●For the ladies that love anime ●For the ladies that love K-pop, and in between. ●Your friendly neighborhood Black ff writer.
32 posts
Huening Kai X Black.FemReader
Huening Kai X Black.FemReader

Genre: Suggestive, Fluff, Romantic, Flirty, Idol Boyfriend.
Contains: Suggestive topics, Mentions of alcohol/hangover, potential spelling errors.
Word Count: 630

The sweet aroma of breakfast roaming the halls of your home.
Light snores make their way out of your room, where you sweet boyfriend rested.
Silly Kai, you sighed both of you still being young. Despite Kai's facial features maturing, he still had a soft side to him.
You wouldn't change it for the world. Once you were done with the breakfast you'd made for your boyfriend, you gather up everything and head back to his side.
"Kai, sweetheart.."
Your fingers find their way tangled once more between his brown locks. So cute! You thought to yourself. He started to shift around a bit, even turning away from you.
Giggling you lean over him, following his face.
"Still sleep?"
Kai hummed as the corners of his mouth began to rise. Clearly showing he wasn't sleep, rather just messing with you.
"Teddy Bear, you're not sleep, so get up or no more kisses."
Kai's chocolate eyes open,"Im awake!"
"Thats what I thought! Now here-."
You held the plate up in front of him,"I made you some breakfast Kai."
The enduring look in Kai's eyes so blatant- he removed the plate from your hand, setting it on the night stand before grasping your arm.
He pulled you towards him, before pushing you down leaving you beneath him.
"Hyuka, baby. Does your head noy hurt?" Kai winced a bit,"Just a little."
"Really? Well, for someone who was drunk last night. You're doing pretty well this morning."
"Is that so? Do I get a prize?!"
His smile beamed with excitement and joy.
"Hyuka, I made you breakfast. Of anything I should punish you for being bad last night!"
Kai's expression changed to one revealing his confusion.
"Last night? What happened last night?"
You opened your mouth to talk, then you realized you were embarrassed to say what he did.
Though you worked your way up to,"Hyu..You were- how should I put it? Very much..Ready for take off."
Kai would soon realize what you'd ment by that. Meaning that he admitted to wanting to love you all night.
"A-Ah, I..did that to you?"
He lowered himself onto you, pressing his head on your chest.
"Just a little Kai, It wasn't that bad."
"Oh! Thats great-"
You interrupted him with a smile on your face,"That is until I had to bathe you!"
You thought back to it, Hyuka thowing flirty advances towards you. Him attempting to give you a lap dance- not only that.
There was more- Kai ended up slipping and falling in the shower, the thud was so loud it alerted the neighbors. He sung, he threw things, even tried to eat the soap you provided to him.
Kai sat before you as you listed the things he had done. Kai scratched the back of his head with a wryly smile.
"You were bad last night baby..."
"W-Well..Uh I won't do it next time? Haha!"
Kai nervously laughed, and you smiled shaking your head. "Now then",You continued crawling off the edge of the bed,"Do you need anything, my lovely Teddy Bear?"
"No..Let me do something for you."
"Sure Hyuka, just..Lets take care of that headache first!" You'd reach into the dresser for a pain killer, once in hand you give them to Kai.
"Baby, eat your breakfast before it gets cold." Kai, now extending his hand out to you, asks,"Please, share it with me?"
"Darling I made that breakfast for you."
"I know and, I love you. Thank you..but please. I feel bad for how I acted last night."
You sighed, holding back the urge from rolling your eyes,"Alright Darling." Once hand in hand, Kai tugs at you, pulling you into his arms and into a hug.
You smiled glancing up at him, and him glancing down at you. "Y/n.."
"I love you..eternally."

Supposed to be a mini-sequal to my first Huening Story ♡ Hope its okay! Happy mothers day!
Written May 8th
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More Posts from Lavender-z-love

Side Effects
Bang Chan x Black!FemReader

➻Genre: Romantic, Silly, Best Friends to lovers, Idol x Reader, Comedy. ➻Warnings: Drunken, Little cussing, Potential spelling errors, if anything else lmk. ➻Wordcount: 901
"Ugh, Im so.. dizzy! The world is spinning."
"I know Chan." Your best friend Chan asked you if you wanted to spend time with him.
You accepted of course, you liked the guy for how many years now? He liked you also, but of course you didn't know.
Classical 'x reader' am I right? It was a long day of work for you, plus Chan's schedule wasn't as busy, so he thought I'd be nice to invite you out to dinner.
Out of the both of you, you thought you would get drunk, seeing that your day was tougher. "Chan, stop trying to walk on your own! Hold on to me!"
Chan, now skipping ahead, in the process getting dizzy. Then grabbing onto a nearby tree.
