Yandere Technoblade - Tumblr Posts
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(Not a request)
(I will also be using this "form" of technoblade in this fic) (btw this isn't my art, the original artist is here @ArtLinxi)

Taming God

'Life up in the heavens was, for the most part, perfect. It's something that mortals don't even have the brain power to imagine. It looks like whatever you want up here. If you like it raining, it shall rain. Snowing, it shall snow. It is like this for everyone in the heavens. The heavens are a place only the gods may travel to and from. No mortal greedy hands may even graze the silk clouds. They may only look at it with hopeful and envious eyes. Even when the mortals were first made, they tried their damn best to reach the holy deity of nature. Some tried to fool them, and say they were trying to thank them.
The Deity of nature is no fool. As punishment the holy being made the animals mute, and put boundaries so the flying mortals could not reach her.'
His eyes looked at the words, as he read in a low whisper. He had practically already memorized this book with the amount of times he had read it. The piglin hybrid closed the worn out book with a small 'pat' coming from the book as it's hard cover closed. He set it down, his ears twitching in the direction of the crackles from the fire. It's warm light reflected onto his paleish skin.
A long exhausted sigh left the pink haired man's lips, as he leaned back into the deep red soft chair. To him it was his humble throne, a place where you can watch the world fall apart and rebuild itself again. Or and that's what he liked to believe. On days when he was snowed in like he had been for the past few days, he always picked up that one book. The book that described the rise in the fall of every creature on this world. It describes the deity of nature, and how cruel but kind they could be. One quote had always stuck out to the Piglin mix. The quote read, "The nature deity is kind, but never fair."The quotes stood out like a dandelion in the garden. It's words spoke so true, but he just kept reading the book to read over that line just one more time. Oh how he wished he would one day be able to meet the fine Deity that was described in the book. The book would describe how soft their hair was, how no fine silks could even compare. It described how gentle their touch was. It's said that the bird's feathers compared to their touch felt like a rock. The books spoke of how delicate their voice was, in sirens of the seas could only wish to mock their tone. The book's words described how the deity's eyes could pierce one soul, but make an entire universe's knees weak with just a wink.
But as the hours passed as the man kept reading the book, the snow began to clear. And he was able to go outside once again. He did have some errands to run, so he suited himself up with the finest armor that he had. And went out on his journey.
The piglin hybrid had traversed through many different biomes through his days, but this one was different…
He has come across it while emerging from a nether portal, and has expected the normal grassy valley that was so we'll known. But instead he was met with a forest full of every different kind of tree. Green grass littered the ground, with flowers of all kinds spreading their places on the ground. There was a slight breeze blowing leaves on the trees. Letting the small thimble of leaves echo through the forest. As the anarchist hunter cautious, yet curiously began to explore this new found terrain. His eyes wandered every inch of the world. His ears picked up the sound of a nearby river, and his nose overwhelmed with all the floral smells. As his booted feet took delicate steps, his royal looking red cape dragged on the ground slightly. He was uninterrupted, as he kept walking through the forest. Until his ears twitched, picking up the soft humming of a different being. His eyes directed themselves into the direction of the noises, as he unsheathed his sword. He made careful and slow movements to the sound. It seemed whenever the humming began, a small breeze picked up. As the pink haired hybrid came upon the sound, his eyes grew wide. Staying hidden behind the trees he stared at you.
You were just how they describe in the book, but so much better! Your
hair was slightly messy, in a cute way, it was decorated with flowers and flower crowns. You had multiple horns atop your head. One pair was on the middle of your head, of which resembled an elk's. They stood tall, but intertwined with the air and separated in every other direction. Vines of lavender had climbed themselves up and onto these horns. While sitting on the side of your head were ram like horns, that twisted in what seemed like a never-ending spiral. Various different rings decorated these. The last set of horns resembled a backwards L-shape. With the pointed end connected to your head. These horns wore small flower crowns at the base. The garments that you wore were loose and flowy, stopping just above your knees, the sleeves seemed to represent wings. The colors of your clothing were indescribable. You sat on the ground, in a patch of grass, as your fingers delicately plucked the strings of the harp. Humming along to the tone.
The piglin found himself, slowly walking closer, but with his lack of focus he carelessly moved his foot right in front of a root that decided today would be a great day to stick out of the ground. And just as every other living being with legs trips, so does the blood god. The man fell face forward, with a pokey bush to help cushion his fall!
The sudden noise caused you to jump up, and back away, ready to use your godly abilities to scare away any danger. A groan left the bush where the piglin landed. You frowned your brows, and your goat-like ears on the side of your head twitched.
"Who goes there?" You ask firmly, "Friend or foe? I demand, as the ruler of this great land you show yourself!"
The man in the bushes, heart skipped many beats. You were so firm with your orders.. The piglin was quick to stand, with his hands raised and walked out from the shadows.
"My name is Technoblade," he said, walking forward enough for you to see him. "I am a friend…"
You stood tall, despite your size difference, (him being taller/slightly taller depending on your height).
"What is your business here?" You demand.
This caught Technoblade off guard. But how could anyone be on guard in this place? It was wonderful, and if the garden of Eden was real this place would put it to shame. Technoblade stuttered, trying to find an answer. His mind seemed to completely stop in time, his throat closed up and his palms grew sweaty. He cleared his throat, and in return you grew impatient.
"Well? Answer my question!"
"I-i was wandering around and came across this place-" he tried to explain, but was quickly interrupted by the tirade that was you.
"How did you get in here?"
"What magic did you use to find me?"
"Are you here to cause harm?"
"Did a witch put you up to this?"
"Did you come here to harm my children of the world?"
"Did one of the other gods put you up to this?"
"Why are you here?"
"Why did you come to me?"
"Who told you about this place?"
You spoke with a raised voice, keeping your firm tone.
Technoblade stumbled over his words trying to answer your abundance of questions. Though the more you inquired Techno, he noticed the sky greyed with the incoming rain clouds.
"Hey! Hello?" You waved your hands in the air to get his attention.
Your tries succeeded, as his eyes went from the sky back into you. But instead of answering your question, to your displeasure, he gave you a confused hum. You glared at him, getting a better look at the man standing in front of you. He stood at about 6'2-6'3. He had ear's similar to yours, where they stuck out from the side of your head. His ears wore beautiful gold earrings of varying styles. He wore a crown, and a loose white dress shirt. His hair looked soft, and was a light color of pink. He had styled it in a loose half up half down. But the thing that stuck out most to you, was his red kings cape, it was beautiful. In other words...he was handsome. You were quickly knocked from your thoughts when the man named Technoblade began to talk.
"Well, I got here through a nether portal. I thought this place was odd, so I began to walk around. That's when I heardyour humming, and was curious. I may assure you oh great deity; I had no ill intentions." He tried to reassure you.
You didn't let your guard down, but you did lower your shoulders slightly.
"...So you need help getting out of here?"
"Yes." Technoblade nodded, his hair bouncing slightly with his nod.
You sighed, as you began to walk closer to Technoblade, you earned the reaction of him backing away slightly. In return you raised a brow and laughed like a child.
"What are you scared?" You teased.
You only earned a huff from the piglin like man. With the roll of your eyes, the two of you were off to find the nether portal Technoblade had entered through.
You had barely started the small search, and it was already agonizingly quiet. The only sound that filled the large space between you two was the crunching of sticks and leaves under your feet. Not even the bird's tweets were loud enough.
"So...um... Technoblade right?" You said, making a weak attempt to try and start a conversation.
"Yes." He answered bluntly.
You only nodded in response. As the time flowed by, you kept count of every single minute. You flipped your head back in annoyance, this made Technoblade tilt his head in confusion.
"How long did you walk?" You complained.
Technoblade shrugged slightly, "I'm not sure, I got lost…"
You mumbled a complaint under your breath. You weren't normally like this, it's just that he interrupted your harp time! You would be fine, any other time. You had stopped in your tracks, have had enough of this mindless wondering. You placed your hand onto a tree, letting the rough texture of the bark rub against your soft palms. You lifted your head with a small slant, allowing more smells to flood into your nose. And your ears twitched slightly forward allowing sounds to crowd within your hearing.
As the smell of rotting flesh, and a misty ghost cry hit your hearing and smell you immediately knew where the portal was. You took off running, catching Technoblade off guard he kept to hurry after you.
You two had been running for less than two minutes before you reached the portal. But unlike you normally would, you wanted to walk this Technoblade back to his residents completely. You have no idea what caused this feeling, maybe it was because the silence that you two shared, it wasn't uncomfortable. Silence was oddly satisfying, and filling of the heart. The feeling reminded you of when you were young and just finished a huge feast. I would leave you with this aching stomach, but you had no regrets because it was delicious. The warm food going down your throat was comforting. You straightened out your shoulders before speaking.
"I wish to walk you fully back to your home, to make sure you get there safely."
Technoblade was a bit taken aback, but he walked over to you and stood at your side. A slight expression of worry coated his face.
"Are you sure you'll be okay in the nether?" He asked with a thread of concern lacing his words. He only earned a nod in response.
As the two of you continued your journey to his home in the tundra, you began to open up slightly. You learned about his anarchist views, and how he has a slight constant want for violence and chaos. This confused you ever so slightly, it reminded you of the war God. But as he opened up like a chest bearing treasures that you could never have imagined, he kept trying to pry your lock to open yours. He was so willing to tell you about his life, well most of it anyways. He wasn't going around telling people about the voices all willy-nilly.
But the constant prying at the lock of your chest finally broke, it shattered across the ground like a vase as if a child would break it. The blade had finally gotten you to open up. To tell him about your life is a deity. What it's like taking care of nature, your views on humans and other creatures that build towns and fires. He asked you many questions, like,
"Why did you make natural disasters a thing?"
"How come so many things die? Do you enjoy causing that much chaos?"
"How come you made this creature this way?"
"Do you ever regret any of your creations?"
"Describe the heavens to me, won't you?"
"Where do us mortals go when we die?"
He bombarded you with these questions as you had bombarded him earlier. Was this revenge? But with each question that he asks, You only gave a vague answer and response. But as the two of you kept walking slowly with your journey, The shadows grew closer connecting slowly. The moon rose and the sun fell, night had come.
Technoblade's guard was immediately up. You may be a deity but these dumb monsters do not know their God. You were touched by his sudden protective side.
It wasn't long before you came upon his home. If you were being honest you were quite impressed. Techno offered you inside to have a cup of tea as a thanks. Of course you accepted.
You sat on the plush red chair, it was quite comfy. It cradled all the right points in your back, It was certainly a good chair. As you looked around you noticed that the walls were full of bookshelves. You decided to bring it up in conversation.
"So you're a big reader, huh?" You inquire informally.
"I guess you could say that, I only really do when I'm not outside or causing trouble somewhere else. Being an outlaw I can only do so many things. Reading was luckily one of those things. Anyways the tea will be ready soon." He ends off his explanation by informing you the time of your beverage will come soon.
As the time came for the tea kettle to let out it's a quite annoying screech. Your warm beverage was soon in your hand. The fresh smoke raised from the top of the cup.
A small puff of cool air from your lips, attempted to rid the drink of some of its heat. This of course was going to take more than one attempt. So instead of looking like a dying puff of fish you decide to just let it cool on its own. But when the drink is ready, your lips touch the warm cup. As you tilted it at a slant so the liquid would fall into your mouth. The warm tea made contact with your taste buds, causing a concert of flavors to run through your mouth and down your throat. The taste of lavender and honey invaded your mouth. And a content size left your lips.
"It tastes wonderful." You comment, earning but a slight knowledge from the piglin.
But the more you drink the delicious sweet tea, the lighter your head grows. Your eyelids grow heavy as if it felt like they were holding weights. A small yawn leaves you, as you quickly find yourself ascending into the world of dream. Your mind letting it state fall into the warm grasp and cuddly hold of sleep. The piglig stood by and watched, with a sickly smile painting his face.
He finally had you. The Great nature deity that they had described in the book so many times. You were his. His god. His savory, he finally had in his grasp. You were so much better than described. Your fiery personality was so much more than written down. Your beauty surpassed expectations. You were perfect for him. He had been watching you for a while. It wasn't his first time in that forest. He just played dumb so you would hopefully help him. He had always watched from a distance, watching you hum and dance around. It was a beautiful sight to see you act like that, thinking that you knew no one was around.
That book was the only thing that kept this man sane, until he could get his greedy hands onto you.
They said it was impossible. Just imaginary, to even speak to a god. Let alone kidnap you. Yet here you were, asleep and at his mercy. You truly were so naive. Now you might be questioning, how is he going to keep you locked away? Simple. He won't. He'll put you back into your little forest, but make sure he will be the only one that is able to enter and exit at will. He can't risk you getting away, or other people getting curious.
Technoblade may be a sweetheart, but he is not dumb. You are his, and you need to learn that. But it is okay, if that might take a while. He has all the time in the world for you.
As you awoke you found yourself on the same patch of grass that you had once sat on. You continued on about your deity life completely unaware of the
spell that he had you under. You were completely naive of your captivity, until you try to leave. It doesn't matter how hard you fight. It doesn't matter how much you believe. It doesn't matter how much faith you have. It doesn't matter how determined you are. It doesn't matter how hard-headed you've become. You will have to come to terms with the fact that you are trapped in your own home. And once you figure this out. You will realize that a mortal. A feeble mortal. A speck of dirt compared to you. A small grain of sand and times huge hourglass. A simple mortal that wants nothing but chaos.
A mortal has tamed a god.
Word count: 3,158
The Dream Blob asks have left worms in my brain, but I’m a bit interested in something else. Out of the DSMP yanderes, who do you think would most like a darling who was stuck in a form like that, unable to defend themselves and needing to rely on them for protection?
Also, could I be 👑 anon? I’m sorry if this isn’t the way to ask, this is my first time doing this-
Technoblade, straight up!
Also welcome to the fam 👑 anon
Triggers: mention of kidnapping, and mild yandere behavior

