logi1974 - Hasenbär auf Reisen
Hasenbär auf Reisen

1575 posts

The Zeila Was Stranded On 25 August 2008 In The Early Morning Hours Near A Popular Fishing Spot About

The Zeila was stranded on 25 August 2008 in the early morning hours near a popular fishing spot about 14 km south of Henties Bay. The fishing trawler was retired by Hangana Fishing of Walvis Bay, was sold as scrap metal to an Indian company and got stranded after it came loose from its towing line while on its way to Bombay shortly after it left Walvis Bay. As the Zeila had been stripped to its shell it was decided to tow her to India. In the middle of the night, not far beyond the Walvis Bay harbour limits, the towing line broke and the Zeila began to drift.  During the night the Zeila had drifted close to shore and finally came to rest on a sandbank near the popular fishing spot. Being a weekday, the fishing spot would normally have been empty, but luck was on the side of the crewmen. It was a public holiday and several fishermen had decided to make the best of the day and go fishing. Frantically the two crewmen signalled the fishermen, who alerted Henties Bay authorities to the plight of the two men.  Once on shore the crew were taken to hospital and treated for shock and minor injuries.  


Die Zeila strandete am 25. August 2008 in den frühen Morgenstunden in der Nähe eines beliebten Angelplatzes, etwa 14 km südlich von Henties Bay. Der Fischtrawler wurde von Hangana Fishing aus Walvis Bay in den Ruhestand versetzt, als Altmetall an eine indische Firma verkauft und strandete, nachdem er sich auf dem Weg nach Bombay kurz nach dem Verlassen von Walvis Bay von seiner Schleppleine gelöst hatte. Da die Zeila bis auf die Hülle entkernt worden war, wurde beschlossen, sie nach Indien zu schleppen. Mitten in der Nacht, nicht weit hinter den Hafengrenzen von Walvis Bay, brach die Schleppleine und die Zeila begann zu treiben. Während der Nacht war die Zeila nahe an die Küste getrieben und kam schließlich auf einer Sandbank in der Nähe des beliebten Angelplatzes zur Ruhe. An einem Wochentag wäre der Angelplatz normalerweise verwaist gewesen, aber das Glück war auf der Seite der Besatzungsmitglieder. Es war Feiertag und mehrere Angler hatten beschlossen, das Beste aus dem Tag zu machen und fischen zu gehen. Die beiden Besatzungsmitglieder signalisierten verzweifelt den Fischern, die Behörden von Henties Bay auf die Notlage der beiden Männer aufmerksam zu machen. An Land angekommen, wurde die Besatzung ins Krankenhaus gebracht und wegen Schock und leichten Verletzungen behandelt.

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More Posts from Logi1974

3 years ago

Kolmanskop's name derives from a driver, Johnny Coleman who once was lost and overnighted next to this place. The name means “Coleman’s Hill” in Afrikaans (German: Kolmannskuppe).  Abandoned ghost town ruins are scattered in the Namib Desert 10 km east of the coastal town of Lüderitz. Diamonds were discovered here in 1908 by Zacharias Lewala, a Lüderitz - Keetmanshoop railway employee. Kolmanskop grew out of the diamond boom. The region was administered by Germany at the beginning of the century and the town reflected this in its character. It was said of the Germans that only after they had finished building the pub and the skittle alley, their favorite form of relaxation, did they start looking for suitable plots to build their houses. Fresh water was bought in by rail from 120 km away and pumped into storage tanks. World War I interrupted mining operations. The town’s demise was accelerated by the discovery in 1928 of the richest diamond-bearing deposits ever known on the beach terraces 270 km south of Kolmanskop, near the Orange River mouth. Many of the town’s inhabitants joined the rush to the south, leaving their homes behind. Kolmanskop retained some importance as a supply depot for other mining operations, including those on the Orange River. The last families finally deserted the town in 1956.  


