His Parents And, Surprisingly, Jazz, Both Didn't Research More On Where And What Gotham Is Like Before
His parents and, surprisingly, Jazz, both didn't research more on where and what Gotham is like before deciding to have a vacation there.
The three just saw the happy beach and to Danny who was sleep deprived that they just thought, "Screw it. Let's have fun."
Now, Danny doesn't know the dangers of Gotham, and thinking that maybe Gotham is like Amity Park but no ghosts. And he was right, it is like Amity Park with no ghosts but it does has a lot of criminals.
So when Joker arrived and kidnapped Danny, cuz he was closer than Robin (Batman and Robin is there).
Joker fled and tied Danny on the chair and as Joker was about to do his little speech in his recording (live), Danny's family tracked Danny down with their batarang that detects Danny's signature and had already arrived with level 10 guns in hand.
Maddie: You get away from our son, you clowning scum!
Jack: I'll have you ripped out! Molecule by molecule!
Jazz: Danny! Are you okay?!
The three Fentons said as they fought the goons and had them knocked out easily all the while the people who are watching the recording had their mouths agape while the people in Amity Park who watched the live just thought, "Oh, it's our weirdos again." with a calm manner.
The JL was still in process in locating the whereabouts, at first they were worried for the the three Fentons but as they see them fight, their worry decreased at least. The odd thing they saw in the live was that their punch gave quite the damage especially the red haired girl and that their eyes would glow slightly in the dark.... Which is to say when they saw Jazz but for the parents, not so much since their face is covered with masks. The parents were wearing the hazmat suits in full while Jazz was in her casual clothing.
But anyways, when the family subdued Joker, the JL arrived just in time to take Joker in Arkham.
Danny: There were other heroes?!
Jazz: Color me surprise, I didn't think we'd get to meet superheroes!
Danny: Ahem... Jazz, I'm right here???
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More Posts from Laxxarian
Some silly thoughts that I randomly got while my eyes are growing heavy....
Bruce had not (or probably forgot to) announce that he had a new kid, which is Danny Fenton so now, Danny has three secret identities.
Also, Bruce doesn't know about Fenton being Phantom.
And also, Danny got adopted solely because right after he fought Skulker and Desiree, he ended up being in Gotham. With his powers being short circuited a few times during the fight, he looked like a homeless beggar, beaten up and everything in his human form. Even at the end of the battle, his powers had not let up just yet, fortunately he was able to soup both of the ghosts with his thermos.
So while walking down the streets, it was night time, some thug came and tried to mug the boy only to be rescued by Batman since he was on patrol.
And Danny being Danny, lies elegantly. Now, Batman and his best friend Paranoia, advised and guided Danny to a manor and there, history begins.
All because Danny lied about having no parents when in truth, Maddie and Jack were all waiting for him to come back for dinner. (they knew of his ghostly powers)
Danny doesn't know Bruce being Batman, and Batman doesn't know Danny being Phantom.
Danny Fenton
Danny Wayne
Danny Phantom
Danny kept persuading Bruce to let him go to Amity Park since he always wanted to stay there (also cuz he can't stay out of his Haunt for too long) and Bruce let's him.... Without forgetting to give him allowance.
Sooner or later, Danny gets a call from Bruce, the man usually calls or Danny calling him cuz their family now and all that and they would talk casually and stuff cuz for some reason, Bruce can't get past a firewall that's protecting Amity Park and all of its residents are there getting their online acc being protected as well.
And Danny expected Bruce to ask him how it was going on his side but then was taken aback cuz the man invited him to the manor for a family night.
With much consideration, Danny agreed. Only to be surprised that Danny wasn't the only kid cuz there are other look-alikes sprawling around the manor.
So the guilt he has inside his heart dissipated cuz a part of the reason why he signed the adoption papers was that he thought Bruce was a lonely man and he had a different vibe than Vlad and on the plus side, he could show off the adoption papers at Vlad.
The Batkids stared at the new kid, glaring at Bruce as to who is he while the man himself was confused as well, did he not tell them? He thought. And no, no he did not.
Danny was confused
I mean, Vlad literally outright says his plans right at Jack's ears as clear as crystal but Jack somehow manages to wishy washy away from his head but when the Fentons had to go to a gala at Wayne's manor, Jack was all aware and perceptive around Bruce.
