mama-chan - Mama-chan

A french girl who lost herself in the fandoms (especially good omens and one piece this time)

23 posts

Mama-chan - Mama-chan - Tumblr Blog

3 years ago
Dont Know What Im Doing Anymore XD
Dont Know What Im Doing Anymore XD
Dont Know What Im Doing Anymore XD

don’t know what I’m doing anymore XD

3 years ago

did an upgrade for when she is in last year

Did An Upgrade For When She Is In Last Year

She still uses knife but prefe her bô staff. He can estand and change his masses wich ask her a lot of strengh. She uses her quirck a bit moreafter encountering and becoming friends with Shinso



her name is Hama Himura and her quirck is control of enrgy she basically can drain energy from people. She was always told it was a villain quirck so she lear,ed to fght without it and refused to use it. With training and events she will learn that she can also sensse and see eneergy and that she can give some of hers to other or create energy balls to attack. Lov her trying to write a fic about her in english! I ship her with bakugou. She is playing tough but is a real sooftie inside and just try to act cool but have internal pannic when people talk to her.

She can fight with blades but she preffer to use what Himawari uilt her a retractable bo staff

She has a icro blade hide in the heel of one of her boots and smoke bomb in the other

3 years ago
Found Some Old Drawing
Found Some Old Drawing
Found Some Old Drawing
Found Some Old Drawing
Found Some Old Drawing
Found Some Old Drawing
Found Some Old Drawing
Found Some Old Drawing
Found Some Old Drawing
Found Some Old Drawing

Found some old drawing

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3 years ago


her name is Hama Himura and her quirck is control of enrgy she basically can drain energy from people. She was always told it was a villain quirck so she lear,ed to fght without it and refused to use it. With training and events she will learn that she can also sensse and see eneergy and that she can give some of hers to other or create energy balls to attack. Lov her trying to write a fic about her in english! I ship her with bakugou. She is playing tough but is a real sooftie inside and just try to act cool but have internal pannic when people talk to her.

She can fight with blades but she preffer to use what Himawari uilt her a retractable bo staff

She has a icro blade hide in the heel of one of her boots and smoke bomb in the other

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4 years ago
Trying Different Style And Poses TwT
Trying Different Style And Poses TwT

trying different style and poses TwT

4 years ago
Trying To Draw Chibi But God Its Hard... XD The Middle One Is Me After This XD

trying to draw chibi but god it’s hard... XD the middle one is me after this XD

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4 years ago
Some Tentative Of Self-portrait And 2 More Strange Drawing That I Kinda Liked!
Some Tentative Of Self-portrait And 2 More Strange Drawing That I Kinda Liked!
Some Tentative Of Self-portrait And 2 More Strange Drawing That I Kinda Liked!
Some Tentative Of Self-portrait And 2 More Strange Drawing That I Kinda Liked!

some tentative of self-portrait and 2 more strange drawing that I kinda Liked!

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4 years ago
Trying To Do Backgtound
Trying To Do Backgtound
Trying To Do Backgtound
Trying To Do Backgtound

trying to do backgtound

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4 years ago
OK So For Christmas I Got A Tablet And Since Then Ive Been Experimenting So Much Its Crazy X) So... Dont
OK So For Christmas I Got A Tablet And Since Then Ive Been Experimenting So Much Its Crazy X) So... Dont
OK So For Christmas I Got A Tablet And Since Then Ive Been Experimenting So Much Its Crazy X) So... Dont
OK So For Christmas I Got A Tablet And Since Then Ive Been Experimenting So Much Its Crazy X) So... Dont

OK so for christmas I got a tablet and since then I’ve been experimenting so much it’s crazy X) so... Don’t really know what to do with this so.... I’m just putting those there XD

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4 years ago

Thank you so much I love your work and I am proud to be your friend! ** loved this one and I would so be pouty and competitive like that with my S/O X)

Hi! I'm finally finding the courge to do it! Thank you for your work, I always enjoy reading your work and you are a wonderful person! I would like to ask a request for the Vampire event in celebration for your 500 followers (you deserve it!). Would you please kindly do a fluff for Trafalgar Law with the number 12: “I want to bite you too,” “A humans bite won’t hurt, it would probably tickle.” ? Thank you so much for your hard work and for being such a good friend! A shower of love for you!

