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Lapudamuda - Ginger Ale & Things - Tumblr Blog
Words You Never Said (M)

genre: angst, smut, fluff
word count: 1.7k
warnings: unprotected sex, quinn struggling with words, very soft
quinn hughes x fem!reader
summary: you were poise, quiet. something quinn admired about you. you had a gentle aura that made everyone in the room become soft the second you walked in.

if quinn could describe you in one word, it would be delicate. he saw you as a gentle sunshine that would shine through any situation. you were a peacemaker.
how could he have been so blind?
you smile with grace, making his stomach churn, "good morning, quinn."
quinn loved the soft rasp that came with your morning greetings. being the love of his life, he noticed things about you that you probably didn't know yourself. like the way you would blow on his hot coffee before handing it to him with a quiet smile. or the way you would check for eggshells before handing him his daily breakfast. or the way you always made sure to kiss his cheek before he dove right into the food made from love.
he admired how lovely you looked even when you would let out a small yawn from waking up so early to pamper him. he would always insist that you didn't have to do these things for him. and it would just end with a soft kiss to his lips as you said how much you love caring for him.
he should have said more how much he appreciated the small details of your mornings.
dialogue was typically short between the two of you. it wasn't a boisterous relationship, but nor was it really boring. it was more established than anything. and it gave him peace of mind.
when he'd come home from practice, you would calmly run him a bath for him to relax. you would always have a different candle lit, the water a perfect temperature. he really knew he was the luckiest person in the world.
why didn't he say it sooner?

you sighed, your eyes staring into the dark coffee staring back at you. it was just like every other day. few words spoken, gentle gestures you weren't sure he noticed. you felt more like a roommate than anything else, and you weren't sure what to make of it. you still slept next to him, kissed him, loved him. but lines weren't ever quite crossed in the relationship. it wasn't boring, you knew quinn liked the quiet life. and it didn't bother you.
but you just wondered why he never said anything about the things you did for him. there would be the occasional thank you before rushing out the door for a game, but it was fast and out of courtesy, not out of love.
quinn didn't think of it that way, and you had never mentioned the way you felt.
quinn knew you were sensitive, but wasn't sure how to address things around you.
when you slowly stopped doing the little things that made his stomach flip, he began to become worried.
"sunshine?" the nickname rolls off his tongue fluidly, and it catches you off guard. it's been too long since you've heard it, making your heart race.
"yes?" you look away from the dishes, turning face to face to your boyfriend of two years. his eyebrows were furrowed, eyes scanning you. you licked your lips, adverting your gaze under his intense one.
"i'm sorry," he declares. he doesn't let you ask questions before he continues, "i should have said more. i should have told you how much i enjoy our breakfast routine. i should have said how much your smile means to me. i should have told you that coming home to you, is the best part of my day, even when i lose a game. i should have called you for longer when i was gone on the road. i should have-"
you kiss him.
and he's shocked, but he quickly returns the kiss with a gentle feeling. and it was like living on cloud nine when you kissed him. his arms circling around you perfectly like you were fit to live in his arms forever. and he could taste the sunshine on your lips, the softness he adored so much.
"thank you," you said breathlessly, staring at him with glossy eyes. "i wasn't sure you noticed."
"of course i did," he tugs at the hem of your white shirt with nervous hands, "they were just words i never said. words i should have said."
you reach to run your hands through his hair, locks tangling between your fingers as you stare at him with love. he could fall straight to his knees with that look; he's sure anyone would. it was like staring into the place you know will always look like home, even from afar.
quinn quickly captures you in for another kiss, this one a bit more rushed. he was nervous. he had never really kissed you with such fervor before, but from the small whimper you let out between breaths, he couldn't stop even if he wanted to. it was bliss.
your hands were searching for places to ground yourself on him, while his easily rested on your hips. he loved your reaction when you lifted your shirt up so he could feel your bare skin. the goosebumps rose across your delicate skin, breaking away from the kiss to catch your breath. he was quick to trail his kisses down your jaw, neck, collarbone. you clutch onto his own shirt, your legs wanting to give out already.
quinn hums, "i should show you how much i appreciate you."
you stare with lidded eyes, still innocent and driving him up the wall. you didn't need to say anything, the soft tug at his shirt was enough for him to lift you on the kitchen counter. you've never had sex outside the bedroom before, and your body heated up at the thought of getting fucked on the counter.
quinn tilts his head with a little smirk gracing his lovely features, "i can feel your body warming up under my hands."
you felt a pit in your stomach, "t-this isn't the bedroom."
quinn laughed lowly, "i know, sweetheart. but i just can't wait to show you how much i appreciate my pretty girl."
pretty girl. his pretty girl.
you gasp as he reaches for the hem of your shirt, raising it up and tossing it aside on the floor. he curses under his breath at the sight of your bare breasts, nipples hard and begging to be touched. he doesn't waste time, wrapping his mouth around one while he gropes the other. your gasp and moans ringing in his ears. it was a heavenly sound that he could listen to forever.
when you tugged ever-so-lightly on his hair, he groans at the feeling. you were so soft. so gentle. it drove him crazy. only he could break you apart like this. only him.
he pulls back, looking at your disheveled look, "so fucking pretty. so gorgeous." he kisses you, filling you with need.
you scoot closer to him, pressing your chest against him and feeling the prominent bulge he displays now. you whine into the kiss, and he chuckles, breaking apart from you again while look at him with puppy eyes.
"gonna give you what you want, yeah?"
you nod eagerly, looking down as he takes off your tiny shorts and panties, following suit with his own clothes. you admire him, all while he admires you. he could say how lucky he is to have you like a gospel. like it was the only thing he ever wanted to brag about for the rest of his life.
"quinn," your voice interrupts his thoughts, feeling your legs trying to pull him closer to you, "please?"
he shakes his head, chuckling like he was out of breath, "sorry, you're just so breathtaking. can't wait to ravish you."
before you could say anything, he was already rubbing his tip along your clit, spreading your arousal all over his cock, groaning in the process. he wondered what made you so wet so quickly, but he didn't find the need to ask.
"need you inside me, please." you lean your head on his shoulder, and he could feel the heat conspiring off you.
he nods swiftly before finally giving into temptations and sliding right into your slick, tight heat. his own head falls onto your shoulder, groaning loudly at the feeling of your pussy squeezing so tightly around him.
"shit, feels so good." he praises, making your walls sputter, causing him to move.
the moans and whimpers that follow after could have sent him to heaven, he swears. your delicate hands clutching onto him for dear life, like he hasn't fucked you a thousand times already. it was such a blissful feeling. filling you up and pumping into you with a certain need he had never felt before.
"so tight, so warm," he gasps breathlessly, listening to the way your whines hitch, "could fuck you forever, baby."
"wouldn't complain," you quickly reply. he smiles to himself, pressing kisses along your shoulder and lightly biting to tease you. his cock was so deep, bringing you closer and closer to the edge with each thrust of his hips. you felt needy, desperate even. you could feel every vein, every throb, every thrust. it was almost lethal how good it felt.
he picked up his pace, his hips growing sloppy and hitting that spongy spot inside you, your eyes rolling into the back of your head. "gonna cum, baby? i can see it all over your face. feel your pussy clenching my cock."
your noises were foreign to your own ears, your nails digging into his flesh the faster he fucks into you. he never wants this to end, truly. it felt almost too much for him to watch you unravel on his cock, but he couldn't complain. not when you looked so good taking him.
"want you to cum all over me. my good girl deserves it."
you're pushed over the edge with his words, saying his name like a mantra and a prayer. he can't help his own release with the way your core grasps him, sucking him in. he paints your walls white, feeling both of your cum start to drip onto the counter as you catch your breath. his cock pumps you full, you swear your womb couldn't take any more.
he kisses along your cheek, meeting your lips in a sloppy, sweet kiss that makes you forget about cleaning the counter.
quinn wasn't much for words, but he would be for you.
February 4th 2024 best hockey tweet of the day


