not much, just hangin with the super cool super rad anon (yea, that's you, soak in all the rad glory)
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More Posts from Lilbitlost124
NO WAY THIS IS DOPE AF!! I love itttt
Posting a doodle I did while away to try to give some content to this blog. :3
bullshit 8
a small one this time but bluh I'm working on bigger things anyway ;)
and by bigger things i mean fucking around with funny faces
What if they were endlessly devoted to echother?
Yeah, well, what if he was pregnant? Whataboutthat huh?
bullshit 7
obligatory extras and full under cut (you'd be not so very shocked to know I'm in other fandoms)
yes, this entry in the bullshit series did have the "new merch" comic but i decided to split the two last minute lol (how professional of me oooo)
Ah gadernit grandpappy is ramblin again;
You can't control who comes across what on the internet so it's safe to say dni's are more like warnings if anything, I understand why they were made but god DAMN they are dumb in practice. Let me spell this out for the illiterate, It's not hard to NOT be a kid-toucher, zoo-licker, color-picker, or dickwad on the internet so to those parasites who are, just keep it simple and stfu
As far as I care, anyone is welcome to enjoy the stuff I make, just don't be an asshole and be as normal as a skitzo can get