luffys-dixkridder - Certified Bøy Løver
Certified Bøy Løver

'According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway. Because bees don’t care what humans think is impossible.” SEQ. 75 - “INTRO TO BARRY” INT. BENSON HOUSE - DAY ANGLE ON: Sneakers on the ground. Camera PANS UP to reveal BARRY BENSON’S BEDROOM ANGLE ON: Barry’s hand flipping through different sweaters in his closet. BARRY Yellow black, yellow black, yellow black, yellow black, yellow black, yellow black...oohh, black and yellow... ANGLE ON: Barry wearing the sweater he picked, looking in the mirror. BARRY (CONT’D) Yeah, let’s shake it up a little. He picks the black and yellow one. He then goes to the sink, takes the top off a CONTAINER OF HONEY, and puts some honey into his hair. He squirts some in his mouth and gargles. Then he takes the lid off the bottle, and rolls some on like deodorant. CUT TO: INT. BENSON HOUSE KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Barry’s mother, JANET BENSON, yells up at Barry. JANET BENSON Barry, breakfast is ready! CUT TO: "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 1. INT. BARRY’S ROOM - CONTINUOUS BARRY Coming! SFX: Phone RINGING. Barry’s antennae vibrate as they RING like a phone. Barry’s hands are wet. He looks around for a towel. BARRY (CONT’D) Hang on a second! He wipes his hands on his sweater, and pulls his antennae down to his ear and mouth. BARRY (CONT'D) Hello? His best friend, ADAM FLAYMAN, is on the other end. ADAM Barry? BARRY Adam? ADAM Can you believe this is happening? BARRY Can’t believe it. I’ll pick you up. Barry sticks his stinger in a sharpener. SFX: BUZZING AS HIS STINGER IS SHARPENED. He tests the sharpness with his finger. SFX: Bing. BARRY (CONT’D) Looking sharp. ANGLE ON: Barry hovering down the hall, sliding down the staircase bannister. Barry’s mother, JANET BENSON, is in the kitchen. JANET BENSON Barry, why don’t you use the stairs? Your father paid good money for those. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS ...

182 posts

The Orca Whales Listening To This:

The orca whales listening to this:

The Orca Whales Listening To This:

MINAAAAAAA I have coughed up something 🔥SPICY🔥 for our favorite ocean tyrant Poseidon and I hope your break from writing goes well you deserve it.

Plot~ Y/n and Poseidon get in to a little quarrel so y/n starts giving Poseidon the silent treatment and at first Poseidon doesn’t really care he’s actually kinda glad because he doesn’t have to hear y/n blab about why seahorse back riding should be a sport.But eventually this starts to annoy Poseidon because she instantly refuses Poseidon in anything and he gets touch starved which eventually makes him angry so he comes up with a plan to make y/n talk if you know what I mean 😏

I hope this is not a lot but it’s been on the front of my mind lately so I came to my favorite Poseidon simp for the job I hope this peaks your interest

Much love XOXO jxellywhore~💋💋💋

💋Have some fun & play a Game💋

MINAAAAAAA I Have Coughed Up Something SPICY For Our Favorite Ocean Tyrant Poseidon And I Hope Your Break

You and your husband Poseidon have had minor differences for a long time. You still don't know exactly why your charming bully took an interest in you in the first place. After all, you were nothing more than a weak little human being. And you know exactly how much Poseidon despises humans because we are to blame for the fact that the seas and oceans are becoming more and more polluted and dirty. The only point he must have found interesting about you was the fact that you love the water and its sea creatures because you yourself have studied marine biology for years and you therefore have a big heart for the creatures of the sea. And you really tried your best not to embarrass Poseidon and to live up to his claims. You are interested in his tasks. And you're interested in what life is like as the king of the seas. You even offered to support him so many times, even if it was just a small task. But for some reason Poseidon gives you the cold shoulder and even accuses you of interfering with his work as ruler of the seas. Even if his words really hurt you and you felt like a complete loser and useless you didn't want to put up with this charade game from him this time. Because in the end two can always play this game. And Poseidon would quickly realize how bitter his own medicine would taste.

It didn't take long for Poseidon to notice that you were keeping your distance from him. In the beginning it didn't really bother him because to be honest you asked him annoying questions a lot. Even if he didn't want to admit it, he had to hold back a smile or two simply because you were so enthusiastic and passionate about his kingdom and its inhabitants or creatures. But proud as he was as the king and god of the seas, he would just wait until you crawled back to him. Only Poseidon reckoned without you. You just gave him the cold shoulder. You avoid contact with him. You ignore him. You run away from him when you saw him. Until the god finally had enough. He knew that you get along well with the water nymphs and that you spent a lot of time with them. Which secretly made Poseidon jealous, because you were his wife, after all. He was the one who first laid claim to you. And he wanted you, NOW! Just as you wanted to continue talking to the nymphs, you noticed that they were looking fearfully behind you. By the time you figured out why, two strong arms grabbed you and swung you over the shoulders of the god of the seas. "Poseidon what is..-" But he only gave you a bitter and frustrated look. "You have the right to remain silent, woman. We will settle this in our private chambers."