When Nanami Kento becomes a grandfather...
Kento thought the happiest day of his life was when he became a father...but then, his baby had a baby.
It was like love...squared.
He and you dutifully took care of your daughter's house while she was in labour. Kento pruned the plants, and baked, and paced, and paced, and paced.
While Kento knew in his heart his daughter was being well cared-for, he felt stunningly unable to protect her while she went through the biggest day of her life.
In the night, you woke, and your hand brushed out across the sheets for Kento...only to find him not there.
You creep through the house, and find him sat in the armchair by lamplight, his eyes glistening with tears as he goes through an old box, full of photographs of his baby, little onesies, a handprint in clay, a decoration she made at school, her first drawings and handwriting.
You sit with him, in front of the fire, warm and reminiscent, of those long-short years when your babies were babies.
"...she'll be alright?" He worries aloud.
"She'll be more than alright. She'll be amazing," you reassure, kissing his greying temples, stroking crow's feet.
You lead him back to bed, his hand dry, like soft warm leather, and you hold each other with the earnest familiarity of an aged love.
When Kento's phone rings at 7:37 in the morning, a time he never forgets, he is out of bed with a lithe hop, answering, desperate for news.
A sweet, swooping joy, an excited wake-up, an embrace and relief; his grandchild is born, and everyone is safe.
Kento has a grandson; his daughter is resplendent, pink-cheeked, exhausted and proud. Kento holds her close, shedding tears into her hair as she cradles his new grandson; "I'm so proud of you, darling. I always have been. You deserve him."
He drives his daughter and her partner home, knowing they are exhausted.
Kento and you never overstay your welcome; you ensure the new family is comfortable, give kisses and hasty reassurances that you are both just a phone call away, and go home.
Kento cannot stop jiggling his leg in delight on the way home. He is imagining all the wonderful things he wants to do with his new grandson.
Kento calls everyone-- Gojo, Yuuji, Ino, Higuruma. Everyone is delighted. Everyone secretly wants him to be their grandfather.
It is only when Kento and you have gone, that your partner opens the freezer-- "Oh my god!" They exclaim, laughing, "I think your dad has cooked enough to last us a month!" Kento has, obviously. He believes in being organised.
Kento spends the next few years of his life being a thoroughly naughty responsible grandfather.
Visiting Grandpapamin? Oh, only the finest will do.
While Kento always plans wonderful meals with you, his daughter turns her back for just one minute, and returns to find her son with a treat in his hand.
Kento pleads ignorance as he slides the biscuit tin back into the cupboard, a glint in his eye.
Wickedly good at hide and seek. Teaches his grandson all the tricks.
Takes his grandson down to the river, Kento in some waders, his grandson in shorts and rubber boots up to his knees, with little nets, glass jars on strings.
Kento has a reference book for everything; birds, fish, flowers, trees...he and his grandson catch minnows, his grandson splashing, holding his little round cheeks in joy.
Kento thinks his heart might burst, retaliating playfully when his grandson splashes him, giggling.
Kento's grandson is well-versed on the flora and fauna by the little river, by the time he is a grown man. All he wanted to inherit from his grandfather was the old reference books they pored over together.
His grandson inherits Kento's Cursed-sight too, a truth which Kento feels deeply responsible for, as he did when it passed down to his daughter. He fears for his grandson and the terrifying visions he will see in the world.
One day, you catch Kento teaching himself little magic tricks. He curses as he gets tangled in long colourful handkerchiefs; you laugh and blush as he pulls garish flowers out of his sleeve for you. He shows them to his grandson like he has known how to do magic his whole life.
After long sunny days in the garden and by the river, you often find Kento asleep with his snoozing grandson drooling on his chest. You take a photo, every single time, put a blanket over them and leave them in peace.
Kento, who tucks you under his arm on the sofa when they've all gone home, your evenings as intimate as they have always been.
Kento would rather his daughter didn't spend all of her hard-earned money on daycare. Instead, Grandpapamin arrives at her house at 7:30am sharp, ready to babysit ahead of the workday.
The days are silly, wholesome. Tears and tantrums are swiftly, calmly de-escalated. Kento can and will persuade and bribe at mealtimes.
Kento who is just disappointed when his grandson behaves badly-- and that is so much worse than angry.
Kento who takes such good care of his and your health, determined to spend as many healthy years with his family as possible. His old scars ache and creak though; he longs for the sun and sea.
The next year, his grandson is big enough to carry Kento's birthday cake to him, and Kento grumbles, pink-eared as he mulishly accepts a chorus of "Happy birthday". There is an envelope with the cake.
"What's this?" He grumbles again, shooting his daughter a chastising look, "I told you you didn't have to get me anything." She smiles at him, lovely brown eyes twinkling. Kento looks inside-- tickets. Flight tickets. He looks up in surprise, eyebrows raised.
"Kuantan?" He presses, excited despite his earlier chastisement.
"I thought we could all go. Together."
Though his blade hangs up on the wall, proud and displayed, at your insistence, Kento feels like he has been bestowed with the luck of the gods, to have dodged every bullet to get here.
His old scarred burns tingle and prickle, his eyepatch is old and worn, but his grandchildren never feared him; he is just Grandpapamin. He bakes. He takes them to the river. He teaches them how to whittle. He gives the best advice. He wears the softest cardigans.
Kento, who spends the golden years of his life with you, his world, the one who hung the stars.
The Widow's Keeper

