I like to think I know what I’m doing
25 posts
Laebaela - . . . . - Tumblr Blog
Characters who are enemies but are ultimately connected by the narrative, doomed to be stuck between yearning and hatred
Some Book of Bill musings about the theraprism below the cut.
Bill getting sectioned by the Axolotl (and time baby?) is wild to me.
What sort of therapy would be effective on an unwilling participant with such extreme issues with authority?
Do they enforce medication schedules, is there mandatory CBT or DBT sessions to make him feel bad about his decisions (and is guilt ever an effective method when dealing with someone with Bills issues) or do they do Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
Can you use EMDR to process traumatic memories if the patient only has one eye (probably) or would they utilise tapping or electric pulses to trigger bilateral brain movement.
I know they do art therapy and have unhelpful patronising motivational posters on the wall, but who decides by what metric these "offenders" reach reform by?
And who decides their reincarnation fate, is there any oversight there to make these reincarnation decisions client led or is it just one more thing the offenders have to accept they have no control over. They are already dressed like prisoners and subjected to solitary confinement (which can be a passive form of torture in some cases).
Do they address the root traumas effectively given the owners of the theraprism seem to be all powerful (but not powerful enough to eradicate the systemic problems that cause the initial traumas) or do they victim blame and reinforce narcissistic injury through this process.
Are you cured when you stop fighting? When you give up and conform?
How is the theraprism a just solution and who controls it behind the scenes?
Are you free when you admit guilt (Bill already described himself as a monster) or when you take accountability?
Is accountability helpful at all when the Theraprism only seems to release patients to be completely reincarnated to a new form and life? How are you meant to make up for your failings in this life if you're just continually punished for it until you reach reincarnation stage and then continue to be punished in the next life (by only getting reincarnated as bugs or lower life forms if the butterfly is anything to go by). Everyone just trusts that the Axolotl is the good guy, same with Time Baby, but by what virtue are they in charge (when they seem just as mysterious, ambiguous and overpowered as Bill sometimes) and what have they done to prove they are worthy of this huge responsibility?
I have so many questions about the actual efficacy of the theraprism past a funny punchline for the Book of Bill.
Lalalalala lalalalala LALALALALAAAA
Save me baby bill save me
exporting the animatic... this is going to take a while 👍

hi guys i have you so abandoned, please accept this skk as a peace offering
BEASTzai finally goes to therapy 😌🙏
IM TWEAKING I CANT SLEEP IM GOING INSANE AHHHHHHHH :3 oh well gonna read upsetting bsd head cannons now
i dont get offended at white people jokes even though im white because:
i can recognize white people as a whole have systemically oppressed POC in america, which is where i live
most people when they make white people jokes only mean the shitty white people and i am not a shitty white person
im not a pissbaby
You’re so lucky…
I realized I haven't talked about skk in... so long.
Y'all tbh I'm real tired of people trying to justify shit Dazai's done w/ the intent of making him look like a good person. He isn't.
"I can't believe he killed those guards" Really? I can, with very little issue actually. Seems fully in character. "He must've gotten someone else to do it for him" Who else can move while time's frozen? The cat girl? Ok let's say they freed her and she killed them for him. He still caused their death.
"How is Dazai going to kill Fyodor without breaking his promise to Oda?" Very easily bc he never said no more killing he agreed to be on the side that saves people. Something something side of the angels something...
"Dazai was doing what was best for Akutagawa" Ah no. No he was not, were there times where he might've done something out of need and not want? Sure, I'll argue that Dazai knew he had the potential to stop those bullets when he shot at him and that he had to shoot at him bc reputation shit but guess what if he could guess all that he would also know how his ahem. training methods were affecting Akutagawa. He wanted a loyal killing machine and used the easiest way to get him there, knowing how it would affect him.
"But he isn't doing that to Atsushi, so he's a good person now" He doesn't want a loyal killing machine. You ever read beast? Where he does want that from Atsushi? You'll never guess how he treats him. Sure he's better but he is still firmly morally gray.
"Dazai was a kid too" Yes he was, hurt people hurt people but that doesn't undo the hurt. I could make a whole other post being way more sympathetic towards Dazai, I'd love to do it but my point was that y'all are wanting something from this character that he just doesn't have to give.
Dazai was born to be a magical girl and Chuuya was born to be in a battle of the bands manga. Preferably both are in the same manga and Chuuya is also a magical girl, and Dazai is also participating in the battle of the bands but on the rival team. Yes they’re both in Highschool, are you insane?
I dont see ppl say it often but those things of like mori forcing Dazai to live in the container make no sense to me.
I feel like it'd make more sense if Dazai had lived their BEFORE Mori like maybe they ran away and it just took shelter in the container? I know on a mafia salary (assuming he was being paid fairly/in money) he probably could've afforded a place so them staying there was probably smth self destructive but I genuinely can't see it as smth Mori forced it to do.
Secret ending:

I love red backgrounds btw. God, they’re so cool.
Oooh looks like I’ll have to reread Gaiden.
And Kyoka’s mother gave her the ability before she died, which is interesting that it’s possible (surprised the government hasn’t been trying to get her) and still fits the theory really well.
Ik abilities are like a reflection of how someone is?? Or however it was said in 55 minutes but it's interesting how a lot of ability users seem to have some sort of trauma which, for 1, is interesting by itself bc it means the bsd world has a whole other section if psychology just for abilities (probably but since they seem to know so little I assume it's under-researched)
But its also kinda fun seeing them as a reflection of ppl's problems. Like abilities seem to cause suffering for a lot of the ppl who have them (not all, some of them obviously hs reflect on who they are as a person, their goals, and whatever) but idk something in my head is half connecting accepting their abilities even if they cause suffering to trauma and working through that
But my thought is ending there bc I have the media/literary analysis skills of a 3 year old and I can't form anything beyond that
No no I think you’re on to something.
Like the idea of an ability being born of trauma is already pretty widely accepted, I think…But taking it a step further and saying it’s the manifestation of their trauma is actually kind of interesting.
Dazai’s trauma would obviously have to do with feeling inhuman or invalid in some way.
Chuuya’s trauma could be characterized as being weighed down (By the sheep, by Verlaine, by Dazai, by his loyalty) like what gravity does.
Atsushi’s ability could reflect that he really isn’t that hostile and only fights to survive. Even taking into account that he’s a white tiger, an extinct species (as far as I know).
Akutagawa having to grow up in the streets of slums and using anything he could get his hands on for food, clothes, protection etc. His ability is to use fabric as a weapon, if that’s not being resourceful then what is.
There’s obviously more to look into, and I might be kinda off, but I do like the idea of someone’s ability being a symbol of their trauma. Plus, it gives more insight on backstories.
Ik abilities are like a reflection of how someone is?? Or however it was said in 55 minutes but it's interesting how a lot of ability users seem to have some sort of trauma which, for 1, is interesting by itself bc it means the bsd world has a whole other section if psychology just for abilities (probably but since they seem to know so little I assume it's under-researched)
But its also kinda fun seeing them as a reflection of ppl's problems. Like abilities seem to cause suffering for a lot of the ppl who have them (not all, some of them obviously hs reflect on who they are as a person, their goals, and whatever) but idk something in my head is half connecting accepting their abilities even if they cause suffering to trauma and working through that
But my thought is ending there bc I have the media/literary analysis skills of a 3 year old and I can't form anything beyond that

Bones robbed us of Dazai literally laughing out loud at Chuuya's rich girl act.

I love red backgrounds btw. God, they’re so cool.

They look like they didn’t read the gc
Like normal life. I’ve done it so much it’s like second nature atp.
Oh you’re a soukoku fan?
How does it feel to be so in love with someone that you gaslight yourself into thinking you hate them

SKK manga panel redraw.
I hate them so much *foams at the mouth* these gays always ruin everything *they’re all I think about*
Why do I like this deranged asshole so much