Sorry that this is super late! I hope you enjoy your Law fluff, I changed the prompt a bit so that would fit in to the story better! I know we haven’t talked for a while but thank you for being a supportive friend, I’m showering you with lots of love and hugs as well! 


Your giggles echoed throughout the bedroom as your body landed on the wooden floor with a thud. Law fell right on top of you, his hands landing on each side of your head. He held himself upright not wanting to hurt you by accident. You giggled one more when you noticed his eyebrow twitching with annoyance. 

“Will you stop trying to ambush me,” he growled. “Wrestling is not fun and I might actually hurt you by mistaking you for an intruder.” 

“Aw you’re no fun Law,” you said, your giggles fading. “I love hearing you yelp in surprise, you sound like a kid.”

“Don’t tempt me y/n.” his voice was low when he spoke, flashing you his fangs, his eyes darkened. 

You rolled your eyes and with a moment of courage you wrapped your legs around his waist and switched your positions. Your eyes widened slightly, surprised that he actually let you flip him over. But you were quick to understand why when your gaze landed on his face, his eyes had lost its threatening sparkle now a look of indifference claiming his face. 

He was so done with you. 

Your legs were on each side of his waist, crossing your arms in front of you, you pouted. 

“You don’t need to give me that look!” you averted your eyes. “Don’t you like spending time with me?” 

You hear him sigh and shivered when he placed his hand ever so gently on your cheek. Involuntarily you leaned in to the touch, hating that you were convinced so easily. Your puls quickened when you saw his gold orbs fixated on you. 

“I love spending time with you, y/n. It’s just that… you’ll never win.”


That wasn’t the answer you were expecting. Law rolled his eyes and chuckled. 

“I’m an immortal being with inhuman strength. You can’t beat me, why fight a battle you are destined to lose.”


At this point you were fuming, you slapped his hand away and glared at him. His smirk widened at your anger. 

“So just because you’re a vampire you think you can beat me!?”

“I mean...yeah?” 

“Oh you’re done for, you insomniac!” 

You went in to strangle him, as a joke of course, but you were quickly faced with resistance. Law grabbed both of your wrists and before you could try to wiggle out of his grasp you found yourself staring up to him once again. He pinned both your hands to the floor and grinned at you. 

“I’m waiting to be done for… when will that happen exactly?” he hummed, amused. 

You tried to free yourself but of course his hands didn’t budge, with a desperate attempt you lifted your head from the ground and tried to bite his arm. Law raised an eyebrow clearly surprised by your not so great attempt at trying to free yourself. 

“A human’s bite won’t hurt,” he said, sounding like a biology teacher. “It would probably tickle.”

“You don’t know that.” you said, your teeth clattering as you continued your attempts to bite him. 

Smiling, Law let go of your hand and placed his wrist on your lips. He shrugged. 

“Fine, try it then.” 

Your eyes beaming with victory you opened your mouth wide and bit him. 

“Look at that,” Law said, thoughtful. “It doesn’t even tickle.”

You groaned as you spat out his wrist, his taste lingering on your tongue, you scrunch your nose.

“You’re a jerk.” you muttered. 

For the first time today Law genuinely laughed, you hated that it was directed at you but despite that you were still happy to hear him being happy. 

“Yeah and that’s why you love me.” he replied. 

With a wide smile he leaned in and gave you a peck on the forehead. After that you couldn’t help but smile like a fool. 

4 years ago
Just Some Practivmcr Doodles For Poses! I'M NOT HAPPY WITH THE COLOR AT ALL!!! But I Don't Have All My

Just some practivmcr doodles for poses! I'M NOT HAPPY WITH THE COLOR AT ALL!!! but I don't have all my coloring pencils... I also hate the fact that I can still see the files sketch but hey! It's practice and it's really not that bad. So I love you failed child of mine.

