22. I aim to write stories that anybody can see themselves in.

77 posts



Description: She worked as a lawyer in New York until she received a phone call from the man she owes her career to. She knew she would be back and what she was in for but what she didn’t know is that her life would change even more than she imagined.

A/N: This chapter is going to be short. I want to focus more of the main character than the plot. In the next chapters that’s what it will be but here and there it will include the plot because it affects them as well. Thank you❤️.


Part 5

Chapter 4

The next day, or so I hoped it was, feeling how tired and sleep deprived I felt I woke up to my phone ringing. “Hello?”

“Y/N, This is Donnie. Tell John Jenkins is dead” I got dressed in a hurry finishing the call with the sheriff and rushing downstairs.

“Where’s John?” I ask Beth as I see her walking down the hallway

“Office” Beth's eyes seemed to want to tell me something but I ignored it as I walked towards John’s office. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I rush in until I notice Jamie and Kayce there too.

“I heard you had a long night” He sits in his chair. “We have matters to discuss so if you can give us a minute” He motions to the doors.

“Jenkins is dead” I flat out said. “Donnie doesn't know how long he can keep it a secret but he can get you a day” I could feel Kayce’s stare as I walked mid center infront of John’s desk. I want to look at him and tell him I was sorry. For what? That won’t help. I didn’t have anything to be sorry for but I felt bad, no one should be going through this.

“We can’t worry about it now. We will take care of it. I need to get a warrant” I nod.

“Donnie agreed to keep his cousins down since when off duty they get extra work as Becks security”

“Get me that warrant” I nod again walking out of the office and to get changed into real clothes this time. I rush over to the office and get everything situated and set over to John.

“Hello?” I answer my phone wanting nothing else than to get back to the ranch and help evey way possible.

“Hey Y/N. Just wanted to check in to see if we were still on for drinks?” Shit.I forgot it was today.

“Cassidy” I tried not to sound so surprised and chipper. “I am actually in a rush right now. Didn’t see it coming, we will have to reschedule. I hope that's not a problem?”

“That's okay. I know we will have a chance soon enough to have dinner or atleast coffee together”

“Thank you for being so understanding. I will call you to reschedule” I didn’t wait to hear her respond before saying goodbye and ending the phone call. I got to the ranch and felt useless just walking around the living room. Getting news little by little. Like how Kayce was sent out with a warrant to the Becks and got information on a milita that knew where Tate was. It was evening now and John and the rest of the cowboys were out. This was the worst part. Knowing in any second or maybe it was happening now but that Rip was getting sent out as practically bait.

“What is going on?” I hear the door open to see a red eyed Monica still with fresh tears in her face. I offer her seat and tell her everything I knew up to this point. We watch the sun start rising as we, including Beth, sit on the couch watching the glass doors.

“Do you want coffee?” I looked over to Monica who was laying her head on Beth’s lap. We havent closed our eyes since the last morning. She tried to speak but her rough voice didn’t allow her to. I only nod, getting up to go towards the kitchen. I wait for the coffee to finish and look up towards the window and see John getting out of his truck. I place the coffee in a cup and walk out to see Monica huggin John.

“He's okay?” she sobbed in his arms. She asked it as a question, doubting until she could finally hold him in his arms again.

“The sheriff is driving them over at this moment” Monica whips some tears pulling away from John. I hear the front door open to see Beth walking out and a few seconds later John follows.

“Here. You are going to need some energy” I handed her the cup and gently made sure she sat back on the couch. I watch as she finishes the coffee and sets it down. How she closes her eyes slowly fighting to keep awake but sleep wins. Finally allowing herself to let most of her worry go away. I don’t know how long it was until I saw John walking in with Tate in his arms. He looks over at Monica and then at me.

“Give me a minute” I nod, getting up and picking the cup to set it in the sink. I take a deep breath and go back into the living room. Seeing Tate gives me some relief from the past day, but I can’t imagine how much Monica is going to feel. I look up seeing Kayce walking down the stairs. “How long?” I look over to Monica and back at Kayce.

“10 minutes?” I am unsure on how long Monica had closed her eyes. Kayce nods, walking closer to the couch. “I’ll be outside” I walk out and wrap myself with my arms embracing the cold air of the morning. I walk over and take a seat on the rocking chair and close my eyes. I don’t know how long it passed but I didn't open my eyes until I heard the door open again. “How is he?” I spoke first seeing Kayce looking at the distance.

“He will be okay,” He whispered, shaking his head. It seemed like he was trying to convince himself of that too. “Look..” I wave my hand stopping him.

