Any pronouns | english/french Stupid thought and whatever fandom or random thing have my attention | Final Fantasy 14, Genshin Impact | | WoL: Raven Starhunter | Dragonborn Tav
393 posts
If You Want A Real Answer... Black. But I'm Regularly Changing My Limbal Ring. Originally Gold, Then
If you want a real answer... black. But I'm regularly changing my limbal ring. Originally gold, then gradually white in shadowbribger, they are now teal, sometime green, sometimes blue.
So canonically gold -> white -> teal
What is your wol's eye color?
wolqotd • wolquestion
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Had a chat with a friend of mine concerning the contemporary FFXIV community. They've experienced quite the influx of rude and uncooperative players on their server. Now, I can't speak for mine because I've only kept my sub alive to log in every month to keep an FC up until the leader decides to return, but I wonder if more people have experienced the same my friend has.
Lore-wise, he like them fine, but in small doses. The frequent, but relatively short contact his people have with them, when they come trade in the valleys of the Fanged Crescent, suit him just fine. They seem to talk a lot, and be noisy, but they are decent neighboor, and they never had cause for conflict between his people and them.
All in all, no strong opinions either way, they live their lives and he live his own.
What do your WoL think about namazus?
wolqotd • wolquestion
Nice touch with the anchor pendant on Sylvanas. Also... i keep laughing every time I see it because... she seems so proud, while Jaina is dying from embarassement. Also, when this happened, I don't think Jaina was laughing. The trauma of Theramore and killing her lover just after when it was supposed to be a nice moment? Yikes. Doubt this night ended up well.

I made 2 things canon in my universe today...
The first is that Jaina loves to plop herself in Sylvanas' lap via blink or portal, and Sylvanas definitely enjoys it (A Recurring theme hngggg >\\\\<)
The second is that Sylvanas accidentally dies at the hands of our very own Archmage (A freshly mana bomb charged archmage is a deadly partner in bed apparently xDDD)

Yisss you are correct and with the addition of Jaina overwhelming Sylvanas' whole being with her mana. (since Jaina was still "freshly bombed" xD)... so yep, death by orgasm xD
reminder to worldbuilders: don't get caught up in things that aren't important to the story you're writing, like plot and characters! instead, try to focus on what readers actually care about: detailed plate tectonics