Poseidon wasted no time and threw you onto your big double bed. Before you could even react, Poseidon was sitting on top of you each leg of him on one side of your body - no chance of escaping. "I have to commend you (name). No one has ever dared to disobey my orders and instructions like you did - and that as my faithful wife. You have courage and self-confidence. So it was not a wrong decision to choose you as my wife. But one thing you should still remember in your little sparrow brain.." He bent down to you and turned your head to the side with incredible force so that he licked your lower neck with his tongue until it reached your ear. Just feeling the reaction of you evoked in Poseidon his desire for you and gave him a sense of triumph. Then he blew into your ear before he started nibbling on it. "You know why I'm titled Tyrant of the Seas, right? But just to be sure, I'll show you what it means when you anger the Tyrant of the Seas."

After so many rounds of wild, uninhibited sex, you were nothing like a mess. You had no more strength. You no longer had your body tension under control. Your whole body was covered in hickeys, bite marks and scratches. Your vagina could rather be mistaken for a flowing oasis because your beloved husband has made your vulva cum more than once with his gifted tongue and his abnormally large cock. And Poseidon loved everything about it. He really loved you even if he didn't always show it. But in the end he would never let any other man put his hand on you. Let alone the lustful looks. He would personally let these siner suffer in Thartarus forever. With what little strength you have left, you try to reach your husband's hand, but after all those intense rounds of sex, your body just couldn't carry out your commands the way you wanted. But thank God Poseidon saw your gesture and gave you his sweaty hand. For him, too, it was the first time after a long time to have such intense sex. But he also had to admit that performing the act of love feels better when it's with someone you love and who means something to you. "Poseidon?" you spoke with a broken and low voice. "Mmm? What is it?" With your last strength you spoke the words he liked to hear from you the most. "I love you more than anything my God, King and Husband of the seas." And then you fell asleep from exhaustion. Poseidon pulled you to his naked torso. "You'll probably forget those words the next day you little fool, but I love you too, my kindhearted Queen of the seas." And that was the moment when you both calmly fell asleep side by side, hand in hand while you could still hear the soothing sounds of the orca whales outside, which make it so much easier for you to fall asleep.

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More Posts from Luffys-dixkridder

1 year ago

do you do threesomes?? I was wondering if you could write a smut where it’s a threesome with highschool getou and gojo

" sharing is caring when fucking"

Do You Do Threesomes?? I Was Wondering If You Could Write A Smut Where Its A Threesome With Highschool
Do You Do Threesomes?? I Was Wondering If You Could Write A Smut Where Its A Threesome With Highschool
Do You Do Threesomes?? I Was Wondering If You Could Write A Smut Where Its A Threesome With Highschool

✪Gojo Satoru X male reader X Getou Suguru

✪ warning: threesome , rough sex

✪ highschool au


" Satoru Suguru? where are you taking me huh? " (M/n) questioned the two who was dragging him to god knows where when he was talking to Nanami and Haibara.

Gojo and Getou still haven't said a word which was very confusing and concerning, " h-hey are you two even listening? " (M/n) tried pulling his hand away but their grip tightened which made him winced at the pain. They stopped infront of a unused class , The two dragged him in the classroom and Gojo let's go of (m/n)'s hand to lock the door behind them which (m/n) didn't really notice.

Getou finally let's his hand go , a sigh of relief escaped (M/n)'s mouth as he looks at his reddening wrist. (M/n) hissed slightly as he touched the red mark and turned to Getou and Gojo with a frown " what the hell is wrong with you two.." they still didn't mutter a single word with made him more irritated. The two were just looking down at (M/n) is was slowly creeping him out , he tsked and pushed the two away.

As he was about to walk towards the door their hands gripped his hands again which made him winced since they were placing their palms on the reddening wrist. (M/n) instantly pulled away with a panicked look " what is your problem..first you two drag me here when I'm having a conversation with my juniors for what?! " his voiced raised slightly. Gojo was about to speak up but (m/n) cuts him off , " don't tell me you two were pathetic... " (M/n) laughed to himself. Getou and Gojo felt their last string snapped.

Getou got a hold on (m/n)'s arm restraining it while Gojo stood behind (m/n) , leaving him stuck in between the two tall men. Gojo was gripping his waist tightly " S-satoru Suguru let me go..." (M/n) kept trying to pull away but their grip were to strong.

Getou bent down slightly to (m/n)'s ear level and whispered lowly " of course we're jealous...seeing you getting to close pisses us off.." (m/n) was about to protest but was cut off by his own voice when he let's out a surprised moan as Gojo bites into his neck leaving an obvious mark. (M/n)'s sweet moans escaped his mouth as Gojo attacks his neck and Getou joining in after.