Turns out, they both were relatives and Jack didn't seem to like Bruce. Jack just could smell the "fakeness" around Bruce. But I guess it's because Vlad would actually slip his tongue and be honest, his voice and the way he acts, Jack didn't feel off when he is with Vlad.
But with Bruce? Naw.
Danny looks at Bruce and he seemed nice, a bit *weird* around here and there but he was still nice. But then again, he can't trust billionaires and just as Danny felt that untrusting vibe, he heard a disgusting voice coming from behind him.
"My, oh my, if it isn't the Little Badger?"
Danny narrowed his eyes, disgust was all over his face, "Vlad." he replied with venom.
And that's cue on Jack to wrap his arm around Vlad's neck and starts talking to him cheerfully just so he could get away from Bruce.
To Vlad's dismay, he went along with Jack. And to Danny's dismay, Bruce started a conversation with him. Then to Jazz's wondrous night, her and Maddie were outside to take a breather so Danny was all alone and unguarded and stuck with Bruce Wayne, introducing himself and his ward, [pick ur choice].
Btw, I also wanted for Clockwork to show up, saving Danny but that's just too much lelelelellel.
Bored and had a lot of free time in Amity Park, Danny decides to visit his lovely sister, Jazz. Before going tho, he told his parents where he was going, the parents already knew what Danny is capable of so they dont mind.
Upon going to Gotham, he found himself sensing an eerie 'death' in the air but he assumed that its because of the villains and criminals.
But anyways, as he was supposed to go to the university that Jazz was in, he ended up getting lost and had to ask a kid that was similar in his age.
Damian: Just avoid Crime Ally
Danny: Sounds tempting!
Damian: What's so tempting in Crime Ally???
Danny: It's not. It's the way you made me wanna avoid it
Somehow, someway, he ended up following Damian way back to the mansion and yes, Danny did ride the limo too but he was too distracted in talking with the kid and Damian was too distracted in reacting at Danny's stupid little replies.
So now, Danny was just sitting on a sofa wide eyed with Jazz right across him who was also staring wide eyed at Danny.
To be brief, Jazz became friends with Jason along the way in her stay in Gotham.
Danny: I don't approve
Jazz: You're misunderstanding
Anyways, long story short/along the way/somehow around it/someway around it, the Batfam sees Danny as a fragile weak kid cuz of how he's built so they all got worried cuz Jason would often find Danny in Crime Alley
Danny: This is Crime Alley???
Red Hood: How are you still uninjured???
Danny: Why would you ask me that??? Where's the 'Hey, you lost?' or 'Leave, it's dangerous here.'?
The Batfam could tell how unconcerned Jazz is when she found out that her little brother has been walking around out in the open in crime alley often times, which made them puzzle cuz the next thing they knew, they were whispering and chuckling.
Jazz: *whispering* no ghosts?
Danny: *whispering* not one, all safe
Jazz: good then!
Bruce Wayne and his kids went to visit the Fentons as they had weapons that could counter ghosts. As ridiculous as believing that ghosts exist, Bruce had to prepare just in case and besides, this 'ectoplasm' could be useful if he researched more about it.
But when they truly saw and encountered a ghost in Amity Park, Richard joked about it by saying something along the lines of "let's help them fulfill their business!" as a way to kill time cuz the Fentons seem too stubborn to give them any info nor let them get anywhere near their weapons.
And thus, the kids started with those green little blobs while Bruce would talk with the Fentons but for some reason, the parents would sometimes dodge the topic of how to trap ghosts. Cuz like, the Fentons had already accepted and changed their views on ghosts and they wouldn't want their weapons to get in the wrong hands. Especially when their own son is a ghost himself.
Something that goes like....
One day, Danny just suddenly got surrounded by Bruce's kids while he and his friends were out patrolling. And of course, Danny is in his human form since there wasn't any ghosts around yet and the three hopefully stays that way since it would be hard explaining things to the kids or even getting away from the kids.
They tried and failed, it's like the three were somehow chipped a tracker in each one of them each time they make a run and split so now the trio had to stop their patrolling and focus on the kids who wouldn't stop bugging them.
"So you guys are here to find out about the ghost's unfinished business???" Tucker asked.
"Yes and no, well, at first it was just for the ectoplasm thing but then...." Richard drawled.