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4 years ago

OK so... I've rediscovered TMNT and... It was surprisingly really good... XD And this baby came up x) Not sure what to think of her but she now exist somehow XD

Maybe I will do her some justice later and do linear and color x)

OK So... I've Rediscovered TMNT And... It Was Surprisingly Really Good... XD And This Baby Came Up X)

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4 years ago

This art is just too amazing not to ba shared. Don't thank me the world needs to know!

mama-chan - Mama-chan
4 years ago

Once again I’m glad to do a tag (they are fun) but I’m not tagging anyone (because I don’t know who to tag.... XD) so enjoy? 

three ships: LawLu, Innefable Husbands aaaaand is it ok to say spideypool? I like them a lot

last song: Currently listening to Ashes by Céline Dion because the clip is killing me and her voice is just... wow

last movie: I think the last movie I watched was Beauty and the Tramp? didn’t see it in a long time so I jumped on the occasion on Disney +

currently reading: a Trafalgar Law fanfiction on wattpad ( The life I live by I don’t like I obsess but basically all her fanfictions are good go check her out!) and french books x)

currently consuming: sandwiches... XD (Too hot to cook where I live)

food I’m craving: Chips to go with my sandwiches? No but seriously some chocolate soft ice cream would really be appreciated here... Please god I’m dying...

thank you for the tag @loisfics bby <3


three ships; mona x natsuya dabihawks, kiribaku, soukoku (bsd) 

last song; paradisus-paradoxum -myth & roid

last movie; a whisker away on netflix! super cute would recommend hehe

currently reading; haven’t read an actual book in ages but rashomon and other stories by akutagawa ryunōsuke

currently consuming; chicken nuggets (hawks who wwwwww)

food i’m craving; mochi and instant ramen w/ cheese!


tag 9 people you want to know better/ catch up with:

@wakaitoshi @tokoyamis-luv @kiyasuno @bnha-imagines-forall @softkatsuki @heccingdead @oyasenpai and i can’t think of anyone else hehe :D no obligations to do it though!

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4 years ago
Tips That Can Save Your Kids Life.
Tips That Can Save Your Kids Life.
Tips That Can Save Your Kids Life.
Tips That Can Save Your Kids Life.
Tips That Can Save Your Kids Life.
Tips That Can Save Your Kids Life.
Tips That Can Save Your Kids Life.
Tips That Can Save Your Kids Life.

Tips That Can Save Your Kid’s Life.

4 years ago

Hello Neighbor: One-Shot Trafalgar Law x OC

Law was not having fun no. For him, those places weren’t entertaining a bit, but as always, he had been dragged here by his two friends and didn’t have the strength to argue with Shachi and Penguin this night. Now he was here, sipping one of those cocktails with too much alcohol in it , looking at the people pretending to dance, but really just trying to rub themselves against each other in an attempt to sparkle something fun, while his friends tried to find girls in the crowd.

             But when this girl that seemed oddly familiar to him, just crushed herself on his laps, obviously not sober, he felt a smile crumple on his lips. Maybe this night will finally start to be a bit more interesting. He took a good look at her while she was trying to recover her composure after falling on him, she had long light pink wavy hair but he could see from her roots that she was a brunette, brown eyes clouded by the alcohol and a body pretty average but still appreciable.

             She seemed lost and Law just waited for her to realize what happened, maybe see her flustered face? But she just looked at him and frowned angrily at him.

-What are you trying to do to me?!

             Ok, he was not expecting to be yelled at, that’s for sure. Well he won’t complain, he wanted something new, he definitely found it.

-Nothing, you fell on me actually. Are you wasted? You’re not alone here, right? Where are you friends?

             She seemed to have some kind of realization and she left her frown to just sit comfortably beside him on the bench.

-I am alone. My “friends”, apparently left me here to prank me after making me drink like a fish… My bad, don’t know why I thought that this time they would be nice.

             Law didn’t understand everything, but this girl was kind of out of the ordinary, talking to a stranger like he was her confident. Was it the alcohol talking? Somehow, he knew that she was also like that when she was sober.

-Just a quick tip, don’t tell a stranger that you are alone and totally wasted in a bar. You are lucky I’m not kidnapping you or anything. He teased her.

             She chuckled a little and gave him a look of defiance.

-You don’t look like the type to do something so low. Too much pride in you.

             And that’s it, that’s the moment Law knew she was as interesting as she seemed to be when he saw her in the morning many time, running for whatever reason out of the building, screaming that she was late (like always). He recognized her pink hair and strange way of laughing. This was definitely the girl from the apartment next to his, he always thought she was an original, from what he has heard coming from her place through the thin walls and from seeing her running off to god knows where at the same hour every day and still managing to be late.