"Y/nnie, I'm dizzy! Im gonna fall!",Chan cried reaching his hand out to yours. You jogged towards him, trying to hold in your laugh.
Once you made it to Chan you grabbed his hand and pulling him up as he clinged to you,"Oh chan.."
Chan giggled as he embraced you, speaking in his thick accent he hummed,"So, warm mmm."
His eyes gazed up at you, still sticking to you as if the both of you were velcro. With Chan so close, you caught a good whiff of Chan's Cologne.
Oh how green and pungent it was, felling like it was hypnotizing you. Despite the time you both spent out together, it was overpowering!
A fire burned across your face, making you extremely red in the process.
"C-Come on, lets get you home." A little hiccups managed to fall past his lips.
"O—*Hic* Okay! Yes, yes miss."
Once you get to your home, you sit Chan down on the couch.
"Here, let me get you some water. Hold on!" "Y/n! Nooo!"
"What? What's wrong?"
"Don't go!" Once again, clinging to you.
"O-ow! Chan! Please, you're going to suffocate me!"
Managing to get his limbs free from your waist, you leave him on the couch to go get him some water.
Next thing you know light vibrations are shooting through your back pockets.
"Who could be calling at this time."
Pulling your phone out of your pocket, you look at the Caller ID. You sighed when you read the name.
'Don't entertain him, don't entertain him, don't–',you thought but you wanted so badly to see what he'd do.
That being said you pick up the phone,"Yes?"
His voice began to waver.
"Where are you?"
"I'm in the kitchen."
"Kit-chen? What country is that?"
You chuckle slightly,"Chan, Im getting you some water."
"Woahh, from a different country? *hic* Dammn..its gonna take a while to get back to me."
"No, Chan. Im right down the road from you",you played along with his cute drunk talk.
"Ohh okayyy, I miss you~ so..hurry up",he slurred in his cute accent.
You thought he had hung up but there was tapping noises followed by irritated groans. He slurred in annoyance as he was having a difficult time hanging up the phone.
"Ugh! Why..Why is- I can't. It won't cut off!!"
You heard him from the other room complaining, he's so cute like this. Finally comming back to Chan, seeing him light up when you come back.
"Y/n! You're home! *hic* Wait! Are you magical?! You- *hic* you didn't come through the door!"
'Oh',you thought,'So he does have some rationality left'
The cup of water you'd brought Chan placed on the table as you take a seat next to his drunk form.
"Yes, now sit up. Here let me help you."
Finally getting him up, you hand him the water to drink.
"Here drink up."
He obeyed drinking a good amount then attempting to fall back onto the couch, however you try and pull him back.
"Mmm how was the county of Kit-chen?",he asked sliding back onto the couch.
"It was fine. It was so beautiful, you should've seen it",you state playing along.
"Oh realllllly?",he slurred,"Oh man..You-You gotta see Australia!!"
"I agree! You'll have to show me one day. But first I need you to sit up, Channie."
"Ooh! Yessss!"he exclaimed, wrapping his arms around you, yet again. In the attempt of you trying to keep him up, the end result was Chan falling on top of you.
Chan pushed himself up though he was still hovering above you. Seemed like the flush along his face wasn't only from drinking but also falling against your chest.
That Chan, despite being drunk, realized where his face had landed.
Y/n-exe is no longer working. Chan gazed at you, in silence for a few seconds,"Y/n.."
Your soul had managed to leave your body and even leave the earth plain.
"Christopher– Y/n isn't here at the moment." That is all you said before staring back at the ceiling.
"Well..When she comes back-",Chan pauses to wrap his arms around you. Laying his head on your tummy as to use it as a pillow,"Tell Y/n that she- *hic* she has a really lovely set, of breasts."
That night you gave Chris your bed and you slept on the couch- While he was sound asleep you sat...In front of the refrigerator with the door open embarrassed and still warmed by the even that took place a few hours ago..
Needless to say, you were officially gonna kill him when he wakes up.

➻THESE DIVIDERS/PICTURES DO NOT BELONG TO ME➻Hope you like this! Its just been sitting in my drafts for a while.➻I may make a sequal! Im not sure yet however. ➻Quick warning this has nothing to do with the story, but everyone be careful. Seems like the world is becoming an apocalyptic 😟! ➻I really want everyone to be safe especially more than ever.Hope you like this! Its just been sitting in my drafts for a while.➻Written May 10th 2022
Highway to Heaven

Mark Lee x Black.FemReader
Genre: Smut, Idol!boyfriend AU, Virgin!Mark AU, SoftDom+Sub!Mark, Switch!Reader Fluff in there♡
Warnings: Seggs and lots of seggs, spelling and grammar errors! (Give me time, to go through a few couple times to make sure everything is good👍. I was rushing to post this 🥲)
A/n: This is the final part of my little 3 part Smut series. I know, the 2nd part was written wayyyyy after the 3rd. I wanted to make sure I felt it was good before posting it. Anyway- have a good read. Im also using Mark's Korean name every now and then in this x reader.
