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Pinwheria Magnificentia

Pinwheria Magnificentia
Pinwheria Magnificentia
Pinwheria Magnificentia

Pinwheria Magnificentia

A tall flower of the Magnificentia family with curled petals. Though best known for red, they can be found in a variety of colors, usually being accompanied by two other colors resembling beams of light. Occasionally translucent and much fainter than the prominent curly petals, these parts of the plant might more accurately be considered bracts or sepals. A webbing is often found on the lower leaves that can be used to create candy floss or hard candy when boiled down. However, in older specimens, a hard, clear coating is known to form from the webbing, sweet to the taste. Whether one makes their own candy or prefers the leaf coating, if you find a rare Pinwheria in the wild, you'll know you're in for a treat.

Pinwherias prefer high altitudes with dry climates. They dislike rain and clouds and like getting lots of sunlight. They can be found in the Great Buddy Highlands or in the Great Buddy Mountains—particularly on the leeward side of the mountains—in Wing Alayna, as well as in central Warminia Songlianne.

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More Posts from Kazeharuhime

3 years ago
Day Off Today So You Know What I Decided To Do... Finish Up These WIPs I Hadnt Posted Yet! See Last Times
Day Off Today So You Know What I Decided To Do... Finish Up These WIPs I Hadnt Posted Yet! See Last Times
Day Off Today So You Know What I Decided To Do... Finish Up These WIPs I Hadnt Posted Yet! See Last Times
Day Off Today So You Know What I Decided To Do... Finish Up These WIPs I Hadnt Posted Yet! See Last Times
Day Off Today So You Know What I Decided To Do... Finish Up These WIPs I Hadnt Posted Yet! See Last Times

Day off today so you know what I decided to do... finish up these WIPs I hadn’t posted yet! See last time’s post for Kulikuli Dara’s description. The new descriptions are under the cut (thought I should have done this last time... what do you think? Pointless feature, or actually useful in this case? Lemme know I guess).


A relative of the Sweetflute, the Myuzika plant is similarly used as a sort of homegrown orchestra. The plant makes a different sound according to the color of the pipe, and pitch depends on the size of the bulb, which can be made to change over time by adjusting the plant’s environment (more sun = thinner bulb, more shade = larger one). Tendrils grow taut around the two pipes, allowing them to be strummed like an instrument. The curly tendrils at the base can also be tapped for a shaking sound as the hard berries that grow on them bump against each other. There are many other secrets to adjusting the sound of the Myuzika, but only the forest dwellers know all its secrets. The Myuzika can be found natively in the Great Buddy Forest and made to grow in other forests in Wing Alayna such as the Patchimori Forest, though it grows best in its native soil.


Another plant in the sylvan symphonic family, the String’elle’s two base vines will grow in completely opposite directions without the help of the plant’s tendrils, which keep the plant taut in a harp-like shape. The plant can be tuned over time by adjusting various elements of its environment, but without artificial intervention it will keep its original tune, allowing the musician to play the instrument in its original form if so desired. 


A plant found in the depths of Batulia Songlianne, the continent at JI’s north pole (or Non Pona as it is natively called). It was thought for a long time that nothing grows there aside from the occasional rumor of a Song Tulip (the legendary flower for which the continent is named, though whether the plant actually grows there is somewhat shrouded in mystery), but it would seem that the Yukidamarias does as well. Of course... due to the number of odd things reported there, it’s uncertain at best whether the Yukidamarias was found actually growing in the continent’s soil, or in another dimension’s all together. Nevertheless, dimensional abnormalities aside, it may be safe to say that the legendary flower has company on the mysterious frozen continent. Being a relatively new discovery, not much is known about the plant at this time, though it seems quite decorative.

Koshio Flower

The Koshio Flower can be seen growing only during the dry season of Wing Alayna. It spends most of its time unblossomed, but when it does it produces berries that can be dried and ground to make a spice similar to black pepper. The bits that form on its stamen can also be ground and dried to create a substance similar to salt or pepper depending on its color. The same can be said of the rest of the flower. Dried, the white bits form a salt-like material and the black forms something similar to its berries, though with a slightly different flavor. 

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3 years ago
Today's Plant, The Finvine! Quirky Little Plant It Is. I Probably Coulda Done More On It Buuuut I'm Getting

Today's plant, the Finvine! Quirky little plant it is. I probably coulda done more on it buuuut I'm getting to that point where if I want to stay on top of this I gotta be quick. 😅 Keep reading for more flora info!


