Sirens Kiss Spell
💋Siren’s Kiss Spell💋

✨ To cast this spell you will need ✨
- A lip product of your choosing, it can be a lipstick, lip tint, lip gloss, chapstick, lip balm, or lip scrub. Basically whatever you want!
- Your own will and power
✨ Instructions ✨
As you are applying your lip product of choice say the incantation while imagining yourself as a sweet talking baddass! Then you’re done. You can repeat the incantation as much as you feel necessary and the glamour is cast!
✨ Incantation ✨
“Lips soft and sweet
With a flair all words I speak,
Ensnare all who hear them”
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More Posts from Loewecraft
Types of Divination
ASTROLOGY is divination using celestial bodies: the sun, moon, planets, and stars.
CARTOMANCY is fortune telling using cards such as the Tarot.
CLAIRAUDIENCE is “clear hearing” of divinatory information. Parapsychologist generally regard as a form of extrasensory perception.
CLAIRVOYANCE is “clear seeing” of divinatory information. Parapsychologist generally regard as a form of extrasensory perception.
CRYSTALLOMANCY is divination through crystal gazing.
DOWSING or DIVINING RODS are methods of divination where a forked stick is used to locate water or precious minerals.
NUMEROLOGY is the numerical interpretation of numbers, dates, and the number value of letters.
OCULOMANCY is divination from a person’s eye.
PALMISTRY is the broad field of divination and interpretation of the lines and structure of the hand.
PRECOGNITION in an inner knowledge or sense of future events.
PSYCHOMETRY is the faculty of gaining impressions from a physical object and its history.
RADIESTHESIA is the general term for divination using a device such as a divining rod or pendulum. Other forms include “table tipping” which was practiced at the White House in the 19th century, the Ouija board, automatic writing (or superconscious writing), and scrying.
SCIOMANCY is divination using a spirit guide, a method generally employed by chanelers.
SCRYING is a general term for divination using a crystal, mirrors, bowls of water, ink, or flames to induce visions.
TASSEOGRAPHY is the reading of tea leaves that remain in a tea cup once the beverage has been drunk.
Uncommon Types of Divination
AEROMANCY divination from the air and sky, particularly concentrating on cloud shapes, comets, and other phenomena not normally visible in the heavens.
ALECTRYOMANCY is divination whereby a bird is allowed to pick corn grains from a circle of letters. A variation is to recite letters of the alphabet noting those at which a cock crows.
ALEUROMANCY is divination using “fortune cookies”; answers to questions are rolled into balls of dough and once baked are chosen at random.
ALOMANCY is divination by table salt.
ALPHITOMANCY uses special cakes that are digestible by persons with a clear conscience but are unpleasant to others.
ANTHROPOMANCY is the long-outlawed means of divination by human sacrifice.
APANTOMANCY is divination through chance meetings with animals (e.g., a black cat), birds, and other creatures. Mexico City is said to have been founded where Aztec soothsayers saw an eagle flying from a cactus carrying a live snake.
ARITHMANCY or ARITHMOMANCY is an earlier form of NUMEROLOGY where divination is made through numbers and the number value of letters.
ASTRAGLOMANCY or ASTRAGYROMANCY is a form of divination by dice where the faces of the dice bear numbers and letters.
AUGURY is the general term for the art of divination and is chiefly applied to interpretations of signs and omens.
AUSTROMANCY is divination by the study of the winds.
AXIOMANCY is divination through the observation of how an ax or hatchet quivers or points when driven into post.
BELOMANCY is an ancient form of divination performed by tossing or balancing arrows.
BIBLIOMANCY involves divination by books.
BOTANOMANCY is divination from burning tree branches and leaves.
BUMPOLOGY strictly a modern term, a popular nickname for PHRENOLOGY
CAPNOMANCY is the study of smoke rising from a fire.
CATOPTROMANCY is an early form of crystal gazing that utilizes a mirror turned to the moon to catch moonbeams.
CAUSIMOMANCY is divination from behavior of objects placed in a fire.
CEPHALOMANCY refers to divination with the skull or head of a donkey or goat.
CERAUNOSCOPY seeks to draw omens from the study of thunder and lightning.
CEROSCOPY, CEROMANCY is a form of fortune telling in which melted was is poured into cold water.
CHIROMANCY is divination from the lines on people’s hands.
CHIROGNOMY is the study of the general hand formation.