Marrying again after losing your husband in Shibuya was never part of your plan. Then, Higuruma Hiromi came along.
Warnings: Character death, grief, angst, fluff
A hysterical shriek-- a frantic cry for a man long dead-- rang through the bedroom, enveloped in the dark warmth of night, and broke down into anguished sobs. A soft shout of alarm, and hurried reassurances, sobs muffled, hands stroking, soothing, kisses on foreheads.
Hiromi held you to his chest, his pyjama top damp with your grief, his eyes gritty from sudden wakefulness. You cried away your grief, still so raw, replaying over and over in your dreams-- taunting you with 'what if's and 'if only's. Hiromi's nose nuzzled into your hair, both arms tightly holding you lest you fall apart against him, mumbling his sweet love in humid little breaths to your head.
It had been a while since you had dreamed of Nanami Kento, he pondered, rocking you gently from side-to-side. Dead and buried for almost 4 years now, Hiromi had married you and your trauma, your loss, your fallen love. He had taken you as the package you were, a complex parcel, and the mother of the second love of his life.
Little footsteps approached the door; little hands, cautious against the cool wood, pushed it open with a squeak.
"Mummy? Daddy? Is it a bad dream? You woke me up," grumbled your little girl, blonde and brown-eyed, with sharp delicate features. You sat up hurriedly, wiping your eyes and plastering on a damp smile. As you began moving to get out of bed, Hiromi laid a gentle hand on your thigh, kissing you on the temple.
"I'll take it from here," he hushed, and you sniffled, threatening tears again, "go back to sleep. I love you."
Planting a watery kiss to Hiromi's lips, you laid down in bed, burrowing your nose into his pillow, his smell, always feeling your adoration for him with the sting of guilt.
Hiromi scooted to the door, his loud shuffling footsteps pretending to be sneaky as he scooped his daughter up in his arms, nosing at her with deliberate snuffles. She giggled, batting him away, capturing his face in her little hands, slanted eyes narrow and delighted.
"Back to bed, little one. Your teddies can't sleep without you." Hiromi's playful bargaining wasn't needed, his daughter half-asleep in his arms already, while her arms wound around his neck to snuggle her head under his chin. By the time he had tucked her back into bed, she breathed soft snores, her bed still warm from the nest she had made.
Hiromi crouched by your daughter's bed, watching her, committing all of her features to memory; never this small, ever again, he thought, bittersweet as she grew, blooming. He stroked her hair, nursing the stale guilt of feeling he had stolen this life from another man, and feeling so deeply undeserving, so ashamed because of it.
While Hiromi knew his daughter-- your daughter, Kento's daughter-- more than Kento ever would, there felt to be an impenetrable wall to his love, an absence of a blood bond, stolen away from a man who did not want to leave his wife, and had not even known he was to become a father. Hiromi felt responsible, as if he had spirited you both away himself. He did not deserve to hold you through your grief; he did not deserve to be daddy.
Planting a last kiss to his daughter's forehead, a long-fingered hand stroking blond flicks out of her eyes, Hiromi tiptoed to the door. He hesitated for a moment, then tiptoed back. A brown teddy with its familiar, well-fiddled-with and far-too-large-for-teddies yellow leopard-spotted tie, belonged in his daughters' arms, and not on the floor.
Padding back to your bedroom, a thief in the night, the sheets played a gentle susurrus over your bodies as Hiromi tangled his legs through yours, lying on his back so you could tuck across his chest. You slipped a hand under his t-shirt, travelling up to his chest to stroke its patch of downy black hair. Hiromi's fingers tangled through your hair, examining the whorls of your ear, rolling your earlobe in thought.
"I'm so sorry," you hiccuped into Hiromi's chest, and you heaved with sobs when his reassurance began before you had even finished apologising, his arms tightening around you. He cupped your face in his hands, tilting it, look at me, come on darling, please, look at me.
Hiromi held your face, your cheeks squashed and blotchy with tears in his palms. He felt a trickle of disgust with himself run down his throat, as he stole his role as your hero from Kento, "None of that. You know you don't have to apologise for anything--"
"But I love him," you sobbed, voice cracking with devastated guilt, feeling like a filthy liar, a cheater, a bigamist, "I love him so much and I want him back, but I want you, Hiro, I-- I--" Hiromi nodded, still gazing into you, hooded dark eyes like little embers in the night. You felt a surge of appreciative, grateful love as he drank down your proclamations of love for another man, and wanted you anyway.
"If it were the other way round," Hiromi started, slow and deliberate, "if it were me who had died, and Kento loved you after...I would trust him completely to carry the torch for me. To give you two everything that I wouldn't be able to give."
You wept again, your face and chest aching, loss heavy in your soul. Hiromi kept you close, tethering you, repeating in a tender mantra; "You can love us both. You can love us both, because we both love you. You can love us both."
"I...I'm not very good at this sort of thing."
Hiromi's words fell weakly, unanswered by the dead. Nanami Kento's grave was pristine under the hands of his many friends, his lover, his students, those he had saved. He was popular in death as he had been in life; not inundated with true friends, but awash with Bannermen and admirers, those who aspired to be like him, and those who aspired to be liked by him. An admission of guilt writhed in Hiromi's chest, bursting out in one strained cry.
"I can't feel sad that you died," Hiromi spat, disgusted not with Kento, but with himself, "because if you hadn't died, I wouldn't have them, and I'm a real piece of shit--"
"No you're not," a friendly voice drawled to Hiromi's left. Hiromi froze, eyes wide and paralyzed, dread creeping through him that someone had heard his biggest shame--
"-- and Nanami wouldn't have thought so, either. I bet she was the last thing he thought about-- worrying about her, who would look after her. He'd be happy. For her to have a good man. Like you."
Ino Takuma leaned down beside Hiromi, speaking a brief prayer above Kento, a wrapped, spotted blunt blade harnessed onto his back. Placing some fresh flowers down, he stood up again.
Hiromi and Ino were silent together amongst the rustling willows, the smooth dappling sunlight, the whispering babble of the shallow river. Ino rocked on his heels, smiling, hands pocketed. Hiromi hung his head in shame.
"You can...you can feel both, Higuruma. Regret for him dying and leaving her, and...and loving her, I guess. You're not a bad person. I bet she beats herself up for marrying again, right?"
Hiromi swallowed, nodding quickly after a breath's pause. Images flitted across his mind-- you, resplendent in your gown. Your daughter, so solemn on her big day, scattering petals down the aisle. Your earnest kiss, your joyful dancing, your gracious speech. Your wedding night breakdown, holding you in a hot bath in innocent intimacy, folding your lingerie away in favour of a soft nightdress, nothing expected, nothing lost, in life and in death, in sickness and in health.
"You've just...you've just got to be his wingman, y'know?" Ino stated, arms crossed up behind his balaclava'd head, "You and Nanami...you're both her husband. You're both my niece's dad. So big him up a bit for us, huh?"
"Hey, dad?"
Hiromi leaned round the fridge door, crows feet crinkling around his eyes as he popped a cube of cheese into his mouth, busted.
His daughter smirked at him, fine eyebrows raised under a smooth honey-blonde fringe. As tall as Hiromi, leggy and sarcastic, Hiromi didn't so much tell this young woman off now, as get savagely roasted by her dry wit. Hiromi took it with all of the frustrated joy of a father trying to parent a young woman with unparentably excellent traits.
"Cheese?" Hiromi offered, flicking a cube deftly at his daughter. She caught it, seamlessly, eyes narrowing at him. For all the bravado she was putting on, Hiromi knew she was putting it on. He headed over, pulling her to him with one arm, blonde head against black-grey head.
"Penny for them?"
She sighed, and began: "Did you...meet him?"
Him. Ah.
"I did not," Hiromi admitted, "but I know he was exceptional. Your mother has wonderful taste." He accepted the slap to his arm, well-deserved.
"I can never...I don't think I'll ever be as good as him." Hiromi's heart swelled and ached for his daughter; he felt an odd kinship, one of them in such a powerful shadow, one of them in such enormous shoes. Hiromi nodded, his throat thick.
"You're right," he said, his daughter's lips puckering up in grim acceptance, looking at the floor, "your dad was a hero. He protected the weak when nobody else wanted to. He took on the messy jobs with nothing more than a glass of whiskey and your mum's love behind him. He was funny, kind, patient, empathetic... he was the best of the best. The best sort of man. He's a legend even now."
"So, no, sweetheart, you're never going to be as good as him," Hiromi turned to his daughter, cupping her high-cheeked face in his hands, pressing her to look at him, "you're going to be better. You have all three of us in you, and you carry it so well."
Hiromi's daughter let out a dry sob, refusing to let tears fall. She sniffled, pulling close to Hiromi, letting herself be held. Rubbing her nose and pulling her hair behind one ear, she reached behind her onto a chair, revealing a black, rectangular handled case.
"Uncle Ino gave me something, today," she started, unclipping the case, "he said it was dad's. I thought I...I want to use it. Like he did."
Hiromi gazed fondly down at the blade of legends, white wrapping yellowed at the edges with age, but still just as deadly. He smiled, and your daughter relaxed into his wordless reassurance.
"Yes. Absolutely. It's the only...you're the only one who could do this old thing justice, now," Hiromi pressed, eager to hold Kento and his child together across the impenetrable veil of death, "but I have to warn you."
His daughter glanced to Hiromi, anxious. He took a deep breath, and continued;
"Your mother will cry when she sees this."
A few tears slipped out while I wrote this.
typical cat dad behavior

