Hoe Tips
hoe tips 💅💕
• if you have sensitive skin, avoid foaming cleansers that act as astringets!! lemon and witch hazel cleansers are going to tear your shit up and leave your skin thinner and fucked. go with aloe and natural ingredients for better results, no problemo bih 👊
• that drink 8 cups or 64oz don’t work for me. makes a bitch too damn full!! work your way from soda and sugary drinks like juice and take it step by step. but let’s be honest, everyone drinks it, so don’t beat yourself up about it, drink what you want. if you aim to decrease the amount of soda/juice, always go back to the basics: a big ol’ cup of water. consume the amount of water that goes hand in hand with your weight, not just out of the blue 5-6 cups. a good alternative is putting fruit in your water if you don’t like the taste. or, you can always flavor it! 🌟
• don’t go too all out on those lip scrubs! if you do it too often, such as four times a week, your lips are going to get drier, crustier, and feel stripped and thin. we’ve all been there! exfoliate 1-2x a week to avoid this. however, chapstick does the job too 💋
• mix avocado oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, and aloe vera gel and dilute the oils with water and pour it into a spray bottle. this is crucial as a detangler and a boost to the hair. makes it all soft and shit 👏 unfortunately, it’s a bit pricey, so you can always look for sales or discounts online!
• rose hip oil softens lips 💞
• lips are what everybody looks at. do you want them looking chapped asf?! invest in a lip mask. slather on organic manuka honey that is unrefined for 10 minutes, and then wash off with warm water or a washcloth👍
• dandelion root tea is a good substitute for coffee, but coffee’s good too, so just indulge in both!☕
• most of us stay up long into the mornings, which probably makes us wake up with dark circles and eye bags. don’t fret! to nix puffiness, dampen a washcloth with ice cold water and leave it on your eyes and under them for 3-5 minutes. if this is in morning, it can also help you wake up! if you’re looking to treat yourself, invest in some eye patches! 👼
• rose water is a GREAT toner! once you dab it on your face with a cotton ball, you immediately feel refreshed and ready to start your day 💪 teddie organics has a mist on sale for $10.88! it’s on amazon.
• applying sunscreen is essential to protect your skin from those nasty uv rays. but some forget their hair! if you get a sunburn on your scalp, it will hurt like HELL 🔥use spray sunscreen specialized for hair and slightly mist your hairline to avoid it. use a heat protectant like argan oil if you a broke hoe like me 💯 stack up!
on another note, don’t trust hair products with supposed uv filters. those only protect your hair color, not your actual hair!
• washing your hair, it’s better to wash it first with hot/warm water and then do the second wash with cold water to close up and seal moisture into the hair follicles! 4c hair especially needs this 👱
• hair products with OIL, PLASTICIZERS, and SILICONES will definitely clog your pores if they get on your skin and will leave your ass at square 1!! avoid that.
• yogurt and miso soup are probiotics that help fasten metabolism and hold moisture in your skin! 😇 that’s why yogurt face masks are bomb and every person should try them :)
• if you live in new york, atlanta, etc., you are bound to pollution. that’s why it’s always good to wash your face before bed to get rid of pollutant particles that will clog pores. afterwards, apply an antioxidant serum and a good moisturizer! lean towards products with white tea, green tea, and vitamin c to make the ultimate pore-cleansing mask! it’ll leave your skin feeling clean and make it glow 🌟🌟
• deep condition your hair 1-2 times a week or every two weeks!! it’s intense and has your hair feeling silky smooth. avocado, mayo, honey, sweet almond oil, and coconut oil mixture is my go-to, and my curls have blossomed! if you buy a deep conditioner from the store, make sure it’s water based and is sulfate free and paraben free (shea moisture and as i am are superb for beard cleansers as well!)👸💋
• go barefaced. prove to misogynistic assholes that makeup does not define a person’s beauty or attractiveness nor their personality. embrace your flaws and remain imperfect to society, because you are the one who knows that you are perfect 💋👏👏
• be yourself, work hard, and recognize your fucking worth 💕💕💕
• btw, honey ain’t shit if it’s not organic and raw. coconut oil ain’t shit for the hair or skin if it’s not unrefined, organic, and virgin (extra virgin is even better)! essential oil like tea tree oil that helps as acne treatments are skin-thinners if you don’t dilute them with water or a different substance. rose water ain’t shit if it’s not organic and 100% pure 😑😢 invest in your skincare/lifestyle! go online and dig for the right prices and take them before they’re all gone!
happy hoeing!