Technoblade would love this little blob form of yours.
Technoblade is exactly the kind of yandere you just described.
He wants to worship you, and protect you.
Whenever you need something, he wants to be the one you come to- (well more waddle and squeak).
Technoblade would want to be the one that brings you wherever you need to be brought.
He wants to protect your little 8inch-10inch self (depending on your height as a human).
Now...how would he even come across you?
I could picture it something like this:
A monstrous snow storm approached, as the winds picked up they tossed the loose snow around.
You, being white and small, blended in with the snow, and shivered from the cold.
You pitifully waddled around in search of some sort of shelter.
A small and sad frown painted itself on to your simple face.
You squeaked as a small cry for help.
You thought this was it.
This is where you were gonna die.
You were gonna be frozen out in the middle of no-where.
Only to be discovered by some passer by, as they will likely just leave you there.
Leave your body to rot, into the ground.
This isn't how you thought you would go out.
But as you slowly gave in to your exhausted body, and heavy eyelids a low pattern of thumps could be heard approaching.
As your blurry vision made out the shape of a horse and the shape of a humanish figure, everything went black.
Yet, you still felt as if you were being lifted off the ground.
As you awoke, it was warm.
You had something heavy laying on top of you.
Your eyes slowly open, to be greeted with the glowing glow of a fire lighting the room.
Upon further inspection, the room was decorated with many fine pieces of furniture.
That is when a soft knock came from the door, and the piglin hybrid entered.
I can imagine Technoblade asking you a bunch of questions about who/what you are. Where you come from, and etc.
But, you, only being able to squeak, you have to resort to writing.
It may take awhile, but that's okay!
Technoblade has patience.
I could see you two growing close together very quickly.
But, I don't see Technoblade having feelings for you in a romantic way.
Technoblade would more see you as a very close friend or an adventure partner.
Technoblade would likely have you help with a darling that he does kidnap.
How would you help?
Well you could help the darling feel safe.
You can show the darling about how big of a softy Techno boy is.
Tell the darling about how Technoblade is such a good guy.
You would be very helpful.
But- dear reader.
Don't think just because he doesn't like you romantically, doesn't mean you're off the hook.
Technoblade would still risk his life for you.
He would still be very against letting you go outside.
He would treat you like a romantic darling, just less touchy and flirty and all that, and slightly less strict.
But, if Technoblade doesn't have another romantic darling he takes you out on little adventures with him!
You even have your own little hat and scarf to keep you warm when in the tundra.
Adventures can range anywhere from exploring/raiding stuff, to stalking a darling.
But unlike a romantic darling, Technoblade would entrust some of his more emotional side with you.
You're a good listener, what can I say?
In short: Technoblade would be best fit for this, and you can help the guy out a lot! Just...don't get cocky, and don't forget about the voices…
Word count:616
Thanks for reading!
I absolutely loved the Techno one shot you wrote and was wondering if I could request something similar? Maybe a role reversal, as in the darling is a mortal but yan!Techno is a deity of chaos/blood? It can be headcanons of how he "met" the mortal and took a liking to them or anything you'd want to write, really! I just really liked that idea.
Thank you! I'm glad so many people liked it! And I love this request ❤️
Triggers: gore described in detail, swearing, degration (not the kinky kind), god complex (?), And moderate yandere like behaviors. Please be careful when reading.

