22. I aim to write stories that anybody can see themselves in.

77 posts



This will be insert of storylines that happens in the future if Yn and Kayce


Chapter 15:- Part 2

Chapter 14:-Part 1

For the past week it has been the same routine. I get home and lay my things on the couch. Find Kayce if he is home so we could continue to finish up the house. I don’t know how I got dragged into this idea. I wanted to find a house close to the ranch, check. I didn’t care if it was a fixer upper, check. I wanted to wait until atleast a bathroom and the kitchen was done, not check. Kayce got me to agree to move in right away. I should have known better. The kitchen needed painting. The bathroom didn’t have the shower set up yet. And that's only a few things on the list. “Kayce!” I screamed as I got into the house. Eachday we tried to knock something out the list. The first few days we got the bedroom ready. Only a bed was occupying the space. I walked to the kitchen noticing the paint had dried. Another thing that was a hassle is agreeing with things. I wanted a simple white color around the house with a mix of black and greys. Kayce called that the city side of me but that nut jobs wanted browns,greens and reds. What is this supposed to be? That would remind me of my grandmother's house, if I knew her. We decided on a sage green and beige and light blue eggshell color. The wooden floor was all his idea but my bathroom had to be tile and that is as far as we’ve gone.

“In the backyard!” I looked out the far window and saw his back but what I could also see was a figure standing infront of him. Who had come over? I come around cautiosioussly. I stood frozen on the doorway. “Hey-”

“Honey” Last time I heard those words he was using it in a hurtfult way. In the conversation he would call me many other things that weren’t appropriate to call your own daughter. “I wanted to see you” He comes closer but Kayce blocks him from my view.

“Who are you? I thought you were the contractor” His voice was rising and his posture was stiffer.

“Kayce” I stepped forward gently placing my hand on his arm. He got my message and moved aside “I don’t want no lies anymore. I know you are not here to see me” I hadn’t seen him in awhile.His grey hairs were more prominent. Wrinkles probably caused by his companion have worsened. Of course all of this was due because of time other than that he has stayed the same.

“Y/n” He softly spoke. “I am here to see you”

“And?” I raised my eyebrows seeing through his lie.

“And to give you something but that can wait” His shoulders slump down. It might be wrong of me to not even try to hear him out but mistakes back then showed me that people don’t deserve a second chance and it will be okay because I can live without them in my life.

“I said, no lies. Tell me what you need to say or give me, I have no heart to hear anything else”


“Mom!” Our heads turn over to the doorway seeing Tate there with two paint swatches in his hand. “I finally choose the color I want”

“Mom?” I look over to see the shock expression in his face. “You had a kid?” His voice was still soft but all I heard was judgment in his tone.

“Who are you?” Thankfully before I could turn to Tate with tears on the brim of my eyes he took him into the house.

“What do you want? I am not going to give you another 5 minutes” I wiped the tears that had not fallen yet.

“I truly wanted to see you but now that I know you have a kid-”

“No” I shake my head furiously. “That will never happen. When you decided to stand there that night and also do nothing when mother screamed at me you also made the decision to have nothing to do with me from that day on”

“I am his grandfather!” I was not going to correct him. The timeline correlates with Tates age so he should have no doubts he was truly mine and I wasn’t about to deny anything. He was the man to forget about wanting to know his grandchild if he knew he didn’t share his blood. Call me evil and stupid but I wanted him to leave here knowing he wasn’t ever going to cross paths with him again and it was for the best.

“Like I said. You are not his grandfather because if I remember correctly you nodded when she said something along the lines of, you can forget your parents, you are no daughter of mine!”

“You knew the reason why! But now it's all cleared up” He took a step forward but I deny him getting closer.

“Yet it took you years later after the truth was announced to come see me and not even an apology was offered”

“You have to understand we felt hurt that day and even after, it was still hard on us” That made me chuckle.

“Hard? You know what was hard? Hearing from the people that gave you life that they didn’t love you! Kicking you out of their house with nothing in hand! Not checking up on you when they knew they were wrong when all they spoke about how bad pride was and how forgiving you should be! I guess it only works for distant relatives and not your own daughter!” Anger was fueling me to let out things I couldn’t control. I didn’t know I felt this way until all the words had been said out loud. “But it's okay. I learned from my mistakes. Like you taught me daddy, you should not trust the one who broke their end of the deal first”


“Don’t” I shake my head. Hearing that nickname only added fuel to the fire I was trying to control. “You have another minute to tell me what you are truly doing here before you get kicked out” I look up to his eyes and see sadness. For the first time I wasn’t the one crying. Then I see a big legal orange envelope pulled from behind him.

“You have been served” And just like that he won the game of chess again. Yes he was crying but I was left broken. “And there will be a rewrite to the list of demands”

“No,” I say coldly. I know what he mean’t. I was the one who walked closer this time. I grabbed the envelope and stared at him in his eyes. “No matter what is in here and what you want, I will not let you take something of mine, I don’t let go of things that easily”

“I saw you in your cousin’s case, you are a good lawyer but good is not going to be enough” He grabs his coat from the chair and walks to the doorway.

“I am not good” He stops his steps turning over and I swear I saw a faint grin. “I am great and if you want a recond you can ask your associate but you can also wait until we are in court ourselves”

“I can’t wait honey” He walks through the doorway allowing me to finally get some air. Closing my eyes I let the faint air caress me and allow it to take away the tension.

“Was it all true?” I turn around frozen at the expression on Kayce’s face. Before I could respond he walked forward wrapping me in his arms. At that time I let out all the frustration in tears. “I'm so sorry. I didn’t know who he was, he told me he was a contractor” I shook my head wanting to tell him not to worry about it but nothing was leaving my mouth. “I thought you called someone about the pool I wanted” I laughed, hitting his chest.

“You’re an idiot, you should have known better. I don’t want a pool in the backyard.”

“How stubborn you are, I should have” He laughs. His hands moved upwards pulling my face into a kiss. “Am sorry” He whispers with sad eyes.

