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I write ab my daydreams w/ skz since they can't come true. navi

393 posts

It's Gonna Happen

it's gonna happen

tattooartist!tattooed!hwang hyunjin x fem!reader

desc: y/n isn't too happy her dad marrying so soon to his fiancée. at least she as her childhood 'friend', hyunjin be her side.

warnings: SMUT!, unknown feelings of abandonment, dad is a cunt to hyunjin, reader being unsure ab dad's whole relationship, talks of boners, hyunjin being horny for the reader, dry sex, unprotected sex, dirty talk, oral(f. receiving), praise kink, mirror kink/sex, slight hair pulling, creampie, small scene of aftercare

wc: 10.5k+

a/n: I'm finally done with my hyunjin fic! man this a big boy. but I hope you enjoy it! I honestly so proud of myself for writing 10k words.

It's Gonna Happen


you can't be serious right?" I asked last night. hearing the news that they were getting married. my dad put down his fork, "Y/N, I'm being very serious right now. we talked about it, getting married is our next step." he said. "you guys have been dating for what- five months. I hardly know her still, I don't feel comfortable with this." I said, standing up from the table and so did my dad, as his new fiancée just sat there. "Y/N, this is something that is happening. you can't just run away from everything." my dad said loudly, as I turned to leave the dining room, "I need to clear my head." was the last thing I said before going to my room.

a few days after my graduation from college, my parents got a divorce, it was mutual and came out of nowhere. my mom told me to stay with dad so I wouldn't have to move so much stuff, which was the wrong choice. the last day I saw her was when the court finalized the divorce and that same day she got her stuff and said goodbye to hyunjin and his family. I stayed in my room and watched from the window as she left. I never saw her again, no calls, no texts, no visits. like she forgot about me, that hurt so much.

it was just me and my dad in the house, till his new girlfriend, marilyna, moved into our house. she's okay, made my dad happy and all but everything was happening so quickly…and suddenly he started to change. instead of being the man I once looked up to as a kid with big smiles and lame dad jokes, he was more cold, blunt, and rarely ever smiled- especially to me.

so many thoughts and questions were running through my head, especially ones about my mom. thinking of how I should have just left with her. everything was interrupted by a call from my phone. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw hyunjin calling me. why would he call me now? can't he see I'm having a moment. I sighed and looked at his name for a second.

hyunjin and I have been neighbors since we were little. our parents being best friends, having kids around the same time. most people would think it to be great. one couple could watch the kids for the night as the other had a date night and vice versa. we were only 'friends' because of our parents. as little kids, we enjoyed each other's company. playing tag, hide and seek, doctor, you know the basic kid stuff. nowadays, I wouldn't call us friends, but we are always there for each other. as we got older, hyunjin looked more like the bad boy stereotype, though he wouldn't hurt a fly, maybe sass someone off but that's about it. I was just the same me, just much older who lives next door. my dad hated the way hyunjin turned out and always nagged my mom about it.

the years of middle school and high school came and went, I went to college to pursue what I always wanted and hyunjin…I really didn't know where he went for the first 2 years of college. I didn't find out until I went to get my first tattoo and found him working there. he was the one who did my tattoo as we talked about what we did over the years. hyunjin said he still lived with his family but he was rarely ever home. at the time he was still an apprentice, but he loved putting art on people, especially his art.

I rolled my eyes and swiped to answer the phone. "yes hyunjin?" I said in an annoyed tone. "you alright?" he asked. I lightly shook my head, "yes, I'm fine. why did you call?" I asked as I looked at the pictures of memories on my wall. "are you sure you're fine, because you've been pacing for the last 3 minutes." he said. I stopped what I was doing and looked out my window- where the blinds were halfway up, to see hyunjin sitting at his desk…that was right in front of his window. I sighed, mentally face palming my head, as I looked down for a second. looking back up, my eyes met with his. "I was just told some news I didn't really like." I explained as simply as I could.

he put down the pencil he was holding, "wanna enlighten me of what it is?" he asked. I walked closer to the window, "my dad's getting married to marilyna really soon." I explained a little more. "haven't they been dating for 3 months?" he asked with a weird face. "5 months if you don't include the one month they met." I said. "how soon is the wedding?" he asked. "no wedding per say, but they are going to the courthouse to get it legalized." I said as I remembered what my dad told me. I pulled over my chair and sat in front of the window.

"I mean, don't get me wrong. I do believe you can fall in love with someone in a short time and be engaged…but marriage to me just seems kinda soon, in my dad's case anyway. like if they were to get married in the next few months to a year or so. I would probably understand more." I rambled as I placed my hand in my hair to play with it. hyunjin leaned back as he nodded his head. though he was far away, I could see the glint in his eyes. a look I knew too well. "what's your idea?" I said in a monotone voice.

"I think you need a drink."

I knocked on the back door for hyunjin to let me in. I wrapped my hands around my bare arms, trying to warm myself up. I didn't think it would be so cold, boy was I wrong. a few seconds later, hyunjin unlocked the door and opened it wide. I stepped in and slipped my shoes off. hyunjin motioned his head to follow him to the kitchen.

"you're sure we aren't gonna wake your parents?" I asked, as I sat on the breakfast bar. "oh I'm sure." hyunjin said with a laugh. "why'd you say it like that?" I asked, followed by a loud moan. I snapped my head to their door then back to hyunjin with wide eyes. "yeah, they still go at it like wild rabbits. they’re still so in love with each other." hyunjin said, opening the freezer. he pulled out a full bottle of hard liquor I didn't know the name of and grabbed two shot glasses, placing them in front of me.

he opened the lid and poured one for each of us. he slid me one and grabbed his own. I looked at him and brought the drink up to my lips, throwing my head back. the liquid felt like fire hitting the back of my throat. I placed the glass back on the table. "jesus, it's fucking strong." I said as I made a face. hyunjin finished his shot, making the same face. "yeah." he forced out. I was about to say something when a loud smack followed by another moan. "can you guys be a little more quiet!" hyunjin yelled. "are they always this loud?" I asked. "yep, usually they warn me, but tonight they didn't." he answered simply. it makes sense why he's rarely home.

"anyway, what are you gonna do about the marriage?" he asked, leaning on the counter. "I can't stop it. it's gonna happen, whether I like it or not. I just hope my dad is making the right choice." I said, looking down the empty glass. "how do you feel about her?" hyunjin asked as he poured me another shot. "I haven't really hung out with marilyna since she works. a lot. which isn't bad, she does really well with her work. it's clear that she loves her job. we just haven't had the time to fully get to know each other. what most girls would call, a 'girls day'." I said, bringing up my fingers to do air quotes. hyunjin laughed at that, "ah yes, the classic 'girls day', that's always the best way to get to know a person." hyunjin said with a smile.

as the minutes continued, hyunjin kept pouring till the bottle was about halfway empty. "I think that's enough for tonight." he said, slapping the top back on and placing it back where he got it from. I nodded to agree as I felt slightly tipsy. he turned back to me and laughed. "not used to strong alcohol?" he asked with a smile. "yeah, not much of a drinker but a drink every once and awhile is good." I said, stretching my arms above my head. "understandable." hyunjin said with a yawn. I’m sure he hasn’t rested in awhile, spending most of his nights at the tattoo shop.