I have a feeling Technoblade would be a lot more... aggressive and mean than normal Technoblade would be.
Like, he would want you to bow to him instead of him bowing to you.
But I think a just as equally aggressive and stubborn darling would suit him best.
How would you two meet?
Technoblade, a rough translation to "Blood God" from African origins.
Also translates to, "The immortal blood king," and "Never dying master of blood."
He was a ruthless god, known for starting wars just to cure his boredom.
To him, humans were just like a game of chess.
But here's the thing…
Chess is a boring game if you don't have someone to play with.
And Technoblade was growing bored of single player chess.
And a bored god of chaos is a no no.
That is when he came across you.
Technoblade had decided to come down from the heavens to walk among the land of mortals.
He usually didn't do this, as he'd prefer not to walk with peasants.
But, in a desperate attempt to cure his boredom, he decided to take a quiet walk in a big forest.
Meanwhile you were running with a bag full of little goodies from a nearby village.
You were running from the angry villagers and an iron golem.
You were glancing behind you, and weren't paying attention to the god in front of you.
Once you saw you had lost the villagers you looked ahead, only to be met with white shirt, and a little bit of a males chest.
You slammed into the god, and you were the only one to end up on the ground.
Technoblade looked surprised for a second before looking down at you.
Your bag had spilled open and all your little treasures had flown out.
Gems of emeralds, gold, and some pieces of iron were on the ground.
Technoblade kneeled down and picked up a brick of gold.
But before he could even stand up, your hand quickly grabbed the gold that he was holding.
Neither party was gonna be letting go of the gold.
After a small grunt left your lips you spoke, "Hands off boar! That's mine!"
The blood god scowled at your comment.
"Boar? And what makes you claim this as your own thief?!"
"I ain't no thief! I just am permanently borrowing these items! Don't act like you haven't ever raided a village boar!"
"I am not a boar! You stupid human! Has mankind really gone down this low?!"
"Oi! Why do you talk like some god?!"
You yelled at Technoblade to keep him busy while you sneakily began to gather the other items that had fallen out of the bag.
But Technoblade is no fool.
He saw what you were doing from the start, he just found you entertaining.
So he played along.
But your little yell war continued.
"I am a god!"
"Yeah right?! Of what? Little fuckin piglets!" You mocked him.
Technoblade's hand clenched in frustration, bending the brick of gold with it.
Your eyes quickly widened and you made fast movements to stand and back away.
"W-what the hell?!"
Technoblade smirked, "Do you believe me now?"
A bead of sweat greeted your forehead as it slid down your face.
"Yeah...sure thing. God of pigs!" You said and made a run for it.
But Technoblade didn't chase after you.
He simply watched, and little did you know; he was going to keep watching.
Poor reader.
You caught his attention with your stubborn and bold words.
He was unsure if you were just stupid or brave beyond all hell.
Either way, you interested him.
And that was your fatal mistake.
Technoblade god, would watch you. He would work his magic to make sure your little thief self was safe.
But he would also slowly manipulate the world to make you more and more isolated.
There is one thing that hasn't changed between normal techno and god techno, and that is his want for you to rely on him.
But God Technoblade is so much worse.
He wants you to rely on him for everything.
Get up in the morning? Let him carry you out of bed to your wanted destination.
Need a bath? Let him wash and bathe you. Don't worry he won't do what you don't want...no matter how much the voices plead him to.
But...if you make things too difficult for him, he will make you pay.
If you constantly struggle when he holds you or cuddles you, or if you don't eat the food he cooks.
If you act ungrateful, he will make you rely on him.
How will he do that?
Well... he'll cripple you.
Blood God will make sure you can never move again.
Or at least on your lower half.
He will painfully break every bone in your legs starting from your feet upwards.
He'll make sure you cry and struggle.
He'll mock you:
"Oh now you're crying for my help."
"What's wrong little thief, can't handle the pain? I thought you talked all big."
"After this...I'll be the only one who can help you."
"Do you want my help now? Is that what you want?"
"I didn't think a lowly thief would be so ungrateful for this great message I'm giving them. Or maybe it's a bit too rough?"
You'll have to listen and feel the crack and shattering of your bones.
So...it's best not to struggle.
But don't worry, if you're a good darling, life will be full of riches.
But don't let the thought of the punishment ruin your fun little personality.
You can still tease him and all, just don't struggle physically, okay?
Now if you want to know how to make his man melt in your hands, while he is holding you ask him to read to you.
Or ask him a bunch of questions about war strategy.
Ask questions about the different god lore and which parts of it are true.
Ask him about past stories (tread carefully with this one, mainly stick to funny little light-hearted topics.)
Just be interested in him.
It'll make him feel good.
Or even better?
Play a game of chess with him.
It doesn't have to be serious, he actually prefers it like that with you.
In short: you're playing a dangerous game...when you catch his eye. And remember... DON'T STRUGGLE
Word count: 1068
Thanks for reading!
What do you think would happen if the God!Technoblade's MC somehow escaped?
Oh-oh! Here we go~
Triggers: mentions of beatings/crippling, techno being angry boi, swearing, and yandere like behaviors. Please be careful when reading.

Oh-oh god you're a fool.
You have just fucked over everything living thing on the earth.
Hope you're happy with yourself and your selfishness.
It's an understatement to say the chaos god Technoblade was beyond pissed.
Similar thoughts would run through his head.
You had best better book it, and keep running.
Because this man will immediately send out all of his followers to find you.
Techno would use everything he had to hunt you down.
And it didn't take long.
You had somehow made your way to a desert, and were in search of a well.
When you finally found one, you looked into your reflection for a moment.
Big mistake.
As you stared at yourself, the water shook.
It shook with the thumps that echoed through the earth.
You froze up knowing exactly what it was.
More like who it was.
The chaos god approached you from behind, and wasted no time in punching you into the ground.
Technoblade will beat you to the break of death.
It doesn't matter how far you run.
He's gonna find you.
He's shown his sensitive side to you, it's either you stay with him forever, or you die never spreading out that information.
He will kick you around like you're a basketball.
He'll break bones, mainly ribs and legs.
He won't stop even when you're pleading in pain.
It shall continue.
The only time he'll stop is when you're barely grasping onto life, and about to take your final breath.
And as everything goes black.
You'll wake up.
But you can't move your lower body…
Hey reader, do you remember my past headcanons on this? And how I said he punished you?
Well it happened.
As your eyes opened, you were struck with tons of pain.
A scream will leave you, and a low grown will come from the god next to you.
His strong arms gently warped around your waist.
It doesn't matter if you cry, he'll just pull you into his chest.
"This is your doing, little thief. Do not blame me."
"Don't worry, I will heal you when you have earned it. The pain will only last a bit longer."
"You mortals are so delicate. Hearing your bones crunch was truly satisfying."
And if this would not work, he would tell you about all the villages and people that were killed, just to find you.
To you, he is mocking you.
To him, he is simply trying to comfort you.
But dear reader.
Must I say it again?
This was all you.
You chose to leave him.
You chose to be ungrateful.
You chose this fate.
You chose this outcome.
You chose to have all those innocent people and the villages killed.
This was you.
Technoblade would have a constant watch on you after this.
He would carry you around with him everywhere, even while heu was working.
And the other gods didn't dare question this.
Dear reader, not even the devil may help you at this point.
In short: Techno would be beyond pissed, and rightfully so. And he would fucking cripple you! Good luck.
Word count: 543
Thanks for reading. Sorry if it was short.
Hi, can I please request what it is like if dream is yandere for a romantic obsession, but only discovered later technoblade is also yandere for them but in a protective platonic way? How would this turns out?
Triggers: manipulation, degrading, mood swings, jealousy, possessive behavior, and yandere like behaviors. Please be careful when reading.

You were just like a little sibling to techno.
You two had been adventuring with each other for years.
It was an unbreakable bond.
Or...that's what you thought.
There was no way Technoblade would ever let you hang out with someone else.
You were his best friend, and he was yours.
That wasn't going to change.
Technoblade wants to explore the world with you, and you're going to enjoy it.
One day, you two were on a little hunt when you two ran into none other than the masked man himself.
It's not like you haven't met dream before, you've had many conversations with the odd man.
You two of you had your normal conversation whenever you were walking to town or a village to get something.
You would always run into him.
Your conversations were light hearted and cute.
You wouldn't call him your friend exactly, but you didn't hate him either.
But stranding between the piglin, and the hunter; you could feel the tension between the two.
The encounter went a little something like this,
"Hey, Technoblade…"
"Oh-hey...Dream...been awhile. What are you doing out here?" You try to lighten the mood.
Dream's tone quickly changed when he spoke to you.
His tone went from a cold asshole, to a cheery tone.
"Oh hey, (Name)!"
You smile awkwardly, as Technoblade grabs you back your back and nudges you in another direction.
"Well nice talking homeless Teletubby. We've got some shit to get done."
"O-oh, okay then. Bye dream! Talk to you later!" You shout as you walk away with Techno.
Dream waved as you walked away, but when you were out of sight his hand slowly lowered.
His fists clenched and a scowled formed behind that mask.
He hated Technoblade.
He hated how Technoblade had such a grip on you.
You were meant to be his!
And god damn him if anything gets in his way.
He was gonna kill Technoblade.
Nothing could change his mind about that.
Dream wanted you all to himself.
You were his little doll.
His little toy to play with.
And as you know, Dream doesn't like sharing his toys.
You'll notice that your and Dream's encounters have at least doubled recently.
But you didn't mind that, but Technoblade did.
He noticed how Dream would get touchy with you.
Dream would put an arm around your shoulder, or even hug you much closer than needed.
Hey...hey! That's too close!
The fuck green boy?!
I wanna rip him to fucking shreds!
We gotta kill him…
Voices would scream phrases similar to that.
Tension will only grow more and more between the two men.
The more you draw this out, the worse it will get.
But eventually, they will snap.
They'll go all out on each other until someone dies.
If Technoblade Wins:
Well...least to say, he'll find one way to show off Dream's body to the entire smp.
He'll be a lot more protective of you, and if he's not around to watch you. Philza will instead.
Technoblade will still treat you the same.
After all, this wasn't your fault and he understands that.
But Technoblade will be a big brother and give you some rules…
He would also likely make sure you stay inside for a few days-weeks.
But in a whole it's not that different.
"You're safe now…"
If Dream wins…:
He'll make sure to rub the corpse of your dead friend in your face.
Dream will show his true colors.
He won't be the sweet and gentle acquaintance you used to know.
He'll be your sadistic and monstrous lover.
Dream will keep you locked away and inside for months on end.
He'll have mood swings within these first months.
Mood swings will consist of guilt from hurting you.
Getting angry at you, because "you did this to him."
He'll then feel happy when you're apologizing for his actions.
You know the whole spiel with this man.
He's an asshole.
He'll do what he wants with you, when he wants.
I do wish you good luck if he wins.
You're in for a ride.
In short: this all depends on your actions and who you hope to win...
Word count: 709
Thanks for reading!
Since I have now requested two god!Technoblade requests I want to claim 🐍Anon please,
Okay request time, Someone that hurt God!Techno MC, like full on got away before Techno heard about it.
Welcome to the chat 🐍anon!
This one is a lot more tame compared to my other god writings
Triggers: mention a manipulation, escaping, very brief mention of punishment, and yandere like behaviors. Please be careful when reading.