A/N 2– PLEASE READ: If you see the name 'Kaneki' dont be alarmed, I was also wrwriting another X Reader for 'Kaneki' and his name keeps autocorrecing into this x reader. I think ive fixed all the errors, but I could be wrong.
Wordcount: Im thinkin 2500k? I'll count later ♡
Part one: Baby don't like it.
Part two: Here.
Part three: Angel.

Mark squeezed your thighs as they were wrapped around his thin waist. Slow and steady kisses pressed onto your neck. Your nails dig into Minhyung's shoulders as a soft moan leaves your lips. There was no suprise how Mark felt about you in this moment, so you weren't shocked when you felt his longing pressed against you.
Though Mark stopped kissing you. He pulled away from your neck, smiles wryly "S-Sorry.."
"Don't apologize, it's perfectly fine." Mark's eyes stayed on you, thoughts racing at high speeds—
'How can I please her?'
'Can I make her climax good enough?'
Your back hit the soft mattress with Mark soon to follow. Your heart almost burst out of your chest— thinking of some places where to touch Mark. Thinking where to touch Mark to get him hot. Even though this was your first time together, the both of you were willing to go further and beyond for one another.
Mark unexpected, who seemed to not know anything about sex, knew exactly what buttons to push to turn you on. "Can give you a hickey here?", he softly asks
"Do what you want Kitten", you whispered.
That nervous demeanor of Mark's begins to dissolve, having a confident one replace it. Maybe too confident, you'll see why- "God you smell so nice.." Mark licked and kissed the bite mark he'd left to soothe the sweet pain he had produced.
"Did you put perfume on?", he asked in between kisses.
You nod, holding him close as your fingers run through Mark's hair. So soft you could play in his silky locks for hours.
"Yes of course baby, is it too much?"
Mark pulls away and smiles at you. Leaning in for a quick kiss before answering you. "No, not at all. I love it." The both of your lips tangled together. Heated bodies pressed against one another. Mark's tongue, against parted lips in small licks against. French kisses deepening the passion, your bodies even more molten together.
His hands searched and wondered every inch of your clothed body as he soon began to tug at your top.
"Can I?", he whispers.
"Go for it" ,you say giving him the green light, his lips find their way to your cheek. He kissed you a few times before allowing you to sit up, taking your shirt and lifting it over your head. He set it aside before laying you back down again.
His eyes darted towards your chest. Leaving his face breaking out in a red glow. 'This is so lewd' He was thinking what to do..and how to touch you; not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable or awkward. Still admiring your bronze glazed breasts, you reach out and grasp Mark's hand, bringing him back to reality. You lead his hand to your chest, having his hand cup your clothed breast.
You giggled, "Kitten, you can touch them. I promise I won't bite, unless you want me to." Teasing, winking at him. Mark averted his eyes from your flirtatious gaze.
"I just..Don't want to mess up, or make you feel uncomfortable-"
Mark pulls you close a bit to where he is able to reach around you and fiddle with your bra hook, sliding his delicate fingers underneath it. "Mark, look at me. It's your first time, we are bound to have awkward moments and mistakes. But thats apart of the process. Lets have fun with it, Okay?" Mark presses his forehead against yours, letting out a puff of air.
"Yes. I suppose you're right, Y/n. I wont think about that. I'll just think about loving you." Your hands find their way to his cheeks, pulling his face lower to place a kiss upon his nose. "You're so stunning- I don't know how I managed to control myself around you" ,He confessed
"Well, tonight Mark- you don't have to control yourself. I don't want you to, give me everything." Your boyfriend nodded and gently continued to kiss you. "And you Y/n– dont hide anything from me either", Mark commands in a husky voice.
"Fuck Mark, when you talk like that—", you mumble into his lips hungrily, "I'll show you what a slutty Minx I can be."
Mark breathes heavily at those words, his pants feeling tighter, "Yes Y/n, I'd love that." Your delicate hands feeling on your boyfriend's toned chest, tracing his abs. You tug on Mark's shirt pushing him back, causing him to naively tilt his head in confusion then realized what your goal was.
He the pulled his shirt up and over his head, discarding it into the corner. Admiring his toned body, your cheeks flush as Mark leans back on to you. His actions quite appealing to you— the way he'd done that, he seemed so confident. Though- thinking about it, how could disposing of an clothing item be so enticing?
Minhyung firmly placed his hands on your hips, hoisting you up and further on the bed. "God your skin is gorgeous."