             Well now, that was a good reason to leave no? Taking a poor girl back home? And he didn’t even had to make a detour.

-Do you know how you will get back home?

-Actually… No idea… Why?

-Do you want me to take you home?

             She gave him a suspicious look. Well he did look suspicious now that he rewinds the scene. He just told her to be careful with strangers and now he casually just contradicts himself by proposing these.

-It would have been nice but…

             And out of nowhere she just…Puked. Thank god not on him, but still that was NOT a pleasant experience. She seemed exhausted from that and just plopped her head on his laps once again, but this time with the intention of taking a nap apparently. Law did try to keep her awake, but she was a heavy sleeper apparently…

             Great… His plan to escape was even more convincing now, but he also had to lift her there…


             Well he was in front of her door, but she was still asleep and wouldn’t wake up. Should he look for her keys in her trousers? He tried but found nothing, not even her phone. Now that he thinks about it, her outfit was quite fitting, and didn’t seem to leave any space to put any phones, wallet or keys. Great, she didn’t have her bag, and so obviously any of her belongings.

Guess he will have to babysit tonight… He sighs resigned and reached for his keys in his back pocket, struggling to keep the girl in piggyback ride with just one arm supporting her dead weight, and finally opened the door to his studio.

He placed her on the bed and just left her to her nap while he got changed in his bathroom. He got rid of hist black shirt and pants and just put on some jogging; he usually sleeps in boxers but he will have to do with that for the night. But he definitely won’t put a t-shirt, he was nice but not to this point.

When he got back in the other room, he froze in front of the scene before him. The girl was now struggling to get her feet out of her tight jeans and already got rid of her uncomfortable top, lying on the floor far from her. Law let a low growl escaped his throat while his hand sloppily slides on his face in exasperation.

He took one of his shirts in his closet and approached her. After some effort and protestations from her, completely ignored by the tanned man, she was now in a burgundy shirt, visibly too large for her, as a pajama. Law couldn’t resist to a little peeking; she looked quite sexy and cute like that with her hair going wild from the fighting before. He immediately felt a bit ashamed not being able to control himself, and not wanting to take advantage of a woman obviously not in a normal state of mind.

-Let’s just go to bed.

             She nodded in response, apparently still a bit sleepy from the alcohol, and got under the covers quickly followed by Law. She didn’t even ask why she was here, but somehow her curiousness got on other subject.

-How old are you?

-24… mumbled Law already closing his eyes, but she hadn’t finished yet.

-Ho, you are older huh. I’m 22.

-Don’t care, just sleep.

-I forgot to brush my teeth I can’t sleep…

             Law really contained himself from murdering the women beside him. He just gave her instruction on the bathroom, telling her where to find a new brush and all, and she just got off bed to go do what she had to do. She wasn’t even cautious and trying to be silent, in fact, if Law didn’t already know she was like that at her home, he would have sworn she was doing it on purpose.

             When she finally came back, he let himself relaxed, ready to take back where he was left before, but she apparently wanted to chit chat, in the middle of the night.

-what do you do in life?

-Seriously now? You really think this is the right time to do random talk?

-I can’t sleep in the same bed as someone I don’t even have a clue of who they are.

-Shouldn’t you start with my name if that’s the case?

-…… What’s your name?

             Law facepalmed internally but responded to the demand, if it could help him sleep faster, he would even give her access to her social media account.

-I’m Trafalgar Law. I study to become a surgeon.


             He opened one eye and looked at her direction.

-You’re not going to tell me who you are?

-I… Thought you didn’t care so…

-Now that I told you who I am might as well know who I’m sleeping with too.

-I’m Alicia Parker and I study literature. I-I want to become a writer…

             She looked at him biting her lips anxiously, like she was apprehending something. He raised an eyebrow with a questioning look.


-Nothing, it’s just that I’m used to people laughing or judging me so…

             He closed his eyes and replied:

-Why should I? There are writers in the world, why wouldn’t you be one? I would be more concerned if you had told me you wanted to be a unicorn like a teenager.

             She chuckled to this, again, this strange sound. She really has a unique laugh.

-No offense but you seemed like a big playboy when I first look at you.

             How was he supposed to take that exactly?