Kolmanskops Name leitet sich von einem Fahrer ab, Johnny Coleman, der sich verirrte und hier übernachtete. Der Name bedeutet auf Deutsch: Kolmannskuppe. Die Ruinen der verlassenen Geisterstadt sind in der Namib-Wüste, 10 km östlich der Küstenstadt Lüderitz, verstreut. Diamanten wurden hier 1908 von Zacharias Lewala, einem Eisenbahnmitarbeiter von Lüderitz - Keetmanshoop, entdeckt. Kolmannskuppe entstand aus dem Diamantenboom. Die Region wurde zu Beginn des Jahrhunderts von Deutschland verwaltet und die Stadt spiegelte dies in ihrem Charakter wider. Von den Deutschen hieß es, dass sie erst nach dem Bau der Bar und der Kegelbahn, ihrer bevorzugten Form der Entspannung, nach geeigneten Grundstücken für den Bau ihrer Häuser suchten. Frischwasser wurde aus 120 km Entfernung per Bahn eingekauft und in Lagertanks gepumpt. Der Erste Weltkrieg unterbrach den Abbau. Der Niedergang der Stadt wurde durch die Entdeckung der reichen diamanthaltigen Stätten im Jahr 1928 auf den Strandterrassen 270 km südlich von Kolmanskuppe, nahe der Mündung des Orangenflusses, beschleunigt. Viele Einwohner der Stadt schlossen sich dem Ansturm nach Süden an und ließen ihre Häuser zurück. Kolmannskuppe behielt eine gewisse Bedeutung als Versorgungsdepot für andere Bergbaubetriebe, einschließlich der am Orange River. Die letzten Familien verließen die Stadt 1956.


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3 years ago
logi1974 - Hasenbär auf Reisen
logi1974 - Hasenbär auf Reisen
logi1974 - Hasenbär auf Reisen
logi1974 - Hasenbär auf Reisen
logi1974 - Hasenbär auf Reisen
March 19th 1813 Saw The Birth Of David Livingstone In Blantyre.
March 19th 1813 Saw The Birth Of David Livingstone In Blantyre.
March 19th 1813 Saw The Birth Of David Livingstone In Blantyre.
March 19th 1813 Saw The Birth Of David Livingstone In Blantyre.

March 19th 1813 saw the birth of David Livingstone in Blantyre.

Like my last post about Alexander, Livingstone is another figure that is well known and not easy to make a fresh post about, arguably the most important European explorer to ever brave the interior of Africa. Dozens of places in Africa and the world now bare his name. While many had established cities and colonies on the coasts of Africa, Livingstone was the first to undertake great expeditions to the interior. Contracting many diseases, creating a treatment for malaria, and striving for the abolition of slavery are just a few of his many achievements.

  From the age of 10, he worked at the local cotton mill in Blantyre on 12 hour shifts, thankfully, he had aspirations to greater things in life. During one of his many expeditions, David Livingstone became the first foreigner to see the fabled Mosi-oa-Tunya waterfalls, not recognise the name? Well Livingstone christened them Victoria Falls.

  While known as “Africa’s greatest missionary,” he was almost anything but. He is said to have had only one African convert — Sechele. Sechele was chief of the Kwena people of Botswana. Despite his conversion, Sechele still practiced polygamy and even after divorcing his other wives, maintained traditional practices before Livingstone gave up on him!

Livingstone was a staunch abolitionist and campaigned extensively for the cessation of the slave trade. He also felt it was his God-given mission to explore Africa and develop the continent and that only through trade (and fair trade practices) would the economy of slavery be so disrupted that it would eventually cease to exist.

After Livingstone’s death in 1873, his body and personal journals were shipped all the way back “home” by Chuma and Susi, two of his long term attendants. Today, his body is interred at Westminster Abbey in London. His heart, both figuratively and literally, remains in Africa however, buried under a Mvula tree. David Livingstone left the world as one of the greatest explorers of all time. There are literally dozens of cities, towns, monuments, schools, and other buildings named after him all over Africa and the world.

  Many of us heard about Livingstone when we were children, we might not remember a lot about him but I’ll bet the vast majority of us can say we now the phrase by H.M. Stanley “Dr. Livingstone, I presume?”

Pics are statues of David Livingstone at the Zimbabwe side of  Victoria Falls., and in Glasgow and Edinburgh.

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3 years ago

Das Nguni-Rind stand Pate. Wie der Umriss seines Kopfes mit den weit ausladenden Hörnern, liegen die Chalets der neuen Etosha King Nehale Lodge in der spektakulären Landschaft der Andoni-Ebene. Es ist nur ein Katzen-, oder sagen wir besser: ein Löwensprung zum nördlichsten Tor des Etosha-Nationalparks, dem Eintritt ins Paradies der wilden Tiere. Artesische Quellen locken Herden von Gnus, Springböcken, Antilopen und Konsorten in das endlose Grasland.

Strikingly set on the Andoni plains, one kilometre from Etosha National Park’s King Nehale gate is new Etosha King Nehale Lodge. The lodge effortlessly portrays the shape of an Nguni cattle head, with chalets stunningly furrowed to the north and south, from the central area like a bull’s horns. Artesian sources lure herds of wildebeest, springboks, antelopes and companions into the endless grasslands.


