Change Your Tune
Change Your Tune

requested by × anonymous
I stared at the patterns on the ceiling in my room, my hands clench and unclenches the sheets as Tommy thrusts inside me grunting in my ear. My eyes shift from the roof to the vanity mirror across from me, I frowned softly staring at myself trying to figure out why on god green earth was I here.
"Am I boring you?" I snapped my head to looked up at Tommy not noticing he stopped and was staring down at me with a unamused look.
"No, I was just..." I trailed off sensing he didn't really want a answer, so i just shook my head.
"Nothing, I'm sorry." He stared at me for a few seconds, before his hand moved from my thigh to my neck turning my head the opposite way of the mirror. His mouth licked and bite at my skin causing my body to react, he started thrusting inside me again but harder and faster. His rough thrust caused the bed to knock against my dresser causing littler trinkets to fall to the floor.
His hand tighten around my neck causing me to close my eyes and let tommy continue fucking me, after a couple more thrust I squeezed around him tensing making tommy came inside me groaning well burying his face in my shoulder. I groaned mentally at tommy heavy body going limp on top of me, I can only imagine the looks on my father face if he find me like this now. He probably be disgusted by me if he known men did this me...well a man, tommy shifted on top of me making me snap back to reality as he gets up off the bed. I covered my body with my thin blanket before turning on my side to watch tommy put his cock back in his pants and fix his trousers, he moved over to my dresser where his jacket was pulling out a pack of cigarettes.
He put one in his mouth before glancing at me offering me one, I shook my head I didn't like the taste of them and they kinda made my lungs feel funny. He shrugged litting his cigarette and putting on his jacket, I shifted sitting up on the bed my back leaning against the wall. I looked over at tommy as he holster his gun in his back waistband before looking back on the dresser, he backed up looking on the floor for something making me move to the edge of my bed. I bended over checking under my bed to find a golden ring not too far from my reached, I lifted myself up and looked over to tommy and held out my hand.
"Thanks." He mutters taking the metal out of my hand and sliding his wedding ring on his finger, I wondered watching him look at his ring if he felt gulity for being here after lizzie forbide him from coming to this place.
He was my first and only client on the account of him being the leader of the peaky blinders, which meant I didn't have to deal with some of the pricks who go through here like the other girls. I'm not an idiot I know tommy wanting me to himself doesn't mean he gives a fuck about me, he may not say it but he makes it clear that I'm just another hole that he can stick his dick inside whenever he wants.
"It's not proper to stare." My eyes averted from his gazed when he spoke up making me look down at my bedsheets.
"I'm sorry." I heard him move towards my bed before sitting down, I felt his fingers grab my chin lifting my face up to look at him.
"You want to ask me something. Ask." He stared into my eyes as I stared into his thinking if I should ask.
"Do you ever feel gulity coming here even though lizzie told you not too?" His face was unfazed by the question, but his eyes grew hard as his hand moved from my chin to grab my jaw making me wince as he held it tightly.
"Not that its any of your business, but no I don't. Why? You getting tired of me fucking you." He said calmly.
"N-no." I shook my head in pain.
"Good." He said letting go before he stood up heading towards the door, i rubbed my jaw moving it as I scowled him with his back to me.
"Because it be a shame to found out they switch you to a different brothel, where the men could be so much worse." I looked at him startled by his threat, tommy glanced halfway over his shoulder bidding me a goodnight before opening and shutting the door with a loud bang.
I sinked back into my bed pulling my blanket tighter around me, now that tommy is mad i wonder if he going to make good on his threat. I buried my face in my pillow trying not to think about it, I threw all my thoughts about tommy away and started imagining I was back in my home in my comfortable bed and my old room with clothes all over the floor and the window that looks out to the backyard where I sit to be alone. My body started to relaxed as I imagine my old life with my friends and family, and finally fell asleep.
My brain was awake before my body as the banging on my door signal that it was time to get up, I opened my eyes staring at my reflection in the mirror seeing the hickies all over my neck and shoulder.
I groaned pushing myself up before crawling off the bed, I put on a dress shirt and some underwear from my dresser before heading towards the door.
"Hi." I looked up from closing my door to see my next door neighbor.
"Hi, blondie." The blonde smiled at me like she always do as she follows behind me down stairs.
"The madam want to talk to you." A red hair girl said walking up to me, I nodded walking towards the room where the madam would be at this time.
