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This Is Truly Wholesome And One Of The Reasons I Believe God Exists! Amen! Now, If You Excuse Me, I Go
This is truly wholesome and one of the reasons I believe God exists! Amen! Now, if you excuse me, I go cry now like this picture.
she asked me if i believed in god and i told her that when i was four i almost drowned in a public pool and in my panic mistook a stranger for my father. i clawed my way up his leg. four years later he’d send my parents a picture of the scars alongside a tin of cookies. he said, “i hope she’s still okay. i carry her with me. it isn’t every day you save a life. it isn’t every day you feel like you were here for a reason. when it does happen, you have to cherish that memory. for once, i had a purpose. just being there was enough. she tore me open but she taught me a lot about love.”
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More Posts from Llamaisllama777
So, today's episode of the Lunar and Earth show has me slightly worried. Allow me to explain...
So, we know Rez is on earth and is after Lunar and Lunar's family and he's trying to corrupt Lunar or any family members of Lunar to cause Lunar to be corrupted. That makes me very worried.
So I see one of two things happening.
1. Lunar is left without his support system.
Two of Lunar's closest friends will be gone for who knows how long... and that will leave Lunar without his best friend and without his sister. So, if something bad happens to Lunar mentally speaking, like maybe he gets attacked by Nexus or Creator or Razzle, and he's not doing great mentally, maybe he starts having nightmares or starts getting paranoid about Rez. This will leave Lunar mentally defenseless... somewhat. I mean, he still has Sun, Moon, and Solar, but they're busy with their own issues currently. (Dark Sun, Nexus, Creator, Moon's mental health) meaning Lunar might be on his own here. A perfect target for Rez.
2. Monty gets corrupted!
So, we know Monty wants to marry Earth. He admitted it to Sun and Lunar and even asked for their blessings. Monty really wants to marry Earth, but from what we've heard, Earth doesn't want to get married yet.
Monty is taking Earth on vacation.... I have a bad feeling about this.
I think Monty plans on purposing to Earth during their vacation, but from what we know.... I have a feeling Earth will say no.... for right now, at least. We know she loves Monty a lot, and he loves her a lot. They both care deeply about the other, but one wants to rush into marriage, and the other doesn't.
Here's what will probably happen...
Monty will purpose to Earth, but she'll say "not right now," not a no but a wait a while. Monty will agree, but he'll probably be embarrassed and afraid he may have ruined things with Earth. He wouldn't hate or be mad at Earth, but he'll be mad at himself.
Negative emotions = Rez
Rez will use Monty's hatred for himself to corrupt him and Lunar and Earth will have to try and save Monty but the Astrals will be trying to destroy Monty cause the Astrals believe anyone who gets corrupted is just gone.... I don't think that's the case. I think there is a way to save corrupted individuals, but the Astrals just don't know that. This will lead to a
"Lunar and Earth vs. The Astrals vs. Rez" arc
And while I think they'll save Monty, I do think it will cause a lot of chaos and negative emotions for everyone cause Monty is very close to almost all of the celestial family. All I can say is
Lunar, Earth....
Happy (Not-so happy) October!
Dazzle and Jack already lost Neptor. I can't have them lose anything else.... but imagine if Nexus or Ruin or Dark Sun or one of Nexus' robots attacks the house and tries to kidnap or re-kill Dazzle and Jack has to go full ape to save Dazzle but gets seriously damaged in the process. Maybe not dying, but almost. If Jack does die or gets heavily damaged, I want him to go a hero and severely injure whoever attacked Dazzle.
Lets hope and pray nothing bad happens to Jack while he has his speed and weapons taken away
Off the bat with an amazing episode.