"Mark..." ,You muttered. Feeling his lips kiss your cheek. The his hands still rest on your curvy hips. Caressing your thighs as they compress against his sides. He stopped at the waist band of your pants. "Yes?" ,He asked pulling away from your cleavage. "On the bed-"
You quietly laughed, "Get on the bed." Mark was a little hesitant, he wanted to stay on top of you and do most of the work. Mark got off of you, letting you get up. He was going to just lay down, though you didn't give him a chance to. You pushed him down, climbing on top of him.
"My turn, let me treat you."
Your fingertips, traveling to his neck and caressing his face. Your eyes locked with Mark's lips and his eyes to your lips. Having convinced him you were going to kiss him, you pull away leaving him hungry for a kiss. Making way for his neck, only to hover and breathe against it. Eventually you final gave in nipped at his neck. "Tell me Kitten" ,You spoke between little bites, "Where do you want my lips?"
He lightly moaned, clutching to the bed sheets. "I want your lips on my lips of course-"
You smiled, "In due time, you must be patient. Foreplay is essential, I want to tease you just a bit baby."
Mark smirks, "So, this is what I signed up for?" You nod, "Im afraid so kitty.." , brushing your thumb against his plump lips. Your free hand wandering along his body. Abs toned, like a captivating art piece. Mark's tan skin soft, some spots with scares, each telling a story behind them. However, each making you fall more in love with him and his body. Your hand stopping at his zipper. His voice hitches, your boyfriend now sitting up to see what you were doing. You getting off of him and now placing your hands along his waist. You slowly unbuckled his belt, now watching him as you did so.
Such a sweet angel like him, what a lustful and hungry look he had in his eyes. Now that his belt was on the ground, you tugged at the button on his jeans leaving one last thing to undo. You slide off of Mark and onto your knees. Mark, now under a spell, still watching your movement. What you do next really had him wanting to just throw you down and pound into you. Your body coming closer to his torso, placing small kisses right below his belly button. Mark released a heavy breath..
'Haa.. she's so close to my–' he thinks to himself. He bites the inside of his mouth in attempt to hold back tiny moans. Just the thought of you being close to his cock began to set him off. Feeling up and down his waist, peppering kisses along his lower torso– surprising him by finaly unzipping his pants and pulling them down along with his underwear. Enough to where his member sprung out. Suddenly at the sight of if it you were a bit intimidated.
Mark was a bit embarrassed especially with you staring so much. "Y-Y/n you don't have to. I promise, I can just–"
You quickly press your lips to his, silencing him. "Mm-mm, I am– Im just trying to figure our how you're going to fit inside me" ,you nervously laugh in attempt to lighten the mood. "Even so, I don't mind going down on you Y/n– show me what to do."
"Next time baby boy, this time–".
You pause as you grasp Mark's length. His eyes shut tight, his warm lips part as you extract a moan from him. You begin pumping him, slowy just to get him used to it. You didn't want to drive him crazy, well...at least not yet. "This time, Im in Charge." Back to Mark's length— Slowly and steadly, you licked a stripe starting from the underside of his Cock and up to the tip. He shivers, as his hands grasps the sheets. Giving his head small kitten licks, observing his reactions and how sensitive he was.
Once you got the idea, your nose was soon touching Mark's torso. "Y-Y/n!" So trapped with pleasure, his cries never complete make it out. Tossing his head back in pure ecstasy. His Adam's apple bobing as he attempts to catch his breath.
"S-Slow Down!" You pull away whiping the saliva that began to build up.
"Baby, I am going slow" ,you chuckle. He glares down at you. Such a beautiful view, he'd only seen in dreams with the both of you. Up until now those dreams were made reality. Those siren eyes you return the dangerous gaze up at him. Those nails of your, gripping his thighs enough to make crescent-shaped marks. Licking your plump lips. Mark's face burned deeply and so did his ears. How erotic this was, he'd think to himself. Wanting to hid his face away.
"Here-" ,You grab Minhyung's hand and place it to you side of your face, "You can hold my hair and help control the speed if you want" ,You explain.
Mark noded a little embarrassed to say something, and you began to work your magic again. Once again, introducing that long, slow, Lick along his shaft to ease him back into it again. Both hands gripping him this time. Slowly pumping him, your lips parted as you swirled your tongue around your boyfriend's Tip.
As a reaction his fist grips your hair, hypnotized by your actions he sharply exhales. "S-Sorry you just, caught me off guard-", he explains while releasing your hair. You hummed taking his member fully in your mouth. Like torture to him, it seemed like you were teasing him, though you just wanted to make him feel extraordinary. Adding to the pressure, the pleasure- Slurping and Sucking, with occasional swirlings of your tongue making him see stars. Your head bobbing up and down as your tongue grazed the underside of Mark's Cock. His eyes study you, fingers intertwined with your hair, bundling it all up into a pony tail. Just trying to hold back,"Y/n– You can stop, Im close.."