It's heartbreaking, being a fictional character in a fictional world. They're either loved and cared for until they're abandoned by their player, or they're mistreated and misplaced by that player. There's no control, no option for them.
They could fall in love. They could do everything to please their player, but in the end, their player will always leave them behind. They'll end up as some toy to tinker with, a little plaything until their player gets bored and slowly but surely begins to leave them behind.
You did that to them— you did it to him. Maybe you used him so much that you got too bored, or perhaps you just found someone else to play with; you did reach friendship level 10 with him. During your friendship level journey, you've played and listened to all of the voice lines he provided, even repeating your favorites. He sought after the joy of hearing your praise, comment, and remarks in response to his voice lines. He's seen so much of you over the course of the journey, and, in return, he showed himself to you.
But then you left him.
It started off with you visiting strange domains and obtaining its artifacts. Judging by the collection, you definitely weren't trying to rebuild him. Those artifacts and materials were clearly meant for somebody else.
He'd often watch you switch teams to build that mystery person, maybe to test them out; to use them; to play with them. Yet, you'd always come back to him afterward, and because of that, he was fine, satisfied. As long as you'd keep coming back.
But, at some point, you simply didn't return.
He was fighting the monsters of a smoky blue leyline, and he, having won the battles, gave you those same purple and maroon papers that you needed for this mystery person. You were happy. You looked really relieved to finally get these, and through the mask of an idle animation, he smiled, proud of himself for making you smile. You thanked him, and then you switched the character and team, and you were out of view once more.
He sighed, tired from fighting all these battles and random enemies, but he was glad that you'd probably be able to finish leveling this mystery character up. Now you can keep playing with and using him, right? This way, you'll be done with this other person, and you'll come back to him, right?
One whole day passed. You were online, but he couldn't see you.
Another day passed. Where'd you go? Are you still testing out that new person?
Five days drag by. Some of those days you didn't go on for, but for the most part, you were there, just not for him. What happened? Why weren't you coming back?
One full week had finally passed.
You were nowhere to be seen.
Waiting in the team lineup screen began to get lonely. You took two of the supports with you, and so he couldn't talk to him. One other person remained. Another support, but more off-field. Often, he would glance at them to see how they were doing. Even they looked as miserable as he did, but eventually, they found their way back to you through another team composition.
You took everyone with you except for him.
Where did you go?
He tumbled, falling down on the ground. It's been nearly a full month. You haven't even looked at him once. He could see through the slightly translucent walls and backgrounds, and he saw other team lineups waiting. He saw one team in use, as it had an open fourth wall and it was emptied, meaning that the characters left that team screen to join back into the world of teyvat.
He began to reminisce about his first awakening when you got him, you were smiling really hard. You were so excited when he woke up in that wishing star, striking a pose. He doesn't know how long he'd been unconscious around that time, but you woke him up, and you gave him more purpose, more life. He could see you and everything behind you. He could see that there was more than just teyvat through this strange wall you lived past. He was curious, yet he was happier just being yours to have in your little party with different people, some of which he had never seen before.
But now they're gone, and so were you. He doubts that they're ever coming back, and he doubts that you'll ever come back to him.
The fourth wall in front of him shatters.
Is that you?
He immediately stood up, ready to greet you with that same pose he would always strike in the team lineup. And the moment you opened that wall, all of the other supports came back instantly, like they never left in the first place. He wasn't alone anymore.
His eyes lit up. You selected his character and were going through his character details. You're finally paying more attention to him! Are you finally gonna use him again? He puts his hands together as you check his artifacts.
There's a moment of hesitation in you. He barely opens his eyes to look at your apologetic face. You whisper an apology, and— to his horror— strip him of his artifacts one by one.
His flower is gone. His feather was taken. His sands timer, his goblet, and his circlet were stripped of his very being. Then you switched to his weapon. It was his very own weapon that you spent so much time on, and you took even that from him. He looked up to the upper-left corner of the room. Even if the text was backward, he could see that this new weapon was nothing but some random 1-star weapon from some measly chest you opened. You looked at him one more time, and you left his character details.
He felt betrayed. You weren't going to use him anymore. You re-entered the team lineup screen and selected him. He watched you scroll through your list of characters, and within a zap, he was transported to a black screen, a void, a room full of nothing but himself.
You had just completely replaced him.
You left the team lineup, and his eyes were forced shut. Your once beloved main was now back into his deep, endless, meaningless slumber.
“Creator! Creator!!”
A large group of people were yelling, waking him and a few others up. It was every single character that you owned and obtained throughout your journey. Some he recognized from the get-go, and others he'd never seen before in all of his life. Everyone you had obtained were shouting for you.
“Wh— wha? What's the matter?”
A short girl with brown hair and amber eyes came up to him in a panic.
“Thank Barbatos, you're up! The player is about to delete the game! We might be erased!”
He froze. You were deleting the game? He put his hand over his mouth. You were really leaving him now, weren't you?
Would you ever come back?
“Please!” The amber-eyed girl cried, “Help us!”
He wobbled backward. He couldn't take this.
“The player loves you! Maybe you can reverse this!”
“They don't.” He mumbled.
“Wh— what?”
“They don't— don't love me anymore.”
He stumbled, falling over at the realization. At that moment, everyone was screamimg. The calmest people he knew were panicking, stressing over this. He looked up. Your mouse hovered over the digital recycling bin.
“It was really nice playing this game, but I think...” Everyone heard you speak. “...I need to start a new chapter of my lif—”
And you let go of the mouse. You let go of them. Everyone felt a wave of air blow them out of the black screen, and they were transported to their designated places in the character list. Nobody but the traveler remained in any team lineup. You removed everything.
He looked around. Black and grey smoke began to overtake the elemental colors of each designated character screen. Everyone banged on the walls until the void took them, and they became forever motionless. They were mannequins now, thoughtless ragdolls standing still. He banged on the glass, using his 1-star weapon to try and break out, but it was useless.
Eventually, he became just like everyone else. A thoughtless, motionless, abandoned toy that you had played with until you left.
(any) genshin men x reader | comment for p.2 comfort

Okay, like, FOUL but I was wondering why he looked familiar 💀

these spot the difference games are getting harder
@gertrude-hatake Omg, I felt that last part. I have a bunch of quotes from fanfics in my notes app QwQ
Wishing that you’ll find yours soon!! <33
Hello y’all!!!
God, it’s been a while since I posted & it feels like a crime lololol 💀
Anyways, I need some help finding this one Kakashi fic on tumblr. Basically, reader & Kakashi are in a relationship & she secretly writes erotic novels. The novels get to the same level of popularity as the Icha Icha series except it was catered to a more female audience. Eventually, Kakashi finds that she was the author of it & that’s basically it.
If anyone is able to locate this gem, I would appreciate it greatly!!! Tysm!!! <333

Edit (18 Nov 2033): Amazing news everyone! The case has been solved! The author of this fanfic is @lemony-snickers. Here’s the link to their work: https://www.tumblr.com/lemony-snickers/680068516103274496/imagine-that-after-jirayas-death-there-will-be
Thank you!!____________________________________________
Original post:
Hello y’all!!!
God, it’s been a while since I posted & it feels like a crime lololol 💀
Anyways, I need some help finding this one Kakashi fic on tumblr. Basically, reader & Kakashi are in a relationship & she secretly writes erotic novels. The novels get to the same level of popularity as the Icha Icha series except it was catered to a more female audience. Eventually, Kakashi finds that she was the author of it & that’s basically it.
If anyone is able to locate this gem, I would appreciate it greatly!!! Tysm!!! <333

reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something
Reblog if you support asexuals and aren’t a COWARD
RB if your blog is a safe, accepting space for asexuals!
Ruggie Purring Headcanons
A/N: I’ve had absolute brainrot for Ruggie since I got my grubby little hands on this game awhile back, and he has consumed my very life and become a comfort character for me. So here are some purring headcanons that I just… can’t fucking get out of my head.
Warnings: None that I know of.
- Yeah so apparently hyenas can purr? So my brain absolutely took that idea and ran with it.
- Ruggie, who doesn’t understand that he has a crush on you at first, and is actually confused why he’s purring, as it can be both a subconscious and conscious thing. However, as soon as it happens and he’s aware of it, he immediately stops it and covers it up with a blush on his face and a teasing jab at you to change the subject entirely.
- Ruggie, who after he starts dating you, and is that “honeymoon phase” of his excitement, can’t stop purring in your presence sometimes, especially when the two of you are alone.
- Ruggie, who, when he’s stressed out beyond belief, hurt, or just upset, purrs to self-soothe himself.
- Ruggie, who, notices whenever you’re stressed out beyond belief, hurt, or upset, will purr to soothe you. He’ll wrap you up in his arms and purr so loudly that you can almost “feel” his chest vibrating against yours in a way. Sometimes he might not be good with words, but he does show that he cares in the instinctive ways he knows how.
- Ruggie, who, absolutely would be teased by anyone if he was gushing about you in some way, and accidentally starts purring because he’s thinking of you. His grandma in particular thinks it’s very adorable that you have that kind of effect on him.
Anyway I have an absolute obsession with this dude and I wholeheartedly blame him from stealing my heart. To think I started this whole game because I saw Idia and needed to know more about him, even picked his card when I started the game, only to be absolutely SIDE SWEPT by this little hyena dude and fall on my ass in love with him.
Since we have masquarade event ~
How about boys reatcing to y/n walking in looking all gorgous in a dress ?
+ they ask her to dance at the festival?? ♡♡
Jamil, Duece, Malleus, Azul, Silver
Azul Ashengrotto:
Azul couldn’t ignore what was right in front of him. The person he had grown into was one with a sharp eye for golden opportunities and seeing you as the most beautiful person in the room that night, he knew he couldn’t resist asking you to dance. You think it’s cute when he tried to hide his real intentions by acting extra shady; if he really had an ulterior motive he wouldn’t look so embarrassed when you called him out, taking pleasure in the way he nervously pushed his glasses back up his face before rescinding his offer. You don’t allow him to as you considered it a contract, just an invisible one, and if he tried to get out of the deal he would not like the consequences.
Deuce Spade:
Deuce is a mess. He doesn’t know how to articulate the way he feels when he sees you in your dress, heart tight in his chest, muscles spasming as you approach and he nearly kneeled out of respect for someone who was clearly royalty. Seeing your easy smile made him remember you were still you despite the fancy upgrade you’d taken, and it sets him a little more at ease when you speak. He started to stutter again when he wanted to ask you to dance with him, mumbling something about two left feet and not making a good argument for why you should be his dance partner (but you accept anyway).
Jamil Viper:
Jamil didn’t plan on dancing, he didn’t entirely plan on being here or dealing with this either, but life seemed to drag him around as it pleased. Seeing you was the only highlight of his night, watching from the shadows with stars in his eyes as he wondered what it might be like to be even considered as your (dance) partner. He’s a little surprised that as much as he tried to hide in the shadows you always sought him out, as if you had a radar just for him. He holds out his hand without uttering a word and you return the comfortable silence, your smile nearly causing him to take after that age old fairy tale of that princess who ran from the ball when the clock struck midnight (except you’d be coming with him, to a place he could admire you in peace).
Malleus Draconia:
Malleus can’t keep his eyes to himself. He normally thought you had a certain beauty about you but seeing you all dolled up in an elegant dress… It made him want to tap in to his more jealous tendencies, locking you away in a tower for only him to admire. Alas, he can’t imagine your relationship remaining positive should he try to force your hand like that but he knows one other thing he could do to assure others kept their distance. He approached you with an extended hand, taking yours in his own and pressing a kiss to the back of it before wordlessly leading you to the dance floor; you can’t deny Malleus, not after seeing the bright smile on his face as he enjoyed twirling you around in the middle of the masquerade.
Silver’s gaze sends a shiver down your spine, the unreadable expression on his face making you a bit anxious. It was always so hard to fully understand what was happening in his head, and you felt yourself holding your breath as he silently approached you. You’re stunned when he held out his hand and asked you to dance, head tilting to the side as he told you it seemed like you wanted to ask him. You’re embarrassed at being read like an open book but Silver’s small smile sets your heart at ease, a clear sign that he had the same wish as you or he would have never approached you.
Twisted Wonderland, but Yuu tells Rook they know embroidery
Rook: Ah, hats off to you-!
*dramatically sweeps his hat off*
*Sees 'YUU WAS HERE' stitched into the brim*
Rook: ....
Rook: ..Is this...?
*Yuu, already walking away*: I have my ways, Hunt!
hi rin! i recently came across your blog from an angst scenario and i was wondering if you would be able to do a jjk version of “characters throwing their wedding ring” i live for angst haha and i’m really glad i found your blog! also i’m 20!!

feat. nanami; toji; gojo; shoko; getou
a/n: angst rules ngl. thank you for your suggestion, i hope u enjoy this (because i for sure enjoyed writing this)
haikyuu version

arguments usually weren’t heated with NANAMI. the two of you believed in open and honest communication so it was rare that either one of you would start yelling. so to say the least, hearing his voice boom in the living room and seeing him so enraged was shocking. you couldn’t focus on him anymore as he continued his rant, face slightly red from his booming voice. but you couldn’t even lift your head to look at him, eyes fixed on the ring laying on the floor — the ring that was supposed to be on his ring finger as a symbol of your eternal love. that was until one second the yelling stopped. as you looked up you saw your husband frozen, gaze downcast in guilt.
loving TOJI could be hard sometimes. he was argumentative, hot-headed and selfish. he didn’t seem to care what buttons he pushed and just how much hurt he would cause. you were terrified to see just how easy he managed to slip the ring off and throw it carelessly to the side right before slamming the door behind him. what you couldn’t see however was him dropping down right after, his back against the wood, with his head between his knees. his breathing shuddered as he clenched his fists, digging his nails into the skin. there was one thing he was sure of — he loved you. could you love him, regardless of how fallible he was?
GOJO was truly special — in one way or another. yet he always made sure to treat you as his equal, because that’s what you were to him. he loved you more than anything and anyone and he never had any problems admitting that. and you never doubted him because he never gave you a reason to. but now you did. “please,” his voice was muffled behind the door, “please let me in” the second you left the room he was right behind you, his pleads for you cut off by the door slamming into his face. “i love you,” he insisted, his hands outstretched. he wanted nothing more than to step into the room and fall on his knees right in front of you, beg for your forgiveness. and he could — but he couldn’t. he shouldn’t. because this wasn’t about what he needed or wanted but about how he hurt you and what you needed from him.
one of SHOKO’s strengths was being level-headed, no matter how serious or loaded the situation might be. she was always aware of what she was doing and of how it might affect others — which is why this hurt even more. she couldn’t explain to herself why she thought for even just a second that throwing her wedding ring, the one the two of you chose together, at you was the right thing to do. she clenched her jaw, hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. she should turn around, go back to you, apologize, beg for your forgiveness. and yet here she was, running away from the one thing she loved and hurt the most — you.
GETOU was aware of his faults. he was a passionate and smug man, going so far as to call himself condescending. and while he was confident that he was able to control his emotions and be a good person and especially a good partner, he soon realized that this wasn’t always the case. his face was pale, a shocked expression etched into it. he looked stunned, shaking his head in disbelief with his eyes staring on his hand. this had to be a dream, there was no way he would do such a thing. he told himself he was going to be good to you, always keep you safe and happy. this couldn’t be true, it had to be a dream, a nightmare. but if it was a dream, why wouldn’t he wake up, safe and secure with your loving arm around him?