"Come in." I stepped in looking around before standing in front of her desk.
"Do you have your earnings?" She asked putting down her pen and looking at me, I nodded digging in my shirt pocket and pulling out a couple of pounds.
"30 pounds?" She looked impressed before putting them in bra for safe keeping.
"You can go back to your room, now." My brows knit togther.
"But I haven't eaten breakfast yet."
"Only girls who satisfy their clients get to eat." I frowned.
"But I–"
"Mr.Shelby told me about last night, he said you were distracted and gave him dismissed." I clenched my teeth watching her pick up her pen and start filling out paperwork again.
I walked out and headed towards the stairs back to my room, I sighed flopping on my back and staring at the ceiling patterns. I only hope the food I had yesterday would be enough for me, and I still have chores around the house that I had to do to get lunch so it isn't too bad. But the worst was to come when tommy didn't show up that night or the next day or the next day or the next day having to depend on doing a good job on my chores to eat, I guess this was tommy way of punishing me.
I was reading a book blondie gave to me a well back to keep me entertained, I heard two knocks from my door making me hide my book under the mattress before standing up and looking at the door as the madam and an unfamiliar man walked through the door.
" (Y/N) meet Mr. Solomon his a friend of Mr. Shelby." I looked over at the larger man before plastering on a small smile.
"Hi." I said softly, he look me up and down before looking around the room.
"Mr. Shelby instructed that you take special care of Mr. Solomon tonight. " Madam hummed giving me a look, I nodded with a smile.
"Good girl." She says before glancing at the man as she walked out the door, I turned my gaze to the man as he sat his cane against the dresser.
"How long have you been fucking?" He asked looking at the tinklets on my dresser, I hesitated to speak not knowing if I should or he grow mad like tommy and do something to me.
"Come on don't be shy spit it out, girly." He huffed turning in my direction.
"Only a few months." I said looking at him, he nodded grunting as he took a seat on my bed. He massaged his knee grunting before unbutton his white shirt, I watched as he grabbed my pillow from beside him and put it behind as he moved to lay down putting his arm under his head.
"My knee is givin me 'rouble so you gonna 'ave to do mos' ov the work, girly." He says unbutton his trousers and taking out his cock, I nodded again reaching under my dress and pulling my panties down making them drop to my feet. I kicked them to the side and make my way to him, I sighed mentally before putting him in my mouth.
He was a bit bigger than tommy by length and girth which is good it means it won't hurt as much like the first time I did it, I looked up to see his eyes closed and him biting his bottom lip.
"Fuck!" He exclaimed under his breathe, his hand grabbed a fist full of my hair as he bobbed my head further as his cock it the back of my throat. I moaned around him feeling his cock twitch in my throat, I wiped the corner of my mouth with the back of my hand before going to straddle him.
His hands cralwed up to my upper arm sliding the straps from my dress off making my breast fall out, we made eye contact for millisecond before I glanced away down at his tatted chest. I rubbed his hard cock a few more times before rubbing his tip against my folds making me become wet, I grunt lowly slowly sliding my body down on his cock.
I closed my eyes as I started to ride him rolling my hips making him groan softly, I felt his hand slide up from my waist and grab hold of my breast rolling my nipple between his thumb and index finger well squeezing causing a moan to slip out. I stop my movement feeling his thumb rub against my clit, he smacked my ass making me tense at the weird new feeling that shot through me.
"Come on, love. I'm not paying ya to sit and look pretty. " He said gruffly, I gave him a shy apologetic look before moving again. His thumb went back to my clit making the feeling in my stomach tighten and pussy to get wetter, I bite the bottom of my lip moving my hands on to his board chest. His hand left my breast slide down back to my waist as he thrust hips into me making me whimper, he held tightly in my waist as we fall into a rhythm.
I was getting close and so was he, he moved his hand again between my breasts and towards my neck squeezing it lightly as he fuck into me a bit harder with his thumb still circling my sensitive clit. I couldn't help the small cry out as the orgasm vibrated through my whole body, he pulled me down by my neck as he kissed me sloppily well I still rocked my hips against his cock. His other hand moved from my clit to my ass squeezing it as he came inside me with a low groan.
I couldn't help but slumped against him with my breast flash against his chest, I could feel dick still inside me twitching. I slowly slide off of him sitting on the other side of my bed, I moved to put my straps back on my shoulder before glancing at him as he fixed his trousers and button up his shirt.