Let’s step back here and understand the situation better.
You didn’t just get away, you hurt him.
But, how did you hurt him?
Well, when Techno first took you in, he was very cold and distant.
He only would want to hold you, and never speak.
He never said affectionate words, would only just grunt and look at you.
It would normally take Techno about 4-5 months to actually loosen up around you.
But once he finally begins to open up, it just is up to you to push him.
So, in short, Techno opened himself up to you.
He gave you his thoughts.
He gave you his opinions.
He gave you his feelings.
He gave you the most precious things to him.
So now that we have that understood, how can you even hurt this tough man?
Well, like I said, he opened himself up to you.
And you now held his feelings.
If you were smart, you would take care of those feelings as he has taken care of you.
But instead, you used those feelings to an advantage.
You had Techno communicate his feelings to you, daily.
This put techno in the place where he genuinely thought you cared.
He thought you really loved him.
You finally accepted his love.
Or… that’s what the poor man thought.
He would have loved it if that truth was real.
But sadly, we all can’t have what we want.
So, you had finally worked your way to give the god a false trust.
So when you told Techno, you had a surprise and you needed to be alone to get it ready.
He had no problem leaving you alone to get it done.
He was very excited, so he went off to finish work.
He gave you your few hours of requested time.
So when he thought you had enough time, he knocked on the door.
He waited a moment.
“(Name)! I’m coming in!”
With that, he busted through the door.
The window wasn’t open.
But it was obvious you escaped.
Sorry, but there is no way you can escape without him hearing about it, or discovering it.
But you were smart.
You knew how to hide, and how to destroy your tracks.
You knew the right places to hide, where it would take him a long time to even think to look.
And he was pissed.
He promised himself he would teach you a lesson.
It had been years since you got away from Techno.
You made a new life for yourself.
You were finally happy.
You didn't have to wake up stressing immediately like you used to.
You were now living in a duster village, and teaching at a small elementary school.
You had just finished up class, and gotten the children out the door.
You waved your last little kids a goodbye, before they went home.
And began to clean up the classroom, with a happy sigh leaving your lips.
After you shortly finished cleaning, you put your hands on your hips with a smile.
“All done.” You spoke to yourself.
“So, a teacher, huh?”
You immediately recognized the voice.
Your body froze in place.
Your muscles stiffened to a painful degree.
And your joints locked.
Your eyes widened to their limit, as your mouth slightly in surprise and shock.
Not the good kind of surprise.
A dark chuckle came from the figure standing behind you.
Who was it?
What struck such fear into you?
Technoblade, the blood god.
God of chaos and destruction.
He walked over to you, to face you head on
Your widened eyes, looked up at him.
His rough hand snaked its way to the side of your face.
His large thumb laid itself on your lower lip.
"How did I find you?"
Technoblade chuckled from amusement.
"It took me a while, but I managed. Now didn't I?"
You couldn't even speak anymore.
Tears welled up in your eyes, as your shocked expression was slowly taken over by defeat.
"It doesn't matter how far you run. Or have good you hide. You can't get away from me."
Word count: 691
Thanks for reading!
Hello! As you can see...I'm posting again. And I will be posting 2-3 times today, just to make up for the lost time. And as I am currently working on post #2, I just had a little idea to feed you little God! Techno readers of mine. So have this little idea to keep you entertained while I make your food of God! Techno.
Triggers: Nothing, just fluff and a bit of back story?

So like, what is it with God!Techno calling you "little theif"? Well...
If you haven't read the original post, you earned that nickname because you meet him while you were running from an angry village after stealing from them. But that doesn't have to be the only reason for your nickname.
I think he also calls you that because he likes to believe you were trying to steal his gold heart. So that's another he calls you that. Or you'll sometimes sneak on his crown/other expensive jewelry when you think he isn't looking.
But, techno would also call you his little racoon, because whenever he gifts you gold and shiney things, he notices your eyes light up, and you tend to keep them all in a little stash. That an just your size comparison.
Don't get me wrong, he also calls you normal stuff like sweet, love, dear, darling, etc.
But that is his favorite: Racoon and little theif.
Hey! No need to add pressure or anything, but I really like that God! Techno fic:) I would like to request a part two but you don't have to if you don't want to, feel free to delete this if you don't want to! ✨✨
Of course I'll give you hungry hungry hippos a part 2!
Triggers: kidnapping, living with someone against your will, destruction of village, gore (no described in detail), bones being broken, delusional behavior, possessive behavior, toxic relationship, MAY BE TRIGGERS FOR ABUSE, unhealthy obsession, mention of unwilling relying on someone, mention of gruesome murders, mention of "being broken" (mentally shutting down), and yandere like behaviors. Please be careful when reading.

There you stood, the god of chaos in your grade school house classroom.
Your hands trembled, while he smirked with amusement.
Your eyes fought the hard fight to not cry.
The tears threatened to break through the dam of your eye lashes.
Technoblade’s large hand snaked up to cup your cheek.
His thumb and pointer alone seemed big enough to crush your face.
But he was as gentle as ever.
His thumb graced your upper cheek, next to your eye, to wipe away the few stray tears that decided to leave your face.
A sniffle was the only sound that filled the silent room.
Time almost felt like it stopped.
“(Name), you were such a foolish little thief to think you could steal everything from me, and get away.”
“Don’t you know? All thief’s must pay their consequences…and you, my darling, have gone too far for me to just simply overlook this.”
Your eyes widen as you grab Techno’s wrist as you begin to cry and beg.
“No…no Tech…”
“Tech..please! Anything but that!"
Your begs would fall on deaf ears to the god.
It's not like he wanted to do this!
But YOU were the one to run!
But YOU were the one that made the mistake.
And YOU were the one who left him, and had stolen his heart.
So...you had the pay.
But, Techno grabbed you face with his hand and squeezed your cheeks
Your tears now falling into his palms Techno sighed.
"Why must you make this so hard?"
"You mortals are good at so little things, but one of the few you excel in is pulling heart strings...all it takes is a single cry from you and you have the world at your hands…"
Techno pulled you into a suffocating hug, as his tusks rubbed against the back of your neck, as he took in your scent.
Your breath hitched from the uncomfortable situation.
All you could think of is what was about to happen..
So...what would happen to you?
Well, it depends how you play your cards…
What if you continue to beg and plead to him, well then MAYBE, he'll give you mercy.
And you'll only walk away with a sprained ankle.
After that?
He'll take you back to his huge home in the heavens, and place you in your bed.
While you cry he will tend to your wounds.
He'll then hold you, and whisper sweet nothings into your ear.
After that, you'll be sure to always be by his side, for a long time…
What if you fought back?
Well, if you're fighting back with the thought that this will annoy him and make him let you go..well I fear to tell you, you are far wrong.
Fighting back will only make your punishment worse.
Instead of just walking away with broken legs, or a cut off foot.
Once again, all depending on how you fight back.
But, it's very rare that he ever even threatens to cut something off.
What if you shut down?
Like you just stop replying, no talking.
Well...this would worry Techno.
And don't think you can fake a shut down... he'll know.
But if you actually shut down, Techno will skip the punishment and try to comfort you.
He will do nothing, but try to please you until you start to reply.
And after you reply... you'll never be the same.
You'll just be like a little puppy dog to Techno…
What if you don't fight back and accept the punishment, with no pleading?
Well, he'll likely break either your ankle or your shin bone.
He'll then, just like the pleading response, treat your wounds and whisper sweet nothings to you.
He'll hold you and comfort you all you need.
He'll call you his good little thief for accepting your punishment.
Now, just because Techno is acting all calm means you are safe from the storm of his anger.
Oh no.
He has thought this through, thoroughly.
(This part applies to all responses except the shutdown.)
Techno will wait till you are in an okay-ish head space till he'll show you his work.
He'll bring you over to a clearing in the clouds that show your village.
He'll ask you all about your life in the village.
Just before, he starts to destroy the village.
He'll make lighting, small ish asteroids fall from the sky.
He'll have other creatures attack and destroy the people.
All while you are forced to watch in horror, as you listen to Techno laugh like a mad man, and hear the people's screams of agony and pain.
You as well get to hear Techno finally go off…
We all know where that leads…
In short: (no in short to many topics to cover)
Word count: 797
Thanks for reading!
TFW: attempted murder. How would yandere dream and technoblade react to their darling faking affection to get close to them, but only to assassin them by the orders of L’manberg because they are secretly a loyal member of the nation?
On the off chance that you are shared between theses two...
Triggers: Possessive/obsessive behavior, mention of fighting, murder, character deaths, mention of isolation, mention of psychological torture, and yandere like behaviors. Please be careful when reading.