CLEROMANCY is divination by “casting lots”, similar to dice but with objects such as pebbles or sea shells.
CLIDOMANCY or CLEIDOMANCY is divination using a dangling key. see RADIESTHESIA.
COSCINOMANCY is divination using a hanging sieve. see RADIESTHESIA.
CRITOMANCY is the study of barley cakes.
CROMNIOMANCY is divination using onion sprouts.
CYCLOMANCY is the practice of divination from a turning wheel.
DACTYLOMANCY is an early form of RADIESTHESIA using a dangling ring.
DAPHNOMANCY requires one to listen to laurel branches crackling in an open fire.
DEMONOMANCY is divination with the aid of demons.
DENDROMANCY is divination with either oak or mistletoe.
GASTROMANCY is an ancient form of ventriloquism whereby the voice is lowered to a sepulchral tone and prophetic utterances are delivered in a trance state.
GELOSCOPY is the divination from the tone of someone’s laughter.
GENETHLIALOGY is divination by the influence of the stars at birth.
GEOMANCY is the study of figures on the ground and the influence of the Earth’s “currents”.
GRAPHOLOGY is the analysis of character through handwriting.
GYROMANCY is a divination procedure where a person walks in a circle marked with letters until they become dizzy and stumble at different points, thus spelling out a prophesy.
HARUSPICATION is fortune-telling by means of inspecting the entrails of animals, as practiced by priests in ancient Rome.
HIEROMANCY or HIERSCOPY is divination by observing object of ancient sacrifice.
HIPPOMANCY is a form of divination from the stamping and neighing of horses.
HOROSCOPY is the practice of casting of astrological horoscopes.
HYDROMANCY is divination by water including the color, ebb and flow, or ripples produced by pebbles dropped in a pool.
ICHTHYOMANCY is divination using fish.
LAMPADOMANCY is divination using lights or torches.
LECANOMANCY uses a basin of water for divination.
LIBANOMANCY is the study of incense and its smoke.
LITHOMANCY is divination using precious stones of various colors.
MARGARITOMANCY is the procedure of using bouncing pearls.
METAGNOMY is the divination using “visions” received in a trance state.
METEOROMANCY is divination from meteors.
METOPOSCOPY is the reading of character using the lines if the forehead.
MOLEOSOPHY is the study of moles and indicators of a person’s character and future indications.
MOLYBDOMANCY draws mystic inferences from the hissing of molten lead.
MYOMANCY is the study of the prophetic meaning of behavior of rats and mice.
OINOMANCY is divination using wine.
OMPHALOMANCY is counting the number of knots in the umbilical cord to predict how many more children the mother will have.
ONEIROMANCY is the interpretation of dreams and their prophetic nature.
ONOMANCY is the study of the meaning of names.
ONOMANTICS is the application of ONOMANCY applied to personal names, particularly in the sense of occult interpretation.
ONYCHOMANCY is the study of fingernails.
OOMANTIA and OOSCOPY is the method of divination by eggs.
OPHIOMANCY is divination from serpents.
ORNISCOPY and ORINITHOMANCY is the study of omens associated with birds, particularly birds in flight. see APANTOMANCY
OVOMANCY is another type of egg divination.
PEGOMANCY concerns itself with spring water and bubbling fountains and the omens contained therein.
PHRENOLOGY is the long practiced study of head formations.
PHYLLORHODOMANCY is a means of divination whereby one slaps a rose petal against the hand and judges the favorability of the omen by the loudness of the sound.
PHYSIOGNOMY is the study of character analysis through physical features.
PSYCHOGRAPHY is a form of mysterious writing having a divinatory nature.
PYROMANCY and PYROSCOPY are forms of divination by fire or flame, often assisted by substances thrown onto the flames.
RHABDOMANCY is divination using a stick or wand. These methods were forerunners of the divining rod.
RHAPSODOMANCY is a means of divination using a book of poetry whereby the book is opened at random and a passage read.
SIDEROMANCY is the burning of straws with a hot iron, the resulting figures having divinatory properties.
SORTILEGE is the casting of lots and the assessment of omens indicated.
SPODOMANCY is divination using cinders or soot.
STICHOMANCY is another form of throwing open a book and selecting a random passage for the purpose of divination.
STOLISOMANCY draws omens from the way people dress.
SYCOMANCY is performed by writing messages on tree leaves; the slower they dry, the more favorable the omen. A modern variation is to write on slips of paper (always including one blank) and rolling them up. They are then held in a strainer over a boiling pot; the first to unroll will be answered.