“It's okay. I don’t even know why I am crying, I have bigger things to handle” I left my hand showing the envelope but he pushed my hand down gently.

“Don’t shut down your feelings with me” He kissed me again, pulling closer.

“Trust me when I say I am okay. I guess it was all the emotion of seeing him again. It made me relive that day again.” I look up, wrapping my arms around his neck. “But I am okay. He and my mother will not cause me any more pain” He nods, moving down to place another kiss on my lips. “Now can we talk about the envelope? He nods again. “I haven’t read it but I can tell you he got some ideas by seeing Tate?” His eyebrows furrow. “If I am correct the content of this envelope is to rip me out of the shares in their company and to a new addition to pay some kind of settlement”

“Okay. Where does Tate come in?”

“My mother is vindictive but so am I” I smile pulling away. “I don’t know exactly what card they will pull for Tate but they are going to use him to get me. I will fight for those shares and the money but trade it under a deal for Tate”

“Would you have done it either way?”

“Yes” I smiled up at him. “I don’t want or need anything that ties me to them” I move my hand to his chest messing around with his coat. “I promise Tate will not be involved in this more than just his name”

“I know” He grabs onto my hands and kisses them. “I have a fiance whos the best lawyer here to New york, I bet I can put a good word in to help you”

“I bet I am better than her” I grin, feeling his heartbeat. “In a lot of ways” I hear a low chuckle.

“I will have to verify that” I placed my hand between our lips before he could kiss me.

“Your son has been staring at us for 4 minutes and if I remember correctly that's the same stare you have when you are getting impatient” I look over to Kayce again and laugh. “Yeah just like that” He didn’t get a chance to speak before there was a bang on the glass. We both looked over, almost bursting out laughing at his expression. The stare. The hand pressed against the glass with the paint swatch he chose and the other pointing at it.

“You know what he needs?”Kayce says as we take our time walking towards the house.

“Hmm?” I didn’t look back, mouthing to Tate we were going.

“A sibling” I almost lost my balance. A bit of a blush was surely appearing in my face.

“You should let your fiance know” I turned around letting go of his hand. “Maybe she will agree to start trying tonight” I smile rushing into the house.

“Come on!” I laugh. Tate doesn’t have a bed yet so he is sleeping with us tonight until he goes back with Monica and that is in 3 days. I ran into Tate on the floor spread out.

“Am here buddy” I smile seeing his annoyed look turn into a smile.

“Buddy you are staying with your grandpa tonight” Kayce says rushing in behind me.

“Nope. We are finishing my room even if it takes all night!” He says standing up rushing to the supplies.

“All night” I tell Kayce with a smile.

“3 Days and then you will need many nights to recover” That made two things fall. My smile and my jaw. Now I wanted Tate to go with John

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More Posts from Lolitastories

1 year ago


Description: She worked as a lawyer in New York until she received a phone call from the man she owes her career to. She knew she would be back and what she was in for but what she didn’t know is that her life would change even more than she imagined.


Part 7

Chapter 6:

I avoided doing anything else than what was already on my plate. I didn’t stop by to check on Jamie on his first day. I didn’t try to instigate anything to do with what happened with Tate. The only things I tried focusing on was the trail back home. “How are you doing?”

“Okay. My lawyer pulled a restraining order on him and all of his immediate family” I have been keeping in contact with my cousin. It took her two years to admit she was the one in those rumors. I knew of it back then but it was up to her to tell everyone not me. I didn’t get angry or upset that she didn’t defend me when she heard I left or say something when people were bashing my family for the kind of daughter they raised. I was waiting for more but she didn’t continue.

“What happened?” I heard a slight cry on the other side of the phone. “Sofie what happened?” She had filed a restraining order against the guy two years ago and I didn’t find out until a couple months ago that she dismissed it 4 months later and were still talking. The case continued and when he found out she wouldn’t stop he got aggressive. Didn’t know about that either.

“My lawyer advised me to take the deal. They said if he is put on the list of offenders his lawyer could place me with child endangerment” At the time of the accident she was with a younger family memeber. No evidence was proved to have affected the young child but anything can randomly appear and touch the jurys heart. “The deal agree on the restraining order being removed, the payment of his lawyer fees along with emotional damage” That mother-fucker. “I don’t want to let this go” She whispered. “Please” I knew what she was asking but I only shaked my head, closing my eyes. I can’t. “I know you don’t want to get involved but I need you here, like old times” I can’t, I can’t go back. “Y/N?” I put my attention back on the phone call. “I know I don’t owe you anything after all I did but I need you here, just like I know you need it in your soul to come back and put everything behind you”

“When is the next court date?” I don’t know what I was pulling

myself in. I didn’t only have to face the people who talked and looked my way in a form of disgust but I will also have to face my family. The one I worked so hard to forget and heal from, I could almost see it. I got out of the office early and rushed towards the ranch. “I need a ride” I scream when I see Rip climbing down from his horse.

“Beth is not going to like that” I hit his arm earning a fake groan.

“Not that kind of ride, I need to go see John” Rip laughs

“Well I thought since you never in your life would ask to be on a horse” He shruggs pulling his horse into the stable. “But no can do, you will have to wait til tomorrow” I look over at the direction he was looking and see Beth making her way down the path towards his cabin. “Ask Kaycee” I looked over to where he was pointing. He was getting out of his truck and going into the house. I turn towards him again. “Those eyes always worked but not against the fire in Beth’s” I roll my eyes.

“I hope she burns you” I scream walking out the barn and into the house.

“I didn’t expect you to be here for lunch?” I look over to see Monica in the kitchen. “I can cook something real fast for you, without Tate here I am going crazy not doing anything after school” I smile climbing on to the stool.

“No thank you. I have a long walk ahead of me” She questions me with her look. “I have to talk with John. I am leaving planning to leave for a couple of days”


“Home” I sigh, getting up. “If I leave soon enough I won’t have time to question why” I smile knowing she doesn’t need to know anything about what's going on. I grab some water and head towards the door.