"okay, well I'm going to go and let you get some sleep. I need some myself." I said, standing up. hyunjin nodded as he followed me to the back door. once I was ready to go, I looked back and gave him a smile. "thanks for tonight." I said, before stepping out and heading home. "goodnight." I heard him say out the door. "night!" I yelled back.

I woke up to the sun in my eyes, being bright as ever. "fuck you sun." I mumbled as I got up from my cozy bed. how dare the sun interrupt me and the lovely dream I was having, though I had already forgot what it was about. I think it was something about john cena and dodge ball, eh. I pulled the curtains closed and went to lay back in my bed. I sighed as my head hit the pillow and closed my eyes. I was halfway asleep when I heard a small knock on the door. "yes?" I said, not moving. the door opened and followed by the sound of someone walking in my room.

once the door was closed, I felt someone sit on my bed. I turned my head and opened my eyes to see marilyna. "hi." she said with a small smile. she was already ready for work. "hi." I said in a tired voice. "I want to talk to you about last night. is that okay?" she asked. I nodded my head as I rubbed my eyes. "I know that what was said was a lot to take in for you. I understand what you mean by feeling uncomfortable and not knowing me well enough. which is my fault since I work a lot and not really trying to get to know you or being busy with your father, basically neglecting you. my mom did the same thing when she divorced my dad and married the woman she loved." marilyna said, playing with her fingers. I sat up so I could give her my full attention, wanting to hear her out.

"I was only 13, they dated and got married faster than me and your father have been together. I was angry and confused about why she did it so fast. I couldn't understand how you could be someone so fast and easily get married to that person you've barely known and even haven't lived with them yet. I knew my mother was happy with her wife. it took me years to accept everything, till I was already living out of their house." she said, looking at the wall now.

"I didn't fully understand till I met your father. everything seemed to fall in place, like I met my best friend, my soulmate. I know it sounds cheesy, but it's true. I love your father dearly, I know you see that. I don't want you and I to end up like what happened to me and my step-mom. I want to build a relationship with you, if you'll let me." she said, turning her head to me. I thought about what I was going to say, I couldn't think of an answer so I looked at my hands. "my next day off from work is saturday. if you'd like to get to know each other some more, I would love that. you don't have to tell me now, just let me know okay." she said, standing up.

"okay." I said, nodding my head. she smiled at me before checking her watch. "I gotta go, I'll see you later." she said, opening the door and exiting my room. once my door was closed, I took a deep breath and fell back onto my bed. I know I should get to know her, but i don't think that would help me accept them marrying so soon. even more thoughts entered my head, making me more confused and less sleepy. "dammit." I said, sitting back up and reaching for my phone.

I opened messages and scrolled down to click hyunjin's block. I sent him a message about what happened. I saw he immediately read my message and began to type.

me: so my marilyna just left my room after talking to me ab last night. she wants to get to know me this saturday and told me a little ab her backstory.

hyunjin: omg! the girls day you talked ab is happening, so happy for you!

I could just hear the tone and laughter through the text, making me roll my eyes.

me: omg, you're so funny!

me: but should I really do it? yeah, I get to know her more but would that make me feel better ab them getting married so soon.

hyunjin: i really can't answer that for you, miss y/n. you won't know unless it happens.

hyunjin: call you later, if you want, rn I gotta finish this tattoo design.

with that I sent him an okay and clicked the power button on my phone. I won't know unless it happens. that is true. I closed my eyes and thought about what was going to happen saturday. if I agree to it, I hope it goes well. I checked the time on my phone as I plugged it back up. I had 4 more hours to sleep till I had to get ready for work. I got comfortable under my blanket and rested my eyes, awaiting for sleep to take me once more.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I shot up from my sleeping position with wide eyes. I rubbed my eyes and reached for to turn off my alarm. I pushed the covers off me and got out of bed. I grabbed my work clothes I always have laid out and headed to the bathroom. I turned on the water and stripped off my nightwear as the water was warming up.

after I was done with my shower and dressed for work, I braided my hair down. I checked the clock on my phone, I had to leave in four minutes. I pushed my phone into my pants and ran back to my room, grabbing my wallet and keys. I rushed down the hall and to the front door. "leaving for work?" I heard my dad say. "yeah, if I don't go now, I'll be late. later!" I yelled out the door, closing it behind me. I unlocked my car door and hopped in. my car was pretty old, so I have to give her time to warm up. I put the key in and let her do her thing for a minute. I turned on the radio so I wouldn't be in complete silence. I put the car in reverse and pulled out of the driveway.

okay let's go to work and get this day over with.

lunch break at work was the time to catch with my co-workers after not seeing them at all last week. we walked into the break room as we laughed at a joke someone said. we sat down and pulled out food from the takeout bags. there were four of us at our table, like usual. there was lee felix, kim seungmin, shin ryujin, and me. we formed a click as we all started working here.

I knew ryujin because she was my dorm mate in college and was majoring in the same thing. we became really close because of our love for wanting the same career. seungmin and I met each other in a coffee shop. technically, I ran into him. he was the one to tell me that his workplace was hiring new interns, basically helping ryujin and I get this job. felix was the person I was shadowing while I was an intern. he had been working there for 2 years before me.

we all became close very fast and it made me feel like I was in high school again. hanging out with my friends, just having a fun time.

"y/n, are you not going to eat?" ryujin asked, nudging my shoulder. I looked at her then back at my food. "yeah, just got lost in my head that's all." I said, taking a big bite out of my meal. seungmin looked at me with raised his eyebrows. I swallowed my bite and wiped the corners of my mouth. I told them all about last night and what happened this morning.

"you should definitely hang out and spend time with her. you always keep your mind open, why should this be the thing you close you mind to?" felix said, seungmin agreed with him by nodding. I shrugged as I took another bite of food. "don't know." I said, my mind was conflicted and genuine indecisiveness. "do it, y/n. what's the worst that could happen?" ryujin said, placing her hand on my shoulder. "you're just getting to know her, maybe have lunch together or go shopping." ryujin said. I looked down at my food, pushing my food to felix as I wasn't in the mood to eat anymore. I laid my head down in my arms.

felix is completely right. I'm always so open-minded and willing to talk but this. it felt different, a feeling I never really had nor could I explain. why am I being like this? I kept repeating in my head. why can't I just get to know her like any other person? it's just woman, who's engaged to my dad, that I should get to know. it should be easy. it would make my dad happy. no matter how many pros I made in my head, I still felt undecided. I want to try but not at the same time. why! I felt my anger rise at my own self, angry tears started to form.