You hummed, sending electrifying vibrations through him. You unlatch yourself from Mark, strings of saliva connecting from your lips to his Tip. Once he'd examined that, the pressure he'd been holding in his gut was starting to unravel. A burning sensation from him was getting heavier. You began pumping his messy cock in on hand before taking him back in your mouth. Driving him insane, forgetting your hair was still gathered up in his fist— he pulls you further onto his cock, with every tug, your nose touching his bellybutton. Saliva was also building up like thin strands of thread on the underside of his shaft. Your saliva dripping onto the floor, dripping down your neck and even littering on your clothed breasts; glistening in the moonlight.
Letting him guide you at a steady pace. Swear words find themselves falling past his lips. Mark leaning back, dazed. Voice like honey, moans and gasps feeding you. He sounded so good, You wanted to make him sound like this everyday. Mark's sexy orgasm unraveling itself bit by bit.
With one buck of his hips and one last time pushing your head down onto him, "F-Fuck.." ,He purred. As Mark's sweet cum painted your throat white you felt him twitch in your mouth. Finally coming back to his senses. He quickly realized, "Im sorry Y/n! Are you okay?"
You nod, covering up your mouth with your hands. Mark furrows his brows confused, until he realized– "Wait! Y/n– you don't have to.." You swallow all of him, of course he seen it. If Mark's face could turn any reder his head woukd explode from embarrassment.
Mark, helps you up and to your feet, only to push you down onto the bed. Pinning your wrists above you, his breathing was heavy. "You drive me crazy..you know that right?" You smile,"I didn't know until now." Standing up, fully disposing of his pants and underwear. Minhyung pulling you by your legs towards the end of the bed. Tugging at your skirt and panties, disposing of those too. You help by reaching around and uncliping your bra.
"You had your fun, now its my turn". Mark purred, looking down at you. His lips find their way to yours, and his hands once again; exploring every square inch. His hand finding its way between your legs. Your arousal was evident, you were drenched from getting Mark off so bad you were practically dripping. As Mark's fingers running along your drenched folds, he studies your facial expression. You grind against his fingers, signaling you want more.
Mark takes the hint, pressing his thumb against your bud. This coaxing a loud wail from you. After making friction between your grinding and Mark's fingers rubbing against you, he pushes a finger inside you. Once again gaining a sweet sound from you. Your hands shoulders, gripping onto them. The sound you made causing Mark's cock to twitch with excitement. His eye darkening at the sexy sight of his beautiful girlfriend underneath him.
Hypnotized by your beautiful cries, he suddenly acts. Adding another finger, whilst attacking one of the two buds on your chest. His tongue, assaulting your sensitive bud leaving it glistening with his saliva. Truely sending you to heaven and the two of you hadn't even actually fucked yet. With your back now arched, your hands leaving Minhyung's shoulders and sliding up to his head and gently gripping his platinum blue roots.
"M-Mark! W-Wait! Im gonna finish- I don't want to just yet..",You pleaded. How was he so good and this was his first time? You had no idea, and honestly...pretty sure he had no idea. Mark slowly removes his fingers from inside of you, bringing his wet digits into his mouth. Pulling them out with a pop following. Licking his lips, before his eyes dart down to you. "You're so sweet y/n",He mutters.
You bashfuly gazing back at him in an attempt to catch your breath from the delightful foreplay you'd just received. Your boyfriend reachinging into a nightstand, pulling out a pack of condoms.
"You were really planning this out, huh?"
"I told you, Y/n, Im ready to give you my all."
Digging through the small box, he pulls out a few small square packets it his hand. You scoffed, "Baby, do you need so many?"
Mark sheepishly smiles,"Better safe than sorry, you know?"
Your boyfriend, who's now opening the little packed replied chuckling with a slight hue over his cheeks. Mark, now rolling the condom onto his length.
"Do you want to take control Mark?" Mark declined, "Show me how its done first" ,he flirted. You giggled, pushing him down before straddling him. "Get comfortable Kitten." Your boyfriend nodded as he placed his large hands on your thighs. "Feel free to take control when you want, okay?"
He nods and you begin. Gliding your folds against Mark's cock. With anticipation, his nails digging into your soft thighs as he watches your hips swivel. You bite your lip fighting back your cries wanting to hear your boyfriend's voice. Slowly ingulfing him in, though not all of him. You sat there for a bit as the stretch was a little painful.. soon the pain subsides and transforms into pleasure.
You leaned down onto Mark, bare chest to bare chest..rising and falling, his cock twitching already. His hands slightly pushing you down onto his cock.