"...Then you encountered a ghost." Sam finished, "So you all are just curious?" Sam asked and the kids nodded, "Well, that's going to be hard... Oh! Wait!" Sam tapped Danny's shoulder, gaining his attention, "There were those blob ghosts weren't there? You know, the weak ones?" Sam said.
Danny hummed and thought about it when he had an idea what Sam was getting at, "Ah! You mean them? Well, they do have simple unfinished business." Danny replied, turning to Wayne's kids, "You guys wanna help, right? We can go over there and help out those little guys." Danny said.
At first the kids were confused on how Danny would find the said ghosts but as it turns out, it was easier than expected. Most of those blobs of ghosts would hang around the cemetery.
And one thing they learned, the ghosts were quite friendly, albeit shy but friendly. And one by one, the ghosts get to rest in peace from the help of Wayne's kids.
"Well... This is one way to kill off your workload." Sam started.
Tucker hummed in delight, "Mhm-hm! We can finally hang out without any distractions!" Tucker said.
"You bet!" Danny chuckled, "Just hope that no big ghosts would come tho... Those kids might really wanna go straight up and ask because of how friendly these guys are." Danny said, his worries slowly creeping in his heart as he said it, "....let's... Let's keep an eye out for their safety..."
The other two nodded in agreement when Damian suddenly went up to the trio with a blob floating on his hand, seemingly fading. Damian stretched his hand out to Danny, "There's something wrong with this guy." Damian said.
When Sam took a look, her face contorted with immense worry while Tucker frowned. Damian noticed the change, "What's wrong? What is happening to it?" Damian asked, his voice was gaining volume that it alarmed the others.
"That's..." Danny spoke, his hand reaching out to the weak ghost, "Well... They're fine..." Danny croaked, the ghost left Damian's hand to Danny's.
Damian narrowed his eyes at the weak ghost, "It doesn't seem fine to me." he said but Danny ruffled the kid's hair to redirect his stare to somewhere else.
"Don't worry about it." Danny smiled, "For now, I'll have this little guy with me." Danny said, discreetly giving the ghost a bit of his ectoplasm, though, he knew that it won't last long.
Damian grumbled but let it go and searched for other ghosts and so did the others. Though, Jason stopped in his tracks and went up to Danny, "Hey..." he started, "What exactly... Is wrong with it?" Jason asked, his voice low as for Damian not to hear.
Danny faced Jason with a weak smile.
"This ghost... Had an unfinished business but it had a deadline." Danny started, "Couldn't complete it in the end. And now they're starting to fade." Danny said.
"But couldn't it just live forever since it's business was never finished???" Richard suddenly popped in on the conversation, "Why would they fade???" he asked.
Danny sighed, "They fade because there's nothing here for them anymore. Besides, their unfinished business is like their heart, their life, so when it's gone then, they'll just have to fade away forever... Who knows where they go though..." Danny replied.
Jason and Richard glanced at each other before one of them asked, "What was it's business anyway?"
"...who knows..." Was all Danny could answer.
Before long, everyone had to go back home. Home of Danny though, he's still stuck with the Wayne's and when he arrived, it turns out Maddie and Jack decided to let the Wayne family stay for the night. The parents somehow built extra rooms for the guests.
And when Danny looked at his parents with his eyes filled with shockness, the parents shrugged. Their smiles were more of, 'We panicked' kind of telling and, 'Welp, we tried....'
Well, what can they say, keep your friends close and your (possible) enemies closer.
But anyway, whatever, I'm still new to Gotham fandom so I'm not sure with the names and personalities lelellelel
Clockwork's job is to overseer time and has to watch over the timelines continuously but there would be times where he gets to go out of his tower for a few days to take a break and this time, he wants to hang out with Danny.... In Gotham... To scold a certain speedster while Danny accompanies him.
Danny doesn't know why he has to go with Clockwork cuz he could tell that there's nothing he'll be doing but still decides to go with Clockwork cuz he got bribed with a "3 free straight answers" if Danny ever wants to ask him about something.
So now, Danny was just happily following Clockwork like a duckling with his mother.
Danny doesn't know how and why they're suddenly in space but he doesn't question it. Not even when he encounters a flashy colorful costumed people in front of him.
And this whole time, he was just Danny Fenton so he can't escape without exposing his powers if the people in front of him attacks so he only has Clockwork to rely on as he clutches Clockwork's cloak.