Day 12 - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

👾🐢🚒 Day 12 Best Turtle Vehicle 🚒🐢👾

 Day 12 Best Turtle Vehicle


I think 12 Donnie is so cute. He's less inventor and more mechanic. He's got the coolest aesthetic in all his inventions. It looks like trashcore meets steampunk meets apocalypse mechanic with a flair, because all his stuff is usually painted. I used to think Mikey got to paint his in creations but usually a lot of what he shows his brothers is a surprise so I think he graffitis his own stuff.

I don't like drawing vehicles but I made the effort for Donnie.

Close up!

 Day 12 Best Turtle Vehicle
 Day 12 Best Turtle Vehicle

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7 years ago
In The First Game Of Dungeon Defenders There's Two DLC Characters, The Ranger And The Summoner(and The

In the first game of Dungeon Defenders there's two DLC characters, the ranger and the summoner(and the summoner has a demoness skin), and while playing around my brother ended up making a deadly team of my Ranger, Talon and his summoner, Civèlè(pronounced si-vay-la)(we're working on the spelling) Art belongs to me! Dungeon Defenders/Dungeon Defenders Eternity/Dungeon Defenders 2 belong to Trendy entertainment

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7 years ago
Square Soul=Male; He Came Out Looking A Little Girly.

Square Soul=Male; he came out looking a little girly.

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3 years ago

Share your pride day 12: remembering Orlando...

This post is a moment of silence for the 49 lives lost in the Pulse shooting, they won’t be forgotten.

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2 years ago

Share Your Pride day 12: Remembering Orlando

On June 12, 2016, 49 people were shot and killed at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Another 53 were injured. After a three-hour standoff, the killer was shot by local police.

As this post is a memorial for those whose lives were wrongfully taken, I will not be naming their killer. It would feel like a dishonor to do so, and anyone who wants to know his name can just look it up online.

Allow yourselves a moment of silence right now to reflect on your own situations, to educate yourselves, or to simply remember the fallen.

Thank you for reading, and thank you for your time. Stay safe out there, make good choices, and let’s celebrate the rest of this month as a way to honor those who can’t do it for themselves.

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2 years ago

Share Your Pride day 13: When did you realize you weren’t straight?

I told this story last you so instead I think this time I’m going to talk about something that made a lot more sense once I figured it out.

If you’re at all familiar with my blog you probably know I’m a fan of the Riordanverse books; I read them in middle school and became obsessed. Well, when I started reading them I became very interested in Annabeth, even claimed I was a daughter of Athena (not true, too stupid, child of Apollo) and it took me an embarrassing amount of time to realize I didn’t want to BE Annabeth, I just wanted to be WITH her.

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1 year ago

Writing challenge Day 12: favourite TV series

I don't watch much TV but my favourite would be Percy Jackson I guess. I really enjoyed the books and decided to give the series a try. They're pretty good to be honest. I've seen much worse adaptations of books. I still prefer the books though 😅

I was so unmotivated help

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10 years ago
Day 12 - Uh. This Is What Happened When I Asked Someone What To Draw. Yup.

Day 12 - Uh. This is what happened when I asked someone what to draw. Yup.

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6 years ago

Today’s skele is: A Real Magic Skeleton form Ok, K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes!

Todays Skele Is: A Real Magic Skeleton Form Ok, K.O.! Lets Be Heroes!

“Did somebody say “Skeleton”?”

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2 years ago
Ooky Spooky Ghost Lady

Ooky spooky ghost lady

I am using a list by Winklebeebee

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5 years ago
Inktober 2019 #12: Chuvine DuplantA Rare Plant From A Lonely Island Out At Sea. The Leaves Are Used For
Inktober 2019 #12: Chuvine DuplantA Rare Plant From A Lonely Island Out At Sea. The Leaves Are Used For
Inktober 2019 #12: Chuvine DuplantA Rare Plant From A Lonely Island Out At Sea. The Leaves Are Used For
Inktober 2019 #12: Chuvine DuplantA Rare Plant From A Lonely Island Out At Sea. The Leaves Are Used For

Inktober 2019 #12: Chuvine Duplant A rare plant from a lonely island out at sea. The leaves are used for ceremonial teas, and is often sought after by couples. Bilone Bien Island, the home of this rare plant, is a popular destination for special dates and marriages, as its said that the couple who finds a Chuvine Duplant will be blessed.