reblogs are appreciated
I'm feeling angsty 😈
Imagine like Middle schooler!reader goes back to their world and like everyone still thinks they're there.
Like they hear some shouting and running they'll think it's you considering you do that the most.
When Riddle sees a silhouette play with the hedgehogs he'd think it was you until he got a closer look and it was just one of the residents:(
Whenever Trey is baking late at night and he hears someone open the door he'll think it's you because you would always come by to grab at what ingredients he'd have.
You'd always be the first to like Caters post and put some unhinged shit in the comments so when someone else does it to his posts after you've left he turns sour :(
Ace and Deuce would always stop by Ramshackle to have sleepovers with you and Grim and when they just see Grim they try to brush it off like it doesn't affect them but it does :(((
When Leona always hears footsteps near him when he's in the garden he'd always push his tail away and make room because to skip class you'd always go and cuddle up next to him but when he doesn't smell you his nap is ruined and he'd go to his room and just lay there.
When Ruggie goes to eat lunch he always looks for you so you two could go and steal stuff and when he plays with the dog of Savannaclaw alone he remembers that you left :(
When Jack would go on his morning runs he would hope that you would join him or send him one of those little motivational quotes like he would always send because you found them funny but when he doesn't hear from you he'd try and call you and when it went to voicemail he remembered that you went back
Whenever Azul worked late at night you'd drop by and sleep in his office to keep him company or tell him weird ass facts and mess with the fish but when he looks up with a hopeful face to Jade and not you he had to bear the fact that you'd no longer be there
When the twins would work they'd hope to see you join them but when they close up the lounge and have to feed the fish alone they get reminded that you left
When Kalim gets lonely he'd always call you but when it went to voicemail he'd get just a thought and when he looks at your room in the Scarabia Dorm only to see it cold and filled with extra junk that the other dorm members were too lazy to put away properly he gets sad
When Jamil would make food and serve it to Kalim he'd expect to see you there sometimes but after a month he would lose hope and he would brush it away so he could tend to Kalim
Vil would expect to see you around the halls at least twice a day but when he doesn't see you be would ask but then he would get told that you got sent back and he'd have to hide his sadness for later
Rook would always be tracking students around you to look for you but when he overhears a conversation about your leaving he would remember and would just look at the pictures that he took of you over time and at the bow and arrow he wanted to gift you.
When Epel overhears a fight going on he'd always check to see if it was you but it would always be another student and when he gets into fights you wouldn't be there or join him and cheer him on so he ends up losing his motivation and would leave the beat up students.
When the shroud brothers are hanging out in their room and hear a knock on their door they would think it was you but it was just another student calling them because they had to go to a meeting or something and it wasn't you just wanting to join them
When Malleus walks to the dorm he would hope to see you outside already waiting for him but when he sees no one he would walk inside to dorm only to see Grim on the bed cuddled up in a blanket he'd leave and stay in his room for hours at a time as the sky turns dark and stormy
When Lilia plays games late at night and he sees someone join him he'd always look at the user to see if it was you but it would always be someone else. And when he tries to scare what he thought was you it would always be someone else and he'd have to just put away his sadness and try to bring up the other threes mood while he's mourning the absence of who he felt was another child of his :(
When silver falls asleep sometimes he'd mostly hope to see you wake him up and bring him to where he needed to be but it would always be another student or a teacher and he'd always sleep with a plush you got him nearby or else he'd be tossing and turning all night
When Sebek goes around after he'd finishing his duties tending to Malleus and he hears yelling he'd think it would be you and would run over with excitement only to see it was another student just being rowdy
Grim would always be cold at night by himself in the dorm and tried looking into books to make a portal and try to get into your world so he could be with you again
And then when you're out and about you'd almost always think someone from your world was one of the students but it was always just a stranger passing by and that would bring your mood down because you'd have no one to talk to and all the other kids would just push you away because you were 'too loud' or 'too weird' :(
(mc has magic here)
Imagine you get really sad and you accidentally open up a portal in your mirror so when you look at the mirror to see your current self you see the inside of Ramshackle and you don't believe it until you touch the mirror and your hand goes through :)
ㅤhere is my husband

premise. just us casually staking a claim on our non-official husbands (for coupons)
featuring. all characters
content. alignment, fluff

ㅤthe flustered over thinkers
one who's unbearably confused because he doesn't recall a marriage taking place to wed the two of you at all, he's a little concerned though. he's sure he'd remember such an event? anything with the two of you is practically unforgettable to the fact that when he's in bed only thing he thinks about is you, and the lingering anticipation that he'll see you again in the morning.
besides this said... eventful morning. where you've both apparently upgraded in relationship without his knowledge he can say that he's struggling to hide his steaming ears, hoping you won't notice if he brings the cup of coffee to his face so the steam seems like it's from there.
confused? flustered? thanks for the input! here's your boyfriend husband. doesn't even ask you to explain even though he's twitching to ask you cause if he knows you then you're almost always up to no good, maybe this is one of your tricks but he won't try just for the thought that you're still 'married.' all marriage related things, even the color white is sending his mind into overwire :)
— | riddle, jack, deuce, azul, epel, silver
ㅤwe love flirts
ah yes, if we've got the flustered, confused husbands we also need to get our resident flirts who just gives you a side glance and plays along like he knows what game you're playing. absolutely no questions at all because you know he's gonna bring up the topic sooner or later with a tease, he just feels like he has to return the fluster you'd admittedly inflicted on him. (which is apparently by proclaiming you're both married now.)
don't be surprised if you're getting private messages online, or just random people coming up to you asking how you're married in... this golden age, was that even legal there? you're not sure but maybe because everyone was kind of casual about it.
doesn't matter whether you say you're just messing with him. oh, you're done? good for you but he isn't. he's calling you his spouse everywhere, a local restaurant, shop, stall. wherever you say, he claims he's just doing what you asked for the coupons but you've got an inkling he's just got a knack for calling you his lawfully wedded partner.
— | trey, cater, jade, rook, lilia, leona (partly), vil
ㅤlegally in denial
we have the awkward ones who partially accept their fates, the flirts who's living purpose is to get a rise of warmth in your face, and we have the legally in denial ones whom are trying so hard to deny everything you do. you guys are dating?! oh my god... you must be being threatened to do this, where's the culprit?! news flash, there isn't any but even when it's so clear they seem to find every single reason to convince themselves that there's something wrong.
like, please accept our love already. you already called them your husband in broad daylight, is that not enough of proof? what do you mean you're probably gonna divorce him... he doesn't mention the fact of you guys never marrying at all, just jumps in divorce...
sometimes you should punch a man for his self esteem, it must be a struggle trying to convince someone you like, that you indeed like them. crazy, right? he can't take this heart stopping gesture he's watched too many times but will gladly arrange a wedding in minecraft. just tell him you guys got married ever since he put his bed next to yours if he asks since when.
— | idia on his own
ㅤairheads who are simps
the classic group of guys, of which they all are just incredibly down bad for the lead who just so happens to be you! <4 in this case they're so in love that they wouldn't even question anything you say even if you mix up murder and a name in the same sentence! if you trip? oh no, no. it's clearly the fault of the ground, not to worry! he'll even get workers to reconstruct the entire thing.
and yes, he's either rich or has enough influence (if not through intimidation.) anyways, if they're mad because of a horrible day just walk in a room and then the dark cloud over their heads just floats away and is replaced by hearts in their eyes.
a prank? oh you're funny. what ever do you mean? you're both clearly married. he's got the papers right here *materializes one.* where did that even come from?! say it once, now you've planted something that won't go away in their heads and it's going to shift to reality one way or another :)
— | kalim, floyd, malleus, rook.
ㅤchill mister tsunderes
takes a deep breath* screeches* yeah that's pretty much it. the people (possibly pertaining to just one person, cause he almost always needs his own category.) who try to refuse your existing even if you just cough. keyword: try because even if you're dating them they're still struggling to wrap their head around the fact that they are dating you so maybe their coping mechanism is just refusing to admit you make their hearts go boom boom??
is completely torn whether to screech again (preferably not in his mind to release that pent up... feeling. some type of fluster that makes him wonder if he should have brought a pillow to yell into.) or just reject what you just said. somehow his mouth just doesn't cooperate and he has to look away from you because he's actually struggling to keep his sanity together.
giving himself pep talk, the fortitude that 'he doesn't like you', trying to rebuild that wall back up again but he learns that he apparently can't take it when you're both referred to a life bounded vow. not as in he despises is, though he believes he is. but rather because he'll probably combust on the spot by the sheer claim being said out loud.
— | main: sebek, leona, ace
ㅤdem smug bastards
the ones who just can't resist to crack a smirk when you casually introduce him as your husband, no wonder you insisted he wore the promise ring you had given him.. just to show him off? consider him impressed! this might be just one of his favorite memento of your shenanigans. either he already knows what you're up do (leona) or he's just enjoying the remnants of your embarrassed face as he plummets you with endless grins and teases (floyd)
he's your husband...? I mean true but you're mainly his spouse :) should you even regret having done anything in the first place for the coupons? don't ever. anything should be done for the discounts, even if your supposed husband starts parading everywhere and uses every opportunity that appears in random conversations or situations to just casually announce your lawfully wedded marriage.
what do you mean you're not married? I mean he's got all the evidence in his phone, you didn't think he'd pass up the opportunity to record you saying that phrase for nothing did you? it's a great moment to remember, especially when it's in the middle of the night and he can't help but pull up that recording just to listen to it on loop like an idiot.
— | leona, floyd, ruggie, jade?, lilia (perhaps, vil (also questionable)
ㅤwho are you talking to rn?
those who look embarrassed but you're betting most on your money that he's just awfully flustered + doesn't like the feeling just guessing from him avoiding your eyes like you're the entity from bird box. does he really think his hood can cover the entirety of his red ears? they're fooling absolutely no one with that fake cough, only thing you heard was the quiet choke when they processed your words.
tries to play it off by 'composing' themselves in front of you, even though their back is turned to you. the straightening of their shoulder usually implies that they think they're ready but you can't help but note that several parts of their body, if not all, collectively flinch at the sight of you. they dont say anything but they give you this... look.
like, narrowed eyes, their jaw is slightly turned away from you, *judges whole existence with a side eye* they can't believe they even have you as a partner but besides that they can't wrap their heads around the fact that such a stupid notion such as that actually had him doing cartwheels inside his head.
— | jamil deserves this, ruggie, jack, azul
ㅤwym didn't we already get married?
YOUR HONOR ITS THIS ONE. you're probably making him more confused than you are. because?? cue confused face. didn't you guys already get married like, a month ago? do you not see the ring on your finger? the matching one on his own finger? did you really not notice anything when he just casually takes you to the most ethereal, sacred place of briar valley and hands you the box containing the ring...? has he done it too subtly? well, he's underestimated humans once again...
to fae culture that was probably the most obvious thing ever. he didn't outright just decide he wanted to marry you, but you've probably done something that borders on a 'let's get married' proposal in his culture so that just prompted him to get to work ASAP, get his workers find the most grandest ring there is in his family heirloom.
if you take it. that just meant you're both FOR LIFERSSSSS. HENCE WHY HES SO CONFUSED WHEN YOU'RE CONFUSED THAT HES ACTING LIKE ITS NORMAL. I mean he's happy that you finally decided to call him his rightful title after a month but why are you so flabbergasted, child of man? what do you mean you're not married? just look at said sacred, ethereal place in briar valley. both your names are engraved there together, that's enough proof isn't it?
— | malleus
bonus <4
ㅤthe actual partner in crime
want to take it up a notch? just call the resident creator of forged documents, this is totally legal and free! just get on his good side and he will remain there forever, unchanging cause he loves you now. unless you somehow wrong him... it's actually very beneficial because he can do nearly anything for you without trouble so... wow you're married? why didn't you invite him :( oh you're not but you want to be? oh that's totally fine!
oh you want his help? he can't go against the law because of his coding system but.. it also says to help friends whenever he can and you're his best friend so :)) *casually prints out paper* don't worry he'll talk to some friends and it will be legal before you know it!
knowing his brother he's probably authorized to break the law so he had to code it himself before he gets too far... anyways congrats on your actual marriage 😊
— | ortho