"y/n." seungmin called out. I looked up at him as I wiped my tears away. "if it upsets you this much, try talking to your dad." he said. "oh yeah, so he can just yell at me again." I said, almost slamming my hands on the table. felix, who was still eating, jumped at the sudden sound. "sorry lix." I said as we made eye contact. I took some deep breaths. "okay, we can tell this upsets you, so let's not talk about it anymore. plus our break is over now." ryujin said, looking at her phone. "30 minutes is not enough to eat my food." felix said with his mouth full. "too bad, so sad. let's go." seungmin said, patting him on the shoulder before standing up.

I had four more hours before my shift was over. I sighed, knowing the next hours were going to go by so slowly. I followed my co-workers out of the break room.

true to my thought, the hours went by so slowly. sighing every 5 minutes or so. passing multiple clocks, checking the time each time. my thoughts were so occupied that I almost messed up one of the more major emails- but I quickly noticed it before I hit the send button. for the last hour, I sat in my mini office, doing emails. once I had finished the last email for the day, I logged out of my computer and stretched my arms over my head. time to go home I said to myself, picking my belongings and out the office to clock out. ryujin was waiting for me, like always.

“I’ve been standing here for two minutes, babe. you need to learn how to walk faster.” she said, pushing herself off the wall. “I’m sorry your royal highness, but you need to learn patience.” I answered back as I clocked out. “come on.” I said as I looped my arm with hers. making our way out of the building. the sun was already setting, making the sky look beautiful as ever.

once I had said my goodbyes to ryujin, I walked back to my car and that was when I saw hyunjin, walking on the sidewalk. blond hair pulled back from his face, black pants, white sleeveless shirt, and jacket around his waist with black shoes.

"oh hey hyunjin." I called out, waving to him. hyunjin looking up with a shocked look, like he just came out of his thoughts. he turned his head in my direction and saw me. "hey y/n!" hyunjin said, waving back. I walked over to him "you okay?" I said, to which he nodded as an answer. I took a closer look at him and noticed the bags under his eyes. “you didn’t sleep any last night, did you?” I asked him. he looked down and sighed, “not really.” he answered. “are you headed or coming from work?” I asked, looking around was his car. I knew the shop he works at is down the block from my work place. “oh, heading home. my friend was going to pick me up but he got busy.” hyunjin answered. “you can just ride with me, I just got off work. come on.” I said, heading back to my car with hyunjin following.

we were on the road, some popular song playing on the radio, in silence for a while. hyunjin was the first to speak. “have you decided if you’re going to have a girls day?” hyunjin asked, looking at me. “I’ve thought about it, well I got frustrated when talking about it to my friends at work, but I still don’t know.” I answered. “felix said something like I’m always open-minded and that I shouldn’t close myself off to marilyna.” I continued. hyunjin nodded, “yeah, you’re super open-minded.” he said. “thanks.” I said with a slight laugh behind it. “you’re welcome.” he said, smiling at me. I pulled into our neighborhood street and saw her car in the driveway. “oh she’s home early.” I said, as I pulled into the driveway. hyunjin unbuckled his seatbelt as I parked and turned off the car. we both got out of the car and closed the doors. hyunjin called out to me as I started walking to my front door. “do it, talk to her.” he said, before walking away to his house. I nodded with a straight smile and continued to the door.

I entered my home and locked the door behind me. I walked into the kitchen and saw my dad and marilyna making food together. they didn’t even notice I had walked in. I just stood there as I watched it play out. marilyna put something on his cheek and laughed, but that didn’t last long. my dad tried to put some stuff on her nose, but she backed up and tried to run, but he grabbed her around her waist. big smiles and laughter filled the open space. I smiled at it, but it faded away with triggered a memory of my mom and dad from when they were together. I felt tears come to my eyes for the second time today, but I blinked them away as marilyna saw me.

“y/n, you’re home.” she said with a small smile as my dad quickly let her go and went back to cooking. “yeah, um. I’m just heading to my room.” I said, pointing before turning around to leave. “are you going to have dinner with us or you gonna leave like you did last night?” I heard my dad say in a bitter tone. I frowned at the tone and sighed. “I didn’t know if I’ll be awake so just put a plate in the microwave for me.” I said, walking to my room. I heard hyunjin’s words and said fuck it in my head. I turned back around and called out to marilyna. she whipped her head to me, “yes?” she said. “I’ll take you up on that offer.” I said, making her wide smile. “okay.” she said, nodding. I gave a small smile back and went to my room for the night.

once I was stripped out of my work clothes and into new pj's, I hopped into bed. I opened my phone and shot hyunjin a text.

me: I told her I’d do it.

hyunjin: did it hurt?

me: no…

hyunjin: then there’s nothing to be afraid of.

me: goodnight, hyunjin

I rolled my eyes at his text and plugged my phone into its charger. I rolled over in bed and made up ideas of what was to come on saturday. hopefully it won’t turn out bad and I found out something that I don’t need to know.

from making make the days I missed from last week and talking to ryujin and hyunjin a lot, the week went by faster than I thought. I woke up around 10am on the dot. I got up and left my room to find marilyna. I found her in the living room, watching a movie in her nightwear. “hi.” I said. she turned to me and smiled. “hey, you ready for today?” she asked, sitting up some. I nodded my head and I pulled at the hem of my shirt. “okay, did you have anything in mind of what you want to do? I was thinking we could go to the new store that opened next to my work, then once the pastry shop opens, we can go there.” marilyna said, nodding along to what she was saying. “umm, I- sure, I don’t really know at the moment but if I see a place could we go in?” I asked with unsureness in my voice. “of course. go get ready, I should be done in about 35 minutes.” she said, turning off the tv. I nodded and went back to my room to get dressed for the day.

after picking a random outfit at hardly ever wear, I grabbed my wallet, phone and a hoodie just in case. I looked at myself in the mirror and pushed my hair out of my face. “everything is going to be fine. you can do this. god, I sound like I’m going on my first date in middle school.” I said to myself. I left my room and went to the kitchen to wait. I played on my phone, scrolling through tiktok. marilyna walked in with her purse with my dad by her side. he went to give her a small kiss, but I looked at the ground. “have a good day girls. be nice to marilyna, y/n. love you honey.” he said. I took a breathe in and nodded at his statement. we put on our shoes and headed to marilyna’s car.

we arrived at the new store called ‘puzzled velvet’ with mannequins in beautiful outfits, in the windows. I opened the store’s door and let marilyna go in first. it looked small, but had lots of styles to choose from. we looked around in awe as an employee came up to us. they weren’t in a uniform, but instead in their own style of clothing.