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3 years ago

The lure of wild Africa is felt as you drive into the north-eastern corner of Namibia. Once called the Caprivi strip and later the Caprivi region before claiming its full African heritage, the Zambezi region is a step into the heart of the continent. A tree-filled expanse dotted with villages and elephant caution signs welcome you. Unusually, this corridor containing the Bwabwata National Park is a protected home to both wildlife and people, ushering in a concept of coexistence, stewardship and synergy. Two smaller national parks, the Mudumu and Nkasa Rupara, lie along the Kwando waterway that becomes the Linyanti and Chobe rivers as it flows eastwards.


Der Ruf des wilden Afrikas ist zu spüren, wenn man in die nordöstliche Ecke Namibias fährt. Die Region Sambesi, einst Caprivi-Streifen und später Caprivi-Region genannt, ist ein Schritt ins Herz des Kontinents. Eine baumreiche Fläche mit Dörfern und Warnschildern für Elefanten heißt Besucher  willkommen. Ungewöhnlich ist, dass dieser Korridor mit dem Bwabwata-Nationalpark ein geschütztes Gebiet für Wildtiere und Menschen ist und ein Konzept des Zusammenleben, der Verwaltung und der Synergie einleitet. Zwei kleinere Nationalparks, Mudumu und Nkasa Rupara, liegen entlang der Kwando-Wasserstraße, die nach Osten in die Flüsse Linyanti und Chobe übergeht.


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3 years ago

Pelican Point Lodge is a destination on its own, rather than just a stopover at the coast. The Pelican Point Lodge is a lighthouse oasis built upon Namibia’s most famous sandspit. Within the small structural confines are ten private suites, each of which offers a slightly different view of the point and/or interior aesthetic.

Surrounded by the bruteness of the Atlantic Ocean and the calm waters of Walvis Bay, Pelican Point Lodge is situated on the tip of the Pelican Point Peninsula in the Dorob National Park, and is therefore in the epic centre with all Marine focussed activities the Namibian Skeleton Coast has to offer. Stretching over endless beaches, one can watch the ghostly mist roll into the lagoon, with ships looming mysteriously in the distance.


Die Pelican Point Lodge ist ein Reiseziel für sich und nicht nur ein Zwischenstopp an der Küste.

Die Pelican Point Lodge ist eine Leuchtturmoase auf Namibias berühmtestem Sandstreifen. Innerhalb der kleinen strukturellen Grenzen befinden sich zehn private Suiten, von denen jede eine etwas andere Sicht auf den Point und / oder die Innenästhetik bietet.

Die Pelican Point Lodge ist von der Brutalität des Atlantischen Ozeans und dem ruhigen Wasser der Walvis Bay umgeben und befindet sich an der Spitze der Pelican Point-Halbinsel im Dorob-Nationalpark. Sie befindet sich daher im epischen Zentrum aller maritimen Aktivitäten das die namibischen Skelett Küste zu bieten hat.

Über endlose Strände kann man den gespenstischen Nebel in die Lagune rollen sehen, in dessen Ferne sich auf mysteriöse Weise Schiffe abzeichnen.

Pelican Point Lodge Is A Destination On Its Own, Rather Than Just A Stopover At The Coast. The Pelican
Pelican Point Lodge Is A Destination On Its Own, Rather Than Just A Stopover At The Coast. The Pelican
Pelican Point Lodge Is A Destination On Its Own, Rather Than Just A Stopover At The Coast. The Pelican
Pelican Point Lodge Is A Destination On Its Own, Rather Than Just A Stopover At The Coast. The Pelican
Pelican Point Lodge Is A Destination On Its Own, Rather Than Just A Stopover At The Coast. The Pelican
Pelican Point Lodge Is A Destination On Its Own, Rather Than Just A Stopover At The Coast. The Pelican
Pelican Point Lodge Is A Destination On Its Own, Rather Than Just A Stopover At The Coast. The Pelican
Pelican Point Lodge Is A Destination On Its Own, Rather Than Just A Stopover At The Coast. The Pelican
Pelican Point Lodge Is A Destination On Its Own, Rather Than Just A Stopover At The Coast. The Pelican
Pelican Point Lodge Is A Destination On Its Own, Rather Than Just A Stopover At The Coast. The Pelican
Pelican Point Lodge Is A Destination On Its Own, Rather Than Just A Stopover At The Coast. The Pelican
Pelican Point Lodge Is A Destination On Its Own, Rather Than Just A Stopover At The Coast. The Pelican

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