A New Flash Fic On AO3 For You To Read.

A new flash fic on AO3 for you to read.
You Should've Killed Me
you-beat-that-username liked this · 8 months ago
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Support our fellow artist. Their artwork is phenomenal 😍💜

Awkward self-promo moment.
If you like my pictures and want to have them in higher resolution you can follow the link and download them for a symbolic price. This two pictures are now added to the shop:

Also you can buy me a coffee or make a PayPal donation (info in the 📌 post) and get a picture made just for you (as well as it's high resolution version) as a thank you gift 🎁

Your support is very needed and deeply appreciated ❤

THE FALL (2006) dir. Tarsem Singh
Oh yes, agreed 🙌 Coming up with a title is hard, but coming up with a good summary is even worse 😕
Don't think about writing as just the act of getting words down on a page.
Brainstorming ideas. Daydreaming about the characters. Researching the world they inhabit. Trying to come up with a fucking title.
If you only count the time you spend sitting at a keyboard, you're not giving yourself credit for all of the work you did leading up to the moment when the story is finally clear enough in your mind that you can start putting it into actual words.
Beautiful 💜

Thranduil winter BY HannaS2