“hello, welcome to puzzled velvet. thank you for coming, I’m one of the co-owners, my name is paris. we have lots to choose from- as you can see. is there anything specific you are looking for that I can help you with?” paris asked with a big smile on her face. “no, I don’t think so. we are probably going to look at a bit of everything in here.” marilyna said, looking at me. I nodded and gave paris a smile. “okay, if you find anything and have a question, just come find me.” paris said, about to walk away. “oh by the way, that part over there. is the owner's own work of clothes they've made." she said, pointing to a wall of clothes next to the register. "okay, thank you!" marilyna said.

we walked all over the store, pulling all kinds of things and putting them up to our bodies. making small talk here and there with jokes and laughs here and there. this day is going good so far, I thought- which made me smile. we took our time looking at most of the shirts and jewelry. marilyna picked up a hat and placed it on my head. ”looks good you on you.” she said. I turned to the mirror to see how it looked on me. it was a dark gray baker boy cap with a chain across it. “its cute.” I said, fixing my hair to look nice under the hat. I pulled out my phone and took a photo of me in it. “you should get it.” marilyna said as I pulled it off and put it back in its spot. “maybe next time.” I said with a smile. marilyna pulled out her phone and checked the time. “oh the pastry shop is open, let’s go.” she said, getting excited. we made our way to the exit and said goodbye to paris. “I hope you enjoyed our store, have a nice day.” she said with a wave goodbye. we got in the car and head to the pastry shop.

we parked right in front of the old building. the pastry shop has been here for years, redecorating ever so often. it's a family owned place, passed down for 4 generations. right now they still had valentines day décor up. marilyna opened the door for me as I was greeted by the swift of many different smells of deliciousness. memories from college entered my mind, 10pm visits with ryujin as we tried to rush to finish our work before 12am.

we made our way to the trays of food to see what she wanted. I came up behind her and saw my favorite pastry. ayda greeted us as she wiped her hands off. she's been working here since her parents owned it and now it belongs to her. ayda is in her mid 40's, always has her black fluffy hair pulled into a bun and a bright smile on her face. "good, working a lot." marilyna answered. ayda turned to me and smiled, "what about you, hun?" she asked. "I’m good, back at work after not being there after a week because of my old car breaking down on me." I said. "well, that’s good. now, what can I get you two?" she asked, grabbing a pair of gloves.

"I would like to try the apple cheese danish." marilyna said, ayda nodded and looked at me. "I'll get a blueberry-cream cheese pastry!" I said with a big smile before turning to marilyna. “she makes the best blueberry-cream pastries.” I said. "coming right up girls, you two go ahead and sit down." she said, waving her hand. we smiled and thanked her as we headed to find a place to sit.

"did you see her nails? they're so pretty" marilyna said as she slid into the booth. "yes I did, she does them herself." I said, placing my things next to me as I sat down. “oh really?” she asked, I nodded my head. “wow, that’s talent.” she said. “I agree.” I said. we sat there quietly as we waited, which wasn't very long. "okay here ya go." ayda said, placing the food in front of us, "and two shakes on the house for my regular.” she said, winking at me. “now don't tell anyone I said that." she said, slapping her hand on the table playfully and pointing to us, before attending to the other customers in the room. I took a sip of the shake and hummed as the flavor hit my tongue. "I thought this was taken off the menu." marilyna said. "it is, but I’ve been coming here for so long. she sometimes gives me things that aren’t on the menu anymore." I said in a hushed voice, before taking a bite of my treat. we ate our food in peace, just enjoying the aura of the shop.

as I took the last bite of my food, I looked up at marilyna. “what do you want to talk about first?” marilyna asked as she wiped off her hands. “I guess just the basics, just life things.” I said, sitting on my hands out of nerves. marilyna started with her birthday, to more in depth to her life, her favorite things, taking her time making sure I know her. we probably spent a good 2 hours going back and forth telling things about ourselves. then we got onto the topic of my father and them getting married.

“I know you probably think I am trying to take the mother role, that is not what I’m trying to do. I’m marrying for father because I love him, all I want from you is a friendship and support.” she explained. “yeah, I want everyone to be happy. it’s just really fast for me.” I said. “I understand.” marilyna said, playing with her fingers. “when is the date?” I asked. “two weeks from now, on thursday at 10am.” she answered. I nodded my head as I reached for my drink. “did you want someone to bring with you so you feel a little more comfortable?” she asked with her head tilted. “yeah, but I haven’t thought of who yet.” I said. “okay, well let’s head back home. I know your dad will get off work soon.” she said, I nodded in agreement.

on our way back home, I closed my eyes, feeling a little more at ease about them getting married. it’s just going to take some more time to be fully okay with it. I fell asleep on the drive back.

in the blink, two weeks had already passed. wednesday night, the night before the court date. I still haven’t found someone to go with me. ryujin and felix were too busy, seungmin said he could go, but an emergency happened and now he couldn’t make it. I sighed in bed, looking at the moon casting down dimming and lightening my room. I looked at the time and saw it was 11:30pm. it’s going to be a long restlessness night. I sat up and got out of bed so I could make some warm tea. that’s when I noticed hyunjin’s bedroom light on and blinds up. then it hit me, I had asked everyone but him. I grabbed my phone from the side table and called him. I watched from my window waiting for him to pick up the phone.

my eyes widened as hyunjin stepped out of the bathroom with just a towel on and wet hair. jesus, the was man built. I realized a long time ago, he was attractive but damn. I felt my cheeks reddened and my lower stomach twist in knots. hyunjin picked up his phone and answered it.

“hello y/n.” hyunjin said with his tattooed back to me. I don’t think he knew I could see him, I was standing in my room…in the dark. “I am enjoying the view hyunjin.” I joked. he turned around and came over to the window. “have you been standing there the whole time watching me?” he asked, running his fingers through his wet hair. “no, I just noticed your lights were on and called you.” I laughed out. “ah okay. couldn't sleep I’m guessing.” he said. “yeah, the marriage thing is in the morning.” I said. “oh right.” he said. it was silent for a minute. “do you want to come over?” hyunjin asked. “can I?” I asked back. “of course.” he said with a smile. why am I now just noticing how pretty his smile is. “they’re not doing like wild rabbits tonight?” I asked about his parents, making hyunjin laugh. “no, they’re asleep. now come over.” hyunjin said, ending the call.

hyunjin was now in clothes and we were just hanging out in his room, drinking the same alcohol from the last time. having conversations about our childhood, cracking jokes, and just having a good time. “man I miss our childhood.” I said, laying back on his bed. “same. god, what I’m about to say is so embarrassing but I think you’ll find it funny.” hyunjin said, covering his face. “what is it?” I asked, looking up at the ceiling. “you gave me my first real boner.” he said, giggling.