“Let's talk tomorrow. You have a lot of things to do and catch up on some sleep” I smile, giving him a pat on the shoulder before entering the house and going straight to bed. I slept until 1. Got a quick shower done and off to find John I went. I saw him walking past me to his office. Jamie in his suit again.

“Goodmorning” He smiles walking past me. I guess his cowboying days are over.

“We need to talk” John motions for me to sit down. He wears a black suit and tired eyes.

“I am no longer livestock commissioner” All I have to say is wow. “People are going to figure out the person kidnapped is my blood and it will not look good for me”

“Am guessing Jamie wasn’t your first option” He shakes his head directing his view outside.

“Kayce didn’t want any part of it” He sits up in his chair looking over at me now. “Me and the the rest of the wranglers are going to set camp to make sure the cattle can go back for summer”

“What?Do you need me to keep watch?” I chuckle

“You have never even touched a horse from the day you’ve been here, if you can ride a horse you can be a foreman” We laugh feeling some relief but of course that always ends quickly. “But I do need you to keep watch on loose strands here and especially on Jamie”

“How long are you going to be out there for?” John shrugs

“Until it all makes sense again” I nod. I know he knows what he is doing all of this for. What his purpose of fighting and breathing is for. This is his land and he wants to keep it that way so he can pass it on.

The next day I watched them depart for camp. Monica decided it was best for Tate to go with them since he loved being a cowboy. It included fishing, horse riding, spending time with his grandfather and father but especially not going to school. For the next few days things are going to take a turn. With Jamie in office now and Beck's death. The new company taking over Jenkins land and wanting to stop Rainwater’s construction. The Duttons are strong but when it comes to getting help with something they think they can take care of, God, they are stubborn.

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More Posts from Lolitastories

1 year ago


Y/N L/N is the daughter of the Great Khal Drogo although she was raised by the king of the unknown lands. After finding out he died she travels and finds the one who caused his death. Along this adventure she meets the mother of dragons. Jon Snow. Night walkers. We will see if she really has the Dothraki blood flowing through her veins.

Chapter 13:

I rush over to the Maesters' den, opening the door to see Gemma peacefully sleeping. I let out a sigh of relief. I turn to where my brother was and see him carrying his son. “I will be back with some food and to check up on her again in an hour”

“Thank you Maester Wolkan” I wait to hear the door close before walking closer to the two. “I understand if you want to enjoy this mome-”

“I am, but we need to speak about father” He stood up placing his son next to Gemma. “Father has gone rogue. He plans to execute every Dothraki in the city, no matter if they are involved or not with the Dothraki on the other side of the wall.”

“We can’t allow that to happen, we also can’t take him out the throne, our people

wouldn’t understand”

“We have no other choice unless we allow him to move forward and let the people see he has gone mad and then intervene”

“I won’t let innocent people die just to prove a point, not even if it's the easiest route” I care about my people and I am sure they will fight to keep their king but I am not going to let Dothraki die to show them their kings true colors right now. A knock on the door interrupts us.

“We are all meeting in the war room” I turn my direction away from Sansa to my brother.

“I will think about it and let you know” Sansa walks alongside me.

“Is there something wrong in Omnis?” her thoughtful tone almost made me angry. How could he possibly do this? This was his idea. Be a city where everyone is welcome. No stupid rules such as killing for no reason. No heachry as long as the ruler is appointed by the people. No such things as labels. No women was allowed to be known as whores and they would be looked down upon if they had kids with no husband. No child was known as basterd and no men was above anyone unless they earn it.

“I would be lying if I said no. My father is causing a disturbance back home, threatening to kill innocent people” I took her silence as an apology for his actions, like when you feel sorry for someone. “I have to find a way to not let that happen” Sounds so simple yet my head is hurting, aching to find the solution. We walk into the room and I see Missandei,Daenerys,Varys,Greyworm,Tyrion,Jon,Arya,Sansa,Qhono,Sam,Bran,Davos and Brienne all standing around the map table of Westeros. As we all settle Greyworm moves to pick a handful of Winterfell markers.

“Half are gone” I move myself to stand beside him.

“Northmen as well” Jon adds.

“And the Golden Company has arrived in King's Landing, courtesy of the Greyjoy fleet. The balance has grown distressingly even.” We moved a couple more markers away as Varys moved some towards Kings Landing.

