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1 year ago

Pics I found on Pinterest that I love shin soukoku edition pt37

Pics I Found On Pinterest That I Love Shin Soukoku Edition Pt37
Pics I Found On Pinterest That I Love Shin Soukoku Edition Pt37
Pics I Found On Pinterest That I Love Shin Soukoku Edition Pt37
Pics I Found On Pinterest That I Love Shin Soukoku Edition Pt37
Pics I Found On Pinterest That I Love Shin Soukoku Edition Pt37
Pics I Found On Pinterest That I Love Shin Soukoku Edition Pt37
Pics I Found On Pinterest That I Love Shin Soukoku Edition Pt37
Pics I Found On Pinterest That I Love Shin Soukoku Edition Pt37
Pics I Found On Pinterest That I Love Shin Soukoku Edition Pt37
Pics I Found On Pinterest That I Love Shin Soukoku Edition Pt37

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The ADA dorms pt 4

Natsume: *sitting dramatically on a rooftop* Ah it is so wonderful to see that my three party framework has become successful. The alliance between the Port Mafia and the Armed Detective Agency will usher a new era of pea.. ... what the fuck

Chuuya: *leaving Dazai's room through the window and flying off* Akutagawa: *leaves Atsushi's room using Rashomon to slink into an alleyway* Mori: *walks quickly out of Fukuzawas room with a black trench coat and a big hat* Kouyou: *Kisses Yosano at her door and strolls calmly to the street and into a car*

Natsume: I cant deal with this shit

Part 9 ~ Part 8 ~ Part 7 ~ Part 6 ~ Part 5 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 1

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anytime atsushi gets excited his tail pops out and wags but no one tells him becuz they think its funny to see atsushi try and pretend he's not excited and act nonchalant

atsushi is genuinely surprised and confused how everyone always knows what he wants or wants to do

dazai, kunikida, and atsushi coming back from a mission

kunikida, noticing atsushi looking at an ice cream stall: atsushi do u want ice cream

atsushi: oh i dont care either way! if u and dazai san want to then...

dazai: i dont re-

kunikida and dazai staring at atsushi's wagging tail:

dazai: ooh~ kunikida-kun~ how kind~ to offer us ice cream~

kunikida: as if bastard! i'll buy it for atsushi but ur a grown ass man

dazai: if only i had a tail :(

atsushi: what

dazai: what



like that

yosano: how did u choose a gift for atsushi? theres so many things i could get... since he's not used to owning much

ranpo: my genius deductive skills obviously


ranpo: okay fine i chose like 10 and mentioned them to him subtly and bought the one he wagged his tail for the most


yosano: oh shit u are a genius

ranpo: why r u acting surprised


atsushi: cant believe i have to work with you again,,, why do we always have to see each other ugh

akutagawa, staring (like wan staring) at atsushi's wagging tail:


bet atsushi never takes time off becuz idk he doesn't think he can - like he knows he can but he also doesn't think he can

that doesn't make sense but i hope u get it

anyway he never requests time off - he's only not there if he's sick (and was bullied into resting) or something like he personally never puts in the request

if there's some festival or event or anything that anyone thinks atsushi would want to go and would go if not for work they let the boss man know

fukuzawa: atsushi, you haven't taken much time off, but it's good to take a break now and then. if you want, you can have monday and tuesday off. (which weirdly is the exact time that that one event u wanted to go to is on but obviously thats just a coincidence)

atsushi, tail wagging: oh that's alright

fukuzawa: i insist.


what else hmmmmmmmm

kyouka: atsushi, do you want me to make that dish again? you liked it right?

atsushi: oh i did! but you dont have to if you dont want to! i mean if you do you totally can

kyouka, staring at his tail: i'll make it


junichiro, after coming back from a longer mission:

atsushi: heyyy we didn't see each other all day!

junichiro, trying not to show how touched he is becuz atsushi's tail is wagging, showing how happy he is:

and so on

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It's quite obvious to anyone who has seen them. Akutagawa and Atsushi have feelings for each other, yet for some reason neither of them have seem to realize the other feels the same.

Fast forward to the present day, the Decay of Angels is taken care of, Yokohama is safe, and everything is back to normal. Well as normal as it can be. You see, the tension has been high between the two men, ever since Akutagawa came back from vampirism with his teeth in Atsushis neck. Neither of them decide to bring it up, why would they? they don't want to be the one to bring up this awkward conversation, Atsushi doesn't want to bring up the fact that maybe he actually enjoyed it, and Akutagawa doesn't want to admit how his heart fluttered when he was that close to the weretiger. So, neither of them talk about it, they go on missions together since the Port Mafia and Agency have come to a mutual understanding that they may need to rely on each other from time to time.

