And Heres My Contribution To Radiorose Week 2024! For Day 2s Prompt, Meeting, I Wrote A Continuation
And here’s my contribution to Radiorose Week 2024! For Day 2’s prompt, Meeting, I wrote a continuation of Our Little Wendigo. Alastor and Rosie bring their baby daughter home to meet everyone at the hotel:
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More Posts from Madamefeu
NPD culture is getting supply from your therapist saying that you’re one of her favorite patients and that she looks forward to seeing you
NPD culture is refreshing the page a hundred times when you post a new fanfic because what do you mean I have to wait for people to read it? I need my supply nowww
Hi! Here’s what your favorite Helluva Boss ship says about you:
Moxillie: The only thing you want in life is a happy and loving marriage, and honestly, good for you. None of your relationships have worked out yet, but you're certain that one will someday
Stolitz: You watched The Hunchback Of Notre Dame and you thought that Claude Frollo was the good guy
Stolas/Stella: You are a bottom to end all bottoms. You don't want a powerful woman to step on you, no, you wouldn't be satisfied unless she pressed you flat with a steamroller
Blitzika: You say that you hate your ex, but you're constantly beating yourself up over ruining your relationship with them, and if they wanted you back, you'd say yes in a heartbeat. You never moved on, and secretly you hope that they haven't moved on either
Blitzstrike: Your favorite Disney movie is The Hunchback of Notre Dame. How did I know, you might ask? Because why else would your favorite ship be Spunky, sharp-tongued person down on their luck X The only person who could potentially save them from the asshole threatening their life and their livelihood? In your mind, Blitz is Esmeralda, Striker is Phoebus, and Stolas is Claude Frollo
Blitzø/Loona: You are single-handedly keeping the stepdad category alive on a certain internet corn website, and I don't mean that in a good way. You need to touch some grass
Fizzmodeus: You say that you want what they have, but really you're looking for a rich and powerful sugar daddy to take care of you so that you'll never have to work again. Your ultimate goal is to be a trophy spouse, and you make no apologies for it
Beelzebub/Tex: You're a himbo with a thing for party girls capable of handling enough alcohol to pickle a blue whale's liver. If you drank half as much as your current girlfriend does, you'd need to have your stomach pumped, but somehow she can handle it just fine
Loona/Tex: Pick-me with a capital P. You're exclusively attracted to men who are already in relationships, and your favorite songs are You Belong With Me and Girlfriend because you fantasise about your crush dumping his current partner for you. You need to stop what you're doing and chase after someone who's 1.) Single and 2.) Interested in you
Andrealphus/Vassago: You're the same brand of aesthetic girly who's into Charlastor. You don't care if the characters you ship have any actual chemistry as long as they look good together
Hi! Here’s what your favorite Hazbin Hotel character says about you! This time I’m doing all of the ones I didn’t include last time:
Lucifer: Turbo Radioapple shipper. I've never met a Lucifer stan who isn't a hardcore Radioapple shipper, also, I'm just going to hazard a guess and say that you don't have an ideal relationship with your father. I'm not going to kink shame, I'm going to kink politely ask you to unpack this with your therapist
Lillith: Mommy kink. What? Your favorite character in this series is the most powerful woman in Hell, you can't tell me with a straight face that you don't fantasise about her stepping on you
Carmilla Carmine: You're a bottom lesbian, I don't care if you're a man, you're a bottom lesbian for choosing the ballet MILF as your favorite
Zeezi: Emo. You're nostalgic for the late 2000s sparkle-dog wolfaboo era on deviantart. You own at least three pairs of chequered slip-ons, you've been to a My Chemical Romance or Linkin Park concert, and you own either a GIR or a Kuromi plushie that you carry around everywhere
Zestial: Sure, he has a cool design, but is he really your favorite? Or do you just think that he has a sexy voice? Thought so. You're hungry for Zestial x reader content but not much of it exists. Even so, you'll take whatever you can get
Katie Killjoy: You're either a self-hating gay man or the very definition of gaslight gatekeep girlboss. If you were offered a million dollars, but you had to push your best friend off of a tall building to get them, you'd do it in a heartbeat
Tom Trench: The universe seems geared against you. Your coworkers hate you even though you stay out of trouble and never directly antagonise them, and your boss sees that you're being bullied and pretends that nothing is happening. All you wanted was to just do your job and go home, but you couldn't even have that
Crymini: You have daddy issues, but you don't fetishise them and you're in desperate need of an actual father figure to love and care for you. You need a father, not a daddy, and yes, there's a difference
St Peter: Go to horny jail. We both know why I’m saying this