“You can’t go dressed like that” This time I was wearing sneakers but she was right, the clothes were appropriate. Then again I didn’t have anything else. “Am packing since there is no reason for me to stay here so you can borrow some of my clothes”

“It's okay, I can just dirty some old clothes” I watch Monica shake her head, grabbing my arm and pulling towards Tates room where she has been staying.

“I have seen your wardrobe and they are not going to keep you warm enough and comfortable enough to get there and back” I whisper a thank you as I watch her pull out some clothes for me.

“Do I look funny?” I say walking out the bathroom already changed and with her boots on.

“Other than the hair, you no longer look like a city girl” My hair was still down and with curls in place.

“Thank you” I look over to the window and see the sun going down. “I need to go”

“You won’t take a horse?”

“No. Am not afraid of them but I am afraid of falling” I say walking out the door with her following close behind.

“That's why you hold on tight” she smiles as I open the door.

“That would help if I also knew even the first thing in riding one” I wave goodbye before starting my walk down the path. I run miles and walk even more than them so how could this be any different?

Let me tell you. Huge!! Difference. First of all, I am not in a warm facility running in the same spot. I am out in the fields freezing in every inch of my body. Second I am not surrounded by four walls to protect me and in company of people that show to not be harmful. Right now I am currently walking in the middle for everyone to see me. There are creatures here that can tear me to shreds in a second. Why in the hell did I decide to do this while the sun was coming down, down came the temperatures and so did my energy. But I needed to do this today. I was planning to leave in the late morning. I knew this trip was going to take a long time regardless of how I got there.

“Are you crazy!?” I scream, kneeling down to the ground and looking around my surroundings “Y/N?” Of course the not long enough grass wasn’t covering me.

“Kaycee?” The yellow/orange hue of the sun was disappearing so it was hard to see from a distance who it was.

“Monica told me you decide to walk instead of riding” I rolled my eyes about to say something “I know you don’t know how to ride but you could have asked Rip or another cowboy here” I cross my arm as he comes down his horse. “Rip or me” he corrected himself. All the other cowboys were with John. It was nice of him to follow me but when he starts off telling me things I knew I did wrong it reminds me of how mad I am with him. “Where are you going?”

“To see John” I had already turned around and walked away.

“Let me give you a ride, that's why I came here” so nice of you, but no. Stupid. “Stop” I hear him scream from behind. I get startled by the sound of the horse coming closer to cut me off “I said stop!” I look up annoyed

“Just leave, I will get there eventually” I look down, focusing on the horse itself. How scary. In my life I have never been so close to an animal bigger than me. I don’t know what came over me but my hands started reaching out to touch its main. That was until my hands were grabbed and I could no longer feel the ground. “Let me down!” My body was placed over the horse, stomach down.

“You don’t get to pet the horse until you stop being so stubborn” The horse wasn’t going quick but the anxiety in me did.

“Kaycee” I reach over to grab anything not trusting myself to touch the horse in any way that could affect it. The hand he used to hold on to me quickly moved to position me up.

“It’s okay” I was currently facing forwards with his arms wrapped around me for support.

“You’re so stupid” I whisper. I didn’t know if I was shiving because I was cold or how afraid I was right now. The horse continued walking now. My eyes stayed shut as I leaned further back.

“You’re the stupid one. Coming down here alone not even with a horse. You know we have wolves here right?” I nod my head slowly. “These clothes would keep you warm for a while not for a long walk” I nod my head again, taking hold of his hand that he was removing from mine. “ I need to take hold of the reigns”

“Okay” I nod but not noticing I was still holding on to him until he chuckles and stops the horse to get down.

“Slide down” I look down with panic in my eyes. This time I shake my head no and he rolls his eyes. He quickly grabs hold of my waist and pulls me back trying not to alarm the horse. Before I can argue he gets on and my arms instantly wrap around his waist. “Hold on. We need to get there before we freeze out here” I wasn’t listening to him. I was only holding on tight with my eyes closed and pressed up against him. I was afraid. I was afraid of something I could control. The horse I was on I couldn’t control. It could take off and drop us somewhere causing pain. Other things I was afraid of was anything involving me on it or in it that moved on its own. Elevators, cars other people were driving, ferris wheels, hell I was afraid of bridges no matter the length. “I'm sorry” The wind was a distraction but I still heard him. “I told you I would listen and all I didn’t was question you. I had no right”

“Am going back home” Silence fell. “Not because of what you said”

“Of course” I could hear the sense of humor in his voice. “When do you leave?”

“In the morning hopefully” My voice was no longer shaking. “They are having trials. They think they can just settle a deal and be done but I won’t let them. Settling falls more on his favor and that I won’t stand”

“Do you know the person who he did it too?” I nod my head.

“Back then I knew too. I didn’t have the right to say anything”

“But that could’ve changed everything”

“Maybe that's what I wanted. I had a chance to tell them and I was going too until they would let me talk. I thought to myself maybe it's for the best. I wanted to get away for so long. Why not let it run its course?”

“And now you are helping them?”

“She’s family. We might not be a perfect family but we promised that we would be different” We promised we wouldn’t make the same mistakes as our parents. They are all fighting to keep their appearance and be the best. They talk behind eachothers back and the next second hug and talk about how great each of them are. We told eachother we would never be like that. We protect eachother but most importantly listen and understand. Because we know we are not perfect, it's us against everyone else.


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1 year ago


Chapter 17 is the last part of the story. I will be making cut ends on the stories here and there. You are more than welcome to send me ideas on what you want to see from these characters. Its not my best work but hopefully it will get better as I start writing more. 

Thank you to all the people who have enjoyed it and I hope you continue to read my writing. 

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1 year ago


Y/N L/N is the daughter of the Great Khal Drogo although she was raised by the king of the unknown lands. After finding out he died she travels and finds the one who caused his death. Along this adventure she meets the mother of dragons. Jon Snow. Night walkers. We will see if she really has the Dothraki blood flowing through her veins.