“The objective here is to remove Cersei without destroying King's Landing.” Tyrion adds

“Thankfully, she's losing allies by the day. Yara Greyjoy has retaken the Iron Islands in her queen's name. The new Prince of Dorne pledges his support.” Varys responds. All my thoughts fade. I just wanted to close my eyes and fade with them. I could go back to Omnis and take father away from his crown and place Grisill in his place. That will leave me to figure a way around the guards and if they find out about my moves they will just get father back in the throne on his orders. I can’t take the Unsullied or Dothraki to help but maybe I can find people in town to help me. Very few people but we might be able to do it.

“Princess?” I look over to Tyrion who looks worried. “I was saying, if we all are in agreement Jon and Ser Davos will ride down the Kingsroad with the Northern troops and the bulk of the remaining Dothraki and Unsullied.”

“Of course,” I nod. Focusing back on the conversation.

“A smaller group of us will ride to White Harbor, and sail from there to Dragonstone with our queen and her dragons accompanying us from above. Ser Jaime has chosen to remain here, as a guest of the Lady of Winterfell.”

“We have won the Great War. Now we will win the Last War. In all Seven Kingdoms, men will live without fear and cruelty under their rightful queen.” Daenerys has the last word before dismissing everyone as she follows last. I need to speak to her about my plans.

“Y/N, wait” I turn around seeing the Stark siblings looking at me. “I told Arya and Jon about your father”

“I already knew” I ignored Bran’s words and looked back at Sansa. I walk forward trying to figure out a way to tell them.

“I need to go back to Omnius. My father is broken and has threatened to take it out on the people who he thinks caused that.”

“Are you planning to just go alone? Take your father's place?” I shake my head towards Arya.

“I will be leaving the Dothraki and Unsullied under Daenerys' command. I will go back with my brother and place him in the throne if I don’t come to an agreement with my father”

“You are not alone anymore. We can help” Jon walks towards me, taking my hands in his. I can feel the other Strak kids stare but Jons eyes are so intriguing.

“I would have left the second Grisill told me the news but I learned from my mistakes.” I turn to the rest still holding on to Jons hands. “I am not taking anyone else because I don’t want my people and especially my father to feel cornered.”

“We understand, we just wanted to make sure you were aware we were here for anything you may need” I smiled at Sansa’s words.

“Especially since you made our brother here so happy” I looked over to Jon who was probably the same shade of red as I was right now.

“Don’t you have to go practice or something?”

“I am better at the sword and any other tactics then you” A laugh escaped my lip hearing the siblings argue before Sansa walked Arya out and Bran followed soon enough. Our laughs quiet down. His arms embraced me closer and my eyes shut as I felt calm with it only being the two of us.

“Can I ask you for a favor?” Jons pulls back with a shocked expression in his face.

“The princess is asking for a favor? Must be important” he laughs as I only roll my eyes, setting my head to lead against his chest.

“Can Stella, Emma, and my nephew stay here?” He hummed a yes. “Also. can you promise me no matter what, we will see eachother again?”

“I promise” His hands move up to take hold of my face and he gives me a quick kiss. “Can I tell you something?”

“No” I say planly, but I couldn’t hold in the laugh when I saw his face of disappointment. “Am messing with you” I give him a quick kiss. “I will never stop wanting to hear your voice”

“After this war is over it's just going to be you and I”

“Yeahhh” I say with a smile.

“And then we can go anywhere we want” I lifted my brow unsure of where he was getting at. “For as long as you will take me, I will follow wherever you want to go” I know those words can make any person swoon over the person they love and they did, but I soon felt sadness over them.

“I will be more than happy” I remove his hands from my face and cradle them with mine. “As long as I know you are happy” He looked at me confused. “This is a two person relation, I want you to be happy too, whenever or wherever we go”

“I don’t know where I want to go, I just know it includes you” I laugh

“Well we are in the same boat then buddy, because I don’t know where life is pulling me” I focus on his eyes. “But I am with you, all I want is for it to be always you and I”

“You and I” He whispers. I thought this was a kissing moment but he pulled back. I watch as his fidgets with his hands before taking my hand and walking out the door.

“Jon!” His eyes were focused on his destination. We run through unknown halls, atleast for me until I can finally catch my breath. We stop infront of a red leave tree. The surrounding area was white due to the snow. A small lake was standing a few feet away from the big tree in the middle of it all. “Jon” I caustionlly walk closer to him and he turns to face me. He takes my hands and knels in one knee.

“I was going to do it in that room right there and then but I knew you needed something more special” I look around and somehow with the snow falling from the sky, this has become my favorite place. “I want everything. No matter the place or the time. If it's hot or cold. If we hate eachother or not. As long as it's you and I.” oh. I look down and my insides are panicking.

