kazeharuhime - Art Stuffs
Art Stuffs

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394 posts

Day 16 - Panalia FruitOkay So... This Is Turning About A Bit Like Hota And Her Bunnies. XD; I Just Keep...

Day 16 - Panalia FruitOkay So... This Is Turning About A Bit Like Hota And Her Bunnies. XD; I Just Keep...
Day 16 - Panalia FruitOkay So... This Is Turning About A Bit Like Hota And Her Bunnies. XD; I Just Keep...

Day 16 - Panalia Fruit Okay so... This is turning about a bit like Hota and her bunnies. XD; I just keep... drawing Buddy World plants. I have tens and tens of them, so I guess they're a nice go-to... and heck, it's easier than drawing figures. XD; Kinda sorta, sometimes. Really I just need new ideas. And I don't have any. So until I do AND I'm also caught up with Inktober... yyyah. Plants. XD Alright so. I'm actually not sure the Panalia is a cannon plant. I kinda made it up out of neccesi... .3. Actually made I do have a place for it. The main problem I had with it is I had no idea where it would've come from, but now I do. XD I think the deal with it is the Panalia is native to Sky Buddy World (baskets of bread in heaven anyone? XD It made sense to me anyway), but it's cultivated on Wing Alayna too. So while it doesn't grow there naturally, it's possible that it was brought there. I can see it being especially popular in the Queen's palace, so maybe it's cultivated around that area. I'm sure the Queen would love nothing more than the comforts of home as it were. XD Anyway though, I suppose I should attempt to explain how it works. By the diagram I think it's obvious enough. Basically the leaves are insulated on the inside, so it stores heat from the sun inside there and bakes the Breadfruit like that over time. When the fruit is ripe, the leaves unfurl, and you have some freshly baked bread~ XD ...fruit. yeah. XD It probably doesn't make any sense in real life, but Buddy World has wacky physics anyway so any impossibilities we can always chalk up to being part of the Imagination properties of that universe. XP

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    kc-r001 liked this · 3 years ago
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    enjoliquej liked this · 10 years ago

More Posts from Kazeharuhime

9 years ago


I posted this on dA but I thought hey why not tumblr too? XD Can’t tell you who this person is, but she’s a character of mine who... exists... yeah XD; She’s a character from a costory I write with a friend but I cannot say who she isss because she’s technically spoiler. But I wanted to post this anywayy so I just won’t say who she is yeah. XD; Anyways. So yeah. have an art. The full story of how this art came to be can be found here: http://kazeharuhime.deviantart.com/art/Princess-534894885

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9 years ago
Heyyy Guys! Just A Shoutout To My Friend EnjoliqueJ For Tweaking This For Me 8D I Wanted To Fix Up Some

Heyyy guys! Just a shoutout to my friend EnjoliqueJ for tweaking this for me 8D I wanted to fix up some of the sketchy noise BUT SOMEHOW the grainy noise just worked and every time I tried to fix it I just went blah SO HERE IT IS WARTS AND ALL XD ...Um. Who is this? Well. She’s a farm girl stuck in a shape can’t you tell? I mean what more is there to say? ...So yeah XD Actually she’s my character Nola and she was awfully cooperative fitting into that shape (though she’ll tell you otherwise she’s telling me she’s got a sore back from posing for this but ANYWHO) yeah. Um. So it’s one of those on form sketches shape challenge thingiesss I decided to do. I had a lot more but this one was the only one I thought was good enough to submit XD; then I showed it to my friends and they found some glaring flawsss and I was like mehh I don’t want to fix it and then my friend just did this and I loved it so much I kinda just 8D and here it is. She really just fixed the head it was givin me trouble XD; I still drew the body and everything she just made a small tweak which I am SO GRATEFUL FOR because it looks lovely and yet I also feel extremely lazy for not trying to do it myself >3> I thought about it but then... laziness. yeah. Anyways. XD um. IDK maybe I’ll try to fix it sometime but I just wanna get it out. XD;

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10 years ago
Day 13 - Phyrne (sketch And Ink; Color Still WiP)So Yeah. I Doodled This Earlier Today And Was Like You
Day 13 - Phyrne (sketch And Ink; Color Still WiP)So Yeah. I Doodled This Earlier Today And Was Like You

Day 13 - Phyrne (sketch and ink; color still WiP) So yeah. I doodled this earlier today and was like you know what? Let's ink it. So here it is. Phyrne here is somebody I've been concepting for a while now trying to get right, and I think I finally got somewhere. XD Only problem is, I botched the color on the ink! ...Or more specifically, I have no idea what her color scheme is! XD I can't decide if I want her to be more part-plantish with plant-like skin or just plain human skin... I'm leaning towards plant though, so I put up both a colored version of the sketch with a more idealized color scheme done digitally, and a cool but not quite what I wanted traditional color of her on the ink. XD easier to just put both up than to digital-edit the traditional constantly to get it more what I want. XP Phryne © Me Nadir world & concepts © Me, CielaRose and EnjoliqueJ

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10 years ago
EileenSo, The Other Day, I Was Doing This Roleplay With Cielarose, And I Was Going To Draw Somebody Else

Eileen So, the other day, I was doing this roleplay with cielarose, and I was going to draw somebody else but since I was roleplaying this character she was like "What? You're drawing /that/ thing? No. Move aside Megan, I need a new picture of myself more than you do." And proceeded to not leave me alone about drawing this until I finally finished. ...Obviously the background leaves a lot to be desired. XD I was going to put her in a cool background with some sunset lighting, but then I just kinda... stuck an orange gradient on it and called it done... XD Sooo. yeah. What is this character doing? I don't know. She seems oddly thoughtful... Probably has something to do with the events of that RP, but who knows? I'm just glad to finally have her off PS. That's one distraction down. Now to finish off that annoying character reference sheet of Megan. XD; After getting back into TS, things such as character sheets have become a necessary evil again. Eesh, still wanna redo the ones I did two years ago for Isura and Hiyura. Those ones are so oooolddd they just make me cringe. e.e Anyways though, getting off topic. XD; Seeya laters tumblr.

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9 years ago
Well Look At That! XD Its A Painting Of Naru... Havent Done This Char In Forever. I Think Me And Songa

Well look at that! XD It’s a painting of Naru... Haven’t done this char in forever. I think me and Songa got to talking about Naru and Shiido and I started sketching them again to get a feel for how to draw them again, anddd yeah. XD Then a painting happened. Touched it up a little today, had it sitting around for a couple days doing nothing but decided to finish it up today and post it somewhere. Still a little scrubby, but yah. I did this with no line :D The only lines are those painterly kind of you see there. With a thin brush and pressurized opacity... I call em painterly lines XD since it’s not the same as sketch lines. So yah. Have a Naru, everyone! XD

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