"Fuckin hell." He grunts rubbing his bad knee, I frowned softly at his pain remembering people I helped with the same problem.
"May I?" I asked, he looked over at me as I pointed at his knee.
"...knock yourself out." He said gruffly laying back down watching me closely, I moved at the of the bed facing him before digging my thumbs into his thighs massage the muscles. He grunted in pain before going reflex when my hands moved down to his knee carefully massaging the side to try ease the muscles.
"Does that feel better?" I asked still massaging his thigh.
"Yeah...where you learn to do that?" He asked curious, I looked up at him for a second before shrugging.
"France." He hummed before moving off the bed, he went over to the dresser to grab his hat and cane.
"I'll be back tomorrow." I suppress my surprise and nodded.
"Same time, Mr.Solomon?" He looked over at me before nodding.
He left a couple pounds on my dresser before tipping his hat toward me and walking out the room, I buried my face into the pillow as I brought my cover to my chest feeling exhausted. I sighed as my mind was too tired to think about anything, but my mind did slowly drift to the man who
I haven't seen tommy since our last encounter but I have been seeing the sweet brute name alfie around more often, the second time he came back I was sorta surprised he didn't want to have sex. Instead, he wanted me to do what I did the day before with his leg and he started up a conversation.
"What's your name?" He asked, I looked up well massaging his thigh.
"Whatever you want my name to be." He shook his head.
"I want your real name." I looked at him a bit taken back, I hesitate for a minute before telling him my name.
"That's a pretty name." He hummed leaning back watching me work on his calf.
I asked for his name feeling a bit confident and he told me his name was alfrie...not alfred he made it clear how much he dispised being called alfred...he told me I could just call him Mr. Solomon if I was more comfortable with that.
"Or daddy." He winked at me causing me to chuckled lowly before smiling at him.
"I'll keep that in mind."
That was our routine he would come in tell me what he wanted to do and we do it, and at the end he tell me he see me tomorrow. One night, alfie came back he asked me a peculiar question.
"How do a smart girl like yourself end up here..." alfie asked as he rubs my feet and vise versa, this is one of those times alfie stay a extra longer to talk with me. I wasn't hesitant to tell alfie anything anymore now that he consider me his friend.
"My half-brother owned a debt to arthur shelby, he couldn't pay it so he drove his car into the canal." I said flat, I barely knew him and when my father introduced us he didn't want anything to do with me unless he needed money.
"Did they find the body?" I nodded.
"Yeah, my dad called me to identify if it was him and it was..."
"Must have been hard for your family." I shrugged, my dad was the only one broken up by his son's death well everybody else knew he was manipulative thief.
"I can't found sympathy for the bastard who put me in a 2,400 dollar debt." I threw a quick smile to alfie before going blank, I could be finishing school getting a real career and making something of myself but I'm here getting fucked for money.
"2,400 isn't that much." Alfie mused looking off to the side, I looked back back at him with a look.
"maybe not you, Mr. Camden Gangster," I smirked making him laugh, "...but to us common folks it's a lot of fucking money." I could feel his hand wrapped around my ankle dragging me slightly from my spot, I looked at to see me giving me those "fuck me" eyes.
I moved from my spot and sat on his lap with both legs on either side so im straddling him, alfie lay his hands on my side looking at me.
"what if I pay your debt?" He mutters, I smiled down at him shaking my head.
"you dont have to–" He cut me off as his hand slide to my ass pinching it making me glare softly at him.
"why not, huh? I have the money if you worried about paying me back–" I kissed his lips stopping him from talking I didn't want to talk about it anymore the thought of leaving here felt like a pipe dream, my hand brushed against his cock feeling how hard felt beneath his trouser.
"looks like someone ready for round 4. " I giggled, my lips kissed down his neck before leaving love bites. Alfrie held my wrists with both hands making me grin at him.
"stop trying to distract me, luv." I sighed as he gave me a look.
"tommy told me the same thing a couple months ago, but he changed his mind saying my pussy was too good to let go." I furrowed my brows back then I thought it was vigor what he said, but now I'm kinda flattered.
"I can't argue with that but do you think I go back on my word like shelby?" He asked a bit offended.
"Can you blame me? I got dragged into something that had nothing to do with me." I rubbed my forehead with back of my hand.