This fin-shaped aquatic plant is found in 4 out the 7 oceans in JI, and plentifully in the Koran Sea. It can even be found in bodies of water on the continent of Koraln Sing, but it is definitely a saltwater plant. It is never found in freshwater. The clear webbing between the rays of the fin are beloved for making gelatin, but they sometimes have a sour taste to them. This seems to be particular to where and how it's grown, though, so some varieties are milder with almost no taste. The Finvine generally prefers shallower waters where it can still receive ample amounts of sunlight. The shallower the better, though it will look quite limp if not fully submerged. Gelatin made from the Finvine is often served as a snack with tea. The main body of the plant is even known to be used in tea, though its salty taste may be disagreeable to some, adding the webbing to it seems to ease the taste a little, and can make for an interesting surprise if the tea is allowed to set.

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3 years ago
Today's Plant! I Struggled With How To Reinterpret My 2009 Design. I Still Might Make A Separate Plant

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The namesake of the continent, Furheart Iiah. It only grows there, but some cultivation attempts have resulted in greener leaves. Flora that grow in Furheart Iiah tend to become pink or tinged pink from the mist that blows in from the surrounding water, which makes the sky and everything else appear pink as well. When the plants that grow on Furheart Iiah are cultivated in foreign soil, they tend to take on greener colors depending on the location. The leaves of the Furheartia plant are beloved for tea, especially if they are imported from their native land, where they maintain a sweet but mellow, calming flavor.

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2 years ago
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 So Apparently You Can Post Up To 30 Images On Tumblr Now? The Editor Is A Lot Worse So It Took Me A
 So Apparently You Can Post Up To 30 Images On Tumblr Now? The Editor Is A Lot Worse So It Took Me A
 So Apparently You Can Post Up To 30 Images On Tumblr Now? The Editor Is A Lot Worse So It Took Me A

👀 So apparently you can post up to 30 images on tumblr now? The editor is a lot worse so it took me a while to wrangle it, but, hey! I have less than 30 attacks (in theory)! ...Actually I do have more but the last one is a set, so it'd probably go best on its own post. Not that last-minute-quality attacks are really top notch, but, eh, you know.

Alright, let the tagging begiiin!

@enjoliquej's Elaine, with knives. :v

@chrystallink's Deco!

@vio1315's Mien!

@a-random-cc's Keegan Tal!

Silvaze126's Tsukuyomi!

@authoroflight's Sion!

Dia (Chrystallink)'s Penelope!

@vanguv's Naomi Woods!

@wishbane's Geneihu!

Vio (Vio1315)'s Kydin!

Auld's Wispa!

@yangularoo's Gumbo!

Sheltonee's Sam!

Viathatoneartist's Lumina!

My Flint and CC (a-random-cc)'s Freedom!

@luniceity's sona!

Paciulo's Kim! (He has a rad comic called No Space For Us on tapas! I recommend it (so far)!)

Luminousmoon's Ripple! (She's so cute haha)

EnjoliqueJ's Yuuko (I'm so proud I named her TT.TT)!

Dia's Black!

@g-doodlez's Kira (really wish I could have finished her lol)!

Dia's Cirrus, Nisshoku, Sherbert and Kids and Neon Phoenix (I did so many sketches but alas, so little time)!

@niwawings15's Andy, Kaye, Nick, Tobias, and Davie, then Sno, Clara and Gar!

Phew that's everybody! XD Maybe a sane person would have done these one at a time but I really wanted to test out the 30 image thing on tumblr! 👀

Stay tuned for another post, I'll probably queue it because I can!

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2 years ago
What? A Kaze Post Out Of Season? It Sure Is!

What? A Kaze post out of season? It sure is!

I'm trying to drag myself out of this art hole and maybe actually. produce art that's showable. Instead of throwing lines on a page and then forgetting about them for 8 months. I'm gonna go to Lightbox this year and I want to try and throw together a portfolio. All I know is I want to start throwing myself at this art thing again to see if I can't like... find a way to sustain myself with art??¿¿?? I'd kind of given up after the pandemic hit but after a bad day at work a few months back I finally decided I want to work towards quitting. So... yeah. I'm trying to put more effort into art lately.

Anyways! This is Waizu. He adopts Naru in the story. He destroys planets for science and convinces Naru he's doing it for a good cause. Is he though? Well... he thinks it is.

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