I LOVED this episode. We're finally getting into all the trauma Moon has faced. Everything he's ever done. Everything he ever did. It's all coming back, and he's really not doing well. He was too afraid of Nexus to help Sun.
Moon was afraid. MOON. WAS. AFRAID.
I never thought I'd hear those words.
This episode also made me realize that Moon's sacrifice really did mean nothing! Moon died for nothing. Killcode got to live for a bit, but he still died. Moon's death led to the creation of New Moon/Nexus. If Moon had just accepted his killcode instead of trying to get rid of it, none of this would have happened. Moon's death really did do more harm than good.
Earth really came in clutch here. This was basically a pseudo-therapy episode. (I miss those episodes. Those episodes were always neat)
Earth, you say you may not know what to say sometimes or you don't know what to do but when you do you really do!
I'm also glad Earth and Monty are being more honest with the other cause they are really cute, and I want these characters to be happy.

Jack and Sun? Hanging out? YYYYEEEESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I loved this episode a lot, too. It's nice to Jack and Sun finally getting a chance to bond while Solar, Moon, and Monty battle the little barbershop of horrors plant outside. Sun and Jack actually make decent friends. I hope we get more of them hanging out and their dynamic. I loved how Jack finally was able to tell Sun that he felt threatened by Sun's friendship with Dazzle. I was hoping they would eventually talk that out, and I'm so glad it happened!
Things I learned in today's episode
1. Jack doesn't like ranged weapons like guns. (He likes throwing knives, though)
2. Jack has seen every James Bond film. Jack is a Bond fan.
3. Jack can kill a man with a pencil
4. Monty can build anything out of anything
Also, I really hope someone draws a picture of Jack dressed as V from V for Vendetta! Please, someone, draw that! I beg of the!
Also, I thought that scene where Jack was singing Walk the Moon's "Shut up and dance with me" when they were watching the ballroom fight scene from one John Wick movies
And lastly...

Welp. I'm glad they're friends. Shame it took the death of a kid for them to do so.
Jake was nice. He seemed so innocent. I actually felt super sad and worried when they said he died. I was like, "Oh no! Did the killer get to him?!" But no. He just passed..... I honestly think that's sadder for some reason.
Moon, Sun, and Eclipse are working through that loss, and I'm glad to see F.C. and Andrew are working through their own thing.
Yep, as I suspected F.C. is traumatized by what he saw. Seriously, Eclipse, a heads up would have been nice. I'm happy to see F.C. and Andrew get along. They have come a long way since well everything. I also thought it was funny when F.C. said he hated Andrew. I genuinely expected Andrew to be the one to hate F.C. not the other way around.
When F.c. and Andrew was leaving parts and service. Andrew found an open spray can of yellow paint.... the same yellow as the bunny suit the killer wore. The killer is indeed an employee or The Mimic (I will die on that hill till proven otherwise), so the Killer's suit isn't actually yellow, and he has access to the parts and service room. The Killer's identity is closer to being revealed! I. CAN'T. WAIT!
I loved today's episodes. Especially TLAES one.
12/10 👍👏
So, I was watching a YouTube video about The Last of Us and someone brought this up...

There could have been more people like Ellie out there but when the scanners read the person as infected they killed them.... the cure could have been right there.
A Fedra killed it. Fedra unintentionally doomed humanity.
Let that sink in....