Chapter 14:

After the eventful morning I spent the rest of the day with Stella. “I'm hungry!” she pouted.

“Seriously?” I questioned her. We were on the way to get dinner served and she was whining. I shake my head at her walking a little faster than her.

“Hey! Until I get food in my system you know i'm cranky” I roll my eyes. We take a seat at one of many tables in the room. The food is beautifully presented but I can’t get myself to touch anything.

“I need to take care of something, I will be right back” I didn’t wait for a response as I got up and started to walk towards Daenerys. “I need to have a word with you” She looks up from her seat as everyone else in the long table with her, including Jon.

“Can it wait? We are celebrating.” She stands up with a smile. “We are on our way at first light to take over the seven kingdoms and put an end to Cersei’s reign” The few Dothraki and Unsullied together with northernmen screamed out in celebration. “Once this war is over there will be peace in the lands once again!” I knew I could wait until the end of dinner but that was when I was departing. The boat was ready and Grisill was already waiting for me. I turn and make my way to Stella.

“Are you going to wait?” I shake my head. I already gave the orders to Greyworm. I got Gemma, Stella and the baby situated. It doesn’t matter at the end of the day what Daenerys says, she can be happy or sad about my departure but it isn’t going to change the fact that I am leaving and not helping her with the war against Cersei.

“Princess?” I look to my left and see Jon sitting next to me. He took hold of my hand underneath the table.

“What do we owe the honor of you at our table, your grace?”

“Well since we are to be we-” I cover up his mouth before removing my hands in seconds. At first we didn’t try to keep us a secret but it was an unspoken rule to lay low. Now we don’t care much about the audience and who knows about us but I can’t let his tongue slip out infront of Stella just yet.

“I apologise, your grace.” I point my eyes towards my sister hoping he gets the hint on what I am thinking.

“Ways. Since we are to be ways aparts,-” His eyes were searching for words and his long pause didn’t help his case.

“I understand” I repond. “I know my family will be safe in Winterfell” I go back to my meal not directing any more attention to Jon or Stella.

“Y/N” oh thank you. I turned around relieved someone was going to get me out of this awkward conversation. I stand up following Grisill out to the hall and find Bran there too. “Father has captured most of the Dothraki in Omnius and is planning to move across the wall once he has captured all '' No thank you. I prefer being stuck in the middle of Jon and Stella than to deal with this.

“It's true. You two need to leave as soon as possible.” I give a nod towards Grisill and he moves to get into the ship. “Y/N '' I look over to Bran who comes closer “Stay safe” I could see his mind circling through his eyes. “Um, just be safe, extra safe” I give him a simple smile before rushing back into the room. I hug Stella from behind and give her a kiss on the cheek.

“I will be back before you know it. Keep Gemma and the baby safe” She wraps her arms around mine.

“Of course, out of us two I was always the better fighter” I roll my eyes moving to sit next to Jon but having my back face the rest.

“My father is causing and planning to do more damage in the next few days, I need to leave now” I look up meeting his eyes. “Just you and I?” I whisper.

“You and I” I smile, grabbing his face and pulling him closer.

“I love you” I pulled him in for our last kiss in a long time. I wasn’t scared to show that I cared for this man, because no amount of affection or words can come close to demonstrating the love I have for him. I get up and take a look around the room. Greyworm, Sansa, Arya and even Missandei gave me a nod knowing where I was off too. Daenerys, Torion, Varys, and the rest have a confused look on their faces but I have no time to explain. I give them all a sincier smile before exiting and rushing out the gates. The land disappeared faster than I would have wanted but it meant that I was miles closer to home.

“They are going to be okay” I look over my shoulder and see my brother walking closer. I know they were going to be safe, I just can’t help but worry. “Stella, Gemma and the baby have Winterfell looking out for them.” I look over and he has a smile on his face.

“Aren’t you worried? You just met them a few hours ago” He shurggs turning around to lean against the ships rails.

“Of course I am. But I know you trust them so I know I can trust them too” I nod my head looking over to the direction winterfell is. “I also know he will be okay too” I roll my eyes, turning my head the opposite direction. “I mean come on! Did you hear he survived those things” he paused for a minute. “White walkers? He survived wars with every odd against him, hell he survived death itself” He moves closer to whisper in my ear “He survived you” I push him off and hear his laugh as I walk away to my cabin.

“Get some rest. We have a long way to go!” I close the door, throwing myself on the bed. I close my eyes and let the sleep engulf me. It was the only thing I could do that would allow myself to stop thinking about everything. About Stella, she hates strange places. Gemma and the baby, it must be hard for her to be far away from Gris. I know she has done it before but I'm guessing it's nothing easy to do everytime. I worry about the Starks. Yes Jon has beat every thing coming towards him even death, but that doesn’t mean it will happen again.

“I will go in and I will have someone come find you.” That is a horrible plan but I only gave him a nod. He scurries away in broad daylight passing by the guards walking around the streets of people. There is no way I am standing here and allowing him to go alone. If my gut is right, which it always is, all the people in that castle have bid their loyalty to my father. I follow close behind and try to avoid guards or any other person to see me under my cloak. I got rid of my winter clothes on the ship and switched over to the silk clothes we wear on hot days. Every inch of the castle was surrounded by guards. I watch as Gris gets closer and is captured by two men. They yap a couple minutes before bringing him in. I could use the tunnels that reach the stables but from then you have to pass the armoury. I rush up to the top of a building. You can see the center hall but not the back. I could try to climb the walls but the archers would be able to see me. I catch movement on the outside balcony of the castle, I continue to watch many guards going into a room. I know that room. I rush down the steps and on my way to the tunnels but before I reach the doors I get tackled onto the grounds.

“Shh!” I struggle to be released but I soon stop fighting and allow the person to guide me backwards around the corner. Some guards search around for the noise but after a minute they walk away.