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4 years ago
I Forgot To Post These Yesterday, So Heres The Next Batch!
I Forgot To Post These Yesterday, So Heres The Next Batch!
I Forgot To Post These Yesterday, So Heres The Next Batch!
I Forgot To Post These Yesterday, So Heres The Next Batch!
I Forgot To Post These Yesterday, So Heres The Next Batch!
I Forgot To Post These Yesterday, So Heres The Next Batch!
I Forgot To Post These Yesterday, So Heres The Next Batch!
I Forgot To Post These Yesterday, So Heres The Next Batch!
I Forgot To Post These Yesterday, So Heres The Next Batch!
I Forgot To Post These Yesterday, So Heres The Next Batch!

I forgot to post these yesterday, so here’s the next batch!

Kanebomi Plant A tall, leafy plant found sparsely in places such as coastal Furheart Iiah, some islands near Warminia Songlianne, and the nooks between Laykia Layna and Amicaia on Wing Alayna. The Kanebomi is a delicious, somewhat savory fruit on par with the Spotil in popularity. It is often imported for cooking, and since it is so rare, is rarely enjoyed raw, even though some may argue it's just as good raw as it is cooked.

Sweetflutes Deep in the Great Buddy Forest, one may happen upon a number of colorful Sweetflutes growing. They are rather hard and glass-like, but when plucked and carved their sound is top-notch. Little maintenance is needed, but they are very hardy and may try to grow back, especially if left in a damp place or abandoned somewhere. They have been known to replant themselves if left on the ground a while, so replucking as well as recarving might be necessary for such a wayward Sweetflute.

  Vin Vinia An odd little vine with even stranger fruits. They might go good in a salad, and dried they can be used to make string or thread. They can also be used to make green dyes. It is a fairly rare plant in Wing Alayna, found only in some parts of northwest coastal Amicaia as well as deep south near (and past) the border of Laykia Layna. It is fairly common in the Reline Ah archipelago, but only found deep inland in its southern counterpart, the Fuline Ah archipelago. 

 Oisha Lalan Though perhaps a somewhat ordinary appearance in the forest, the leaves of the Oisha Lalan are quite well-known for their use in brewing a most exquisite tea. The center of the leaf has a strange, sour, almost sweet taste, balanced by the dryness and slight bitterness of its frayed edges. The plant is rather prolific, such that its leaves are rarely in short supply. It can be found in both the Great Buddy and Pachimori Forests, as well as places in Fuline and Reline Ah. 

 Belia Lunala A fluorescent flower found in Crescent Minoria. In its bell grows an epiphytic Yelia Radiani flower which helps it convert lunar light into a kind of white liquid, which gathers in its bell. This liquid serves to amplify the energy of the lunar light enough to serve the needs of both flowers, while also looking like quite a sight. The white liquid, when stored, can be used to provide light for a long time, though it is not preferred for its bright white light so much as the softer illumination from regular Radiani blossoms or other luminescent flora. The petals also have a rather sour taste, and can add an interesting flavor to tea when brewed. Being so bright yellow also makes its rather unusual slight in Crescent Minoria, as many of its flowers instead have glassy or black petals, so it can also be used as a wayfinder in the dark.

Miniwingola Lifernandes A curious flora that grows in the cloud grounds of Caela Amicaia. It can also grow in soil, but may not sprout its characteristic pair of wing-like leaves there. As such, the wingless variety is usually called by a different first name, such as Thinfrond instead of Miniwingola. Either way, they are fragrant herbs that make a great addition or garnish to any dish. The taste varies depending on the species and where it goes. The sky variety may take on a flavor like rosemary or thyme, while the ground variety sage or even parsley in wetter climates.