Since tomorrow's Friday and the killer always strikes on Friday and I have a feeling we may learn who the killer is in tomorrow's episode I wanted to get my theories out on who I think the killer really is...
(This will either age really well or really poor.)
Suspect 1. Michael Afton(of the EAPS universe)
So, in either episode 3 or 5 of EAPS Eclipse briefly mentions that Michael Afton does indeed exist here in this universe too and that he build something that's down in the basement that they should keep an eye on. (Ominous and foreboding), and since then, we haven't heard about since. Either Michael has been fired from Henry's fazbear, or Michael still has a job there.
I can see Mike being the killer in this world cause in this universe his mom, Wanda Afton, was accused of being the killer back in the day. (She might have been the killer back in the days of the MCI Incident, but nothing was ever confirmed) Mike might be following in his mom's footsteps. Either Mike is doing this to make his mom lose her business cause ever since the deaths of the children. Fazbear has been losing the case. Mike might be doing this to spite his mom. Or maybe Mike was ALWAYS the killer in this world, and he either let his mom take the fall or she tried to take the fall for him to protect him. Mike might be the psychopath in this world, not his mom. Mike is also a likely suspect cause Mike knows how to build animatronics. He's built animatronics. He would know about the recall code. And the ins and outs of the building, seeing as how he's worked there for a while.
Problems with this theory
-Mike hasn't been mentioned since ep 3 or 5
-Why would Henry even keep Michael on staff? Maybe Henry is just genuinely a nice dude, but letting the son of your arch-enemy work for you during a lawsuit where you are actively suing their parent for their business feels a little... dumb.
-If Mike is doing this: WHY? What would drive a guy like Mike to homicide? Spite? Revenge? Pursuit of Science? Remnant?
Chances of it being Mike 7/10
Suspect 2. Henry Emily
The lawsuit has really been going in Henry's favor since these deaths have been happening. Maybe Henry is willing to let a few eggs get cracked if it means he wins. The killer does know his way around the animatronics and since Henry did help build the animatronics he would know about the recall codes and that flashing lights could blind them temporarily. It's possible Henry IS the killer from the MCI incident in this world. Maybe Henry and W.A.'s roles were swapped, so Henry lost Sammy and went mad, trying to find a way to bring him back. He's restarting the remnant experiments perhaps and needs more remnant
Problems with this theory.
-Henry is too old. There was no way he could never be the killer. Unless he is surprisingly spry for an old dude.
-Would he really risk his whole life and winning the lawsuit just for a chance he'll win the lawsuit by murdering a bunch of kids?
-Henry seems to care about his kids. Why would he take someone else's from them.
Chances of Henry being the killer 4/10
Suspect 3. Charlie Emily
Okay..... so.... this is probably the least likely-est one(but also the coolest and angstiest one). Charlie is mentioned once in this series. She is alive in this world! She was never killed by Wanda in this world. From what we've heard, she's in college, I think? She seems to be doing good, but what if she is helping her father win the lawsuit by making things look really bad for Fazbear. She is the daughter of one of the founders, and Henry did take her to work a lot, I'm sure. Meaning she would know the ins and outs of Fazbear. The buildings, the animatronics, Everything! It's likely she could be the killer.
Problems with this theory
-she's in college
-She has literally only been mentioned once in the show(then again, so has Michael)
-I mainly want this to happen because the angst would be delicious!
-In TSBS main universe, it's been shown Charlie isn't really interested in her dad's work, so there is a chance it's the same here in the EAPS universe.
Chances of Charlie being the killer 3/10
Suspect 4. The Mimic!
Okay, while yes, the suspect appears to be human. There's a chance it could be a skin suit!(Possibly from a missing person)
The Mimic is known to steal suits and even people's skin! (I.E. Burntrap.) The Mimic has been known to mess with tech and manipulate his voice. So, there is a chance the killer really is an animatronic, not human. Eclipse did mention he saw something the Michael of this universe in the basement of the Lefte Pizza-plex. He said it looked like a kinda like a rabbit. One of the Mimic's most popular fan designs was a tall bulky animatronic with bunny ears. (I LOVED THAT DESIGN, SO MUCH! The Canon one is cool, too.) It's possible the Mike of the EAPS world created the Mimic, and now Mimic is going on a killing spree. The Mimic knows a lot about the pizzaplex it would know every escape route. The best places to hide. Where the cams are. Plus, the Mimic can copy voices so that could explain how it lures kids away from the animatronics and their folks.
Problems with this theory
-Mimic is not yet confirmed to exist in this world, but if Detective Larson from the stitchwrait books exists in this world, then there is a high probability that the Mimic exists here too.
-No adult has been reported missing. So, no free human flesh for you Mr. Mimic.
-The Mimic is known to be more brutal and violent with its kills more messy, not a clean stab like how I assume the kids have been killed.
Chances on the Mimic being the killer 7/10
These are all my current suspects.
I highly doubt it's Vincent. 1. Vincent has kids and seems pretty broken up by these murders. 2. Just cause Vincent is named after a very popular variant of William doesn't mean he is the killer.
So, let me know your theories and any evidence you may have to help confirm or denie my theories.