Now…I must warn you dear reader…you have quite the pair with you.
They are basically the opposite kind of yanderes.
Techno only wants to worship you, while Dream wants you to worship him.
So…this will be a challenge for you little killer.
Are you up for it?
You better be.
So…let's say, you somehow catch both these pretty boys’ attention.
It will definitely be a computation for the first few weeks/ months.
But eventually, the pair will come to the conclusion to just keep you at Techno’s home.
It was either that or you are forced hip and hip with Dream.
**cough cough** #homelessteletubby **cough cough**
So, at least to say, Dream will be coming over a lot more often.
And if you stay with them long enough, he might even move in!
I’ll have to teach you, little killer, the proper way to act with these two.
So, to keep Dream interested, you’ll have to struggle a bit, but not too much.
Just enough to where it looks normal.
While with Techno, it's best to listen to what he says, and do everything he says.
Because in this situation, the one you're going to fear most in this “relationship” is the voices.
They are going to be the hardest ones to fool.
Now, how do you act if you are together?
Well it's rare, since these two will trade days of who gets you when.
In the mornings, you tend to be with Technoblade.
Even if you aren’t a morning person.
He doesn’t mind just cuddling with you, or taking you on a small relaxing horseback ride with Carl.
But, the minute it turns noon, it's Dream’s turn.
Dream usually wakes up around 10:30-11 if it's a relaxed day.
Dreams usually take you out on hunts or something like that.
And when it turns evening Dream will either take you to dinner himself, or that’s when he’ll hand you back to Techno.
But there will be the rare occasion that they will share you together.
And when that happens, it's best for you to act more submissive and relaxed.
Evenings with them, together, usually are filled with Dream messing around with weapons or making plans and Techno just quietly reading, while you sit between the two bigger men.
Techno’s arm around your shoulder.
And Dream’s hand either around their waist, or hand on your thigh.
Now, let's say you’ve stayed long enough.
You have somehow not been torn apart by these two from their fighting.
You have somehow managed to work your acting magic and fool both the men and the voices.
Well..first off, that's impressive.
Secondly, congrats, Dream has moved in.
But you're still on the same sharing schedule.
I would imagine you assassination would go something like this:
It was early morning, before Technoblade even woke up.
You needed to get rid of the hunter first.
He could sneak attack you.
You wiggled your way out of Technoblade’s strong hold on you.
God, that got annoying.
No part of you felt remorse.
This was your job, your job for your country…Manberg.
As you carefully stood from the bed, not to wake the light sleeper next to you.
You knew Dream was a heavy sleeper, you could kill him easily.
Shit, you would kill him with his own axe.
As you left the room, placing your steps carefully, you had memorized what floor boards would squeak and which ones wouldn’t.
You walked across the hall to Dream’s room, and opened the door carefully. As you peaked inside, your face paled almost paper white.
But you didn’t let this small inconvenience affect you.
He left his Axe in his room.
So you took it.
It was heavier than you thought, and you weren’t used to it.
It would be a bit harder to fight with, but it was manageable.
As you made your way to the first floor where the kitchen was placed, and there you saw him.
He was cooking?
You hid the axe and acted like you had just woken up.
Dream had only heard you approaching, and looked up from whatever monstrous thing he was cooking.
When his eyes landed on you and a happy smile graced his face.
He had been a lot nicer since he had fallen for you.
“Morning, little doe.”
You gave him a sleepy smile.
“You look pretty cute in that hoodie, I must say.”
He said as he soaked in the sight of you in his hoodie that only went down to your lower thigh.
You hum in reply and walk over.
When you do meet Dream on the other side of the kitchen your free arm wraps around him.
“You ruined my surprise, doe.”
Before Dream could even fully turn around to face you as you had let go of him you were already swinging the axe at him.
Now this is when things get tricky.
You have two endings, one you successfully kill, or two you fail
Ending one:
You didn’t give Dream enough time to react and the axe ended up striking his collar bone.
He fell to the floor in pain, screaming out.
You quickly shut that up.
Your cold eyes were the last thing he would ever see.
After that, Techno was quite the fight, but you managed.
And when you returned to L’manberg, you were a hero.
You praised…
Lucky you,…you have caught the eye of a certain god…
Ending two:
You hesitated on your swing, so Dream caught the axe and was quick to take you down.
He would tackle you to the ground with a large crash.
This noise would wake the piglin.
Least to tell you some explaining to do…
And your punishment will be a mix of isolation from Techno.
And psychological from dream.
By the end of your punishment you’ll never leave their sides!
In short: this will be a highly difficult job to pull of, and if you manage to do it, well..it all depends if you play your cards right~
Word count: 1009
Thanks for reading!
Hi, if yandere dreamXD and yandere God technoblade are both attracted to the same darling, then how will it turns out?
Oh boy!
Triggers: possessive behavior, mention of war, mention of death, mention of isolation, god complex (?), reader being abandoned/ignored, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, mention of reader having to wear a color, and yandere like behaviors. Please be careful when reading.

Having these two gods both attracted to you at the same time is just asking for your physical world to be torn apart.
These two never really got along as gods.
Sure they both loved destruction, but XD liked calculated destruction.
He liked the kind of destruction that was someone’s mental state.
He liked watching people slowly crumble mentally and emotionally.
XD didn’t always do this destruction out of his inner sadist.
No, sometimes he does it out of pure curiosity.
He finds humans so interesting, the way they work and how they think.
He loves to watch your kind’s thought process.
The kind of yandere XD is a very manipulative yandere.
So, he knows how to play with you in every single way.
But, it's not easy to grab his attention.
You likely have to be more than dedicated to the religion of XD, he likes it when you pray to him.
But he also likes a darling that when they talk to him, they talk to him like he’s a normal person.
Meanwhile, Techno is very different.
He doesn’t enjoy watching people slowly break mentally.
That's too slow and long of a process.
He’ll likely get bored.
But what he does enjoy is war among humans.
That is what he finds so interesting about your kind.
How humans can turn on each other so easily for their own selfish desire.
Techno loves how humans can be the bestest of buddies one minute and then no less than seconds later, trying to tear each other apart.
The human’s nature is unlike any other.
Techno prefers a darling that has a feisty attitude, and has balls to insult a god.
So in other words, if you insult this man, he will be quite amused.
Techno prefers a darling that isn’t a weak submissive thing.
He likes a little spice in his meals ;) ;)
Having said that, how did you grab their attention?
Well, let's say you were trying to be a devoted follower to the XD church…but you would also sometimes snag some of the more pricey offerings and bring them to your other god. Technoblade.
But you would also do the same to Techno’s church.
This entertained Technoblade, he would find himself watching you with a smile whenever you would pull your little heist.
Meanwhile XD was highly displeased.
And Techno knowing XD he wasn’t surprised XD came stomping over to his temple.
“Technoblade” said a very displeased XD.
Techno sat on his throne at the top of his temple’s altar.
With his offerings right below him.
“Ah, welcome XD, what do I owe the pleasure of?”
XD scowled from behind the mask and spoke, “Explain to me why one of your followers is in MY church taking MY offerings and bringing them to YOU.”
“Ah, yes. The little thief human. I have noticed them suddenly bringing in offerings of much greater value that they couldn’t dream of owning before. Was that from your church?”
“Yes! And I-“
“Now, now, XD there is no need to get all worked up. For they have done the same to my church, and brought it to yours. It is quite cute how they think no one is watching. Yes?”
“What do you mean cute? They’ve been taking from you too? Why haven’t you done anything?”
“XD are you really that blinded by greed? And I haven’t done anything, because I have been awaiting your visit. Have you ever stopped to consider the little mortal simply wants attention from their gods?”
“I mean think about it. They go through all the effort to take and replace, when they could just take.”
Techno’s words stopped XD in his tracks.
As much as XD hated to admit it, Techno was right.
Why would you go through all that effort?
And dear reader, why would you?
Well, you had been ignored your entire life.
You were either too feisty and not submissive for the other village girls.
That's how they all acted, submissive and like flowers.
But you weren’t a flower..
Or you were too clingy and naïve for the boys in the village.
You would just drag them down.
No one ever even paid any attention to you anymore.
That's when you found XD and Techno’s religion.
It gave you a purpose.
So after a few months of your little game and back and forth talks between Techno and XD.
They had come to an agreement that they would take you.
And the planned for this to work out.
But oh how wrong they were.
Living with these two is almost exactly like living with normal Technoblade and Dream.
Except…their gods..
But, slowly this little schedule would start to fall apart.
There will be much so much more fighting, and there is no “Toning it down” with these two.
They will yell, punch, brawl, insult, and everything else in the book.
And eventually it will start a war between these two and their followers.
And you?
You’ll be locked up, forced to watch.
It doesn’t matter how much you hate it, they won’t have mercy.
Now, normally you get two options with these kinds of head canons of how things will end with each yandere is like after they win.
But, that's not how this works.
The winner, no matter what, is XD.
He is the OG.
The gods do gods.
And he will always win.
He touched his cold heart when he found out you stole for him, just for a shred of your attention.
So he will win.
And what’s it like after words?
Prepare to have a leash around your neck constantly.
He will forever be on guard, and you will never leave his side.
In short: you're fucked in the end because of your selfishness, reader. Good Luck~
Word count: 966
Thanks for reading!
I really love your writing!
I read the recent post about God! Technoblade and I felt my heart ache a little, if the orders are still open I can request a version of: God! Technoblade where the darling really falls in love with him after a few months
Ps: Please take care of your health, stay hydrated, and take a break if you need to
(And sorry for the bad english, it's not my first language)
(kiss ❤️)
Never apologize for bad English. It's my first language and I can't even speak it some times! You are lovely. I just had the idea of a Techno x chubby reader while writing this-
Triggers: Mention of heavy degration, mention of questioning one's self worth, mention of questioning reality, mention of slightly possessive behavior, mostly fluff, and very mild yandere like behaviors. Please be careful when reading.