“I saw your brother and I knew you would be close by if he walked through those gates alone” I looked up annoyed. “Oh right” He lets go. “Sorry” I dust myself off and I look around. “Everyone has new orders to go searching for you. The tunnels are guarded” Fuck.

“Do you know another way in?”

“Yes, follow me” The tunnels were hidden on the side of the castle. Many would not stop to look at the tunnels since it seemed like an abandoned building, broken down and dusty, but if you walk far enough and take the right turn you will end up straight in the castle walls. “Not that I have done this before or anything but you can use the servant entrance” I watch him pull out some clothes from his bag. “You are going to have to change. Those clothes will give you straight away.” As we continue to walk I start to change the clothes.

“How do you know my brother?”

“On my rounds I met him. He is the reason I don’t use this entrance anymore” Of course. My brother always wants to help everyone. “I help him escape weeks ago”

“Has it gotten worse since he left?” He stays silent and only nods. We walk up to the woods close enough to see a river flowing straight into the castle. How could I forget this place? I used to spend my time here with my mother, she always said my life couldn’t be surrounded by gold and silver, we needed to get our hands dirty once in a while.

“I will create a distraction and you will join the servants at the river.” I give him a nod. He walks out the woods acting like a drunk. The two guards at the entrance of the river rush to get a hold of him as I rush to stand close to the servants.

“Princess Y/N?” I look to my right and see a familiar maid who was always around me.

“Ida” I smile, grabbing a basket of clothes. “I need to get inside the walls” She nods. She motions for me to follow and I do. We walk directly inside.

“With all the respect, your grace but are you here to free us from your father?” I nod my head finally able to let out the breath I was holding.

“Yes Ida.” I look around and I don’t recongnize the room. It's mostly empty and cold. “I need to get to the cells''

“Oh I can take you!” She said a little to hyped up. I shake my head no. I can’t have her close to me just in case they catch me.

“I can’t put you in harms way”

“Ok well, you can take this hall all the way down until you get to the stairs, then” Then? Then there was darkness. I was so fixed on looking at the door that led to the hall that I didn’t take care of my surroundings. The last thing I could feel was my body hitting the cold floor. The second I open my eyes I could see the ceiling passing by while I started struggling to release my arms and legs.

“Let me go!” The pounding in my head got worse but that didn’t matter, I needed to be set free. I focused on the guard's face but they were none of who I remember in the castle.

“His grace is waiting for you” I crunched up enough to see the guards to the front open a door. “You’re late Princess”

Tags :
1 year ago


Description: She worked as a lawyer in New York until she received a phone call from the man she owes her career to. She knew she would be back and what she was in for but what she didn’t know is that her life would change even more than she imagined.


Part 8

Chapter 7:

“Dad?!” I open my eyes seeing the fire of the cowboy camp.

“Hey bud. What are you doing awake?” Kaycee climbs down giving Tate a hug.

“We are having fish” He pointed towards the fire and the rest of the cowboys talking around and laughing.

“Where’s grandpa?” Tate looks over and points at a tent. Kayce tells him to go back to the fire and wait for him. “Come on” I move my legs to the same side and jump off.

“Don’t do that again '' I told him, walking off. “John?” I hear him answer and I walk in. “This is cute and warm” Two sleeping bags on the ground and a portable light hanging from above.

“Never would have thought of seeing you in those clothes or out in the woods” I roll my eyes hearing his chuckle as he sits on the ground.

“Don’t get used to it, I almost died coming here” We both laugh this time. “I am leaving tomorrow for a couple of days. Sofie asked me to come back. She doesn’t like the settlement they are pushing on her and her stupid lawyer won’t do anything about it”

“I thought they were settling on only being in the list?” I thought so too until he thought he was smart enough

“When I get finished with him he would beg to only be placed on that list. Not only would he be fighting Sofie but I will go on trial on my part. They told me to go back and fight for what was done to me and that's what I am going to do. He started everything and he will pay for the anger I have stored in me.”

“How's Jamie?”

“I bet he is having fun dealing with what happened, haven’t received a call all day” I shrug.

“And you won’t be receiving one all night” I furrowed my brow looking down at my phone. No service.

“I see I will be back at the ranch before you”

“I like it here” I smile. I finish up talking with John before heading outside. I turn my direction towards the fire camp.

“Would you like some or are you too good for fish over the fire?” Ryan laughs, placing a piece of fish on a cold tinfoil.

“This place change you city girl?” Lloyd said, passing over the fish. I take a seat beside him on the fire as the rest laugh. The laughs die down as I cut open the fish and carefully start eating it with no hesitation

“My family on my mother's side loved to fish. Most of what was in our freezer were fish and I also spent a good amount of my childhood until I moved in the lakes with them” I look over to Ryan. “I have no trouble with a little dirt in my hands but I also won’t say no to the finer things” I shrug hearing a small laugh.

“Do you know how to fish?” I looked over to Tate who for a fact was exhausted. I bet he was enjoying himself.

“No” I shake my head.

“I do. My grandfather taught me and I have caught plenty of them today” He had a big smile on his face as he looked over to Kayce wanting to see his reaction.

“Well thank you for the amazing dinner” All our heads turn as we

hear footsteps coming up towards us.

“We are glad you liked it. Now it's time to clean up and get to bed” John says but mainly directing it towards Tate. “Kayce?” I look over seeing him nod his head towards his father.

“Help them clean this up and straight to bed you go. I will be there to say goodnight in a bit, okay?” Tate nods as Kayce gives him a kiss in the forehead and heads towards John. I finish disposing of what's left of my fish. I walk over covering the remaining cooked fish.

“This is a bad look for you” Lloyd says coming over to me.

“I can make anything work” I laugh as I continue helping clean up.

“Can you help me get water?” I look down at Tate who is handing me an empty bucket.

“Yeah” I dust off my hands and grab the bucket from him. I head behind him not really wanting to touch freezing waters right now.

“Don’t worry, it's totally safe” he turns to take a quick glance at me with a smile.