“Will you marry me?” I don’t know what the world has for us. If the gods he prays too listen to him and make this happen. Or the god I pray to at times has given me this to take care of. Maybe it's a big joke from both of them and maybe they are just waiting to catch us off guard to take it all away. It's too good to be true. Oh how fast this man has come into my life and changed it forever. No matter the reason or result he was right, it's just him and I and that is what I want.


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1 year ago


Y/N L/N is the daughter of the Great Khal Drogo although she was raised by the king of the unknown lands. After finding out he died she travels and finds the one who caused his death. Along this adventure she meets the mother of dragons. Jon Snow. Night walkers. We will see if she really has the Dothraki blood flowing through her veins.

Chapter 16:

“Have you seen him?” I shake my head. Gris was seated on the patio of the balcony. Millions of things are floating in my head unable to take their place. Gris doesn’t want the crown. Father is unable to hold the crown. The people wouldn’t want him or trust him in that position again. The guards are mostly on our side but they still need a ruler. I can’t force Gris to stay here. I need to figure out the correct person to take charge. I need to figure out what to do with my father. I need to go back and get Stella, Gemma and the baby. Where is Stella going to stay? I flinch feeling an arm around my shoulders. “Everything will fall into place, don’t stress your head too much” He pulls away with a smile. “It's already big enough, we don’t want it to explode” I push him off further away.

“Okay. Lets see if you are right” I walked out not even knowing where my legs were taking me. But I can tell you with each step I took breathing was harder. The stone hallways were cold and dark no matter the torches. I came to an end and turned left. A hold in my steps. “What piece of the puzzle are you supposed to fill?” No matter if I was about to break down to my knees, seeing those eyes did give me some hope. “Isn’t it too hot for you here?” I reach to him and kneel down to wrap him up in my arms.


“Ghost!” Gris stops with his hands in the air as Ghost takes a protective stand. “He's okay” I slid my hand against his fur. He scoffs at my brother before turning to back up.

“What is it doing all the way here?” I am asking myself the same question. There is no way Jon is here.

“I don’t know how but I know what I need to do” I continue my walk to the main floor. “Iter” The Dothraki turns around to face me. The rest of the dothraki that stayed were on his orders. “We need to talk” I led him to the map room. “I know our actions weren’t pleasant-” he stood up holding out his hand to stop talking. I don’t take it as a disrespectful gesture as most dothraki don’t eithier.

“I will respect the treaty that has held us together for years. You freed us, as long as we don’t attack eachother there is no need for a war to continue” I smile.

“Very well. You are free to go”

“May life continue Princess” The guard opened the door and closed it behind him.

“I see you got comfortable” I laugh seeing Ghost with silk covering his fur. The warm weather would have killed him if he stayed any longer with protection. “Let's go take care of the rest before anyone gets more ideas” He lazly ets up following me out.

“Your grace” a guard comes up. “People have packed up outside the gates” His eyes were filled with worry.

“Let them in” He seemed unsure but he continued his orders. I walk up to the balcony and see the gates open. Loud with chatter they come up filling the main floor. “I know you all have questions!” I scream but they continue on speaking. “SILENCE!” The hold on the rail became stronger. “I know you all have questions and I will not be able to answer every single one!” I could hear groans. “The King will not take the throne. The Dothraki are to always be welcome. I can’t not bring the injustice to nothing but I will do everything and continue to try to make it right to everyone in the city. I know it's not much but with my actions I hope to become the leader you need and want.” The crowd was silent. Many looking at eachother for answers and others not moving their eyes away from my stand.

“MAY LIFE CONTINUE!” Once one started the rest followed. “MAY LIFE CONTINUE!” They Chatted “MAY LIFE CONTINUE OUR QUEEN!” I felt a sting in my heart but a smile on my face. “OUR QUEEN!” This is the right thing to do. I step away from their eyes.

“Get a ship ready for a month long trip” The guard nods.

“Yes your grace” He bows and leaves.

“Sister!” I stopped abruptly infront of the door as it was pulled open. “I heard congratulations are in order” I shake my head and continue to walk.

“No. Since you are up and walking just fine I need you to sail” I look over to the guards following. “Tell all the council a meeting will be held immediately in the round room”

“Yes your grace”

“Going to dismiss all of them” I roll my eyes at his comment. It is true and not well hidden that I hate the council but politically speaking they have kept Omnis running smoothly until father gave them the impression of power is everything.

“If it comes to it, I will” I move into the stables and see horses being prepared. “Father has truly strong ideas but not the right ones. If they still stand with him I will have no choice but to see them out”

“Can’t they wait until I see what things you do to them?” He takes hold of the reins.

“I need you to bring them home. If they lost the fight, Winterfell is not safe for them.”