I busted out laughing, holding my stomach. “you don’t, wait, what!” I said. my brain couldn’t properly process what he said fully because of the drinks. “yeah, we were the only kids at the time, growing up together and seeing you grow into the strong woman you are now, it was hot for 15 year old me who had a crush on you.” he stated. “you had a crush on me?” I asked with warmth to my cheeks. “yeah.” he said, making eye contact with me. god, I didn’t care if it was me or the drinks but I wanted to kiss him so bad right then and there.

“do you still have a crush on me?” I asked, not moving. “have you ever had a crush on me?” hyunjin questioned back. “if I answer, will you?” I asked, he nodded as he moved to lean on his arm, laying down next to me. “yes I did and I think I still do, I’ve been so busy, I haven’t thought about it I awhile.” I said honestly as I felt warmth go to my cheeks. hyunjin smiled and fell back onto his pillow. I hit his shoulder before covering my face, “you gotta answer you doof.” I said, wanting to hide from him. he sat up and moved on top of me, caging me in his arms. “maybe, I don’t know.” he said with a smirk. fuck it, I’m kissing him. I brought my hands up his chest to his neck, wrapping them around and pulling his head closer to mine. yep, definitely the drinks are kicking in making me this confident. “why don’t you kiss me and find out.” I whispered, looking at his lips.

he slowly brought his lips to mine, pressing them firmly. I whined into the kiss as he laid his body weight onto mine. his lips were so soft and tasted like alcohol. “you don’t know how bad I’ve always wanted to kiss you.” hyunjin said pulling away. “keeping doing it till you feel satisfied.” I said, smashing my lips back on to his. he moaned into the kiss and bite at my bottom lip. I opened my mouth and allowed his tongue in. I moaned as he explored, wanting to remember every part of me. I felt hyunjin’s hands go down my body and open my legs, placing his crotch right on my core. he was wearing shorts and I was wearing leggings, I could feel his growing boner.

I rolled my hips up, wanting to feel more. my hands made their way down and under his hoodie. I felt him shiver at my touch. he kissed down my jaw and starting sucking at my neck where ever he could. “no visible marks, please hyunjin.” I whined out. hyunjin grinded against me, making me jolt. “just one baby.” he whispered, sucking harshly on my collarbone. never stopping our thrusts to each other. I felt the knot tightly up, I wrapped my legs around his waist to pull him closer. “harder, make me cum. please hyunjin.” I pleaded. he put more pressure, bring me closer to my high.

“oh fuck!” I said, throwing my head back. hyunjin lifted his head up and looked at me. “cum for me baby.” he said, those words threw me into my orgasm. “oh hyunjin!’” I cried, as my legs felt heavy. hyunjin held on to them and he kept pushing onto me, trying to reach his high as well. hyunjin started whining, trying not to break his pace. “gonna cum.” he said, pushing his head into my neck. the friction was over stimulating me, making me whine once again. he moaned loudly as he came in his shorts. he rode out his high with whines before fully stopping. I pushed my hand into his hair, rubbing his scalp. “fuck that was too good to be true.” he said. I laughed out, running my other hand down his back. we stayed in place, just enjoying what just happened.

just then I remembered why I called him in the first place. “will you come with me tomorrow?” I asked. “I can try. it’s such a late notice but I’ll see what I can do.” hyunjin answered. I nodded my head, understanding. “does this mean this is our first date as boyfriend and girlfriend?” I asked, with a laugh. “I don’t remember either of us asking the other out.” he said, lifting himself up. I rolled my eyes, “we literally just rubbed up against each other till we came like teens using pillows.” I laughed. “I’m waiting y/n.” hyunjin said, cupping his hand to his ear. I pushed him off me and rolled over. “go clean up and change your shorts.” I said, getting up to use the bathroom. “you can stay the night since you live next door.” he called out as I closed the door. “okay.” I said, with a big smile.

when I came back out, hyunjin was already in bed. I climbed in and snuggled under the warm covers. “your bed is so comfy.” I said, closing my eyes. hyunjin wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into him. “good to know.” he said, placing his head above mine with his chin on the top of my head. I quickly fell asleep to hyunjin’s breathing.

it felt like the day was moving so slow. I had already left hyunjin’s home and back to mine. we’re leaving at 9:30, and still had half an hour left. I already took a shower, put on my clothes and did my makeup. now it was just the waiting game. I was sitting in the living room by myself, watching tiktoks. hearing the clicking over heels, I knew it was marilyna. I looked over and saw saw how beautiful she looked. she was wearing all white, but instead of a dress- it was a suit. I remember she said he never really liked dresses, even when she was little.

“you look beautiful.” I said, standing up. “thank you.” she said with a bright smile. “are you excited?” I asked, trying to make small talk. “very, but also nervous! is your guest on the way?” she asked, going to the kitchen. “well I asked him, but I don’t know if he can make it.” I said, following her so she could here me. marilyna pulled out a glass and filled it up with water. “who did you invite?” she asked, bringing the drink to her lips. “hwang hyunjin, the one I grew up with.” I said. marilyna swallowed and nodded, “the one who’s the tattoo artist, the one your dad’s not too fond of anymore?” she asked with a sly smile. I laughed, “yeah, hopefully he can make it.” I said. “I hope so too.” she said.

“okay ladies, you ready?” I heard my dad say as he walked into the room. “of course.” marilyna said, hugging him. I felt my heart swell but break at the same time. at least he’s happy, I looked at how big my dad smiled. god, I missed seeing him smile like this. they let go of their hug so he could turn to me. “marilyna said you invited someone?” he asked. “yes, but I don’t know if he can make it.” I explained, making my dad nod. marilyna looked at her phone and saw the time. “it’s time to go!” she said, patting my dad on his chest. “let’s move then.” dad said.

we headed to the car and hopped in. as we got on the road, I texted hyunjin telling him we were headed that way. I watched out the window, looking at the scenery. today is a happy day, I reminded myself, though I still felt alone. I looked at my phone and hyunjin didn’t even see the text. I’m guessing he can’t make it, he would have responded. the car ride was thirty minutes, but felt like ten. we arrived at the courthouse in no time and parked. I walked beside marilyna as we headed inside. I guess she could feel my nervousness, because she rubbed my shoulder. “we’re gonna be okay, I promise.” she told me. I smiled at her as I followed along with them. I looked back to see if I could see hyunjin’s car, but no sign of him. I took a deep breath and prepared myself with sappy vows.

it was time. there was marilyna and my dad, standing in front of the officiant. I zoned out as they were doing everything, the words came back as mumbles. I knew they had gotten to the part where they said their own vows, my dad going first. I looked at the ground to regain focus, taking a deep breath. I looked back up as he finished with slight tears in his eyes. I felt tears spring to my eyes, I wiped them away as someone grabbed my hand.