“Totally” I smiled but behind it I was scared. I know I said I have been around lakes or bodies of water like this one but this one is a rapid moving body of water. Not to mention it was dark and the light of the camp was just a glime when we arrived at the edge.

“Just throw it in but don’t let go of the rope” Tate tells me as I see him following his directions. I move down a bit and do the same. “There you go!” He smiled excitedly. “Oh look” I looked over at him pointing towards something I couldn’t see and I really didn’t care as his sudden movement caused him to slip.

“Shit” I grabbed onto his arm and pulled him towards the ground but causing me to fall into the water.


“Am okay” I tell him in a hurry seeing him get up and walk towards me. “It's okay” I struggled to get up on the edge with it freezing me to the bone and the speed of the water wasn’t helping. “Lets go before we choose to take a dip in the water again”

“Am sorry” Tate looks down as we continue our walk up.

“It's not your fault. People take cold plunges everytime, it's apparently good for you” I smile not wanting him to feel bad about it.

“Why?” he finally says with a hint of a smile on his face.

“Who knows, they are crazy people in my books” A small laugh falls from his mouth as we finally arrive. Most of the cowboys were in their tents I guess.

“Not the time to take a dive in the water” I motioned for him not to go on further knowing Tate was still feeling a little guilty about what happened.

“Lloyd and I will make sure to fire it off, why don’t you get to bed?” he nods setting the bucket down

“Goodnight” I wave him goodbye and watch him go into his tent. I seat down taking in the warmth of the fire.

“He almost fell into the water” Lloyd lets out an oh and takes a seat across from me.

“Heard anything about Jimmy’s problem?” I didn’t take my eyes from the fire as I shook my head no.

“I better not hear anything that has to do with Jimmy good or bad in the next couple of days because I won’t be here to take care of it” We laugh

“That boy needs more work than I have seen anybody needing but sure does know how to take a beating”

“Those are the beating that you can’t avoid, they help bring out the better person in him”

“I thought the older one was supposed to be the wiser one” I laugh looking over.

“You might beat me in age but not in soul.” He throws me something as I avoid it laughing together at the remark. Before he could say anything his eyes looked up and he cleared his thoat.

“Take care of the fire, I am going to get some sleep. Goodnight” I smile

“Goodnight” I wave. I turn over hearing footsteps.

“Tate told me what happened” I look over and nod my head. I see him take a seat down beside me.

“His only 7, things happen” I get up not wanting to hear anything else from him. I grab the bucket and throw the water at the fire.

“I set up a tent”

“Thanks” I grab the other bucket and make a circle around the

already turned off fire.

“They only had one tent to spare” I set down the bucket realising what he was saying.

“Great” I just wanted to get these wet clothes off and go to sleep.

“Also” Fucking great. I sigh walking in so he could follow. “Cowboys aren’t the best prepared.”

“I can see that” I don’t know why I laughed. If it was because of how tired I was and the cold running down my whole body was making it worse or because the circumstance has placed me with a guy who I carred not even a tiny bit to be close to right now. Okay. I say to myself taking off my shoes and socks laying them to dry for tomorrow. I look over and see Kayce taking out his big coat. I turn around and do the same but also take my pants off. The shirt thankfully is long enough to reach my mid thighs.

“Okay” I hear Kayce clear his throat before moving to the only sleeping bag we had. I was freezing so I didn’t take another second to turn off the lights and slip into the bag with him. “You’re shivering” I heard him whisper behind me as I had my back turned towards him.

“Maybe because I was wet and it doesn’t help that I get cold easily and that it's almost below zero right now” I wrap my arms around myself hoping it would help but it doesn’t. Minutes went by but sleep was not coming.

“Turn around” Before I could ask I felt one arm going under my head and unknowingly my body on its own turn to face him. His other arm slips over me and pulls me tighter. I let out a deep breath, getting comfortable. I don’t know if I was getting warmer because of his body heat or because being this close to him was too much for me. “Thank you” I smile. I think I was supposed to say that to him but I know why he was saying it. Definitely getting warmer because I was wrapped up in his arms right now. I was right, he didn’t smell like what I thought a cowboy would. He smelled nice. He is gentle, soft, not what in daylight I would describe him. Yet that somehow was comfortable for sleep to take over. In my head I tried counting the second but after 1219, I gave up. Frustrated and not only because I couldn’t sleep. “It's been almost 30 minutes and you can’t sleep?”

“It's been 21” I said annoyingly. I wanted to move to be more comfortable but I was currently in a stick position. My legs were straight and so were my arms.

“No wonder you’re not a morning person” Moving was the wrong choice. I only wanted to get out of the sleeping bag.

“Sorry” I whimper, pulling my hand up all the way not wanting to rub it against him any longer. I didn’t know where to go from there. The awkward tension was overtaking my anxiety and I needed to move.

“Wait” He whispers, taking hold of my hip with one hand. Second mistake was not moving after that. I closed my eyes trying to not let his touch affect me but that diffenetly didn’t help. I could feel even the warmth of his fingertips as they traveled along my back.

“Kayce” It was my last plea. The last piece of strength I had in me to leave. He pulled me even closer and the fire in my stomach ignited even more. I wanted to touch him. How close his face was to my hand.

“Tell me to stop” Those words left me breathless. My hands moved up his chest, cursing at the jacket he still had on. His other hand still under my head moved to push me closer just barely touching his lips. I touch up to his neck until I get to his face. The only thing being heard was the noise of our silent breaths. The shivers in my bones wanting and pulling towards him. When he finally comes closer brushing against my lips with his it wasn’t enough. I took hold of his jacket and pulled him to meet. At first it was only one kiss. Then another, and another. Until my fingers were wrapped in his hair gripping, wanting him to catch on to my wants. We explored our mouth what seemed like forever, not that I mind but I wanted more. I start grinning my body and I feel him put some distance with his other hand on my hip. “Do you-” I rolled my eyes. Of couse he tries to be a gentleman right now. I cut him mid sentence as I unzipped the bag but not to leave. No, he did this and now he is going to fix it. I climb on top of him to capture his lips again. Moving my hip trying to control a little of my urges.

