Wherever I go, there I am.
68 posts
Lenusankou - LenusAnkou - Tumblr Blog

Quick sketch

Haha.. Who needs another eye? Who needs a complete face? Not this picture

I haven’t uploaded any pictures in ages, so I assumed that I should do that. I’m still meh but who cares
My hospital adventure minus the boring bits. 6/6 "1 am Sandwiches"
After my 'bad dog' collar came off it had been around 12 hours (rpt) since I had eaten anything and I was craving sandwiches (had seen someone else in the emergency waiting room eating some before), and my kind mother asked my nurse if I could possibly eat something now, he said 'yes' *YAY*. They were almost as good as the venturer's 'Midnight Pancakes' (your welcome for inventing that tradition venturer's)
My hospital adventure minus the boring bits. 5/6 "The Bad Dog Collar and the Cat Scan"
Because of my fall at school and lack of control of my limbs the hospital was going to me an x-ray of my neck and CTC scan of my head just to make sure it was nothing drastic. So as the nurses were discussing putting a collar on me I made the comment "I don't need a collar, I'm not a bad dog".... I got a collar so that means I was obviously a 'bad dog' (not being able to use opposable thumbs didn't help my case). I then made the comment about how funny it would be if I got a cat scan in my bad dog collar, and I did (it was hilarious at the time).
My hospital adventure minus the boring bits. 4/6 "Action Keith"
When your visions is blurry you can read anything and make it into something more entertaining. So the computer across the hallway with "Austin Health" written on it can also now be read as "Action Keith". And so 'Action Keith' was going to save me and fix all my problems that night (he became a major source of entertainment that night). When my first Neuro(?) doctor came to checked up on me, I was starting to regain feeling and movement in my feet and hand. And being the smart cookie that I am I completely forgot his name,so he then got dubbed 'Action Keith' because after he can I got some action in my limbs.
My hospital adventure minus the boring bits. 3/6 "General Sixty-four"
The hospital attached me to a 'beep' machine (technical term I'm sure) and my pulse as my general was 64, so I decided that I was going to Hire this General Sixty-four to lead my armies. (Seemed like a good idea at the time)
My hospital adventure minus the boring bits. 2/6 "Twenty Minutes an Hour"
As I'm sure most people who have been to hospital can understand, the hospital runs on a completely different time to regular people. On my stay an hour hospital time was actually 3 hours in regular people time (from now on rpt). Cutting that down (and after doing the maths to pass the waiting time); 1 hour rpt was 20 minutes hospital time, 30 minutes rpt was 10 minutes hospital time, 15 minutes rpt was 5 minutes hospital time, and last 3 minutes rpt was 1 minute hospital time.
My hospital adventure minus the boring bits. A six part story. 1/6 "Surprise Toes"
The first doctor I got to see at the hospital was going through a bunch of standard tests,one of them being the shining the Bight Light into your Pupils. Those who know me now that my eyes don't like light so shining small torches into them hurts to high heaven. Well, he shone the light, my eyes hurt and then as a pain response my toes spread in a gesture of alarm "surprise toes". (Unfortunately not on purpose and I still couldn't move my legs or arms)

Designed the purple and orange ones at the Phryne Fisher costume expo at Ripponlea 2015