“I know you have responsibilities now but don’t you think you need to be there too?” I shake my head.

“This is what I need to do now. It breaks me to not go or not being there to see the result but I know my place now and its here. I feel like if I don’t finish this first I will never know what is next”

“I think you have always known what is next. You know deep down what you want but you have so many things holding you back, you just don’t want to disappoint anyone” He climbed onto his horse.

“I am a very patient person brother”

“Life doesn’t wait for anyone sister” I laugh nodding my head but not in agreement.

“I am not asking life to wait” I bid him goodbyes and safe travels and see him off. Riders behind him I walk back into the castle.

“They are all ready, your grace” The guard opens the door and I see the 3 counselors

standing up as I walk around the table.

“Please sit. Counselor Ols, Counselor Green, and Counselor Crone thank you all for coming in a sharp matter of time”

“Well when a princess calls you must come at command” I gave Ols a gentle laugh although his comment was unnecessary. Yes I have not been crowned and I don’t demand a change of name but I know the only reason he does not refer to me as queen is because he never liked the idea of me. Women to him are just property. He has been longer on my fathers side. He is a character but his advice is one of the most that has pushed us forward.

“You must have important things at hand, let's not prolong this meeting” Although his words cut Ols off and his death stare towards me was trying to be hidden by a weak smile I know he was the one who least hated me and what I did. He was a reasonable man. A man who rolled with the flow.

“Yes. I am quite curious as to why this meeting is being held is such quick notice” Crone was the least miserable of the three. He reminded me so much of my father. Hiding his sadness behind all that fake happiness. Yet I know although the outside world wasn’t aware his life was full of disappointments, we knew the truth.

“Yes of course. Questions will be answered at their given time. Let's make this quick. You all know what my father's plans were. I tried to be reasonable to a man who was in pain but he took no look at my reasons. I am not condoning or agreeing but I understand why he did what he did.” I sit down on what used to be my fathers chair. “Point being, my father will not continue on the throne. I have addressed the people of Omnis and upon their approval I will rule. Dothraki and the set agreement is still in place.”

“They will-” I cut counselor Crone off

“There is no but in that statement. I thank your years of counseling but this will be the way of things until I ask for your opinion. I dare no disrespect but if you choose to leave that is up to you.” Crone sits down. “Questions?” They look between eachother before setting on Green.

“What will happen to your father?”

“He is to stay under watchfull eyes until told otherwise. If you choose an audience that will kindly be provided.”

“Your plan is to stay on the throne but what about the people who vote on pureblood?” he stood his ground. But I knew his tension wasn’t about hatred towards me but truly towards what could happen in the following weeks.

“I will make it clear that I am not here to stay. Never was my aim. At this time Grisill is traveling to return Stella to Omnis. She will shadow me as I did father. She is the true heir to the throne and once she is ready I will step back.”

“What happens if she isn’t voted?” Ols adds.

“We will do what has been done before father. Place the crown on the one who has. Counselor Green.” I turned back to him. “Make arrangements to have me presented on each end. I must visit each land to make sure my words get across with understanding”

“A coronation has always been enough”

“There will be no coronation. The title doesn’t belong to me, I am merely stepping in the short term.”

“Very well” Green stands and so does the other two. “I will stop by once everything is organized.Can I add something to this?” I look up at him and nod. “I spoke to your mother about this once. She always hoped you would sit on the throne and be crowned infront of Omnis. You came up, very young and stood your ground. Said you only wanted to be happy” I don’t remember. “The only way you could be happy is with them. She asked if you cared about her happiness and proceeded to say that she would be the happiest if one day you were crowned queen.” Green turned his whole body over to me and walked closer. “Something died in you that day. At the age of 6 and with a smile on your face you turned around and walked away. Following your father since that day I always knew that little girl would never come back. You were a mold.” My eyes started to sting but I knew I could never show it. He stood up straight and with a sigh he said, “I guess I was wrong. That little girl kept fighting, maybe that's what your father saw in you, even when you plead that you will never be ready. He taught you the best of him and you inherited what he loved in your mother.” I stood up as the guard opened up the doors and they walked out, but there was no time to stop and think my legs ran out as soon as I heard a howl. I look around following the noise. Grabbed the closet horse and rode towards the wood. I could distigusih Ghost fur through the browns, greens and all the summer colors around us.

“Ghost” In the middle of everything he stops. I mount off and run towards him.


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1 year ago

Not a chapter

This will be insert of storylines that happens in the future if Yn and Kayce

 Not A Chapter

Chapter 12

Chapter 11:

I was at my desk working on a case I had just taken when there was a lady and a kid’s voice outside being a little too loud.