note. this is a commissioned piece, do not post this anywhere else

pretend it's funny
Imagine Malleus somehow drinks a potion and gets turned into a little dragon.
This little dragon ends up flying around and spots you.
Swooping around you in circles and you are shocked, eventually it calms down and floats in front of you.
You don’t realize it’s Malleus because there’s no way his guards would let something happen to him.
(Though knowing Lilia, he would pull harmless pranks just for giggles.)
You end up taking the tiny dragon with you.
He cuddles in your arms and licks your face, and you end up laughing and rubbing foreheads with him.
Grim is not exactly happy to see your new companion when you get back home but it’s okay, he’ll get over it eventually.
Wherever you go, your dragon is always with you. He’s warm and loves to cuddle your lap as you read a book or do your homework.
He floats around helping you in the kitchen, getting items for you that are out of your reach.
(You think Grim might be jealous of the attention your dragon receives, but changes his tune when you give him extra cans of tuna)
You end up going to bed, all three of you on one bed.
Nice and cozy and warm.
You gave Grim a kiss on his head between the ears.
And you pulled your dragon close to you and kissed him on the forehead, thinking of how his scales reminded you of Malleus. Your dragon purred and nuzzled into you, stretching his wings and trying to cover you and provide warmth.
It was truly a nice relaxing day.
…until you woke up the next morning with a naked Malleus Draconia next to you and Grim complaining about how the bed is too tiny for Tsunotaro, while you tried not to scream or look at certain places.
(You can already hear the lecture Sebek will shout, Silver will be exasperated and fond, and Lilia will teasingly mention how you now had to marry Malleus Draconia to preserve his honor.)
featuring : heartslaybul - octavinelle ! going grocery shopping is usually a mundane task, boring and usual. that is until the twst boys want to join you in your outing. you just hoped nothing would go wrong this time… for once…