I looked to my left and saw hyunjin. I stepped closer to him and brought my other hand to his bicep. “you made it.” I whispered to him, still facing the front. “yeah, I did.” he said, focusing on marilyna’s vows. I felt at ease with him being here. I only caught the last little bit of hers.

“as I have spent my whole life looking for my other half, I knew it was you from the moment we met. I promise that each kiss will be filled with more love than the last and that our days together will grow in love and devotion.” she said, with tears going down her cheeks as she held the ring to this finger. “today you will be my husband, but we will be soulmates forever. this ring I give to you as a token of my love and devotion to you. I pledge to you all that I am and all that I will ever be as your wife. with this ring, I gladly marry you and join my life to yours.” she finished as she placed the ring on him.

the officiant smiled, “by the power of your love and the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife! you may kiss.” they said. hyunjin and I clapped as they kissed. once they pulled away, they talked to the officiant a little. marilyna looked back at us and noticed hyunjin, giving him a wave. hyunjin nodded back as he mouthed congratulations. marilyna motioned us that we could leave the room, with that hyunjin pulled me out of the building.

“was it just me or did the whole room feel stuffy?” hyunjin asked with a laugh. “it’s called love hyunjin.” I said, bumping his shoulder. “oh right.” he said with a nod. I smiled and stood in front of him. he wrapped his arms around my waist. “but love is so cliché now a days.” he said, bringing his forehead to mine. “yeah totally.” I said, leaning up to giving him a small kiss. I laughed into the kiss before giving him a hug. “thank you for coming. you look nice by the way.” I mumbled into his chest. “thank you.” he said, pulling me out of the hug. “you look pretty as well.” hyunjin responded back, cupping my cheek. before he could kiss me again, the doors opened behind us- making us jump apart.

“it’s official!” marilyna said, holding the paper while holding my dad’s hand. “hyunjin, you’re the one y/n invited?” my dad asked as they got closer to us. “yes, I didn’t want my girlfriend to feel to many emotions by herself.” hyunjin explained, making my dad and I’s jaw drop. that little bitch. “you two are dating?” marilyna asked. hyunjin looked at me, pulling me to his side. “yes we are.” he said with a smile. good thing I had blush and makeup on or you would be able to see how red on cheeks were. I looked back at my dad, I could tell he was trying to hide that he was upset with happiness. “well, treat her right then.” my dad said, looking at hyunjin. “of course I will.” he said back. they stared at each other. “okay then, let’s go back home and go eat.” marilyna said, pulling my dad to the car. “you riding with hyunjin?” she asked me. “ah yeah.” I said, looking back at hyunjin, who nodded. “okay, we’ll meet you back at the house.” she called out.

hyunjin held out his hand for me to grab. “I thought one of us had to ask the other out.” I said, grabbing his. he laughed, “well y/n, will you be my girlfriend?” he asked as we got to his car. I brought my finger to my chin to think. hyunjin walked me backwards into his car to trap me. “just say yes to your big doofball.” he said, dragging his hands up to my waist. “yes.” I said, making him smile and lean in to kiss me.

I tilted my head up to deepen the kiss. I brought my hands up his chest and pulled at his suit jacket. he groaned, placing one of his hands behind me into the car. “don’t get too needy now baby.” he mumbled, taking his lips down my neck as I pushed my hips into his. I leaned my head into his, relishing the feeling of his lips on my skin.

he pulled away and took out the keys, unlocking the car. “let’s go eat.” he said, opening the passenger door for me. I hopped in, putting my seatbelt on as hyunjin closed the door and came to the driver’s side. “what’s are we eating?” he asked as he started the car. “it’s homemade pizza, just made for the occasion.” I said. “god, I haven’t had homemade pizza in so long.” he said, pulling out of the courthouse.

“so there’s no honeymoon for you guys?” hyunjin asked as he got a second piece of pizza, wrapping his arm back around me. “not, just time off work. from today to tuesday.” marilyna answered, leaning into my dad. “well my parents have a lakeside house if you guys would like, I can ask them if you guys go there for your ‘honeymoon’.” hyunjin said, holding up air quotes around the word honeymoon. “you would do that?” my dad asked, sipping his beer. “of course. plus I’m sure y/n won’t want to hear anything at night.” hyunjin laughing at me as my jaw dropped. “hyunjin.” I said loudly, slapping him on the shoulder. everyone laughed. “please ask them hyunjin, we would be very grateful.” marilyna said. “okay let me give them a call.” he said, pulling out his phone. he walked out of the living room to call them privately.

“so are you two really dating?” my dad asked, putting down his beer as his smile wiped from his face. “yes dad.” I said, giving him a weird look. “honey please. don’t start this today.” marilyna said, pulling away from him. “to me, it looks like you’re only dating him because you hated the idea of me marrying marilyna so to get back at me by you ‘dating’ the boy I don’t like.” he said, making me laugh. “I may have disliked the idea of this happening but there was no way of me stopping it. how is me actually dating hyunjin going to change anything? hyunjin as grown up next to us my entire life, you know for a fact how he acts. just like you told me when you first started dating marilyna: I’m happy so leave it, please.” I said, crossing my arms. a few seconds later, hyunjin came in.

“okay they said you can and congrats to you both.” hyunjin said, slapping his hands together once. “really? thank you hyunjin.” marilyna said, standing up to give him a hug as my dad huffed. they pulled away from the hug, “you’re welcome.” hyunjin said, pulling out his keys. he unclipped one of them and handed it to marilyna. “here you go, I’ll have y/n send you the address. you two go pack.” he said with a smile. marilyna ran back to the couch and dragged my dad to their bedroom.

“they’re going to have lots of fun, ya know.” hyunjin said, making me gag. “why must you put those pictures in my head, sir?” I asked as I faked throwing up. he laughed and pulled me onto his lap, sitting sideways. “you say that like we didn’t- you’d you put it? rubbing up against each other like teens using pillows last night.” he whispered in my ear before nibbling at it. I moved my head away and gave him a stern look. “wait till they are gone.” I said, pointing at him.

“oh, I get to take you on your childhood bed like 16 year old me dreamed of.” he said, in the daydream tone. “pervert.” I said, moving off his lap. “I bet you like dirty talk, huh baby?” he asked in a sexy way. “please stop before they hear you!” I said with red cheeks. “you’re not saying no.” he said with a smirk. “shut up you horny hot dog.” I said, pushing him. “that is no way to talk to the love of your life.” he said, placing his hand to his heart. “oh I’m sorry sweet pea.” I said, cupping his chin with a put to my lips. we both tried to hold in our laughter, but broke five seconds later.