TEPHRAMANCY is divination by ashes obtained from the burning of tree bark.
TIROMANCY is a type of divination using cheese.
XYLOMANCY is divination from pieces of wood, either from their shape when collected or their appearance while burning.
Disposing of Spell Materials
sometimes after performing a spell, you find yourself wondering, hmm, what do i do with these ingredients? the way you clean up or put away your materials can be its own step in the ritual, and affect the spell. here are some suggestions for the different ways to end rituals or properly dispose of the materials

consider first:
📦keep it - consider if the spell seems like something you could ever possible need to reverse later. that love-attraction jar may invite people you don’t like, and need to be ended, but it’s more difficult without the original materials. keep the ingredients in a jar, box, or something, (maybe label it too) so you can easily nullify the spell if you need to.
✉wrap it up - in a jar or a pouch, if it is a spell you want to last a long time, gather the ingredients you won’t be reusing and keep them in a place you
🏺jar spells - just keep the materials in the sealed jar. this is the sort of spell that can be reused simply by shaking the jar, lighting a new candle for it or recharging its energy.
🔔cleanse and reuse - obviously you don’t want to throw your crystals or jars out after a single spell. separate the materials used and cleanse them individually, cutting the ties to the spell.
now what do i do with it?
🔥it’s been burned to ash - for banishing place it on the back doorstep and sweep it out into the wind. for releasing its energies and inviting influence, release the ashes into running water, given it is safe to return to nature (non glass, nonplastic nontoxic, biodegradable etc)
🕸bound objects - bury or keep in a box somewhere, burial for spells you will never remove, hiding for things you may undo one day.
🛡protective spells - best hung up or hidden in a corner of the house, or place over the front door of the residence.
☣non-biodegradable materials - if its something you can’t safely return to nature, and it can’t be reused because it was burned or broken, use the acting of burning or breaking to move the spell’s energies into the world. properly throw out or recycle the objects.
Fog in Witchcraft
Fog is often a forgotten aspect of weather that seems to get passed over when it comes to witchcraft despite it having some powerful and noble uses as well as a history in the craft. Though not all areas get fog commonly, many do, almost every morning depending on the time of year. Allow this small post to perhaps be some help to those who have interest in harnessing fog into their craft.

History and Fiction
As stated above, in many literary sources witches of both historical senses and fiction harness fog as a powerful towel. In popular lore, witches were said to summon fogs to roll across the lands to protect fleeing mothers and children during wars to hide from invading soldiers, though this lore is hard to pin point down, it is often said to come from Celtic and Gaelic origins.
In other tales witches would summon fog to protect traveling royalty or heroes who are on a quest to reach lands that may be unfriendly to their arrival. At some other times fog was related to almost like the “witching hour” it meant it was a time that the supernatural were out and witches were casting their spells.
Fog as a Liminal Space
What is a liminal space? To put it simply it means a “transforming space” or a place that the Veil or energies are thinner and overcross one another. Often they are associated with spirit work, energy work, astral work and over all witchcraft. Some call these places or areas “places where one area and time stop and another begins”.
In many cases, places that are covered by fog often are said to be liminal spaces during this time, due to the surrealism and energy fog brings with it. It turns something mundane looking to mysterious, confusing and even to some creepy. Its concealing nature brings the feeling of the unknown and the unseen.
Traditionally and theatrically fog is often used to represent the Veil between worlds and afterlife, often used in settings of literature and movies by covering graveyards before something supernatural happens or by filling the streets at night when magick is about to begin. Often when many people who don’t practice the craft think of supernatural energies and the Veil they imagine a foggy night or a wall of fog, this imagery is for a reason.
Often, fog is seen as an important tool for spirit work both fictionally and modernly due to its relations of being a liminal space and therefore seen as easier to contact spirits with the barriers weaker when it arrives.
Correpsondences and Uses of Fog
Generally Fog Corresponds with - The Veil, Spirits/Spirit Work, The Hidden, The Unseen, Invisibility, Protection, Obstruction, Curses/Hexes, Warding, Meditation, Astral Work, Fear, Patience, Calmness, Serenity, Peace and Travel
Often times, fog is useful to one when they wish to cast or enchant items for invisibility and protection during travel, often necklaces or items enchanted while out in the fog. Others will take the opportunity of using fog for spiritual communication, past life work and astral projection, taking advantage of the weakened barriers and Veil for these purposes.