"Y/n, you're so warm" ,your boyfriend moaned. "And you—" ,you had to take a breath, "You're so fulfilling.." Mark's eyes fixated on the erotic scene in front of him. His hands now on your ass, pushing you down a bit further. He sat up to get a good look at you up close.
"Fuck.. your body is absolutely beautiful" Mark groaned, now pushing you down onto his cock completely. Thus making you cry louder than before. Your arms instinctively wrap around his neck. Mark gazing up at you with his hands still on your ass letting you adjust.
Your boyfriend sprinkles kisses on your chest, before having a field day with your breasts. "How do you feel Y/n?" ,he asked looking at you with a hungry look. "I'm fine Mark." Your boyfriend happily smiles, wrapping his arms around you. "G-Good.."
Your eyes shut tight, finally having the courage to move. Pushing Mark back down, you began with a steady and slow tempo. Satiny coils down to your sides; glued to your beautiful tanned skin because of the sweat. Your face of pleasure; eyes closed and mouth gaping. Mark with one eye shut and the other watching you, his lewd face handsome and on display for you. With every bounce, your breasts follow— giving him something delicious to gawk at if you don't fuck the shit out of him.
Your hands on his chest as support, curling up and scratching your boyfriend in the process. "Fuck...Y-Y/n" ,Mark grunts. Enjoying the feelinging of being sucked in and squeezed, pulled into you was overwhelming. It was taking every ounce not to cum so quickly.
"H-Hm? Is it too much kitten?" ,you teased.
Mark's His hands so hungrily reaching out to you. Finding his way to your clit, rubbing it in circles. Sending shocks of arousal throughout your body. Suddenly feeling Mark's dick burrow deeper into you. You screamed at the action adding on to the pure bliss.
Fucking into you as he gripped your thighs to help him steady his pace. The sound of skin colliding slowly building up becoming louder and louder every couple of thrusts to the point where you couldn't hear it past your moans. Seeing stars as your eyes rolled back into your skull— Thinking of nothing but the feeling of something filling you up over and over again. Mark helping you ride out your orgasm, as well as building up on his.
You were being fucked senseless, so early on into your Valentine's Sex session. "M-Minhyung! W-Wait!!" Were cries that managed to fall past your soft lips as your walls clamp around on your lover before you. Your legs shaking violently, your back archs and head thrown back.
"Oh Baby, You look so P-Pretty like this.." ,Mark Woo's. Massaging your thighs, letting you return to reality. Heavily breathing as you lay against Mark's chest.
"You okay?"
"Yes..I'm Okay.."
Gentle rubs on your back, comforting you.. somewhat lulling you to sleep. You spring up realizing. "Oh my god!"
Your face flushes. You cover your face with your hands, using them as a shield. "What baby? Tell me whats up. Was I not okay?"
"No! It was the opposite! I-..I finished too fast!"
Mark sits up, now eye-level with you still settled on top of him. Gently holding your hands, he peals them away from your pretty face. "Hey, weren't you the one who said It would be awkward? That pur first time together wont be perfect?"
"Yes but..I wanted to hold out for you."
"It's okay if you don't hold out...well, It Just tells me what a good job Im doing", he flirted. Making you giggle with sudden spring of kisses peppered on your neck.
"I guess you are doing well, you've managed to come this far."
"You guess? Want me to do better? I do have one tally for making you 'cum' this far."
You were lifted up and put onto your back, the both of you now in missionary position. Mark held you down against his sheets. Your dark hair was littered everywhere as you looked up at him and Mark, as he looked down at you.
A soft and warm, yet intense gaze– Seemed like nothing would put a hold on the sexual tension between you two. Your chest hot with desire. Leaning in closer to you. The feeling of warm breath heave against eachother—
"Oh..Haha, you've got jokes".
Mark chuckles, pulling your body somewhat onto his lap as he readied himself to fill you up once more.
"Uh-huh, Jokes and galore", he says with a cute smirk. Without warning, you were filled to the brim with Mark's length. Your eyes widened with the sudden feeling and voice so loud you were positive Mark's neighbors could hear everything.
Mark's grip, tugging on one of your hands while the other grips the sheets. His lips nipping, kissing, whispering things into your skin as he watched your pleasured form.
With your free hand you cling to the velvety sheets. "Ngh! Fuck.. Minhyung–"
"Hm? What's that? Kitten got your tongue, Y/n?", Mark Teased. He leans onto you, kissing your chin, and slowly going down your body. Your neck, collar bone..and breasts.
His steady thrusts, speeding up with the sound of skin getting louder too. Marks lips wrapped around your nipple, as he pulled you by the wrist. The combination of his tongue going at it on your breasts + Mark filling you up, quickly sending you over the edge. Your nails now finding solace in Mark's bicep.