-No worries, you seemed like a big virgin to me. Still think you are one though…

             He smirked through his tease, to be honest he never thought that once, but he wouldn’t let the pink mess beside him get away with that, even if she was kind of right. He heard an outraged gasped, making his smirked grow bigger.

-I am certainly not! Even if there is no shame in being a virgin, I refuse to let you be this condescending! I had sex and I’m great at it!

             He was fighting a laugh from escaping his mouth, this was more information than what he needed to know, but it was priceless. She was really something.

-Yeah sure, I believe you.

-Is that a challenge? It’s not because you look like a demi-god that you can look down on others!

             Again, more information than what he asked, but it was a pleasant comparison, so he let it slide.


             Honestly? He should have seen what came after. She was still a bit elevated by the alcohol and he clearly invited her to do so. But still, the feeling of her lips on his and feeling her sitting on him was a real surprise, a pleasant one that his to say. He shouts his eyes wide open, frozen for the second time tonight. He had to admit she was fairly good at that.

Suddenly, his competitiveness awoke, and not wanting to lose, he kissed her back more vigorously, biting her lip and forcing his way through them to encounter her tongue. He let his hands cup her head, but without even realizing it, he lost control of them during the kiss, and they started to make their way to her hips, tracing her body through the process.

It was when he heard her moan at the gesture, that he finally came back to reality and decided that this was his cue to stop, before doing something they might unfortunately both regret tomorrow. But she was visibly a sour looser, and she fought back to keep their lips together, putting everything in it and unconsciously giving slight rub to his crotch with hers. Law swore it was the first time he felt this close to pleasure with just a kiss. He couldn’t help the moan/growl that slipped from him.

             She stopped everything and just fell back to her place, leaving Law awestruck.

-I win… She murmured closing her eyes.

             She couldn’t do that, not after this! Law was shocked, the effect that that girl had on him was just unbelievable. And she was sleeping like a baby now. He huffed and gave up, he couldn’t compete with people like that, she was like a feminine version of Luffy, but in a more mature version. He finally found some sleep and he took it with great pleasure.


             The next morning, Law was woken up by a loud thud. He looked beside him, guessing the source of the noise, but all he could see was feet up in the air. He frowned confused and look over the bed, finding an Alicia gapping at him with eyes wide open.

-What? He yawned.

-What do you mean what?! Where am I? Where are we?! DID WE?!

             She looked panicked, and law couldn’t help a smile. Now, will he tease her again or not? He resigned himself, and decided to just tell her the truth.

-You drank too much at the bar and I took you at my place after you fell asleep on me. I sheltered you for the night because you forgot your bag at the club. We didn’t do anything, although you did strip in front of me.

             He smirked again, he couldn’t help the last tease, and finally being able to see her flustered face was a nice prize to be honest. She had an illumination and panicked made its return in her eyes.

-HO MY GOD! What time is it? I have uni at 11!

             Law grabbed his fun squinting his eyes from the aggressive light and responded:

-Almost 9 A.M.

-Ho no! By the time I go back at my place, I may have no time to shower or take a breakfast! I need to eat! I feel like I didn’t eat in the last three days!

-Well, you did throw up a lot last night.

             Again, a tease, and a bit of a lie, she just throw up once, but her facial expression were priceless.

-Ho my god I’m so sorry! I will give you my number and I will pay you back somehow, I promise!

             He watched her fighting with her jeans trying to be as fast as possible.

-Hoooo… Whyyyy meeee… I must take back my purse then go to my apartment and…

             She continued her monologue, still in a hurry, and Law started to understand how she managed to always be late.

-Just so you know, you are not as far from your apartment as you seem to think.

             She gave him a questioning look.

-How would you know that?  Did I told you where I live? Are you a stalker?

             Starting to lose control again and still being late in her mind, she opened with willingness the door of the apartment and stopped. She knew this view. It was the same as hers. She looked to her right and recognized the aligned doors, but most importantly her door. With her little rug in front of it.

-Hello Neighbor. She heard him chanting behind her.

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4 years ago

I realised that I've never told or gave an url to my fanfiction so just in case! It's a FRENCH fanfiction and it's a Law x OC fanfiction but if you feel like it I would be glad and honored if you read it!