“okay we are ready!” marilyna said as both of them entered the room again. I pulled out my phone and opened it up to my dad’s contact. I handed my phone to hyunjin so he could type the address in and send it to him.

“okay it’s sent. have lots of fun you two.” hyunjin said. they both laughed, as they headed out the door with us following behind them. “remember to lock the back door at night.” my dad said, helping put the two suitcases in the trunk. “I will.” I said, waving at them as they hopped in the car and left. hyunjin and I walked back into the house, closing the door behind me. just as I locked the door, hyunjin turned me around and pushed me against it. “we got the house all to ourselves.” he said, kissing my neck. my hand quickly went to his hand and pulled. “hyunjin.” I moaned. “you sound so pretty moaning my name, but I want you screaming it.” hyunjin said as he pushed his hand into my pants. I moaned as he rubbed my clit.

“bedroom.” I said as hyunjin brought his lips back up to mine. he removed his hand and grabbed my face, pushing his tongue in my mouth. I moaned as our tongues twisted together. I unbutton hyunjin’s jacket and pushed it off his shoulders. he brought his arms down, making the jacket fall to the ground. he placed his hands under my ass and squeezed before giving it a playful slap. I broke the kiss with a moan and placed my head on his chest. “did you like that?” hyunjin asked with a laugh.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him to my bedroom. I pulled my shirt over my head, leaving me in my bra and pants. hyunjin did the same with his shirt, joining my shirt on the floor.

I climbed on the bed as hyunjin joined me, pushing me under him. “so pretty.” he said, kissing my chest, with his hands going under me to unclip my bra. he pushed it off me and threw it in somewhere in the room. he groped both of my boobs as he put his lips to my nipple. “god, hyunjin.” I said, arching my back. he kissed down my navel and quickly got my pants and underwear off. he brought his head down to the place I needed him most.

“tell me what you like.” hyunjin, licking my juices. I moaned, bringing my hand down to his hair. “tell me baby, I want to make you cum properly.” he said, squeezing my inner thighs. “two fingers, all the way in. curling up with each stroke out. and put your tongue on my clit.” I said, brushing his hair out of his face.

immediately hyunjin pushed two fingers in and tested me, quickly finding my g-spot. I whined for him to pick up the pace, which he gladly did so. “you taste so good. I could eat you out for hours.” hyunjin said before continuing licking my clit in circles. I felt the knot building up quickly. “I’m gonna cum jinnie.” I slurred out.

“yeah?” he said, picking up the pace a little more. I moaned out, rolling my hips up. “oh fuck hyunjin!” I said as my orgasm hit me. “there you go baby. cream all of my fingers.” hyunjin said, slowly thrusting his fingers still. I clamped my legs close due to overstim. “fuck, I need to be in you so bad.” he groaned out, removing his fingers to take off his pants.

I slowly rubbed my clit to get myself ready again. hyunjin saw me playing with myself and wrapped his fist around his cock. a bead of pre-cum leaking from it, letting a wet sound enter the room as he dragged his hand up and down.

“what position do you like?” he asked, getting on the bed. “doggy.” I said, flipping over. “shit okay.” hyunjin said, pushing up to me. I looked up and saw my mirror and immediately made eye contact was hyunjin. “you like watching yourself get fucked, don’t you?” he asked, wetting his cock by dragging it over my entrance.

“yes jinnie.” I answered. he grabbed his cock and slowly pushed in, stretching my walls. my eyes rolled back, head lolling down as he kept pushing in. “eyes on me baby.” he said, gently grabbing the roots of my hair and pulling my head up. “don’t let go of my head then.” I laughed as he pulled out a little. “pace?” he asked. “start slowly and you’ll know when you’re fucking me good.” I said, making him smirk. he slowly pulled out and pushed back in, starting up his pace. hitting my g-spot perfectly, moaning at every thrust.

“oh hyunjin.” I screamed out once he got to the pace I liked. “like that baby?” he said. “yes, just like that. god, fuck. harder.” I said. I couldn’t think about anything, other than how good hyunjin was making me feel. “shit, you take my cock so well baby.” hyunjin said.

“such a good girl for me.” he continued, making me whine and clench around him. “my baby likes to be praised huh?” he said in a mocking tone. I nodded my head, not being able to say anything besides moan and whine. hyunjin leaned over me, hitting deeper inside me, screaming out his name as he did so. “good baby, scream my name for everyone to hear.” he groaned out.

“fuck I’m gonna cum.” I cried out, as my head fell back down. “you wanna cum baby?” he asked, kissing my neck. “yes please. please rub my clit.” I begged. “so nice of you to say please.” he said, bring his hand down. he rubbed figure-eight’s as he left hickeys on my collarbone. “oh fuck!” I screamed as I came all over him. “that’s my girl. yeah, that’s it. cream all over me.” he said, slowing down his thrusts. I fell forward and grabbed his arm, “don’t stop till you cum.” I told him.

he moaned at my words and picked up his pace again. “I want you to cum in me, jinnie.” I said. “fuck.” he cried out, sitting back up to hold on to my waist. “fill me up, please.” I cried as I felt tears spring to my eyes. “fuck I will. I’ll fill you up so nicely.” hyunjin said, closing his eyes. his fingernails dug into my skin, focusing on the pleasure. I clenched around him, making him cry out. “fuck I’m cumming baby.” he said.

“cum hyunjin, cum deep in me.” I said, looking at how fucked out he looked. “promise that you won’t waste a drop of my cum.” he groaned, making eye contact with me. “I promise. I just want to be full of your cum. please.” I said, with that he slammed his hips into me once more. staying in place as his warm cum filled me, making both of us moan. “such a good girl, taking all my cum.” he said, pulling out his cock before pushing in once more.

hyunjin slipped his cock out and pulled me up. my whole body felt like jelly and tired. “you did so good for me.” he said, wiping my stray tears away. I leaned into him and sighed. “did I fuck you that good baby?” he asked, I only nodded. “can we take a bath before I fall asleep.” I said. “yeah.” he said.

we laid in the warm bath as hyunjin playing with the bubbles he put in. I giggled as he made a beard with them. “I love you.” I said. I realized what I had said. “fuck I mean-” I didn’t get to finish as hyunjin shushed me with his lips. “I love you too. I have for a long time.” he said, nuzzling his head into my neck. butterflies fluttered in my stomach. I smiled as I leaned into him. I closed my eyes and thought about us and everything to come.

so maybe I do agree with marilyna. it felt right being in hyunjin’s arms, like it was home and meant to be. who would've thought the childhood friends would get to together. sounds like a story. a story just for me and hyunjin to write and finish when it comes to a close.