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More Posts from Loewecraft
Finding\Binding Spell
To bind an item to you to prevent you from losing it, and if you still lose track of it, the spell will guide you towards the lost item.
The item you want to bind
Hold the item in your hands, or hold your hands over it. Then chant the following whilst imagining threads coming from inside of you, out of your hands, into the item, and back, tightening and solidifying each second that you chant:
Finders are keepers and never are weepers.
May I not lose this object to the reapers.
And if I do, may this spell be a clue
To find wherever it flew.
Connect this object now to me,
As I will so shall it be.
Job Success Spell 💰
Items required:
Representation of self (a photo of yourself, your name on a piece of paper, anything big enough to draw a sigil over)
Success oil - mine contains the following crystals and essential oils in a grapeseed oil base
Tiger’s eye - intelligence
Amethyst - peace, calm, courage, inner strength
Lime - peace, cleansing
Orange - luck
Tangerine - strength
Grapefruit - confidence
Herbal incense - basil, cinnamon, and garlic salt for success and wealth
Sigil to represent intent
Draw sigil on the representation of self with success oil
Light incense
Repeat your intention as you burn the representation of self in the fire
Extinguish the flame or let burn out naturally, so long as you supervise it
When you are a witch...
When you are a witch, you will see things in a new light When you are a witch, you’ll want to dance in the night When you are a witch, whispers won’t be voices but spirits When you are a witch, you can have a sense of normality but feel nowhere near it When you are a witch, things might seem hard When you are a witch, a familiar spirit will be your guard When you are a witch, loving is really loving and hurting is really hurting and nothing will be the same Now that you are a witch, you know that it isn’t a game.
Quick item enchanting for helping you pass a written exam
Gather all or some of the stuff you’ll use for your exam. I gathered my pen, pencil, eraser and calculator. You can even add the paper sheets you want to use, or rulers or any other tool.
You’ll need some or all of these, depending on which intents you want to get into the spell:
-Rosemary: for remembering all that you know about the things being examined.
-Chamomile: for being calm during the exam, which is great if you tend to get nervous.
.-Cinnamon: for an extra oomph, and sweetening my disposition towards the exam.
-Mint: for a clear mind and being able to explain yourself clearly through the written word.
((In my case, I didn’t have mint, but I used the rest of these.))
Sprinkle each of these over your school supplies while you focus on the intent, to program them, and charge them with the energy you prefer using. I just channeled a couple of balls of my own energy and put them into my supplies.
Master Post
I went through my blog and found some posts that I thought were useful. There’s not a lot yet, but I’ll keep my resource page updated
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Reminder about the term “Spirit animal”
A Witch’s Library
Witchy Tip (if you have visitors)
How to Hide Altars (Also Travel Altars)
“Give Me Sunshine” Potion for Happiness
50 Simple Charms
Cleansing and Charging Items
Banish the Bullshitter Spell
12 Olympians Tarot Spread
Is an entity contacting me spread
Herbalist Related/Etc
Study Tips for Herbalists
Ways to help save bees
Herb Magic: Rose Colors and Magic
Herbal Amulets
Basic Herbs
Herbal Sleep and Dream Pillows
Kitchen Witchcraft
Magical Correspondences of Food
Hellenic Polytheism
Veiling and Binding
Offerings to Haides
Resources for Hellenismos
Offerings & How to make them
Yankee Candle Theoi Associations
Devotional Acts for Hermes
Pie’s Hellenic Polytheism Resource Page
Hair and Hair Binding in Pre-Classical Greece
Offerings/Devotional Acts for Aphrodite
Brief Deity Prayers
Basic Hellenic Supplies
Basic Hellenic Offering Ritual
Deities/General Polytheism
Mythological Book Recommendations (Fiction, Nonfiction and Classical Lit.)
Devotional Acts Don’t Have to be High Maintence
Alternative Altars and Devotions