“Don’t try to be nice right now” I say trailing kisses on his jaw and down his neck. “I need this jacket off” I mumbled frustrated.

“Yes ma’am” He grabs my face, kissing me as he pulls us up to a sitting position. What am I doing? The cold wasn’t bothering me anymore. As he takes his time taking his jacket off I can’t help but stop to think. What the hell am I doing right now? He just got out of a marriage. He has a child he must focus on. Was this just something to pass time? Why did I care? Surely it wouldn't be anything more. I didn’ let him take a look after pulling my shirt off. My lips attach to his as my hand works his belt.

“Can you help a little?” I look up hearing a slight chuckle from him. I lift my hip a little as he slides his pants off. I couldn’t focus any longer. Once I lowered myself knowing the only thing that separated us was the bare fabrice of my panties. “God” I moaned as he started kissing and sucking on my neck. His hands cared for my back before fiddling with the band. I huffed a little before moving them to the side and gently placing him where I wanted.

“Fuck” I tried. I wrap my arms around his shoulder trying to restrain myself. “Honey,” He whimpers grabbing fistful of my hair. I tried. My breathing was getting heavy as the bottom half of me couldn’t relax from squeezing him.

“I can't,” I whisper. He was big. Jesus was he. Where was all the confidence I had before?

“I won’t last long” He moves over to kiss my cheek. The sweat already forming was making my hair sticky. He moved it out the way to attach his lips to mine gently. “I want to cum” This was a plea and a whine together and damn did it take me to the peak. He continud to kiss me as his hands moved down to my hips to help me move.

“Shit.” I could feel tears swelling my eyes. “Jesus fuck” I didn’t know what to hold on to as his pace fasten. Slowly I feel his strength weaken. I follow my own rhythm up and down as fast as I need to.

“Honey..” My eyes roll back along with my head feeling my arousal almost reach its peak.

“Kayce” I moaned. To my surprise he attaches his mouth on one breast. “Fuck!”Jesus. I know it's wrong. I have spoken his name in tears, he must think I was praying to him hard.

“Mm. y/n?” I got out my thoughts looking down at him. My pace slowed down, putting more pressure on reaching my spot. God did he look beautiful. The slight shadow the moon casted I could see his messy hair. His pleaing eyes and swollen lips. Glimming. I grabbed his face to kiss him but he latched himself to my other breast giving it attention. Correcting myself, he looked the most beautiful right now. I kept on looking at him as his eyes never left mine. As the pace never slowed. The pressure is building up. Cumming on only fucusing on his eyes on mine. How the warmth of him and the kindness in his eyes has made me feel. His lips detach himself but not before leaving one last kiss. I hiss as they are sensitive.

“Tired?” I roll my eyes tracing my fingers down his shoulders onto my thighs. “I can make those eyes roll back for other reason now”


Tags :
1 year ago


Description: She worked as a lawyer in New York until she received a phone call from the man she owes her career to. She knew she would be back and what she was in for but what she didn’t know is that her life would change even more than she imagined.


Chapter 10

Chapter 9:

The trial took longer than expected. That asshole thought he could get away with threats and lost. Got on the list of sex offenders and after serving 3 years in jail he will have probation. Community service for a year. I avoided my parents and everybody else I didn’t have to see for the 2 weeks I was there. Beth went home for the holidays after the 3rd night. I was currently at the entrance of the ranch. “You can drop me off here” The driver nods as I get out of the car and take out my luggage.

“Have a good day miss'' I wave back waiting for him to drive off. I start my walk down the long road. There is no noise even this far away from the house, and that's not a good thing. The cold is freezing my fingertips as they are the only part except my face that is not covered by multiple layers. New years have gone by and it's the 5th day of the month and a new beginning for me. I haven’t left it all behind yet but it's a good start. The people in town know what happened now. The idiot got what he deserved but most importanly my parents got to know how wrong they were and even if I didn’t get to see their reaction it felt good.

“Want a ride home!?” I look at the distance and see Rip riding up.

“I am never getting on a horse again” Thankfully I had sneakers on because there was no way I was walking down the long dirt/gravel road with heels. I continued walking as Rip got off his horse and took him by the reign to walk beside me.

“Why the long face?” I looked over confused but quickly shook it off.

“I had a long couple of days” Something about walking in the cold air clears your mind.

“Tell me about it” He huffs. “You are going to have a list of chores to do when you get back home” Oh fuck. “Jaime, John, Beth, all the Duttons, even Kayce” He turns to look at me for a split second. “They all need family therapy” I chuckle a bit.

“You ain’t telling me something I ain’t already know.” Rip sighs as we get infront of the house. “Can I ask you something?” I turn to him, letting go of my suitcase. He nods so I continue with my question. “Are you and Beth okay?” Before the trip I knew they were spending more time together but knowing Beth this has been an ongoing thing. She tries to make it work but along the way she makes herself take a step back and shield herself again.

“We are working on it. I waited this long and I will keep on waiting as long as she needs” I knew Rip was a good guy even with the character everybody thinks of him as.

“Well. Let me go inside before I freeze to death out here” I tell him goodbye before heading inside.

“Well look who's back” It wasn’t so early in the morning when I arrived so I was suprised to see John. “Had some family fun time during the holidays” I held my dead stare on him.

“Being funny isn’t good for you” He chuckles a bit, offering me a cup of coffee. “Sorry I didn’t answer these past few day”

“Don’t worry about it but now that you are back I have a list for you” oh I heard. I nod my head taking a sip of the coffee. “I need you to go see the livestock commissioner” Before the word why could slip out he got a phone call. “Beth left the paperwork on your bed” He leaves out the door. It feels good to be back. Somehow this kind of work, although it can be stressful, is what I strive for most. I took a long needed shower and got dressed to head out. I grab the paperwork and head down to see the livestock agents. I always laugh when I hear about them. Like I know their jobs are serious and all but come on, livestock AGENT?. It's like Bond being recruited to take care of sheeps.