"And now if I leave I won't have no place to go my father won't allow me back if he founds out what I been doing for the past year and half. I can't go back to school. I cant get a job. I'm stuck here debt or not." I closed my eyes to stop the tears from forming, I spent most of my days waiting for the day my debt would be clear. Now, I dread for that day to come knowing I have no home and no money to fed myself knowing I would come back crawling begging to be let back in.
"All I know is this life now, why not just accept it." I shrugged looking back at him I couldn't help but admire his tatted chest and move my fingers across his chest.
"Now, can we go back to what he were doing and forget you say me at my lowest." I joked trying to bring up the mood again, i didn't want ruin a nice mood.
Alfie gave me a small smirk nodding before pulling bsck for a kiss, he flipped me on my back now hovering over me.
"Alfie. Your knee.' I said worried.
"Don't worry it doesn't hurt much right now. Now turn on your side." He motion his head as I turned on my side facing the mirror in front of me, I heard shuffling with his pants. I laid my head on my arm waiting for him, I felt him placing kisses up and down my neck and shoulder before his hand came around and started rubbing my clit.
"aw, alfie." I moaned putting my leg bending my leg up giving him more access, alfie's cock played in my folds making me wet teasing me ever so slightly. He held my breast as he thrust into me causing me to moan out his name again, his other hand hook under my leg spreading me wider. My finger rubbed my clit as pleasure shoot through my body, alfie beard tickled my neck as he left wet kisses and bites marks.
He groaned feeling me clench around him, he pulled my hair to turned my hair before his tongue explore my mouth. The sweet tightness of pleasure building up in my stomach bust, my body vibrated against alfie as he continued to fuck me from behind soon coming inside me with a huff before kissing my shoulder.
That was week ago. I haven't seen or heard from him since, I didn't take it personally I kinda hoped he leave. I couldn't start falling for this man...alfie had responsibilities to his gang and to people who counted on him, we wouldn't work out he comes here to blow off steam from the underworld and to have me in his life 27/4 would just cause both of us to be unhappy.
I turned my head yawning opening my eyes, I see aflie sitting on the end if my bed with his cost and hat still on.
"Hey, you. What time is it?" I stretched out my legs and back before settling back in bed.
"10:30." He asked watching me, I frowned sitting up.
"Fuckin hell." I whispered to myself before looking back at him.
"Did you just get here?" He shook his head no.
"Got here at 9 to found you sleep."
"An hour and a half, alfie. Why didn't wake me up. " I groaned making him chuckled.
"You look pretty when your sleeping." I gave him a look.
"You were watching me sleep." He shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal.
"You my dear friend are a proper weirdo." I said moving over to him and kiss him on the cheek.
"Can you use a type writer?" He asked, I stopped midway putting my cover over my shoulder before nodding.
"Uhhh, yeah." A bit thrown off by the question, he nodded.
"Can you cook?"
"Can you do laundry?"
" can you drive?"
"Can you clean?"
"What is this? I feel like I'm being interview to be your wife." I giggled, I could see a slight blush come across his face.
"You didnt answer the question."
"Yes, alfie. I can clean. What is this about?" I asked smiling confused.
"I have a proposition for you." He said matter of factly with both hands on his cane.
"...okay." I said curious.
"You work for me as my secretary/assistant, and come stay with until you can get enough money to find a new place." He said, i looked at him with unbelievable expression.
"I cant just leave I still have to pay–"
"Already paid in full." He stood up, I stared into his eyes trying to figure why he doing this for me.
"No time to think. Just yes or no." I looked around my room before looking back at him.
The drive to alfie's home was not long as I looked outside at the buildings and the people walk to or from home, we finally pulled up to his home getting out.
Alfie pulled out his keys as I looked around to see some people out and about, I see a old couple giving me a look making me hold up my hand with a small smile.
"Oh, shit. I forgot to warn I have–" before alfie could finished his sentence a bark came from down the hall and a big dog rushed towards us.
I yelped as the heavy dog's paws pushed me into the door as it stand on its two feet sniffling me.
"Oi, Cyril. Get." Alfie tried to wave the dog away as he got down and started nudging my leg with his nose.
"Oh, what a cute baby." I smiled rubbing his head and snatching behind his ear, the dog, cyril, tail wagged as I scratched his stomach.
"You like dogs?" Alfie asked.