“I understand but you just-”

“Jennifer?” I say walking out my office only to come across a red face Tate and Jennifer trying to block his way.


“It's okay,” I told Jennifer as Tate came running towards me. I send a thank you to Jennifer before walking Tate into my office. “Are you okay?” I give him a bottle of water and sit beside him on the couch I had.

“I was with my mom shopping for winter clothes when she told me I would be going back to live with her and I don’t want to!” Tears started to leave his eyes agains. “I ran and I saw your name on the outside of the building”

“Tate it wasn’t right to run away like that, your mom is probably freaking out right now”

“She is not! She doesn’t love me, she wants to take me away from my dad and grandpa” He wraps his arms around my neck continuing to cry.

“Tate she loves you very much” I rub his back trying to make him calm down a bit. “Did you ask your mom why she decided to move back?” I feel him shake his head. “Tate?” I asked, wanting him to look at me but it didn’t seem that the six year old was going to budge. “You know what I do for work”

“No” I chuckle a bit finally hearing his voice calmer

“I am a type of lawyer. As a lawyer who fights for a client in any case but sometimes it comes to the point where you need to listen to both sides and figure out what the best solution is” I grab a hold of him and sit him in my lap. “Point is you need to listen and read every little things because without all the facts making a decision so fast is not right”

“So you argue your way to what they want at the end?” I laugh, wiping away his tears.

“You can say that. I do what's best with all the facts on the table that favors my client” He hears that and gets off my lap to stand right infront of me.

“I would like for you to fight for me to stay at the ranch with my dad” Oh buddy. “Or talk to my mom and have her say yes” I stand up and walk over to get my phone knowing Monica is probably way over freaking out and I don’t want her to do anything bad.

“Buddy let me call someone first and we can all talk about it okay?” Tate nods, taking a seat again. “Hello?” I say as her phone is answered

“Y/N?” That wasn’t Monica’s voice

“Kayce?” I ignore the fact that he had Monicas phone. She probably called him freaking out. The last time Tate went missing it wasn’t pretty. “I have something of yours in my office. He came walking in upset”

“Oh thank god” He lets out a sigh. I hear him tell who I am guessing was the other cowboys and Monica. “We will be right over” I hung up the phone and soon enough after a couple minutes there was more chaos outside my door. “He is in my office” I tell Monica and Kayce but block them from going in. “Before you go in and talk to him I want you to know what we spoke about”

“But is he okay?”

“Yes” I tell Monica. “He came in upset about the talk you might have had while shopping.” Monica nods understanding what that meant. “I calmed him down but while doing that he got an idea that I could help him get his way and that was certainly not my intention.”

“Maybe you can help us” I nod, opening the door for them to walk in.

“Dad” Tate runs towards him hugging him.

“Buddy you can’t be running off like that, your mom really got scared for you.” He was soft with his words, maybe being careful preventing memories from arising again.

“You don’t understand she wants to keep me away from you!” He cried looking over to Monica. “I want to stay with dad!”

“Can we sit down to talk about it?” Monica says pointing towards the two chairs infront of me. Tate nods allowing Kayce to carry him over. “Baby my intention is not to take you from your dad or your grandpa. I love that you have a home at the ranch but you also have a home with me.”

“But you are moving all my stuff out of my room. I don’t want to leave” Monica looks over to me as I could see tears filling her eyes.

“Tate” I say, making him look over to me. “Can we make an agreement?”

“You are going to be my lawyer?”

“Something like it, but you have to promise to listen and take in account everything” He nods. I take a piece of paper and start a list. I didn’t want to mention anything about the divorce and what it meant in custody because I didn’t know if they had talked with him yet. Yes he was aware they weren’t living together but up to this point Monica spent some nights at the ranch and they spent time as a family too. “Tate I know you want to live at the ranch full time but your mom would like to have you at home too since she loves your company”

“I can come and visit” He turns to her.

“Buddy, how about we split the week?” Kayce says “Half of the days you stay at the ranch and the other with your mom?”

“If we have time and when if is a good time I can bring you over to spend time at the ranch” Monica says grabbing hold of his hands

“What about my stuff?” Tate says looking over at Kayce

“You will have your clothes at the ranch and other at your moms same things go with your other belongings”

“What about my horse?”

“That would certainly stay at the ranch” Monica dry laughs and a smile appears on Tate’s face.

“Okay” He turns over to me with a smile.