Omu-omu Plantai A very long-leafed plant similar to a succulent. It is often kept like an outdoor houseplant, the long leaves being tied up so they don't run along the ground and risk being trampled. In the rainier months the leaves become more cocoon-like unless intervention is made, sealing them off from receiving too much water in the rainier months, as it prefers a more arid climate. The plant can be found in Amicaia, colloquially named The Buddys’ Land, or the northern half of Wing Alayna, and on the continent of Warminia Songlianne, particularly away from the coast where it can get lots of sun without too much moisture. It is thought to originate from the latter, or perhaps a less rainy place in Wing Alayna. 

 Bigleaf Mineep (a.k.a Okipla Mineep) A small flower with a singularly large leaf. It is said that the Mineep puts all its love and care into its leaf, and neglects its flower, resulting in its pale petals and overall wilty appearance. Okipla leaves are favored in leaf-boat making for their size, and are cultivated in the palace garden to help faster production, as Buddys are strangely inept at farming, preferring to seek and gather rather than create large agricultural areas (something about liking grass too much, who knows?) A single leaf can also be broken up and used for salad, though there are some who take pity on the beloved leaf and refuse to use it.

Seafaring Mamolia As the name implies, the Seafaring Mamolia is a strange little flower that grows in the ocean (some may also be found in lakes, but then they'd be lakefaring now wouldn't they?), protecting a tiny flower with its colorful, petal-like bracts. It has a large root-float system to help keep it upright, even in boisterous waves. Strangely enough, they have seldom been seen to wash ashore naturally, and even in rare cases, never run completely aground. Though some still may help a near-washed up Mamolia get back to sea, independent as others claim the flower to be. With its many roots, bundles of them are sometimes dried and used for ropes and strings. The bracts, usually already salted by the sea, can also make quite a nice snack when dried.

Lesser Cloudia Founta (a.k.a Miniature Skypalm) A small tree-plant with palm-like bark. It has very shiny, almost metallic leaves that can be used in the creation of decorative armors, or else just as decoration. It will only grow in Sky Alayna, though it has been found in the cloud lands above Fuline Ah and it's islands as well. It is fairly easy to cultivate, but does not grow well with other plants, preferring the cloud to itself or at least with minimal nearby competition. Otherwise, it can make a fairly nice outdoor plant in one's yard or garden.

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3 years ago
Sorry For The Lack Of Updates! I Really Wanted To Get Caught Up, And I Finally Have! But I Can Only Post
Sorry For The Lack Of Updates! I Really Wanted To Get Caught Up, And I Finally Have! But I Can Only Post
Sorry For The Lack Of Updates! I Really Wanted To Get Caught Up, And I Finally Have! But I Can Only Post
Sorry For The Lack Of Updates! I Really Wanted To Get Caught Up, And I Finally Have! But I Can Only Post
Sorry For The Lack Of Updates! I Really Wanted To Get Caught Up, And I Finally Have! But I Can Only Post
Sorry For The Lack Of Updates! I Really Wanted To Get Caught Up, And I Finally Have! But I Can Only Post
Sorry For The Lack Of Updates! I Really Wanted To Get Caught Up, And I Finally Have! But I Can Only Post
Sorry For The Lack Of Updates! I Really Wanted To Get Caught Up, And I Finally Have! But I Can Only Post
Sorry For The Lack Of Updates! I Really Wanted To Get Caught Up, And I Finally Have! But I Can Only Post
Sorry For The Lack Of Updates! I Really Wanted To Get Caught Up, And I Finally Have! But I Can Only Post

Sorry for the lack of updates! I really wanted to get caught up, and I finally have! But I can only post 10 images at a time so I'm gonna post 'em in two chunks anyway. Keep reading for floral info! Also, I really wish I had time for editing this year... They'd look so much better with a little touchup, but I just don't have time for the big-scale editing I did last year. :x I did end up touching up a few of them but there's still so many things I'd like to fix.. Oh well. Anyways, onto floral info!

Thinia Windseed

A thin, watery flower that prefers the wetter climate of Laykia Layna to its northern counterpart, Buddy World (sometimes referred to as Amica Layna or Amicania since the 'World' part can be misleading), but sometimes has been known to pop up there as well during the rainy season. Despite the flower's frail appearance, it is quite hardy, even seeming to prefer windier climates to help spread its seeds far and wide. It is sometimes cultivated as a houseplant as well for its hardiness, and has been known to come in many colors in its domestic variety. There are not many uses known for the flower aside from house decoration.