Crystals - Clear Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Thunder Egg
Herbs/Plants - Cotton, Broom, Saffron, Thistle/Thicket, Wheat, Pansy
Colors - Gray, Silver, Black, Blue
Other Tools - Steam, Incense/Smoke, Wands, Besoms, Branches, Storm Water/Rain Water, Ash, Dust, Mirrors and Gray Candles
Fog Summoning
There are many ways said to summon fog. A few of those ways will be listed below
Method 1: Using storm water boiling it until it has thick amounts of steam rising from it, carefully move it outside or to a window (if one is not already outside) and offer it to the sky. Many will chant or call to the weather or winds to bring them fog much like the steam of the pot.
Method 2: In water on a burner add storm or sea salt and a sigil on paper for fog. Close the lid to it and wait until it is boiling. Remove the lid and allow the steam to rise. Here chant if desired for fog or let the water boil until it is nearly gone.
Method 3: With a besom go outside if it is a private space and much like wind summoning call to the fog to come to you, using your tool as an extension of yourself and your energy. Remember to ask it to come rather than demand for it.
Method 4: Using storm water or rain water, ash and a jar fill it with these ingredients and shake it thoroughly to summon fog. Be sure to center yourself and focus on your energy to put into this fog summoning jar. Leave it outside or in a window afterwards for further effects.

Fog Water
Fog water is a tool that can be used for witchcraft when fog is not rightfully available or in place of rain water/storm water in fog summoning. To capture fog water is pretty easy though you must be able to accept small amounts.
First you will need either very fine fabric or mesh or screen similar to what can be found in windows or for fishing nets. Tight it taunt onto something to hold it up like rods or sticks. Make sure it is held up at least a couple feet above the ground and somewhere the fog will roll through it. Base it off of how high the fog in your area tends to be, if you have low rolling fogs it may work better lower to the ground. After or during a time of fog you should be able to see droplets of water forming on it, you may use a jar tied below a corner of it to capture these drops or you can collect it yourself during/after they have formed. You can build much larger versions of this for potable water gathering and tutorials on this can be found easily online if that may interest you.
Store your fog water in glass containers and in the fridge, be sure to date and label to ensure you are using fresh water. Do not drink this water unless you set up the proper potable filtration systems.

Diffusing Fog
Often witches will find themselves tasked with fog being a hindrance rather than helpful. Its a dangerous weather condition especially for those on the road or at sea.
Historically, sea witches would be asked to disperse fog for the safe return and port of sea vessels and the men upon them. Though it is difficult to find exact spells from these times, often broom or heather is used by facing the sea with it in hand and waving at the fog, putting energy into it and telling the fog to disperse. Other times it is said using a broom/besom to summon winds to remove the fog was a preferred way.
Other options for witches is to sing a fog removal song and often dance accompanied with it and with either a besom or wand in hand, direct the fog to travel away from you and somewhere else. Other witches have found success in praying and working with weather deities to move the fog back to the sky or to lead it away.
Omens, Superstitions and Dreams
In omens it is said fog represents blindness. It blocks our ability to see clearly and makes normal directions seem impossible to follow. It can go hand in hand with confusion and the feelings of anxiety. When fog appears in visions it is to be seen often as a warning that things are about to get just that - foggy.
Though it is also related to shrouding oneself, it may be a sign that it is time for you to create a fog about yourself and to build up those wards.
Superstition wise it was believed fog would steal people, often due to people getting lost in it and vanishing, because of this fog is seen as a warning of loss to come. Some cultures even associate it directly with death.
In dreams fog holds many meanings. If the fog is throughout the whole dream then it is a warning of deception. Someone is deceiving you and deep down you know it to be true. If you dream of being wrapped in fog and it is too thick to see through or escape it is often related to feeling that someone has stolen something from you. Dreaming of wandering in a foggy environment is a warning of dangers to come, keep on your toes. If you escape fog it means you are avoiding danger or theft.
If one dreams of fog just being around their head, eyes or following above them like a halo/hat, then it is an indication that you are lying to yourself. You are refusing to let yourself see the truth. It can also be a play of the saying “its all in your head” meaning you are overthinking a problem.
If you dream of fog and snow together, it is often said to be a dream related to sickness soon to come. Others say its a sign that illness of the mind and emotions is going to creep its way in.