So…. Reader, you have fallen in love with a god?
Well we all know how the two of you meet.
If not, go back to the first Techno head cannons.
But anyways.
Techno, when he first got the signal that you liked him back, he thought you were fucking with him.
He let that first signal pass, but he wont be so lenient with other signals.
The reason why he won't be so lenient is because he’ll be confused.
And confusing isn’t something the great Techno likes.
Shit, he was still confused about his love for you.
So, you’ll have to start out slow with showing Techno your love.
But that doesn’t mean make it saddle.
Like, start with holding hands withTechno randomly.
Then maybe go from holding hands to a morning hug or a kiss on the back of the hand.
Techno might act a bit uncomfortable with this, but do not let his act fool you.
Keep going.
Maybe make him breakfast in the morning.
He does work a lot, and sometimes he just needs some reassurance that you will be there for him.
Even if he acts uncomfortable, he loves this affection, deep down.
Techno will likely always be a, but unsure about your feelings.
This isn't because he'll think you'll betray him, but because the voices convince you of something that will tear their empire down.
Did you really think you could get away from the voices just because he was a god?
Oh you poor reader…
So foolish.
The voices are your worst enemy in this world.
If you are gonna have to prove yourself to anyone, it's the voices.
They are judgmental and degrading.
But unlike normal Techno, the voices can allow themselves into your head.
This is the real hell of actually loving Techno.
During the first few months of you loving Techno, these voices will nonstop talk down to you.
They will make you second guess your love.
Second guess your personal life.
Second guess your worth as a human.
And at some points, even second guess your reality.
It’s no joke.
And it’s not fun.
But take this harsh and cruel degrading as kind of a trial period.
This is their way of seeing if you truly loved Techno.
And if you made it through the voices, well then…you did it.
Congratulations reader.
You have now successfully gotten to the heart of the god of chaos.
Now what is it like loving Techno, and him loving you back?
Completely different man.
Like this guy goes from a brick, to melted butter.
He is so much sweeter to you.
And much more physical.
Techno’s love language is physical touch and not words.
But before he knew of your feelings, Techno was way more verbal with his affection.
Now, however, you can expect the following.
Random hand holding while you two are on walks, or if yours just looking down at the human world from the heavens.
Morning hugs from behind, afternoon hugs from behind, night times hugs from behind, and just odd times of randomly feeling big strong arms wrapped around your waist.
(If you can’t tell I likes hugs from behind :))
Techno will also demand that you sit with him while he is studying war strategies made up from humans, or just reading.
He will want you in his lap and against his chest, while one of his hands hangs loosely over you.
And maybe, just MAYBE.
If you're a super duper good darling that day, the voices will compliment you.
Now, if you're the kind of person that says ‘I love you’ a lot, and you use the term loosely.
I would recommend you get out of that habit.
Techno rarely ever uses the phrase, and when he does.
It’s a very important moment to him.
Now cuddling with Techno, usually only happens at night when you are sleeping.
And you are either spooning (him the big spoon) or your lying on his chest.
And before you drift off into the land of sleep, Techno will tell you.
“Congratulations my little thief, you have successfully stolen my heart.”
In short: 🥺
Word count: 692
Thanks for reading!
An idea I just had: forehead smooches for the yanderes (assuming that the taller ones were sitting/leaning forward/lying down when these happened)
I feel like Dream and Schlatt would be amused by it, since it’s such a small form of affection that you’re giving them
DreamXD, Techno and Wilbur would also be amused, but return the affection (with the voices now constantly demanding your affection)
Blob Dream and Ghostbur both letting out a small gasp/squeak before returning the forehead smooch, or as much as Blob Dream can do as a Blob. Probably just head rubs for him. But they will now surprise you with forehead smooches/head rubs if it looks like you’ve had a bad day. Thoughts?
- 👑
Oh boy! A lot of characters :) these are going to be more short and playfully. Not quite my normal head cannons.
Triggers: fluff, reader being mocked for their hight. Possessive behavior, and very mild like yandere behavior. This is safe to read for all.

You giving Dream forehead kisses: He would be quite surprised, but happy. Dream would likely have to be either sitting/kneeling down for you to kiss his forehead. If not he’ll tease you by standing on his tippy toes to make himself taller, or he’ll just move out of the way. All while mocking your height (not everyone can be 6’2-or more Dream…)
Dream giving you forehead kisses: No matter where the kiss, it's going to drag on for longer than needed. So for forehead kisses, Dream will wrap an arm around your head to hold you in place while he gives an unneededly long forehead kiss. But he’ll also give you quick pecks randomly. The kisses can be a bit hard pressured sometimes.

You giving XD forehead kisses: it’s kinda hard, not gonna lie. But it is possible when he is sitting and working. And it's more like kissing the mask, but he still feels the pressure. XD will be very confused, and will ask what you just did, once you explain it he’ll go silent. He isn’t good with humans and their body language and affection language as a whole. You are as much of a learning experience to him, as he is you. So he will be very touched when you kiss his forehead for the first time.
XD givin you forehead kisses: Sometimes he will lift his mask to give you gentle and soft forehead kisses. But if he isn’t lifting the mask, then he’ll either copy the movement of a forehead kiss and put the bottom of the mask to your forehead and other times he’ll just do a forehead to forehead kinda thing.
Rating: 8/10

You giving Blob forehead kisses: It’s pretty easy to give Blob forehead kisses, when he isn’t moving around a bunch. But when you do kiss his forehead, all movements will stop. It’s like he is frozen in time. This only lasts for a few seconds when he starts to jump up and down at like mock 5. He will waddle and jump around squeaking from victory.
Blob giving you forehead kisses: well… he can’t, but, like XD, he will mock the movement and press his little smile to your forehead. Hopefully you don’t have a bad back, because you’ll have to bend over to let Blob give you forehead kisses. But he also will just nuzzle your cheek and hands.
Rating: 10/10

You giving WIlbur forehead kisses: Wilbur will be amused, but slightly confused of why you are doing this. But he has learned to not look a gift horse in the mouth. Wilbur will literally melt into your touch every time you give him or attempt to give him a forehead kiss. At times when he’s feeling cocky, he’ll make sure you have to use something to help you reach his forehead.
Wilbur giving you forehead kisses: Wilbur had been giving you forehead way before you started giving them to him. But Wilby is an aggressive yandere, so he isn't the most gentle all the time with stuff like this. In turn his forehead kisses will be forced onto you if needed. But the kisses themselves are harsh and just possessive.
Rating: 5/10

You giving Ghostbur forehead kisses: He would be over the moon, but also a flustered mess. It would take a hot minute for Ghostbur to react and even process the sweet kiss. It is likely that you kissed his forehead while he was in the middle of talking. But when he does it he gets a hilarious expression. (Insert confused Deku face.) Ghostbur, like Wilbur, will melt into your touch with go puppy eyes.
Ghostbur giving you forehead kisses: Ghostbur will first ask you a million times if it's okay that he gives you a forehead kiss. But once you say the required yes a million times, he will give you forehead kisses very often, like when you're having a bad day or something. The kisses themselves are sweet, soft and gentle.
Rating: 10/10

You giving Techno forehead kisses: you will likely do this when he is reading to you. But Techno won’t freeze up like the others, no. He’ll just act like nothing happened and continue reading. Meanwhile deep down the man's heart is palpitating, and the voices are losing their shit. Some of the voices are angry-flustered and others are swooning and awning at how gentle you are. Techno will have a very light blush however.
Techno giving you forehead kisses: Techno’s main love language is physical touch, so after clearing it with you first, forehead kisses are pretty common. Most of the time it's his way of saying good morning and goodnight. It’s a good way to start and end the day with both of you. The kisses themselves are sweet, long, and meaningful.

You giving Schlatt forehead kisses: Yeah…no. This man will barely give you the chance. But if you somehow do give him one, he’ll freeze up for a moment. Schlatt would then slowly pull his gaze over to you and glare. He’s not happy on the outside, but he won't yell. He'll just tell you to leave him alone. But, deep down, he did appreciate it. That's if he’s not in a good mood. But if he is in more of a neutral mood/cocky, good mood. Schlatt will make sure you can’t reach his forehead and then mock you about your height. :(
Schlatt giving you forehead kisses: This never happens while you are awake. Schlatt doesn’t want to take the chance, so whenever you are sleeping, that's when he strikes. He’ll give you a fast kiss before getting his ram lookin’ ass out of there. The kisses themselves are actually soft and loving.
Rating: 6/10
What about someone who abused God!Technoblade's S/O before he met them?
Ooh. I like this one!
Triggers: Mention of abuse, description of abuse and extreme bullying, mention of possessive behavior, mention of gore and torture, mention of isolation, mention of attempt to gouge out eye, and yandere like behaviors. PLEASE BE CAREFUL WHEN READING THIS!