“Alright. So have the days with mom and the other with dad. Clothes are to be separate and the horse must stay at the ranch” I wrote everything on the paper and made three lines. “If we have an agreement parents can sign here and Mr Tate you can sign here” I hand him a pen and they all sign. I placed it in a laminated folder and handed it over to Tate.

“How about school?”

“What about school Bud?” Kayce stopped as we all stood from our chairs.

“Can we agree on me only going half the day?”

“No,” Monica laughs, taking hold of his hand. “Let's go get you some jackets. '' They said their goodbyes and left the room.

“That kid,” Kayce laughs, shaking his head. I go over and place both hands on his chest.

“Are you okay?” I search for his eyes but he keeps looking away. “Kayce?”

“When she called it felt too real again” his voice broke and I took a second before wrapping my arms around him.

“I'm so sorry” I whispered as soft cries came from him. “Everything is okay” I tell him, caressing his back. “He is okay”

“I know” He pulls away but does not let go of my waist. “Am just hoping it doesn’t haunt him anymore”

“You and Monica and everybody who loves him will be by his side if anything happens” I try to reassure him.

“I know” I smile as a smile appears on his face.

“So who should I bill my time to?” I say hoping to get him in a happier mood.

“I thought it was on the house?” I feel his hands enterwine and pull me closer to him.

“On what grounds?” I move his hair from his face.

“On the fact that you live on our grounds and we pay you”

“Correction, it's John’s grounds and John pays me” I say, pressing my finger with each word on his chest. “But I guess I can do an exception for you since you’re kind of cute”

“Stop you’re making me blush” He pulls forward giving me a quick kiss. “Does your door lock?” he says looking over

“Yes” I whisper, pulling him into a quick kiss again.

“Really?” He grins, making me walk backwards towards said door.

“No” I shake my head with another kiss I pull away from him. “I got work to do and I bet so do you commissioner” I open the door.

“Yes ma’am” He grabs his hat which he layed down on my desk. “What time will you be done?” He walked backwards towards the door.

“Not sure, I can text you?” He nods, stealing another kiss.

“I will pick you up” before I could deny the offer because one I had my own car here and two because I probably would be getting off sooner than him anyway but I didn’t decline.

 Not A Chapter

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1 year ago


Chapter 17 is the last part of the story. I will be making cut ends on the stories here and there. You are more than welcome to send me ideas on what you want to see from these characters. Its not my best work but hopefully it will get better as I start writing more. 

Thank you to all the people who have enjoyed it and I hope you continue to read my writing. 

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1 year ago


This will be insert of storylines that happens in the future if Yn and Kayce


Chapter 14: Part 1

Chapter 13:

“When am I going to be a big brother?” My eyes almost popped out of their sockets. I turned over to Tate seeing how he looked at me before both our eyes looked over to Kayce. He was sitting on the other rocking chair as we enjoyed the morning light. “My friend just got a little brother and my other friend already has two” he turned back to me with a wide smile and hope in his eyes. “I want three so I can beat them but I will settle with one” I couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

“Buddy, Y/N and I need to talk about it first. It's a decision we can only make but am glad you are all for it” Tate stands up from my lap facing us both.

“Listen I understand so let me tell you what's on the table” I looked over to Kayce who had a slight grin on his face. “You know I don’t mind sharing and being nice but with a sibling I will learn so much more. I will be more responsible. Protective. I will have a love for teaching because I will be teaching them everything about the world they don’t know. As an only child I will be such a mess!” I subdue the laugh I wanted so badly to let out.

“You know some studies have linked only children with having superior verbal skills. Others have concluded only children are more motivated and better adjusted. And not to mention they get better grades.” I say sipping on my coffee.

“I promise to get better grades! To study day and night and do all my chores on time!” He comes closer to me.

“Bud. We expect that of you either way, not the all day and night thing but we will keep that in account when your father and I have the discussion of your sibling”

“Yay. I need to go tell grandpa” He ran off before I could hold him back.

“Your sibling? As in present tense?” I look over with a smile. I kicked off the blacket and set down my coffee.

“Don’t get too excited cowboy” I move over to sit on his lap. “You haven’t even made me your wife” I lift my hand to show him an empty finger.

“I thought you didn’t care much about marriage” he wraps his arms around me pulling me back. I lay my head on his shoulder as he pulls the blanket he had on us.

“I can make an exception” I smile, digging my head into his neck.

“With the sibling before marriage or marriage?” I pull back looking dead in his eyes.

“Both” My smile drifted away wanting to see his reaction before getting my hopes up. I know he was smiling and grinning talking to Tate and teasing me but now it was a serious conversation.

