Enchant An Object - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

How To: Bless an Object

Here are multiple methods of blessings objects, feel free to add your own, and I’ll credit you! 

#1: Simply Meditate: 

The method I favour is to infuse the object with my personal energy whilst meditating. You infuse it with love, with the intentions you have if it and so on. I hold the object in my hands of between my legs as I meditate and focus it there. 

#2: Smoke: 

Simply pass the objects through the smoke of an incense for a few minutes. Look into each properties of incenses to better use them. Practical for paper or parchment. 

#3: Anointment: 

Anoint the object with either a mix of essential oils (or one single one), a herbal brew (either a tea made for those purposes or a mixture made for that.). You can do so by making a specific symbol while doing it, like drawing a pentagram with the oil.

#4: Burial: 

I’ve done it twice and it’s a powerful but lengthy process. Bury the object in a place that means a lot to you, I prefer doing it under a tree, and ask the earth to bless it. I left it six months, but do as you feel. You may draw a symbol on the earth where you buried it. 

#5: The Moon:

On a full moon, ask the moon to bless the object and leave it on the window sill, under the moonlight. 

#6: Music:

Use a singing bowl, or bells or instruments to really soak your object with the blessing. Or sing yourself, words of blessings or just humming. High notes heal and bring about a higher vibration. 

#7: Crystals:

Make a grid of crystals around the object and the the crystals bless it. Most commonly used would be crystal quartz.

#8: A Spell There is an infinity of blessing spells out there. Find the one that suits you best. 

But most importantly, while doing any of these or you own techniques, remember to: a) State your intent. Your words are a vibration that will begin to bless the object before you even start anything. b) Get yourself in a calm state of mind. I don’t see the point of having a big get up for a simple spell (big rituals, yes, but one spell, no.), so without necessarily casting a circle, lighting 20 candles and and surrounding yourself with salt, just meditate a bit, calm your mind. Because you will also be blessing it with your own energy, even if you ask for the help of a deity. c) Use your own energy. That’s your most powerful tool. More than anything else. You are the most powerful tool in witchcraft.

Feel free to share your experiences with me by tagging me or adding to this post! 

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7 years ago
Paper Magic

Paper Magic

Paper magic is an excellent option for us witches who love the written word or just can’t break the bank on magical supplies but usually have a few scraps of paper lying around (note: most ideas here are cheap, some may not be). Here are a few ideas of how paper magic can be used in your practice.

Scraps/Sheets of Paper

Soak paper in infusions/gem elixirs matching your intent and let them dry -this will give the paper its own magical charge to combine with sigils, runes or charm bags, or allow it to be used on its own. (ensure the gems/herbs you use are safe)

Use the newly charged paper (possibly with a sigil on it) in crafts or place it around the house for protection

If you have it, used coloured paper (perhaps post-it notes for some) to match your intent, i.e. green for a money drawing charm

Writing words and phrases of importance to you (i.e. psalms or song lyrics) on small pieces of paper and carry them around as talismans and charms

Creating a paper poppet 

Origami and other paper shaping crafts to create charms, talismans or for spells (i.e. a jar full of paper stars with happy memories on them to preserve or attract happiness)

Books and Words

Inscribe words on an apple or other food representing your goal and eat it

Black out spell -take a damaged book or page and black out all the useless words on it to create a sentence/phrase representing your desire -this can then be framed, kept, used in charms or spells, or burned as you see fit

Inscribe words, lyrics or psalms onto candles to match the intent of your spell or act as spells in themselves (i.e. I need a dollar dollar, dollar is what I need and burn for a money-drawing spell)

Ink and Pens

Create your own ink and add in a few drops of essential oils that represent your will if necessary -there are a variety of methods in the links provided, and many possibilities exist (i.e. making ink with ashes, all manner of plants)

Creating ink too hard? Draw sigils or runes on your pen/ink well (or stick a piece of paper with runes/sigils somewhere on them)

Charge your pen and/or ink with intent


bibliophilicwitch (specifically this post)

feather-set (linked above)

(Image Source)

Please feel free to add any other ideas you have!