"Like? I love dogs. Oh, I can tell me and him are gonna be good friends." I smiled as the dog started to lick my face, I got up looking around the house before looking back at alfie to see him staring at me.
"Let me show you around." I nodded as he took me around the living room and the kitchen, we soon went up the stairs where he showed me the bathroom and my room. He pointed down the hall at his door.
"That's my room. If you need anything and i mean anything my door is always open." He said with a hint of a deviant glint in his eyes, I leaned closer to him smiling at him feeling his hand go to my hip.
"I'll keep that in mind." He smirked as I leaned in giving a heated kiss.
"I know it's your first night here, but why don't we get you settle in my bed for tonight." He asked huskily.
"I'm already liking it here." I grabbed his hand pulling him towards his room, he used one hand to unbutton his shirt before kicking the door close behind us.
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More Posts from Kordy-b
Girl I loved the twilight dating a black girl. If I may request more on the same and Emily on like how Mc/reader and Sam started to fall for each other, like a headcanon of that?
Thank you for your time. I hope you have a great day
I hope this is to your liking

Hey, could you do one for Thomas shelby where the reader was childhood sweet hearts, but he had left due to the war. And while he's away she finds out she's pregnant, and she also receives a letter that Tommy passes away. And they meet years later, with their daughter. Could you make it a black reader. Thank you ❤

Hi could please write one for John shelby it doesn't really matter what it is. And could you make it a black reader.
Thank you ❤

Mc/reader and Sam started to fall for each other.

requested by × @ilovehobi101
• The reader was new around town when she met Emily at school.
• Emily was so kind and sweet which made the reader fall for her even more.
• After high school, Emily and the reader moved to La Push where they met Sam.
• Sam was quickly drawn to Emily and the reader, but both girls didn't pay no mind to him.
• After a celebration, the reader accidentally imprinted on Sam without his knowledge and kept it a secret for weeks until the accident.
• Emily was in the hospital for days and devastated when she found her cousin knew about Sam, the reader finally told her what happened at the gathering several days making Emily reassure her.
• "Im not mad–" Emily said watching her girlfriend pace.
• "But you should I kept this from you for weeks, and now this I–" the reader took a breathe before looking over at Emily.
• "I wanted it to be you, Emily. Not him." Emily smiled held out her hand for the reader to grab and told her everything was going to work out.
• After a few weeks, Emily was out of the hospital and accepted her place as the Sam's mate. When the reader finally got alone time with sam, she told him about the imprint.
• "So, that means I'm your mate?" She nodded, he looked at her for a moment before getting close and grabbing her hands.
• "I am happy you told me. I'm always find you...pretty and–" She cut him off taking back her hands.
• "Don't get it twisted, Uley. I still hate your guts for what you did to Emily, but since my girlfriend is such a kind soul I promised her I let this work." She glared before walking away leaving Sam to look after her with a frown.
• It was hard to watch her girlfriend to slowly fall for Sam, but the reader was reassured by Emily that she still loved her just as much. While the reader was phasing, she would run through the woods as a way to clear her mind.
• Well, running she was joined by Sam who raced her to find a hunt to bring Emily. The reader and sam challenge was turned into a game as they played through the woods, until til the sun went down.
• The reader didn't want to admit but she had fun, especially after they unphase. Sam compliment the reader the way home which made her smile and her cheeks heat up.
• Later that night, Sam held Emily in his arms while the reader legs were tangled in Sam with her head rested on his chest with her hand linked with Emilys'.
• The amount of pictures Emily took well they were sleep could fill two scrapbooks, she finally left to cook breakfast only for them to wake up two mins later.
• "We been asleep forever and you still haven't cook breakfast." Emily scoffed looking at her girlfriend before glancing at her boyfriend.
• "You gonna let her tall to me like that?" She joked narrowing her eyes at Sam, he yawned before slapping tge reader butt making Emily giggle.
• "Be nice." The reader slapped his chest smirking at him as she took a seat next to him well he leaned his head on her shoulder still tired.
• The food was ready as Emily sit two plates down before walking away to get her plate.
• "Pancakes. Nice." The reader said pouring syrup on her pancakes, Emily came back to seat on the reader lap. Sam planted a kiss on Emily's shoulder and the reader's neck making them grin at him as they cut up their food.
Hi, could you write John shelby seeing his first love again after so many years. And you it be black reader. Thank you 💜