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More Posts from Loubouskz

2 years ago

Pretending (Part 2)

Pretending (Part 2)

Pairing: Bang Chan x reader

Genre: angst, fluff

Summary:  you return to your old home after years had passed, unbeknownst to you that all of your past wounds will open again.

Word Count: 1k

Read part one here: Part 1

        You stood frozen in your place as you heard a key entering the door lock. However, before you could even recover from your shock, the door swung open, and you felt like the air was being knocked out of your lungs when you saw Chan walking through the door frame. He looked just as you remembered him: his eyes still gentle, his skin still soft. As you stared at him in surprise, he looked up from the ground, staring right into your eyes as his jaw hung open.

“You- You’re actually back?” He asked, voice trembling as he watched you from afar.

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2 years ago

Happy Endings ~ KSM [M] [Request]

Happy Endings ~ KSM [M] [Request]
Happy Endings ~ KSM [M] [Request]


⤜PAIRING: Seunmgin x Fem!Reader 

⤜GENRE: SMUT DONT READ IF YOU’RE UNDER AGE, angst, ceo au, mean seungmin, slow paced, oral (m receiving) rough, protected sex, passionate sex, loving, fluffy ending 

⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - March 2022


Happy Endings ~ KSM [M] [Request]

The music playing from Seungmin’s computer made him roll his eyes, being invited to yet another function and he didn’t want to go. There had to be some kind of way he could get out of going, maybe he could send Chan. Smirking to himself Seungmin looked away from the computer screen and glanced out of his window. There you were with your back turned against him as you typed something into your computer. You’d been working non-stop since you’d gotten to work and he knew for a fact it wasn’t something he had asked you to do.

He had no upcoming cases for you to be researching and you hadn’t been behind on anything. 

“What are you doing?” He mumbled to himself, keeping his eyes trained on you squinting a little so he could try and see your screen but he couldn’t. Whatever it was you were working so hard on you’d shielded it with your body.

He had no idea how long he’d been staring but he was tapping his pen against the notebook he’d been writing inside of when he first looked at you. 

How could you stand doing this? Seungmin had known you most of your life - from afar of course - and he knew that you weren’t the type of person to take this sort of treatment. Since you’d started here four months ago he had been less than kind to you and maybe that was because of old memories beginning to resurface. He could still remember the first thing he’d made you do for him which was bringing him a coffee which he promptly threw into the bin because he claimed it wasn’t good enough. That was all he ever did whenever you would do what he asked of you, yell that it wasn’t good enough or if it was he would yell for it not being done on time. Ever since that though you’d done everything you could to get everything perfect and he couldn’t fault you for it. 

But it did annoy him immensely. It annoyed him that you were allowing yourself to be spoken to the way that he did, were you really that desperate?

“Yn…” His voice spoke through your phone and he could see the way you tensed when he said your name, it used to bring him enjoyment. The way your back would straighten and it appeared as though you gripped the nearest thing to you.

When you were in school together you had been the head cheerleader and mean to him and the rest of his friends…Or rather everyone in the school. It was interesting to see how the mighty had fallen when you now worked for him. As soon as he’d seen your name in HR he’d demanded they put you as his newest assistant much to the dismay of the boys downstairs but he didn’t need to listen to them. Chan told him it would be an exceptionally bad idea to have you work underneath him but Seungmin didn’t care.

It was his business and he could do whatever he pleased with it, it wasn’t as though he was doing anything worth reporting against. All it could be seen as was playful “banter” between old school buddies

“Can you come in here please,” The please made the hairs on your body stand up. For the last four months of working for him, he had never once used that word and you couldn’t help but feel uneasy. Seungmin hadn’t exactly like you and you knew why and didn’t blame him for holding animosity toward you.

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2 years ago
Moodboard For My New Fic I'm Writing

moodboard for my new fic I'm writing🤫

I'll post a seek peak of it in a few days or so, but I hope everyone is doing good! I took a break bc I had to work but I'm back.😄

the idea came to me when markiplier watched the trailer for iswm 100 times and the movie: treasure planet, which is one of my fav movies.

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2 years ago

SKZ: when you’re on your period

pairing: hyung line + hyunjin x gn!reader


Let me start off my saying I know we’ve all seen the video of him talking about this and how sweet and caring he was about it.

I feel like he could sense when it’s coming; noticing the way your mood would shift or how you would ache most days leading up to it.

He would be the first to ask you if you needed anything from the store, maybe going a little over board to make sure he didn’t miss anything.

Feel like this man would insist on bathing with you just so he could do all the work, he’d wash and dry your hair, whining whenever you tried to take over.

Belly kisses. I feel like he would jokingly scold your body for doing this to you and then proceed to pepper your tummy with loving kisses.

He would love when you get clingy I have no doubt about that but would respect you if you didn’t want to be touched.

Overall he would be one of the best people to have around during that time of the month.


I genuinely think he would take amazing care of his partner.

He’d tease you and playfully pout when you asked him to pick up stuff for you but would return with even more than what you asked for.

I don’t think he’d brush off your pain at all, the slightest wince from you would have him worried and asking if there is anything he could do.

He’d become even more attentive, making sure you had medicine, food, anything you needed if he had to leave.

He would rub your aching muscles.

If you had mood swings I think he would handle them so patiently. He would hold you when you cried, let you spend as long as you needed wrapped in his arms and would make sure to take care of you in small ways from a distance if you wanted some space.

He would not allow you to make food for yourself, he would definitely look up recipes that would make you feel better.


Ngl I feel like growing up with two women in the house he’s already used to this.

When you start to shut down and not talk as much he would know it’s coming.

Whenever you needed something from the store, no matter the time, he would go and get it for you.

He’d absolutely spoil you during that week, doing anything and everything to make you smile.

Changbin would surprise you with your favorite takeout after a long day at work and you’d burst into tears.

I think if you had an accident he would do everything to make you not feel embarrassed about it: “It’s ok love these things happen.” “I’ll go run a bath for you and then change the sheets.” “Don’t cry baby there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

I feel like if you got really insecure during this time he would do everything he could to reassure you.


I feel like Hyunjin would be extra loving towards his partner during this time.

This man would stand in the store google searching which products were the best for you and then proceeded to buy them all.

He would spend hours wrapped up with you in bed, watching TV as he gently massaged all of your sore spots.

I think he would make you cute little cards and notes whenever he had to leave, doodling cute pictures to remind you to take your medicine and eat.

If you called him crying he would drop whatever he was doing to come be with you.

He would stay up with you for hours, letting you vent all of your insecurities as he listened then afterwards would reassure you with kisses and cuddles.

If you woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t go back to sleep he would stay up with you, gently rubbing your tummy until the pain went away and would sing you to sleep.