Taking Riddle out grocery shopping is like taking a very well-behaved child out. He never strays away from you or the cart, and is oddly silent the entire time. However if you look closely you can see a small smile on his face.
He's never been to a grocery store before, due to his mom usually keeping him inside the house and getting them herself. So he can't help but be fascinated by the variety of things and contents of whatevers in the store. He definitely makes sure that no funny business goes on within the store though, he makes sure that everything he does is in order- it's kind of funny how stiff he is in a grocery store.
While out with Riddle, he will absolutely go to the mini bakery, inspecting the cakes, tarts, breads, and cookies. The aroma is enough to put a smile on his face. He probably picks up some ingredients for Trey too, and maybe for himself, if you'd like to help him in creating a tart that it?
10/10 he's so cute the entire trip and pays for you!! Consider it his gratitude for the strawberry tart you bought !
Trey probably needs to pick up some baking supplies while out with you, meaning that the two of you spend a lot of time in the baking aisle or in the mini bakery of the store. It gives him some inspiration when seeing all the different types of sweets and goodies around, perhaps he should bake some of them for you!!
Trey is always helpful, and it applies even more so at the grocery store. He helps store workers, random costumers, you. He tries the best he can, either by helping pick up grocery bags, or by carrying the slightly heavier stuff for you. Trey also walks around with the cart, going through aisle and aisle with you, never once complaining about being there for too long.
With him you don't really have to worry about anything either, he makes sure that you get everything on your checklist and that you don't buy unnecessary or unimportant items. It's kind of like going with a parental figure- or someone really calming.
10/10, man's bakes you a whole plethora of sweets- and going with him is one of the most calming trips ever.
Cater makes Grocery shopping an experience. You know those pictures of people in carts? Or the ones where you're standing in an aisle doing something stupid? Yeah that's him, one hundred percent.
It's always so fun to go out with him though, no matter what kind if shenanigans you get into. He for sure buys a few spicy instant Ramen packs while out, actually he just buys a bunch of spicy stuff in general- not that you're complaining of course. Maybe he'll even buy some actual ingredients to try and recreate his favorite recipes with you!!
Cater tries to help out as best as he can too, by helping out with checkout or carrying certain things! He also has a nack at finding pretty- or the most appealing looking foods- due to his magicam, he knows how to get good angles and can find some of the best quality foods there is. The pictures he takes can make that one package of strawberries look like the most delectable thing ever.
8/10 he's a fun guy to go Grocery shopping with!! And you get to make Ramen with him once you get back home!
As a contrast to Riddle- Ace is a big baby when going out Grocery shopping. He walks behind you, trying to annoy you in every possible way ever.
He purposely walks in front of the cart when you're about to move, has a grumpy face when being in the healthy section for too long, grabs a buttload of junk food- you don't mind but he'll share none of it with you. He does all of this with an annoying little smirk on his pretty boy face.
Although shopping with him has its downsides, he knows how to make it fun for you. He's the type to sometimes hijack and blast music into the store's speakers, dragging you along with him for a dance. He makes you sit in the carts basket, running around the store while pushing you. Does it make up for not sharing his snacks with you? Maybe. That cute smile on his face certainly does though !!
He's an annoying little shit but I love him for that. 6/10 just cause he's a stinky butt head <3 Oh and he does end up sharing his snacks in the end!
Deuce is one of the best people to go shopping with. He trails behind you, only ever walking off when he needs to get something. He probably knows this grocery store like the back of his hand even though he's only been there like once.
Deuce knows the best deals to get as well, going grocery shopping with his mom definitely helped out a bunch. He knows what to do during a sale- running and squeezing through crowds of middle aged women to get that last carton of eggs. Think of miyamura from horimiya!!
He carries the bags back to the car, no matter how much or how heavy. Deuce also tries to split the bill with you, there's something so domestic about it, and he absolutely loves it. He always has a smile on his face whenever shopping, especially when it's with his favorite prefect!! Honestly Deuce's perfect date is probably going grocery shopping then riding off into the sunset on his blastcycle.
10/10 he's a very helpful and reliable man, its cute. He's cute. And with him you'll never forget your eggs.
I don't know what possessed Leona to want to go Grocery shopping with you and not just make you or Ruggie do it for him, but let's say he goes because he needs something.
He walks quietly next to you, looking out for what he needs while walking through the aisles. Unfortunately, after he gets whatever he needs he's a total asshole. He complains about being there for too long, and how he'd much rather be napping then in a store.
It's confusing because it was his car that you took here- he could easily just go sleep in it- or straight up leave if he wanted. Well I guess he was being nice enough to not just leave you in the dust. You wouldn't be surprised if he just randomly decided to lean on you whilst you walk, or he might knock stuff over and over for you to keep picking up. He's quite literally a cat.
4/10 he's another annoying shit- but its not so bad cause he's hot. Well at least he pays for you- right?
Ruggie is probably tagging along with you because he needs to get something for Leona. And he has to be one of the greatest shopping companions to have graced this world. He points out some of the best products that are also cheap, and knows how to get good deals and haggle with store owners.
Like Ace, he also makes the trip fun, well for him at least. Ruggie's idea of fun definitely contains snatching some wallets or free food while out. If you're at Costco he will take more samples than humanly possible. It's pretty funny- if you forget about the snatching wallets part.
Ruggie will also pay for you- using Leona's wallet!! He tells you over and over that Leona wouldn't even notice your purchase of groceries- no mater you end up getting. The hyena also knows how to get the good stuff for cheap, real cheap. It's honestly kind of a life saver to go shopping with him- he helps with everything.
8/10- he somehow can haggle a grocery store worker so you get everything for cheap- although you wished he wouldn't swipe wallets when with you--
Jack is the Grocery man. He probably asked to join you just because he wanted to help out, no hidden motives or questions asked. He's so helpful it's honestly so sweet.
It's kind of funny to see a big beefy wolf man dragging around a grocery cart with a happy smile on his face. Honestly he just loves grocery shopping, its so him. He gets all the healthy stuff and protien shakes that'll help out with both of your bodies, he makes sure to leave room for some junk food in the cart though. Jack always helps out with the heavy stuff too, he carries the water cartons, soda, the eight cat trees you got just for Grim- It's like a mini workout for him!!
I can imagine him rushing when at self checkout, he's scanning those tomatoes like it's an Olympic sport. Oh- and he always gets some cactus seeds just in case !!
9/10 helpful wolf man for the win !!
It's honestly so confusing why Azul would want to go Grocery shopping with you, did he want to start a farmers market or something?? You doubted he had anything to gain from it either. Like- who goes Grocery Shopping for a scheme??? Azul.
Other than thinking he's gonna do something behind your back while walking around the store, he's a pleasant companion! He basically just sticks to himself the whole time, pointing out things he finds interesting, or things he'd never seen before while in the sea. He's very fascinated by the variety of human items and stuff in just one store. Azul does try to be helpful sometimes, like picking out things that would benefit you both for the right price. Something tells you that if he ran his own grocery store everything in it would be way too overpriced--
He has to be scheming though, you can see him mumbling to himself while looking at the pricetags for certain items, and that gleam in his glasses isn't helping clear him of that suspicion one bit.
6/10 he's honestly not that bad- but you just know for a fact he's plotting something behind your back.
Jade joins you on your endeavors to try and learn more about the surface. Of course, they have grocery stores down in the sea, but the things they carry are far more different from the things up here. He finds this a learning experience, like many other things.
Jade is they type to like a flea market the most, or an outdoor one at that. Being outside while shopping with the perfect is probably one of his favorite pastimes. He- like Azul- is pretty silent the entire time. He just enjoys being out in nature while exploring the vast marketplace!! If you're out at a flea market he might also try and haggle with the prices, well he wouldn't try- they'd just give it to him for cheaper because of his face.
He probably buys the two of you a bunch of mushroom including foods, and he probably buys some mushrooms just for himself. Perhaps they two of you can make some foods including them later, yes? That would certainly be a fun experience!
8/10 a very relaxing experience- a lot different from the others, but it's not like your complaining!
Floyd either tries to squeeze into the baby seats of a shopping cart or stands on the side of it, towering over like the giant he is, letting you drag him around with a silly little smile on his face.
He puts whatever he wants into the cart, showing off things that you definitely don't need. Matching eel phone charms? He's making you buy it. A gummy candy in the shape of shrimp? Well duh he needs that!!
When not clinging onto the cart he's running around the store like a madman. It's quite scary if you think about it- a 6'1 eel man running around a grocery store, bumping into people without saying sorry. He makes it his mission to scare you. Popping up out of nowhere and shoving stuff into your face? Sounds fun!! Sneaking his head into the aisles you're in and watching you from afar like a creep? That's his favorite pastime!!
5/10 its fun to go out with Floyd- but also a hassle. Be forewarned before you agree to go out with him…
Honestly- why did you even say yes to shopping with them in the first place??
During the Wish Ceremony
Duece: When you wish upon a star-
MC: Nothing happens *upset because money didn't appear in the dorm and Crowley didn't turn into a crow*
How would the guy that seem more unsure about biting the MC (so for example Silver, Epel, Deuce/Ace & co) react if the MC actually asked, for whatever reason, to bite them?🤔
help i thought at first you meant if mc can bite them-
Silver would be shy about it, but he’s grown up around vampires his whole life so the idea isn’t really ‘taboo’ to him. He definitely views it as a pretty intimate act, but a normal step in a relationship. Thus, Silver would only do it if he was close to MC. If you ask him to, he’ll probably make a big deal out of making it a nice + comfortable bonding experience.
Epel would also be shy initially, but he also wants to prove to you that he is able to take initiative and fulfil your requests. He would try to act confident but really he is pretty nervous since it’s his first time biting anyone as a vampire. Obviously he likes you and would love to bite you, but he cares about you and doesn’t want to mess up by accidentally hurting you. Communication is key here, you have to meet him halfway and he will try his best for you.
Deuce is so nervous, constantly asking you if it feels okay or if it hurts. No matter how many times you tell him that you’re fine, that he’s being very gentle and you’re all good, he’ll keep checking. He insists on only taking a little blood, disinfecting and bandaging the tiny wound on your neck, and treating you like you’re dying for the next few hours. He’ll force you to stay in bed even though you’re fine (he insists you need to rest and recover) and will bring you food and snacks to help keep up your strength.
Ace acts unfazed by your request and will even flirt back, but he’s pretty much bluffing. His blush completely gives him away. Similarly to the others, he’s never bitten anyone before, but he’s not going to let you know that. He’ll probably just tease you whenever you bring it up until you let him know that you’re very serious about it. He’ll agree and exhibit more restraint and care than you’ve ever seen from him before. He’s patient and checks in on you, making sure he doesn’t take too much. He will also stay and cuddle with you as you recover (“gotta make sure you don’t pass out, dummy”)