kitkat404 - Hopelessly Optimistic
Hopelessly Optimistic

I walk around like everything’s fine but deep down, inside my shoe, my sock is sliding off.

1724 posts

My Choir Teacher: I Quit, Anyone Else Wanna Quit?

My choir teacher: I quit, anyone else wanna quit?

Me: Can I quit?

My best friend: Can I quit life?

My choir teacher: nO!!

More Posts from Kitkat404

2 years ago

Alyssa to Kaylee and Shelby: Yes, I am homophobic. 99% of the problems in my life have been caused by a gay person!

Alyssa to herself: I mean that gay person was my dumbass, but still-

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2 years ago
Maybe Its Because Im Still Fairly New To The App, But The Logo Changed???? Is There An Explanation???

Maybe it’s because I’m still fairly new to the app, but the logo changed???? Is there an explanation???

2 years ago
Some Older Lumity Designs And Sketches ^^
Some Older Lumity Designs And Sketches ^^
Some Older Lumity Designs And Sketches ^^

Some Older Lumity designs and sketches ^^

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