His other arm wraps around the arch of your back. Holding you there- after having fun with one nipple he moves on to the next. "Mark! Mm! Oh my g–" a string of cries leave your lips as your boyfriend's pelvis slams into yours.
The feeling, Tension of Minhyung's cock ravage your insides building up, leaving you speechless. Without announcement Mark pulls out, yanking the condom off and planting his seed all over your stomach.
Your orgasm that was just being built up began to die down. You sighed with disappointment feeling the sweet end leave your body. You began to sit up only to be pushed back down onto the bed.
"Hey, where are you going beautiful? I can feel you're on your second orgasm."
"Its not that big of a deal—"
With a sudden motion, your legs pulled apart. Pushed back by the pit of your knees. Mark kneels before you, eagerly looking at your pussy.
"Damn, Look how messy you've gotten. Let me clean you up a bit."
His tongue now licking a long, wet, warm stripe along your slit. Firmly gripping plush thighs, Mark pulls you onto his lips. Making out with your pussy vigorously. Tasting every inch of your cum that had leaked out of you.
Mark stepping back to look at your face, as he found joy in your expressions. Wondering why you were so quiet, to finding you covering your mouth.
He grabs your hand, holding it down to the bed. In a teasing tone,"You can pull my hair if you don't know what to do with them." Like you'd told him before the two of you got busy love making.
"I forbid you to hide your cries Minx. You're loud and expressive earlier. Don't hide now", he mumbles against your pussy. He drags your soft digits to his locks, letting your fingers latch on before continuing to eat you again.
Feeling the need to help that pressure build up again, taking your fingers amd playing with your clit. Mark feeling disappointed that you needed to do it yourself. Mark removed your hand, replacing it with his.
Your hips rolling on Mark's finger and tongue, eventually reaching that sweet end goal. Your legs vibrating around Marks head as you cum. Still Stimulating you as you reached the end.
Your pretty cries so loud, like music to Mark's ears. Felling him smile against your pussy as he laps up your juices. Rubbing your thighs to help soothe the slight aches. "Beautiful Y/n, Such a beautiful Minx."
Mark gently lowers your legs, kissing your calves as your toes point. Allowing you to come down from your high. "Fuck Kitten...You're good. Really good." You slur hungrily.
"Yeah? Good, cause' I'm not done yet gorgeous." Marks says in a low tone; his eyes clouded by love lust. "Not done?" You ask, ready for more. Your boyfriend who'd been a virgin, shy and now confident as ever. Though you weren't complaining, he was so hot like this.
"Could you please turn around for me Y/n?", he asked as he helped you to your feet.
"Since you asked so nicely", you flirted with Mark as he twirled you around. Mark now unwrapping a new condom and preparing himself for you.
On your hands and knees, you wait for Mark to position himself. As he does so, his hands slide up your waist and up your hips. His alluring voice in your ear, "Are you ready?"
His voice melting you, you nod leaning into the sheets. "Minx, don't lean that way– come here.."
Mark helping you up, you stayed on your knees and Mark right behind you. "I wanna try like this–"
His chest against your back.. Sweat making your skin stick together. One hand of his holding your hip and the other holding one of your wrists. He guides your hand over his shoulder and rests it on the back of his head. Gently kissing your shoulder as he slides inside you again. "A-Ah!"
Mark's hand now with a mind of its own making its way to your breast, and fondling it. Your head thrown back onto your boyfriend's shoulder as he grinds against you— thrusts into you.
"Damn...You feel so good, you're so beautiful—", he whispers.
"Mark– I don't think I'll be letting you sleep tonight."
"Me either–" The two of you share a kiss as Marks hips move faster. Your mouth agape more, having lovely noises spill out.
"–I can't seem to get enough of you."

Written june 28th
Happy Birthday BuBu ♡ 😭

127 shenanigans on Taeyong Day! 🎂
Y'all the one time this happened to me— I literally like levitated cause what on earth. Someone told me to be more exclusive towards mixed and white people and im like 😭
From what I have witness...
Why do CAUCASIAN readers have the audacity to ask black writers on Tumblr why don't they write for white ppl, something about why do black creators think their are better than white ppl and how black creators are so weird and rude?

The audacity ✋🏽 ??
. * ・ 。゚☆ Happy Fools σ*。・゜+.*

Kang Taehyun x Black.FemReader
Warnings: Drunk/Drinking, Injuries to the reader, potential spelling errors.
A/n: I have a whole abundance of TXT stories coming out...Because I want to and also, to cope with the fact that I can't go to their concert 🥲 Yes R.I.P. me, anyway— please do enjoy.
