work? You decide. XD; Thanks for the question! Again I apologize for the length. I really should have kept it shorter but apparently I have no ability for shortness when I’m talking about ships I guess XD; Some of this might have been spoiler not sure, I tried to keep it as spoiler-content free as possible, but oh well. XD; )

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5 years ago
I Was Reminded Of This Lovely Style Meme Existing And Wanted To Do It Again~ This Time Featuring My Character

I was reminded of this lovely style meme existing and wanted to do it again~ This time featuring my character Angri, from Torn Apart. XD It was really fun to do, and a challenge (though some of them are cursed)

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