Berabera Bush

Though natively found in Furheart Iiah and usually grown in continental Wing Alayna, it has been found that Berabera Bushes also grow quite well on cloud ground, strangely enough. Cultivating them there has sometimes led to them taking on a whiter, wispier appearance, but they are also found in their usual coloration as well. Beraberas are beloved for their tart, sweet taste, and a lovely addition to tea, either mixed with leaves or eaten separately. Lovers of fruity teas will especially love Berabera tea.


Thought to be a relative of their sylvan cousins Flufftuffs, Cottonlars are often seen being grown in cloud ground in Sky Buddy World. The cotton-like substance they grow is beloved for making pillows, and is known to produce fluffy threads when consumed by Fashion Buddys. The whole plant is rather soft to the touch, with the fruits of course being the softest.

Many-headed Laria

A fleshy, fiddlehead-like plant thought to be a relative of the Stafflant and others in the Lar family. They have a vegetable-like taste when consumed, and are often a part of many a sylvan diet. The can be found in Pachimori and the Great Buddy Forest.


A relative of the Veriana, the Samiana can be found in Wing Alayna, both in Pachimori, the Great Buddy Forest, and even the plains. Efforts are still ongoing to cultivate the plant, as it seems to prefer wild soil, but is desirable as a houseplant.


The aerial relative of the Lonlar, the Clouldlar is a soft plant that produces smooth, silky threads when consumed by Fashion Buddys. It is a cultivar of the Lar family that only grows in Sky Buddy World and/or in cloud ground.

Surfing Klaudee

A rare flower that seems to float on its own, drifting about on the sky on small tufts of cloud ground. Sometimes, it is known to use up all of the nutrients in its patch of cloud ground and fall through it, but usually finds another bit to latch onto. There is some question as to whether the flower is a living being, as it seems quite... active, at times.

Wing Alaynia

The namesake of the continent of Wing Alayna, Wing Alaynias are only found in white on its titular continent. Though they do grow on Furheart Iiah and Warminia Songlianne, the ones on the latter grow green, and the former, pinkish. Wing Alaynan Wing Alaynias are known for having the strange, but not unwelcome property of filling one with hope when it is stared at for a moment. Even in the depths of despair, it is said to be a ray of hope for all who stay to gaze a moment at it.

Lyta Flora

These nocturnal flowers are known to glow a warm, brilliant glow at night. Even after picked, the glow can last for a long time, especially if left in the sun during the day. They have the strange property of being able to store sunlight to give off as a glow during the night, and somehow manage to retain this property even if they are not rooted to the ground.

Misinia Curloa

A tall, sylvan flower that can be found growing in the Great Buddy Forest. It is also found on Furheart Iiah and Warminia Songlianne as well. It is a highly-favored flower for tea, as each part of the flower can be used in it. Together, they make a soft, sweet tea. The curly stamen-like bits are especially sweet and melt in hot water, making them useful as a sweetener in other capacities as well, like being or to sweeten other teas.

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2 years ago
Warahara Tree
Warahara Tree
Warahara Tree

Warahara Tree

A tropical tree found on the coasts and islands around Fuline Ah. The pods can be used as decorations or steeped to create a cocoa-like drink.

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1 year ago
Perloa Alnia
Perloa Alnia
Perloa Alnia

Perloa Alnia

A relative of the Alnia family, Perloa Alnias tend to form a hardened ball in their centers as opposed to the more syrupy 'fruits' of the Korana Alnia and Korana Minia. The outside of it is much sweeter especially, and the inside of it is much more mild-tasting than the somewhat bitter taste of Korana Alnia syrup. Either way, it is less common than its relatives and thus a celebrated find when discovered.

Like other Alnias, the Perloa Alnia may be found typically off the coast of Koraln Sing in semi-shallow waters. Like its larger relative, the Korana Alnia, it also prefers growing on toadstool coral.

There have also been occasional sightings of it in the Girinia Warmsea off the south coast of Furheart Iiah towards Warminia Songlianne, which could explain the pink coloration of many of the specimens. In addition, there have also been sightings further out into the Buddy Ocean between Wing Alayna and Koraln Sing.

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