Now, the problem isn't the fact they get paired together on missions, no, that's the opposite of a problem they actually work together amazingly, they don't need words to communicate, they can just look at each other and the point gets across. The problem is Dazai. You see Dazai is perceptive, to perceptive for his own good sometimes. So Obviously he has seen the tension, and obviously he has teased Atsushi about it. But every time Dazai has brought it up, Atsushi has shut it down, albeit he has the biggest blush dusting his cheeks, and a slightly inflated flustered tone while speaking. Akutagawa doesn't have it any easier. Yes he doesn't have Dazai poking fun at the situation, but he does have Chuuya. Chuuya who means well. Chuuya who doesn't want him to make the same mistakes he did. So Chuuya pushes Akutagawa to confess, to realize his feelings for Atsushi is more than just tolerance of him, but genuine feelings. Eventually Akutagawa tries his best to tell him he really does. But he is only human.

"Weretiger we need to talk" No, that will stress Atsushi out. "Atsushi want to get dinner together this weekend?" Is he really asking him on a date. and since when does Akutagawa use Atsushis first name? After many days, and many unsent text messages, they get paired on another mission. The mission goes to plan as it always does, until the end, Atsushi is standing in front of Akutagawa, his face flushed in the prettiest way that Akutagawa has ever seen. Nervously Atsushi asks Akutagawa if he wants to get boba together, only because they had extra time since they finished the mission quickly, no other reason. Of course Akutagawa accepts, only because he is feeling fairly parched, not because he actually wants to spend more time with Atsushi, that would be absurd. Now here they both are, sitting outside the café together, in silence. Which is weird for them, not necessarily Akutagawa, but Atsushi, Atsushi tends to fill the silence. And Akutagawa always thought he hated it, but now that it's not there, he's realized how much he like Atsushi talking. So, he goes to break the silence, but, so does Atsushi does too. After a couple awkward chuckles from the two men, Akutagawa lets Atsushi speak first. When he does, Akutagawa couldn't believe his ears. Atsushi was flustered, he was stumbling over his words, and it wasn't smooth at all, it was embarrassing to be fully honest, But Akutagawa didn't care, he loved every second of it, every stumbled word, every nervous giggle, every little thing Atsushi did. Akutagawa never looked away, he held his breath until Atsushi was finished talking, and when Atsushi finished, the biggest smile crossed Akutagawa face. Akutagawa didn't know how to respond though, how was he supposed to, someone he's seen at his lowest points, someone he sacrificed his life for, was sitting here next to him, acting as if Akutagawa wasn't as in love with him as he was. So instead of using words. Which were never his strongest suit. Akutagawa did what he thought best, and he leaned forward and kissed him. After a couple moments he pulled away smiling softly at Atsushi. "You really think I wouldn't return the sentiment weretiger?" Akutagawa says almost teasingly, yet with a hint off affection laced in with it. After that the rest was history, they started a relationship with each other. No it wasn't perfect, but it was theirs, and no one could take that away from them. Not Dazai with his overbearing teasing. Not Chuuya with his over protectiveness towards Akutagawa. No one could come between the first time Akutagawa felt genuine love and happiness.

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atsushi gets super clingy when he's drinking like the first time the ada took him out for drinks, dazai and kunikida could not move because atsushi was holding them so tightly and he finally, tearfully, allowed kunikida to leave because kunikida had to use the bathroom only to jump across the table and hold onto to junichiro (dragging dazai with him), when they finally left and took him home, they had to claw him off ranpo and even then it only worked because since it was his first time drinking, yosano was going to stay with him just in case

anyway, after the first time, the ada just get used to it and it no longer registers to them as anything but normal

akutagawa and atsushi aren't even tentative friends yet before akutagawa runs into tipsy atsushi and ends the night with an armful of atsushi that wont let go no matter how much he pokes and prods but thats a different story lmao

higuchi: sir... why is the agency's weretiger curled up on your lap

akutagawa: he went drinking with his friends.

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sskk wedding where atsushi gives a long ass speech and when its finally time for aku's vows every breathes a sigh of relief becuz aku like is direct, quick to the point so they think it's almost over but aku could talk about atsushi and how much he loves him for days on end and still think its not enough

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Me trying to figure out how Akutagawa explained his whole ‘I can’t kill for 6 months’ deal to the rest of the mafia, like, ‘sorry boss I know you gave me a direct order to wipe out this opposing organization, but I cut a deal with my enemy/partner/rival/crush to not kill anyone for 6 months so that I can impress him with my superior skills and then immediately kill him, so you’re going to have to select someone else for this mission, sorry.’ Like-

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someone: whats ur type?

atsushi: hmm not too tall or short... dark hair... dark eyes... goth maybe... wears dark colors but can pull off white...stabby... cares about sibling... hm what else... likes long dramatic coats...murdery... mafia-

akutagawa, holding a tendril of rashomon to atsushi's throat, pissed: my sister?

atsushi: no you fucking moron


akutagawa, concerned: if not my sister... jinko whoever it is must have lied about being in the mafia as i cannot recall anyone else meeting that description


akutagawa, genuinely worried and a little flustered at being so: you should... avoid the liar... if they are dishonest... they arent worth your time


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7 months ago

Might I offer you some fluff, in these trying times of chap 117?

Shin Soukoku co-parenting Aya.

Please tag me in the fics.

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1 year ago

if your favorite ship isn’t growling at eachother like some feral dogs are they really in love?