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7 years ago

Creativity Ring Spell

This spell was shared to me via ask by @waddlingwitch and is being shared with permission! This spell is to enchant a ring to enhance creativity and artistic ability!

Things Needed:


Paper & Pen

Jar w/ lid

Creativity Sigil (your choice)

Rose Petal

Bowl (Fireproof is probably best)

Flame (From a candle, or whatever your preferred way of doing this is)

Bowl of water (just in case)

Small piece of quartz



Write a message on the paper stating that the ring will improve your creativity while wearing it, and will enhance your artistic ability easily and quickly. You can also state any other creative intentions you would like with this ring.

Draw the sigil onto that same piece of paper.

Burn the paper with the sigil & the statement, keeping the bowl of water close by in case of emergency.

When the paper is ash (or mostly ash), crumble the rose petal into the ash & mix together

Put quartz, ring and ash mix into jar & close the jar.

Light tealight and place it on the lid of the jar. Observe candle until it burns out (do not leave unattended - blow it out if you have to!). Let sit overnight. 

Thats it! Enjoy!

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7 years ago

So i bought a new stuffed animal (a brown cat with green and blue shirt, about as big as my hand) and i want to ask if i can somehow charge it with positive energy so it helps me through bad times.. Idk if i'm not asking for something dumb, so just ignore if it's too meh :ь ^з^'

hey! it’s not a dumb question at all. there’s lots of ways to charge an item, choose one that’s most convenient for you!

crystals: choose the crystals with correspondences that you like (for example, black pearls are for protection) and either leave the object with them overnight or make a grid for increased effect

sea salt: salt is a cleansing ingredient. make a ring around your item to charge it with new energies. alternatively, you could submerge it in salt water for a more powerful effect

wind: use your breath on the item like you’re breathing life into it - you could also leave it outside while it’s windy

smoke: light some incense or a candle with the correspondence that you like (for example, peppermint helps with concentration) and pass the item through the smoke

moonlight or sunlight: both of these forces are positive and if you leave your item to charge in either of these it will have an effect. leave it by a windowsill or outside

divination: leave your item with a tarot card that matches your intent for some time, maybe in a container

technology: a favourite of mine is to leave the item near a phone or laptop while it’s charging, so the energy is directed to your item

you can try a few and see what works for you! hope this helped 🌿

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7 years ago

How to Enchant Items

To enchant an item is to infuse it with energy. This energy can come from a variety of sources, including planets, crystals, herbs, or even yourself. 

Some individuals use the words “enchant” and “charm” synonymously as a way to describe the process of infusing something with energy, but for the sake of this post and due to my own beliefs, you enchant something and it then becomes a charm. Alternately, a charm can be something with its own innate energy, like a crystal or herbal amulet. 

The process of enchanting is extremely versatile and there are many ways to do it successfully, so long as you keep your intent clear in your mind. My personal preference when it comes to enchanting items is to allow 12-24 hours (overnight or a full day) for the item to be infused with energy and become a charm - although, this is completely left up to the individual spell-caster. 

Here are a few ideas on how to enchant items, in no particular order:

Surround the item with crystals of corresponding intent

Surround the item with herbs of corresponding intent 

Place the item in a jar filled with herbs that represent your intent

Place the item in front of a candle and meditate on your intent 

Anoint the item with an oil, charged water, or crystal elixir of corresponding intent 

Hold the item in your hand(s) and visualize it filling with the appropriate energy 

Hold the item in your hand(s) and speak your intent aloud

Craft a sigil or symbol to keep near the item in an envelope or sachet

Write your intention on paper and keep in an envelope with the item 

Pair the item with a corresponding runestone or tarot / oracle card in an envelope 

Take the item and put it in a box with other items that represent your intent such as crystals, herbs, talismans, amulets, etc. 

Bury the item in soil with herbs and/or crystals that match your intent (please don’t put salt on your lawn though, unless you want dead grass)

Pass the item through incense smoke that matches your intent 

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7 years ago
This Is A Charging Board!
This Is A Charging Board!