Gojo's hand slipped into (m/n)'s pants kneading his ass and smiled when he heard (m/n) mewled softly.

" h-hngh~♡ " (m/n) gasped as he felt another pair of hands entered his shirt , Getou's rough hand brushed over (m/n)'s perked up nipple while roaming his body. " Suguru t-take it off~ " he whined and Getou nodded in acknowledgement as he unbuttons (m/n)'s shirt revealing his slutty figure. (M/n)'s nipple's were hard and sensitive already even when Getou hasn't even touched them properly yet " look at you...beautiful.." Getou whispered admiring your body. (M/n)'s breath grew heavier as the two toyed with his body , he suddenly let out a loud moan when Gojo harshly thrusted his fingers right on (m/n)'s prostate leaving him breathless.

(m/n) unintentionally grinded on Gojo's finger so he would hit somewhere deeper " such a fucking slut you are...but don't worry I don't intend on using my fingers much longer" Gojo chuckled menacingly.

Getou was busying himself with sucking on (m/n)'s sensitive nipple, when he pulled away he looked proud of himself as (m/n)'s nipple's were puffier than before and kissing him on the lips. Pushing his tongue into (m/n)'s mouth making him moan sweetly for Getou, Gojo groaned as he slotted his dick in between your ass.

" Satoru put it in already~ " (m/n) whined pitifully, Gojo smirked to himself as he heard your request before slamming his dick in your tight hole. " A-ANGH..M-MHPH!♡ " Gojo grunted as he felt how tight and hot your hole was and whispered into (m/n)'s ear " f-fuck relax for me baby... you're gonna snap my dick into two.." (m/n) was moaning as he felt stretched out by Gojo's dick alone.

Gojo's dick in him began pounding into (m/n) became harder and faster , " t-to f-fast~!...Satoru! " you cried softly.

(m/n)'s droplets of tears were licked away by Getou who was slowly stroking his dick while savouring his moans and whimpers."Suguru~" (m/n) whined " want you inside me too..n-ngh! " Getou looked at him with a small smirk as he looks over to Gojo who was smirking and his eyes gazing over at him with a glimpse of pure lust. " whatever my precious (m/n) wants he gets it~ " Getou purred.

Gojo then suddenly lifts up (m/n) making him yelp out in surprise and mewled out as Gojo's dick hits deeper , " D-DEEP♡..M-MMPH~! " Gojo smiled darkly as he hears you mewl.

" this side of you only belongs to us.. understand~ " he questions you , (m/n) nodded mindlessly. (M/n) cummed as Getou shoves his dick deep in you stretching you even wider than before , (m/n)'s eyes shot wide as he felt the pain and pleasure in him " A-ANGH~! f-full... Satoru..Suguru~ " both Getou and Gojo smirked when they looked at your fucked out expression and heart shaped pupils.

Drool slowly seeps out of (m/n)'s mouth as his body and mind was getting fucked until he was stupid.

" remember you asked for there's no way we're letting you back down~ " Gojo snickers , (m/n)'s eye widened as Gojo and Getou moved at the same time. His hole widening and stretched out at every thrust he received , " S-SATORU SUGURU~! M-MORE...PLEASE♡ " (m/n) moaned needfully.

Getou cooed at (m/n) and kisses the tear stains on his face , " still so needy even when we're fucking you nice and r-rough already.." Getou groaned.

Getou and Gojo felt close to their release, their thrust become harder and faster. The sound of the slick coming from (m/n)'s hole could be heard through out the room , " please please please...w-wunna cum~! "(M/n) sobbed out. " g-go ahead no one's stopping you " Gojo grunted.

(m/n) rolled his eyes and a loud moan erupts from his throat as Gojo and Getou fills him up with their hot cum , the two breathed slowly as they calm down from their high and glanced down to the fucked out male in-between them. " n-ngh! " (m/n)'s body jolts at every breath he takes , his body goes limp when Getou and Gojo pulls out of him and let's their cum drip out of him.

" looking like this makes me wanna fuck you even more..~ " Gojo smiled sadistically and Getou glances at Gojo and their eyes met making them smirk knowingly. (M/n) who was already fucked out looks at the both of them with a horrid expression and tried to regain his strength but the two male had already tightened their grip on him as (m/n) felt their hard dick kissing his puckered hole.

" w-wai-NGH♡~! "


3 years ago

so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god

1 year ago

Why that man Zoro lurking??😭😭 great art btw❤️❤️

The Literal Pirate King

the literal pirate king

1 year ago
Lusan Picking Oranges For Nami!
Lusan Picking Oranges For Nami!

lusan picking oranges for nami!

2 years ago

My biggest dilemma right now is I want to watch Stranger Things but I’m too lazy 🗿🗿

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