Okay, so let's start out with a brief backstory.
You were an outcast in your village.
Specifically in your school.
Everyone hated you, why?
Simple, you came from a wealthy family, and for some reason your parents decided to live the humble life.
You were beaten to a pulp almost daily by your classmates.
Whether it was on your way to school or on your way home, the same group of kids would always beat you till your skin was full of bruises and scratches.
Shit, you even still had a few scars to this day.
One scar is under your left eye, from when one of these kids tried to gouge out your eye.
The group never gave you a specific reason for why they beat you.
But you could only guess because it was from your background and their growing envy of you.
Because those kids thought you didn't have to work a day in your life.
And they were right in a way.
You wouldn't have to work if you didn't want to, as long as you were smart with your money.
But you wanted to work, and feel useful.
And as you got older, the abuse from your classmates only got worse.
They would gang up on you even on weekends.
This got to the point where you stopped going to school, and leaving your house in a whole.
Now, how did big boy Techno find out about this?
Well, one day you were just chilling in his lap while he read, but the scar under your eye caught his attention.
He didn't say anything at first.
But slowly as the days went by, and his curiosity grew.
"Little thief?" He asks while at the breakfast table with you.
"That scar, under your eye. Where does it come from?" He asks, putting down his book.
(Techno usually keeps you at his "house" (it's more like a huge cabin) in the tundra while he spends his days in the heavens working. But he'll sit with you for breakfast.)
"Oh, that? Just when I was bullied when I was a kid." You shrugged, as you try not to let it bother you.
This statement had all of Techno's attention on you.
"Please, my love, do continue."
And this will lead into a spiral of questions and answers about your past experiences with the bullies.
Now, what comes out of this?
Well, Techno would immediately take that day off to give you some late comfort and he would start to check in a lot more on your mental state.
Shit he might even come back home with some beautiful golden jewelry and may or may not just give you a crown.
He'll put the crown on you, along with his red king's cape and cup your cheeks and say.
"You are the royalty that even us gods must bow to."
And if you are still feeling shitty about yourself from what the bullies said, Techno will be sure to flaunt you off to all of his god friends.
And the god friends will not hesitate to compliment you, but from a distance.
They don't want to deal with an angry Techno.
Then what about the bullies?
Well, surprise surprise, they still live in the same run down villages.
And Techno will be sure to put them through hell.
Whether that is physically torturing them, or getting a certain XD to slowly ruin their lives and mental states.
They will go through living hell, and if you are cruel enough, Techno will allow you to watch them being tortured.
These bullies will scream for mercy.
But remember what they did to you reader.
Remember all that pain they made you go through.
Remember the hurt and agony from each insult and wound they inflicted onto you.
And let it sink in.
In short: Techno, obviously, would not take kindly to this, and will take the necessary steps to get back at your abusers :)
Word count: 664
Thanks for reading!
I'm itching for some angst. Could I request for Technoblade accidentally killing the reader on the chase, they didn't die yet. They use the last time they have to spout their hatred to him and how they never love him. Techno's mind already sane on this part. I'm sorry if this doesn't make any sense
Alright! I got you!
Triggers: mention of unhealthy relationship, death described in detail, some serious angst, mention of blood, and yandere like behaviors (?). Please be careful when reading.

He didn't mean to do it!
It wasn't supposed to go down like this!
It was his fault, all his fault.
It was over.
You were dead.
You no longer dwelled on this Earth.
You have moved on.
How could he go on?
How could he continue living without you?
It wasn't supposed to be his fault!
It was an accident.
But yet it was still all on him.
He was the reasoning for your death.
He was the reasoning for your demise.
For your fall from their world.
How did it happen like this?
All of this work just to end like this?
All the fighting.
All the struggle.
All the yelling.
All the crying.
All the smiles.
All the hugs.
All the kisses.
All the laughs.
All the smiles.
Just to end like this.
With Technoblade holding your cold limp body, as an arrow laid claim in your head.
Your eyes rolled back and half way closed.
Your lips were dry and cold.
Their once vibrant red color now faded from lack of blood.
Tears fell onto your blood soaked face.
As a mix of loud cries and small whimpers came from the large piglin mix holding you.
What happened?
Well...the worst thing happened.
You had finally gotten the golden opportunity, And you took it.
You were outside with Technoblade while he took care of his animals.
You sat in the snow just watching the horizon.
He thought he could trust you enough, so he went inside for a little bit.
But when he came back, you were gone.
There were footprints showing the direction you took off in.
Techno quickly grabbed his bow and arrows, and took off in the direction you took.
He was mad, and saw nothing but red.
Your heartbeat picked up, fueled by both fear and adrenaline.
The determination to get away ran through your veins as your feet dragged you through the deep powdery snow.
Heavy and quick breaths of cold thin air filled your lungs.
Your head was blank with only the thought of getting to safety filled your head.
You didn't care who you ran into, as long as they were anyone but Techno.
But your high hope of getting away was quickly crushed when you heard heavy footsteps and huffing behind you.
Techno was hot on your ass.
And you both knew it.
Techno drew his bow, ready to fire at your left shoulder to take you down, but you had different ideas.
In a quick thought to lose Techno, you took a sharp left.
It all just happened in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
Instead of the arrow piercing your shoulder, it got the spot right above your left ear.
And it went deep.
You couldn't even take a new step before you tumbled to the ground, already dead.
Your blood now stained the snow.
Techno called out your name, and rushed to your side.
That's where he was met with the sight of your freshly killed corpse.
And here we are.
You're dead, and watching Techno mourn over your lifeless body.
Your spirit had tears down your colorless cheeks.
Why...why were you crying…
It was a mystery to the world.
Why you had cry over watching this man you hated so much, mourn over you.
Maybe it was because you really loved him deep down.
Maybe it was because you didn't want to die.
Or maybe it was how you died.
Maybe it was the realization of the situation you were in.
Why weren't you up in the afterlife?
Was there an afterlife?
All these questions were left unanswered by the universe.
Maybe they were better left unanswered.
Who knows.
All that currently filled his and your head was the current sights in front of you.
In short: (N/a).
Word count: 637
Thanks for reading!
Could you do headcanons about platonic yanderes Wilbur and technoblade with a child reader please
Yes, I wasn't sure if you wanted them together or separate. so I just did separate.
(p.s. I'm going to make these a bit shorter since it's separate :))
Triggers: possessive behaviors, obsessive behaviors, toxic relationship, mention of killing, unhealthy relationships, lack of boundaries, and yandere like behaviors. Please be careful when reading.

Wilbur with a child reader is going to be interesting.
He isn't quite sure what to do..but he does know that he needs to protect you.
Wilbur would be sure to watch you from afar at first.
He would want to make sure you are safe while you are out exploring.
This is, of course, before you know of his existence.
He would see you as a little sibling, and would treat you like one.
The way you two met was you got lost, and happened to accidentally bump into him.
And you, being tired and scared, began to cry while explaining why you bumped into him.
It was kinda an apology.
Wilbur took pity on you and let you stay with him for the night.
But that night he learned, you had nowhere else to go.
So he took you in.
Wilbur would show and teach you all that he knew.
He was gonna make you his prodigy!
Wilbur would teach you the ins and outs of explosives, and the different weapons.
He would teach you hand to hand combat if you didn't know it.
He would show you how to fire a bow and arrow.
Sword fighting.
And so much more.
But when it comes to your social life, you don't have one.
And whenever you tried to go and make friends, Wilbur would look at you with a disappointed face and in a sad tone he would speak.
"What about your big brother...are you really just gonna dip on me like that?..."
It worked every time.
Because you came running back a stuttering mess trying to explain and apologize.
The same thing would go when you and Wilbur were out and walking around.
If someone else in the smp tried to say hello to you, Wilbur would certainly give them a nasty look.
This left you depending on Wilbur for your socialization.
In short: he acts like a positive, and overprotective older brother. (Yes, he will tease/make fun of you like an older brother.)
Word count: 340

Technoblade with a child..well he would be awkward at first.
I can see you two meeting because he found you when you were a wee little child.
You were, for some reason, wandering around in the mountains and Techno came across you.
You weren't wearing anything to keep you warm.
So he picked you up, took off his cape, and made you into a waddle.
Who knew this man could make a waddle.
After that Techno took you to Philza to have him check if you were okay.
And from then on, you grew up with a Gram-Phil and a Dad-Tech.
Of course, like Wilbur, you were taught everything Techno knew.
Except for his Anarch beliefs.
He didn't want to put that on you when you were so young.
(He found you when you were like 5-6)
So logically.
He waited till you were 8!
The perfect time to teach you.
Techno was always very over protective, but loved it when you came out on adventures with him.
But you were always in his line of sight.
Techno had Philza teach you and be your school teacher.
And they tried their damn best!
Your early childhood was filled with chaos and laughter.
But of course...the voices.
There were many nights when Techno would open your room door and just stare at you.
He wouldn't be holding any weapons, but the voices would tell him to hurt you.
They didn't need to have some little shit mess anything up.
These thoughts were really bad when you were young.
But as you grew up, some of the voices actually started to like you.
But there was still always the risk.
So it took you a while to have Techno open up to you.
And unlike Wilbur you were still allowed to talk to certainly people of the smp.
Those people included Philza, Ranboo, Niki, and Wilbur.
Anyone else, and you'll be in big trouble.
Techno is a very gentle father, but won't coddle you.
He'll give you harsh truths and reality.
But he will be there when you need him.
In short: Techno is like an over protective, Obsessive father. And yes...he does so dad jokes...
Word count: 367
Thanks for reading!
What about... God Techno with another god?
- 🐍
Good idea!
Triggers: mention of death, mention of limbs being cut off, possessive behaviors, obsessive behaviors, unhealthy relationships, toxic relationship, and yandere like behaviors. Please be careful when reading.