This is a charging board!

It is a simple way to charge up and cleanse your crystals without having to focus on visualisation. Simply put your crystal in the center of a piece of paper, and write around it two categories of words: the things you want to fill your crystal with, and the things you want out of them. Then draw arrows pointing into the crystal for the positives, and away from it for the negatives.

This is a visual way to charge/cleanse without having to maintain focus. I’m certain it could work for any object you want to use, not just crystals!

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7 years ago

Quick item enchanting for helping you pass a written exam

Gather all or some of the stuff you’ll use for your exam. I gathered my pen, pencil, eraser and calculator. You can even add the paper sheets you want to use, or rulers or any other tool.

You’ll need some or all of these, depending on which intents you want to get into the spell:

-Rosemary: for remembering all that you know about the things being examined.

-Chamomile: for being calm during the exam, which is great if you tend to get nervous.

.-Cinnamon: for an extra oomph, and sweetening my disposition towards the exam.

-Mint: for a clear mind and being able to explain yourself clearly through the written word.

((In my case, I didn’t have mint, but I used the rest of these.))

Sprinkle each of these over your school supplies while you focus on the intent, to program them, and charge them with the energy you prefer using. I just channeled a couple of balls of my own energy and put them into my supplies.

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7 years ago

Charming a stone

I recently purchased a small Rose quartz stone as a gift for a best friend, and I wanted to bless it with good intentions. I felt peaceful and overall pleased with my intentions and the stones presence, so here’s what I did. Feel free to do the same for your stones or anything you would like to bless. *this will have to be at night*

What you need: •Incense (any scent that makes you feel peaceful/happy for me it was lavender) •water (could be purified or spring water, salt water, or rain water) •sand or a piece of sea glass •small plate or in this case a glow in the dark star (the ones you attach to your ceiling •Window sill

What to do: 1. Make sure you are in a peaceful and calm state, this controls the emotions you place on the stone 2. Play calming music if you wish, or start with a silent atmosphere 3. Know already and keep in your head what words/phrases/emotions you would like to bless the stone with 4.Light the incense *dont blow it out yet* 5. Hold the stone over the flame and repeat “with fire” 6. Blow out the flame and pass the stone through the smoke and repeat “with air” 7. Put a drop of water on your finger and caress the stone and repeat “with water” 8. Place some sand or your sea glass on the stone and repeat “and with earth” 9. Place stone (and sand/glass) on your plate or star and rest on your window open sill (preferably open) and repeat “with the four elements and my positivity and love, I bless this stone with good intentions, with love, wisdom, clarity and acceptance. May the starlight bring my intentions to the surface and may these intentions survive through tough times” 10. Collect stone in the morning

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7 years ago

⚡ How to Charge Objects ⚡

 How To Charge Objects

⚡  In witchcraft we talk about energy a lot, especially in the context of “charging” objects, or filling them with energy, whether personal or external, as the moving force behind magic and spells. 

⚡  Old energy becomes stagnant and bleh. Kinda like old food in the fridge. You gotta clean that out of it, so it doesn’t make the new good you put in “stink” too. So cleanse first before you charge!

⚡  Think of it like batteries! Things lose their charges, and then they kinda feel useless. So you gotta plug it back in to its metaphysical roots.

⚡  there are many ways to charge objects:  ⚡


sea water

moon water





planetary influence


and many more! almost anything you can come up with

⚡  You can even charge one object with another, like charging a coffee cup with a crystal before breakfast. The magical energy stored in the crystal will transfer to the coffee, and then you have charmed and charged your drink!

⚡  When new energy is introduced to an object with correspondences, and it sits in there, it takes on those new properties of itself and

Regular water (no corres) + sunlight = sun water, water that has taken on the magical properties of the sun.

Amethyst (healing) + moonlight = boosts the existing healing properties of the amethyst, and has moons magical properties too

⚡  You can charge almost any object, with anything that has an energy.

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