“What did I do to behold such a sight?” I shake my head walking through the doors as Ryan holds the door open.

“Nice to see you too Ryan” I say hello to the rest of the guys in the room before turning to the secretary.

“Mr Dutton called and said you were coming.” She gets up and leads me down the hall. “He just came from the meeting so I didn’t get a chance to notify him” I gave her a sympathetic look.

“Don’t worry, Jaime is used to not planning things” quick hot head he is. I smile before opening the door. I stop dead in my tracks. I should have knocked. Knocking so I would have heard who was inside and it would have given me a chance to figure things out before coming in or just bolt out of this place.

“Mr Duton, Miss l/N” I think her name was Jenny. Thank you Jenny.

“Thank you” Kayce stands up as my legs feel like jello walking over to the chair infront of his desk. The room wasn’t warm. It stayed on the cool side but my body felt like it was burning. “Hey”

“Hey” I sighed. The air felt thick and my lungs couldn’t grasp enough of it. “I need you to sign a couple of things” I pull out the file and slide it towards him.

“Do you want something to drink?” Something to eat sounds better. Coming here with on coffee in the stomach wasn’t the best choice.

“No.” That sounded a little too harsh damn it. “Thank you” I stand up walking closer to the desk to open the file. “Everything you need to sign is marked but on one page you need to place your imprint” I flip it to make sure he knows which page it is. I remove myself from leaning in as nerves run down my body seeing him from my side view that he got up.

“Y/n?” It was a whisper but enough for me to hear. I look up and see him walk around to the desk towards me. Am not nervous because anything that happened between us came to mind but because he somehow makes me feel little. Not in a bad way eitheir, like I don’t need to be something am not with him beside me. I take a step back.

“Kayce we need to talk but I don’t think this is the time or place” I put my hand up defincisbly. I don’t know what was going on. My body wanted to tremble and for some reason my eyes were feeling up with tears. My cheeks were burning and all I wanted to do was crawl into a corner until I could think again.


“What?” I finally find his eyes again and he is just a couple steps away from me giving me the space I needed.

“Are you okay?” That's when I lost it. All the emotion I was holding in slipped out and rolled down my cheek. First one tear and then a couple more. I bit my lip trying to hold in the sorrows that wanted to leave. “y/n?” I shake my head back away again.

“Just give me a minute. I just need a minute” I close my eyes, wrapping myself in my arms trying to hold it together. This happened once when I was 15. I was at a party and all the emotion evaded me. For the remaining of it I locked myself in the bathroom and cried to the tunes of the songs. No one came to check on me and when I finally got out nobody knew why I was crying and I felt like a baggage to them. I locked myself in my room and screamed my lungs out until I didn’t have any energy left in me. I promised myself if it ever happened again I wouldn’t let it overtake me again. I felt him wrap his arms around me and pull me closer.

“You need to let it go. You have been holding on to so much and I promise you it gets better when you let go” He whispers. And I don’t know what happened. Everything that was slipping out my mouth

“It's not fair” I let out a cry. Gripping on to his jacket. “It's not fair how they can just continue their lives without me! I saw them before I left, I was going to go up to them and let them see me but I didn’t want to give them even that. I always had a little feeling inside that they would come find me one day and apologise and maybe something would go back to normal. Why do they get to pretend to be a happy family when it's not complete? Was I the problem the whole time? When I was with them they couldn’t stand eachother, maybe I needed to leave so they could be happy. But why do they get to be happy and I got the worse part out of it? Why don’t I have a happy family? Maybe it didn’t affect me before because I had someone on the line if they found out the truth and having the feeling of them owing me an apology in the future made it better. Was that too selfish? Am I too selfish to want that? Should I have just told the truth? Maybe I didn’t do it because I cared for my cousin so much but because I wanted to embarrass them in the end. Because if I did everything right then why am I the one hurting at the end?” Then everything stopped. The tears, the cries, the tight hold I had on Kayce as he was still holding me. I took a deep breath and pulled away from him.

“y/n?” I look at him wiping away my tears. “I think you deserve a loving family and I know one day you will build that. I don’t know the whole thing but I know that she was grateful she didn’t have to do it alone”

“Ok” I smile, rubbing my hands on my thighs trying to get the nerves out. “That was enough for today” I hear him chuckle. “What?”

“Nothing” He shakes his head. He walks closer to me enough to feel his body heat. “I know right now is not the time and place after all of that” I roll my eyes at his comment. “How about dinner?” Is he crazy?

“Kayce” I warned, shaking my head. I wanted nothing more than to leave right now.

“Listen. We need to talk about everything that happened, I don’t know about you but it wasn’t just to let steem out” He says defensibly.

“Ok” Before walking toward his desk he grabs my upper arm pulling me towards him. His other hand slides up to my cheek making me look at him. “What?” The grin I had was there although I was trying to hide it.

“Nothing,” He whispers, moving closer.

“Make sure those papers get signed so you can give them to me later” He smiles and nods. “Am serious” I was getting aggravated due to the fact he had a stupid smile on his face and his stare was making me blush. I hit his chest puting some distance but I was only pushed back in again and into a kiss. I couldn’t hold back and I wrapped my arms around his neck. His kiss was slowly and every promise of air was long gone. I didn’t mine. I just wanted him. Both hands slide down to my hip holding me steady and close.

“7?” He says as he pulls away. My eyes still closed, I nod my head. He pecks my lips. “Anything specific?” I shake my head still with a stupid smile on my face. “Have a curfew?” That made my eyes roll again.

“No sir I do not” I slide my hands down his chest pushing away from him. “Don’t be late”

“Yes ma’am” he smiles as I open the door to leave. I turn around once more.

“Don’t forget the paperwork”

“Yes ma’am” I stayed there for a minute watching him take a seat behind his desk. He may not have wanted this job as commissioner but he sure does look doing it.


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