If one dreams of their home, bedroom or apartment being filled with fog it is often taken as a bad omen and sign that a large family drama is soon to come.
Seeing a figure in fog in dreams can have different meanings. If it is someone that you know it means they may be hiding things from you or that you are going to have a fight with them in the near future. It can also indicate if you are in the fog and you see them outside of the fog, that you are guilty about something you did to them. Seeing a stranger in the fog or a shadow you do not recognize is often due to anxiety or fear in one’s waking life. They represent the unknown and the future to come, which you are currently stressed over. Animals in the fog can represent both anxieties and fears looming about you but also can represent that you a repressing your own desires and natural wants.
If you see fog rolling in from the distance of a dream it means something is looming in your waking life. If fog starts descending down on you in a dream from the sky to the ground, many take this as a bad omen for travel especially by air or sea. Historically it is said a foggy sea in your dreams means a shipwreck in your future. Though fog over a lake or river means dream-like wonder and is said that young women who dream of this can expect a mysterious stranger in their future.

Fog and Different Types of Witchcraft
Sea Witchcraft - Fog is often seen as more of a hindrance in ocean magick, especially historically when fog at sea or port could be rather hazardous and bring tragedy to many. Due to this, fog in sea magick is often used for more negative tasks like cursing.
Storm Magick - Fog is often seen more in the light of a less harsh type of weather compared to storms or rain but still one that can be used to harness energy. The energy of foggy weather is much more mysterious, calm and hazy than that of storm or wind. It can be used for such purposes.
Death Magick - Fog is often related to the barriers of the other-side as some may say, so many death witches will take advantage of fog to use it to communicate and commune with the dead. Many report that it can make using tools of communication like Ouija boards and pendulums easier.
Divination - Often fog can be seen as a hindrance for divination though it is often deeply routed with self discovery and past life work. Many will take the opportunity of foggy weather to explore their past lives and the history of themselves and others.
Beginner Lessons: Misconceptions in Witchcraft
Witchcraft is the Same as Wicca
This is a common misconception but it’s not true! Wicca is a religion created by Gerald Gardner with sects., rules, and a heirarchy. Being invented in 1954, it is a rather recent creation at that! Witchcraft, though maybe not known by the same name, has been practiced for thousands of years and is the act of manipulating the energy around you to achieve a goal. That being said, you can be a witch and also be wiccan, but the two are not mutually exclusive.
Witchcraft is All About Worshiping Satan and Sacrificing Animals
This is an unfortunate rumor caused by pop culture sensationalizing the craft. While some witches do, in fact, have a relationship with an entity called Satan (and there’s nothing necessarily wrong with that as long as they don’t harm themselves or others), most do not believe, or at least worship, in it. While sacrificing animals is done in a humane way in various closed religious practices, most do not.
Magick Requires My Blood
While blood magick is a thing, it is super rare and blood is not necessary in any cases. In fact, it is discouraged as it can host a lot of dangers, both medically and magickally!
I Can’t Be Christian and a Witch
This is a lie! I know several witches who integrate witchcraft into abrahamic religions. The way I see it, your relationship with God and Jesus Christ is extremely personal and will never be the same as with anyone else. It’s nobody else’s damn business, either!
I Need to Find a Coven
This is also a misconception, not helped with pop culture. While a coven definitely has some benefits, it is never necessary. Solitary work and study has a lot of benefits as well as a coven isn’t for everyone.
My Pet is My Familiar
Ah, how I wish this was always true. Truth be told, it is very rare for your house pet to be your familiar. A familiar is a being who guides and helps you through your magickal work. Your cat sitting in the room while you perform a spell, while it might indicate that your cat is attracted to the energy (or just simply likes being in your presence), is not necessarily a sign of them being a familiar. Familiars can come in any shapes and sizes such as any animal or even something not of this world such as a being that resides in the astral. Such familiars like this can even stay with the same family for several generations.
Some of these things are things that I wished I was told as a young witchling. I hope this helps anyone who needs it!
A Whopping List of 160 Grimoire Prompts and Ideas
Alrighty, everybody, I’ve been working all day trying to compile this list together and it came out to be a staggering 160 prompts and ideas for your grimoire! Some of these are pretty vague and others are quite specific, but this is only to help you guys more with filling up your grimoires! So buckle up and get ready to go!
(Btw since this post is SOOOO long it’ll be hidden :’) )
Keep reading