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1 year ago

high school no powers au where akutagawa, in all his grumpy emo glory, says he has a boyfriend when someone asks him why he turns down all the ppl that confess to him but said boyfriend goes to another school

obviously no one believes him

but atsushi, does in fact go to a different school - working to catch up to his grade level after not getting a proper education at his orphanage - he's been planning on transferring to akutagawa's school, especially since kunikida-san and dazai-san go there too and have been so helpful helping him study and the such

he wonders if his ryuu knows his friends :)


he transfers in eventually and now everyone has to deal w/ the fact that akutagawa wasnt lying boom

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1 year ago

au where atsushi gets hit w/ an ability and is in a coma and is fighting for his life

atsushi has a strong desire to live sure but also thinks that itd just be better (and that he deserves to) if he went and died in a ditch

becuz of this, so close to death, atsushi has little will to fight

mayhaps he's been feeling not good for a while but didnt realize how not good

anyway thats not important whats important is as per the ability he can still observe the world and the ppl he might leave as a ghost of sorts

he's floating around the hospital or following his friends, observing

he watches as kyouka cries holding his body's hand, begging him to fight, begging him to not leave and leave her alone - refusing to leave his side until someone has to take her away

he watches kenji try to pretend every things fine - reassuring anyone who'll listen that atsushi is strong - and talk to atsushi as if he's simply closing his eyes for a bit - seemingly in denial about everything

he watches junichiro alternate between trying to comfort everybody, trying to process everything and having fits of rage and hurt where he screams and yells and completely breaks down

he watches kunikida be there for anyone and everyone and try to continue as normally as he can but always being a little off - a little too slow, a little too tired - but still putting up a front until its just him and atsushi's body and he's apologizing for letting this happen begging atsushi to wake up

he watches dazai's face stay blank the entire time he's there only to drink more and more and get scarier and scarier - visit oda and ask the stone what to do - curse his own ability for not stopping the ability thats hurting atsushi - being too scared to go anywhere near atsushi in the fear that atsushi's regenerational abilities will stop working and he'll hurt even more

he watches ranpo put up a strong face - take on more cases - find the ability user quickly but be unable to find any other way for atsushi to get better other than just getting better - he knows theres no way but still he pushes it becuz there has to be but even the ability user breaks down in a session w/ him and dazai and admits there isnt but there has to be

he watches yosano try and heal him over and over - through her ability and her actual knowledge in being a doctor - watches her stay by his side through everything - there to fix any small inconvenience he may have like a too bright room or a non fluffy pillow, waiting, obsessively checking his vitals

he watches the president hold everyone together - keep the ada floating and offering support to anyone who wants it - watches his face grow more and more tired as he waits - as they all wait - watches him visit atsushi's body and give him updates on whats happening, waiting

he watches naomi fill his room with gifts, keeping a bright smile on her face whenever she enters only for it to drop the second she's far away enough so that when he wakes up he cant see it

watches the clerks take turns visiting him w/ gifts and encouragement, helping the president hold down the agency, while trying to be strong

watches lucy spill hot tea on her hands because she's worrying about him again - watches her get upset and angry when anyone so as much hints that atsushi won't get up - watches her talk to him and try to convince him to wake up

and atsushi grieves becuz of his own lack of understanding on how loved he has become

akutagawa doesn't falter when he learns about atsushi and atsushi kind of wishes he did - when he sees atsushi he doesn't blink or react, simply nods and leaves - and atsushi feels strange at having confirmation that he does not matter much to him - sometimes akutagawa visits - not always and never in a pattern - random and quick visits where he only watches atsushi for a moment before leaving - in the end, atsushi follows him becuz watching the ada and lucy gets too hard - he expects akutagawa to go about his day, atsushi in the back of his mind - maybe a little concern for him as his partner but nothing to fret about

atsushi spends his day with akutagawa wishing he could reach out and touch him and hold im as he watches one of the strongest people he knows give in to their grief and fall apart, with no agency members to see him, no friend there to see what akutagawa surely calls his weakness, only him, atsushi's ghost, and gin's hurried footsteps as she comes home


why did i write this

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6 months ago

I think in the same way there's a 90/10 rule with horror and comedy (horror works best when it's 90% horror and 10% comedy and vice versa) there's a 90/10 rule for some relationships in fiction that's like. Wholesome and fucked up. A good friendship is at its most compelling when it's also 10% a bit fucked up. Fucked up relationship is at its most compelling when there's at least 10% of something actually sweet and substantive within. Do you get me

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1 year ago

If he doesn't cosplay gay anime ships with me, he ain't it.

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5 months ago

I was feeling silly so have a Shin Soukoku date moment :3

I Was Feeling Silly So Have A Shin Soukoku Date Moment :3

"Just realized the cloud behind us looks like a heart <3"


(Akutagawa would probably tell Atsushi to take it down but he also would save the photo and like it)

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1 year ago

it's still so funny to me that when faced with starvation atsushi was immediately like "oh damn i guess i have to rob people now :(( guess i have to be a criminal :((" and yet when beast!akutagawa was faced with the Exact Same Situation his first instinct was to like eat weeds on the side of the river like are we sure atsushi wasn't made for the pm

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