"You are dripping on my lovely new floor," said Rafal. Rhian blinked at the black stone tiles, grimy and thick with soot.
595 posts
Daily Routine??
Daily Routine??
It varies. My routine almost always consists of these elements: sleep, attending classes, doing coursework, procrastinating, or relaxing. The order is interchangeable and the frequency and duration of each of them is variable. And it's ironic that I listed sleep first, I'll say.
ladylessoscane liked this · 5 months ago
More Posts from Liketwoswansinbalance
Sophie ought to be due more credit. How is she so sophisticated and cosmopolitan in spite of being from a close-minded town? She couldn't have derived everything she knew about high society and fashion from just the storybooks, surely? Maybe she was more inventive and pioneering than any of us could've thought since, upon becoming Dean, I think she launched several Woodswide trends.
What time do you usually sleep on weekdays?? Weekends??
Any time from 1-5 am, sometimes later/"earlier." (Yes, I’m aware my sleep schedule is insanity itself. You don’t have to tell me.)
If there was one thing you could choose to do forever, what would it be??
That’s hard. I think the most flexible answer I could give to get even part of what I’d want out of life would be that I’d choose to be a student of some kind forever, or if my answer has to be an active verb: to keep learning forever. This, as my one thing, would allow me to both read and write for the rest of my life. Also, it would be a loophole!
I could claim I was doing or observing something in order “to study” it or to learn from it, meaning, I could justify doing virtually anything I wanted. Even if I wanted to do nothing at all, I could reason out that I’m, for instance, studying the effects of “meditative silence” on my brain and its deterioration from long term inactivity. Or, I’d just say I learn automatically from life experience as I age since we, as humans, never stop processing information and thus, technically, never stop responding and learning to respond to a constant onslaught of information, so in my example, I would be “learning” to sit with stimuli around and suppress responses to it, by consciously choosing to do nothing, effectively getting out of having to “do” anything.
Something that most people don't know about you??
At times, I have nonsensical, probably stress-induced dreams.
In total, I've been the murderer approximately three times, endorsed an execution once, was a witness at least twice, and have been chased many more times.
The first murder was shooting some kind of long-barreled gun, perhaps a rifle or something more modern than a bayonet? Who knows? It was vague, and I don't really remember it.
The second was firing an arrow from below at a person descending stairs. The whole dream was very Hunger Games-esque and I had been peering up at my target from a swimming pool set in a ruined patio.
The third time, my murder was unintentional. I tried to help an unknown classmate(?) get unstuck from where he'd been caught under a large stone or snowdrift on the way back to a final exam, before the directions were given, and he just... tumbled down the steep, snow-covered hill? I have no idea what truly happened to him. I think all I had done was tug at his arm. I just ran the rest of the way down, took my seat in time, oddly enough, outdoors, at a table, and was given a paper. I think the prompt my brain came up with, before the hill event, from an earlier part of the dream, was something on environmentalism, or something about conditions shaping a narrative, which made little sense—much different from what the real exam's prompt was. I wanted to wash my hands, so I would stop feeling sticky, and I think I wondered if I had blood on them. A thought I had then or maybe after I woke up was that the prompt wasn't about Lady Macbeth, so why'd all that happen? I also worried over whether I had partly abandoned the poor guy or committed a murder. Yet I don't believe in dream symbolism because it's not fully scientific, and the directions in the dream weren't ever fully explained anyway. In that same dream, I also eavesdropped on someone who might've been my real-life, class dean and some old woman.
The one time I endorsed the murder in a dream, it happened after a whole convoluted, surreal, Coup d'état plot, not even founded in reality. I broke into a library, to catch my foe shortly before they arrived, and asked someone else to get ready. It wasn't just commanding an execution to happen; it was a (magic?) trick I wasn't fully conscious of, despite being the one to ask for it to be set-up and deliver the orders during the all-important moment. A professor in the library, who specialized in firearms, stage tactics, and sleight of hand, fired what seemed to be a blank at the traitor/usurper/criminal. And my criminal got covered in loose, non-compacted, burning gunpowder instead of run through by a bullet. By then, their skin was probably crawling with some sensation of being set aflame—but don't ask me? I couldn't sense that pov. There was nothing gory anyway. But somehow, they tried to shake the powder off, onto me, and I guess I woke up before anything became worse.
In the same execution dream, there were other previous events, and I was a witness to a different murder. That murder was this instance, with cool, Art Deco vibes, wherein, my (non-existent) friend sacrificed themselves for me. I had to lug the corpse through halls and to elevators, and I went up and down multiple times while on the run before I decided to leave the body.
In another dream, what I think was a hanging was visible in the background, but I'm not quite sure about that. It was more of a vague image.
As for the times I've been pursued by figures with unknown intent, one was notably in a labyrinthine place.
Also, to anyone who's read this far: Don't worry. I don't believe I could actually pull off any of these things as I think I’d pass out too soon because I have somewhat weak lungs and not nearly enough athleticism.
What are you most scared of??
Why should I tell you?
(It’s fine if you want to try convincing me that I should answer, but I think my mind is already made up in that I won’t. Sorry for the lack of response. I do not want this type of information to be used against me. You can interpret my answer as paranoia or distrust of humanity, but I don’t think you will get very far! I will allow challengers to psychoanalyze me if they want though. /hj)