Wordcount: Around 1k

You were nuzzled into Taehyun's back, slightly kicking your legs as he hoisted you up on his back. "Y/n? Everything ok?"
"Mhm",You giggled. You two went on a date today, unfortunately your heels gave you blisters. Though you smiled through the pain a couple of times. Taehyun would eventually catch on very quickly. Taking a stroll along the sidewalk, he scooped you up so suddenly. People around were starting to look,"T-Tae?"
He only smiled at you, bringing you to a nearby bench. He sat you down and told you to wait there for a minute. "I'll be right back Love." He went into a convenience store next to it bringing out some slides. Thats when you knew you were in for a slight scolding. Kneeling in front of you, he removed your heels and placed them to the side. Taehyun looked up at you for a good few seconds before—
"So?",You looked around pretending to look for something.
"Mm-mm, eyes on me." You didn't listen, you kept facing the opposite direction. Taehyun just smirked and continued. "Fine then Love, im sure you know what im going to say anyway..." still remaining silent as he changed your shoes.
You quietly responded,"Okay.." How embarrassing! You wanted to cry a little. Taehyun was gentle handling you, though no matter where he moved your feet, there was a stinging pain that followed. You winced, placing your hand over your mouth. You didn't want to draw anymore attention then you had. "Y/n, no more heels for dates, okay?"
"I love that you want to dress beautiful for me, but If it means giving yourself blisters and injuring yourself- don't worry so much about it."
"But Tae!" He stood shaking his head,"Mm-mm! No Buts! I don't want my Love injured and unable to walk for such a silly reason." Holding out his hand to you, you nodded as you latched onto him and he pulled you to your feet. You clung to him, finally having some relief on your feet yet, at the same time pain still shot through your veins.
"Should I carry you again?"
You panicked,"No, No, No! I-It's fine. I'll be okay, im probably heavy anyway." In reality you just didn't want him to worry about you, you felt like you ruined the date. Though, Taehyun never never put it on pause or on hold for the day. He briskly swept you up once more, so smoothly. Your arms naturally act, locking around his shoulders and neck. "You're as light as a feather." Spinning you around a few times you press your face into his chest,"Tae- You're embarrassing me, people are starting to stare..."
"Let'em." He confidently stated before walking to your next date destination. As he walked, you remembered,"Wait! My heels!"
Taehyun laughed, squeezing your shoulder in reassurance,"Leave it, I'll buy you a new pair."
Which leads you to the present, after your final date destination at the restaurant. After a couple of drinks, you're a little dazed.
"Taehyun My handsome hunk!!" ,You sang against his shoulder.
"Yess? What is it~."
"Where are we going?" ,You hiccuped.
Taehyun chuckled,"Well my lovely flower...I'm taking you home."
In your drunken state you hug him tighter, causing him to gasp for air,"C-Carefull where you put your Arms Baby."
"Sorrrryy-",you slur causing him to chuckle. Finally reaching your apartment, Taehyun opens your door before gently setting you down on your couch. He left your side momentarily, to get some water for you before coming back.
Taehyun leans over you as you gaze up at him,"Wanna sit up for me?" You nodded,"Oh yep! Anything for you." You slurred as you quickly sat up saluting at Taehyun. He laughed at your silliness. Handing you the glass of water he watched you as you drank some. Then slowly, you ended up slumped against Taehyun's shoulder. He smiled, throwing an arm around you. His thumb stroking your upper arm. "You okay Y/n?"
"Yeah..", you replied. "Good, are you ready for bed? I don't want you to have a bad hangover", he stated as he gently got up and off the couch. You stood up, "Um.." Catching Taehyun off guard, "Hm?"
"Im sorry." Taehyun tilled his head to the side a bit confused.
Your eyes gaining more shine by the flood of tears building up. "I ruined our date", you whimpered. Taehyun springing to his feet, getting eye-level with him. "Hey, Look! You didn't ruin anything Y/n!"
Your hands find temporarily hiding your face from him. "But I made you upset." Taehyun feeling a bit guilty,"No not at all Y/n! I was just concerned for your health."
Your fingers grazing the skin of you face, wiping your tears a way a little. "Are you sure you're not mad", you drunkenly sniffled. He smiled brightly, wiping your tears,"Yes I promise."
You pout standing before Taehyun, lip quivering and all. After a small and brief moment of silence, you throw your arms around Taehyun. "I LOVE YOU !", You wailed crying.
Taehyun laughs with adoration. He sighs happily, wrapping an arm around you. His hand softly rubbing your shoulder, "I love you too Y/n..", he cooes.
You felt your legs leaving the ground, looking up to find yourself once again In Taehyun's arms. Now face to face with him, he leans in close; kissing your forehead.
"Now, Lets get you to bed Y/n."

Written May 17th 2023