Techno had always been a more secluded god.
Really only speaking when he felt his opinion was important.
He didn't talk to anyone about his anarchist views or his want for constant war amongst the humans.
All the other gods either looked bored, or just scared.
They acted like he was out of his mind.
That's when you came along.
The god/goddess/deity of the rich, greedy, and fortune.
You weren't the most pure god, but you had your role.
Just as everyone else did.
You were kinda a pain in the ass to the other gods.
Always causing fights among them.
For you always had your people steal from the other gods' temples and bring them to yours or other's temples.
But your little scam wouldn't go unnoticed.
Techno always watched from the sidelines with amusement painting his face.
You were a little shit to say the least.
Maybe that's what caught his attention.
Or maybe it was how much closer you were to your followers compared to the others.
Or maybe how you would pray at other, less known, gods' temples.
You walked the line of kind and corrupt.
You were nice to those that deserve it, and cruel to those that have earned it.
Because in your eyes.
"The only excuse a cruel person has, is if the world they started in was cruel."
And Techno couldn't agree more with you.
But not only were you a little shit, but you also were one of the few that talked to Techno.
You didn't personally agree with his perspectives, but you like to listen.
Though you do find his opinions and thoughts interesting to hear about.
You also just like his personality.
He's a fun guy to hang around.
Well ..god Techno can't really force you to be his lover...since...you're both gods.
But he does pull out the good old manipulation and sob story!
This man will make you cry and feel bad for him, so you can comfort him.
He'll slowly make you fall into his chaotic hands, and keep you there.
There is no escape for you.
You will be introduced to Techno's possessive side very quickly.
He'll make it known what he likes and doesn't like you doing.
Talking to other gods?
Looking at other gods?
Interacting with your followers?
Looking/talking to him?
See? Simple.
It doesn't matter if you like this or not.
Techno threatens to tear apart each and every single one of your followers.
You can't let them get hurt!
Did you think Tecno would treat you better if you were a god?
Oh honey, no.
You may be a god, but he is still so much more powerful than you.
And don't even think about trying to steal his followers.
You'll get your hands cut off.
Try and tell someone for help?
Say goodbye to your tongue.
Try to run away with the humans?
Say goodbye to followers and your legs.
And after each punishment, he'll tell you the exact same thing.
"I told you, my little deity. You were trying to fight a war that you had already lost."
He'll just say with soft spoken words, as he holds your crying and struggling form.
In short: your situation isn't much better because you are god. It's not exactly worse. But it ain't better...
Word count: 563
Thanks for reading!
Oh great Madden, feeder of the brain worms. I have thought of yet another idea. Do you remember Technoblade with a blob reader? It also happpened to be the one where I asked to be 👑 anon, good memories. (for the sake of the ask, I shall refer to them as reader)
So, the reader has been doing their job, telling Techno’s romantic darling about how big of a softy he is, slowly gaining their trust and helping the darling to trust the reader… but the darling is a crafty one. They use the reader against Techno to try and escape, against the reader’s will. What would Techno do? Would he try to find a way to bring them both back, give up on the darling, give up on the reader, something else? Who do you think Techno would keep with him after all that?
- 👑
Interesting idea! And yes old memories 😌
Triggers: possessive behavior, toxic relationship, gore, darling being murdered in detail, manipulation, death, platonic yandere, and yandere like behaviors. Please be careful when reading.

Oh...my what a predicament you've gotten yourself into your reader…
Here you stand again in need of Techno's help.
Just like the day you had met the piglin man.
But now, it was seriously life or death and he had to play his cards right.
You had been getting friendly with Techno's darling, and telling them all about how good he is.
It was your job after all, to get friendly with the darling, but not too friendly.
But, if we are being honest here...if Tecno had to choose between a lover and a friend.
He would choose the ladder.
To Techno, friendship is so much stronger than a relationship.
Friendships are earned and built on a firm foundation that takes time to make.
Especially for Techno, you had to go through a lot with this man to be as close to him as you are.
You have seen Techno's ups and downs.
Meanwhile a relationship to Techno is something that can be weak.
They come and go like seasons.
And very rarely do they ever stick with you.
In other words friendships stay, relationships come and go.
So that's why Tecno reluctantly let the darling go.
So the darling let their death grip on you release along with the knife that was held to your neck.
You stumbled over your own steps towards Techno where he was quick to catch you.
He looked at you for any visible injury.
Once it was confirmed that you were not hurt, Techno grabbed his sword and ran out of the house after the darling.
Now many might think that Techno is going out to kidnap darling again.
Or maybe he is going back to beg them to come back.
Or something along those lines.
Oh hell no.
He is going out to do the complete opposite.
He is going to kill that bitch.
He wants them to feel the fear and stress he felt for the short moment.
He will hunt the darling down for as long as it takes.
Tecno doesn't care.
Because once Tecno sees his prize, he's gonna do whatever it takes to get the prize.
So least to say, it was a wonderful moment for him.
The moment when darling was backed up against a tree.
Their cheeks coated with frozen tears, and their clothes splatter with blood.
The multiple wounds they collected while being tossed around by Techno we're freezing.
Their air could be seen from the could.
Their breaths were short and fast as the big piglin man slowly walked up to them.
His sword dripped blood.
It smells like new iron from the blood.
And that would be the last thing darling sees before the sword is plunged into their chest.
In every situation possible, Techno will always choose friends.
And you better hope you don't put Techno's friend in danger if you are his romantic interest.
Otherwise he just might need to listen to the voices…
In short: Darling is fucked, and you reader (as the friend) will always be put first. But still, over all, it's best to be very careful around Technoblade...
Word count: 524
Thanks for reading!
Hey Madden what happens when their darling actually falls in love with them back, you know a good ol' Stockholm syndrome
(headcannon for fundy/techno pls. That's all love you stay safe)
Hey dove anon! It's been awhile!
P.s. sorry I don't write for Fundy, only the characters listed :))
Triggers: possessive behavior, aggressive behaviors, talk about Stockholm syndrome, mention of being kidnapped, mention of "breaking", and yandere like behaviors. Please be careful when reading.

For Tecno, it would be pure ecstasy.
But absolute hell for you.
It's less of Stockholm syndrome and more of accepting that this is your new reality.
It's a sad reality honestly.
And it took you forever to accept it.
It took every fiber in your being to accept that this is where you are now and this is where you forever will be.
Stuck in this cabin in the middle of the Arctic with this man that is insane.
So calling this little feeling Stockholm syndrome isn't quite the right word.
I am going to assume that you are semi mentally stable.
Well enough to know how you feel about someone.
Sure, some days you will find yourself questioning if you do really love him.
But your mind finds itself quickly kicking you back into reality.
Do not think you are sneaky because you are pretending to love Techno.
There is no point in acting like it.
As long as you are submissive and do as he says, he’s happy.
Techno is well aware of your current mental state and feelings.
But, like I said, he does not care.
Techno just wants you to be there when he gets home from his ventures.
Your arms open for a hug, and a fresh warm dinner on the table.
He wants you to listen to his amazing stories of how he beat up this one huge mob.
And that's exactly what you do.
No with lively eyes like he would like.
But he is still thankful nonetheless.
Life itself wouldn’t change that much routine wise.
But you do have more freedom.
Like you're allowed to go outside and feed/tend to the animals.
Or you can take small walks around the mountain.
Only on the trails he marked out of course, but walks alone were nice.
It was a short escape from the suffocating piglin man…
But, you did have a certain amount of time that you can be outside of the house without Techno.
If you are even a minute late to that time, he will lecture you.
But, hey, at least it's not full of punishment.
Techno still understands that you might have been tired, so you might not be as fast as normal.
But then you’ll get lectured on going on a walk when you're tired.
Though now they are more trustworthy, Techno will keep you held with much higher expectations.
Like there is no longer room for mistakes.
He believes that you have been around him long enough to know exactly what he expects.
He thinks that you should already know what he wants you to do.
(Even if you can’t read his mind).
He likes to think you can.
In short: Life wouldn’t be that much different, but it would be a lot harder. Techno will be more harsh and strict with you, expecting you to know what to do. When to do it. And how to do it.
Word count: 493
Thanks for reading!
TW: mindbreak. How would DreamXd, god Technoblade and god Wilbur react to they actually breaks their obsession completely? Where they lost their ability to think or do anything without a demand, and just stared at the ceiling for the most of the time?
Triggers: mention of torture, possessive behaviors, obsessive behaviors, eyes being gouged out, harsh punishments, unhealthy relationships, toxic relationships, and yandere like behaviors. Please be careful when reading.

XD will not be happy to say the least.
He will question you a bunch of times, simply thinking you're just playing a cruel joke.
But when you don't respond or shy away like you used to, he's pissed.
He won't put two and two together to find out he's the one that broke you.
He'll think it was something else.
Don't forget dear reader, he's not fluent with humans.
And how could a perfect GOD break his darling?
He would never do such a thing, and you should be put at a sword point if you ever think that!
XD would rain hellfire upon the world, literally and figuratively.
He would do everything in his infinite power to seek revenge on the humans.
And you would be forced to watch this, only because he thought this would warrant a reaction out of you.
It didn't.
But after his rage dies down a bit, he'll finally find a way to fix you.
So don't worry!
You'll be back to normal and in his arms again!
In short: Mad boi, and being broken won't be an escape...
Word count: 187

Like XD, Technoblade will be beyond pleased.
In fact, you just standing there would piss him off.
But unlike XD, he knows why you're acting this way.
He is essentially pissed off at himself, but projects it onto you, and the humans on earth.
And it simply fuels his rage when you just lay there after he has pushed you to the ground.
And you don't get up till told.
Technoblade would likely lock you up for days on end, not being able to look at you.
But he does know what will get a reaction out of you.
Technoblade will get tired of staring at your lifeless eyes…
Be gone with them!
Yep, he'll gouge out your eyes.
This will break you back into reality.
And don't worry, you haven't lost your sight forever.
He'll heal your eyes.
But if you act this way again, he will not hesitate to take away your sight permanently…
In short: Snap out of it as quickly as you can…
Word count: 168