“I would love to give Tate a sibling. I just want us to be on the same page” His hand moved to my cheek and down my neck pulling me closer so my forehead rested on his. “I don’t want this to rush us into something you are not ready for or don’t want” I know what he meant. Before we started dating we got into an argument like we always did when we talked. I told him I didn’t want to be held back by people. People usually disappointed me and I found a way to either disappoint them or kick them out of my life. So as far as that goes I told him I wouldn’t think twice about having a kid. It wasn’t something I wanted to ruin.

“I know what I said before and that doesn’t change the fact that I am still scared.” I move my hands up his chest to rest on the side of his face. “I don’t need a ring to know that I want this” I give him a quick kiss. “I want you, Tate, and your crazy family” I hear him chuckle. “I also want your future kids but maybe not right now” I cuddle closer to him resting my head on his shoulder as we both look out the distance. “I want to enjoy you and Tate before we add to the world” He lays a kiss on my head wrapping his arms tightly around me.

“If that is what you want” He whispers in my ear.

“You don’t want that?” With a slight humor in my voice but I was worried what he was going to say next.

“I want what you want” I pull a little back, turning over to look at him. “We are a team but when it comes to your body it's your choice. I will do and give anything you are okay with” I laugh laying back down

“Where’s my orchard?” I say with sass in my voice. “I want my orchard and you have yet to give me one” I smile hearing a huff behind me. “You know I can always go back to Gideon” This time it was a groan I heard. I was lifted off the chair and placed to stand on the porch.

“Damn woman, What I got to do to keep you happy” He shakes his head grabbing onto his hat but I stopped him from putting it on.

“You still love me right?” I whisper, putting my hand behind my back. He had gone down one step on the stairs so it even out our height a bit.

“That should never be questioned ma’am” I smile walking closer. “That is why to show you I will plant you an even bigger orchard than that Gideon guy” He rolled his eyes looking in another direction. I laugh at his response. I take the hat from behind me and place it on his head. He turns towards me, lifting his head. I plant a kiss on his lips pulling away with a smile.

“Oranges and apples” I whisper still close to him

“Yes ma’am” he smiles, pulling me closer by wrapping his arms around me.

“Should’ve gotten a cowboy a long time ago”

“But you were too busy messing with those city boys” I laughed hitting his shoulder. “If you had just given me a chance years ago” I laugh a little louder pulling him away

“What are you talking about?!” Years ago he was still with Monica. I heard them arguing once but it wasn’t like couples don’t argue. The only interaction we had together was dinners and maybe the occasional hello, how are you?, and goodbye. We didn’t get a chance to continue as Tate was running up to us screaming.

“Dad!” With a giant smile he runs up to the porch to stand beside me looking over to Kayce. “Grandpa thought it was a good idea. He said once the baby is born he is going to buy another horse so I could train him!” I hold in my laugh this time not wanting to give hime hope. I watch as Kayce kneels down infront of him. He took a quick glance at me and with a smile and a nod he knew what to say.

“Buddy I know you are excited but y/n and I decided to wait. That doesn’t mean you won’t be a big brother, it's just not going to happen right now” I can already tell he has a sad look in his face as his shoulders slump down and as he looks up at me my statement is made true.

“That's okay, I understand. '' I smile gently, getting down aswell.

“I promise you” I look over at Kayce before moving closer to Tate’s ear. “It won’t be long. So you better start practicing before then”

“You’re right!” He smiles, pulling away. “I need to learn how to change diapers, oh! And how to wash their bottles.” He continues to mumble to himself as he walks through the house door. I turn over to Kayce looking him dead in the eye.

“What?” He smiles

“Don’t you have work to do?” I say sternly with my arms crossed

“Yes ma’am” He bows his head, turning around.

“I love you”

“I love you too,” He shouts. I know I don’t want a baby right now but he is really making it hard as I see him walk away. I can imagine him with Tate by his side. Both holding one hand of a baby who is learning how to walk. Maybe another baby in Kayces arms as they walk throught the ranch. Laughing and smiling.

“I need to get on birth control soon” I whisper to myself.

“You should have gotten on it a long time ago” I jumped back, turning to see Beth standing behind me. “I mean I know you were never much out there but I know Kayce and you do it like rabbits”

“So you will understand why I need it more than ever. Even more now that Tate has brought an idea that won’t be going away anytime soon”

“I thinks it's a great idea”

“Of course you do Beth” I smile wrapping my arms around her. “But you are just going to have a to wait like the others”

“Not long right?” She laughs.

“If I don’t get on birth control, no” We both laugh knowing my words scared me but the humor it cost her eased my nerves.


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