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4 years ago
Finally Did Some Watercolor But I Kept It Simple ^^ Finding The Right Color For The Skin Taking In Account
Finally Did Some Watercolor But I Kept It Simple ^^ Finding The Right Color For The Skin Taking In Account
Finally Did Some Watercolor But I Kept It Simple ^^ Finding The Right Color For The Skin Taking In Account

Finally did some watercolor but I kept it simple ^^ finding the right color for the skin taking in account the disease was a real struggle but I think it looks OK? I also did another drawing of my OC for my fanfiction and all. I really like to draw her! But man drawing character frontally is a struggle her crotch doesn't make any sense but I will do better over practice! ** Now that I look at them I think they look too white but I will do a colorful one next time x)

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4 years ago

Reblog if you're gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, transgender or a supporter.

This should be reblogged by everyone. Even if you’re straight, you should be a supporter.

4 years ago

Go check out her Tumblr! The art is so neat and good and cute and her little stories are really relatable! Recommend it a 100%



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4 years ago
Omg This Is Really Cute! Like Wayyyy Cuter Than Me! This Is Awesome ! A Big Thanks And Praising To The

Omg this is really cute! Like wayyyy cuter than me! This is awesome ! A big thanks and praising to the one who made it, this is so complete and all and it was really fun to do too ^^  

Well again I won’t tag anyone (but if you want to do it please do I will cover for you aand tell that i tagged you, don’t worry have got your back)

Thank you for tagging me @m4rim0​ and a big round of applause to the one above me they all are really cute! 

PS: The bandage are here to represent my clumsiness (I do end up hurt quite often because of it I always have bandage in my bag)

You can find the picrew here.

I was tagged by the lovely @vanillalipstick66 💜✨

You Can Find The Picrew Here.

Tagging: @britt-wie @vanderheijdens @chasing-dreams-in-paradise @glorious-technicolor @bloggideon @ella-on-the-moon @engelsnoor @veerledejaegers @glamorise-the-chaos @peaceoutofthepieces @jensrolt @gucciboner @embeddedinmybrain & anyone else who wants to do it! (sorry if you’ve already done it, feel free to ignore too) 💜✨

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4 years ago

Ok so... This is a first? XD

I’ve been tagged by @m4rim0 thank you it will keep me busy since I was kind f bored XD

Disclaimer: I’m French so sorry for my poor english x)

Let’s go!

1. What's your favorite quote?

It’s a bit cliché but I love this quote from Einstein: “Imagination is more important than  knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world” Of course it’s extreme and I think knowledge is still very valuable ! But I don’t know coming from one of the most famous genius of our time it’s just... Funny.

2. What's your favorite song?

I don’t really have one...^^” I have a tendency to change favourite song on a regular basis x) But I do LOOOOOVE the group Queen! And just to make some ad to good french singer I recomend “Ceux qui rêvent” de Pomme and the music of Pomme in general!

3. If you could have a superpower, which one would you choose?

I don’t like superpower...... XD I mean I love Marvel and DC but  power seem to be a really big burden... So I don’t know something soft I guess? A bit cliché again but the ability to ccomfort and make people happy by touching them or something in those vibe? X) 

4. Which character (from everywhere) can you relate the most with?

Is it pretentious to say Tohru from Fruit Basket? Because she is really perfect to me.... XD But I don’t think I’m like her... It’s more like... She is xhat I teend to be and dream of? So yeah her.

5. Spring, summer, fall or winter? Why?

Winter. I just like christmas and New year eve and before I liked the snow that came with it (but it’s been a long time since it snowed here soooo) But I also really like the cold too. (But to be honest I pretty much like every single one of them except summer. Too frigging Hot)

6. Hobby/Hobbies?

So many but I’m not particulary good at any of them though: pastries, drawing, writing, reading.

7. In a scale 1 to 10 (where 10 is highest), how much shy are you?

I would say 8? Or maybe 9? I’m pretty much ok and very open and lively when I’m accustomed to people but I am the type of people who pannic in front of a crowd or that just want to go far away if she is obligated to socialize with new people. I usually shake really hard and sometime I get seek... One time I almost past out after doing a presentation.

8. Dream's job?

Something that has a connection to book. I’m thinking about being a librerian or an editor?

9. Hufflepuff, Slytherin, Ravenclaw or Gryffindor?

I’m not a big fan of Harry Potter sorry... But my friend who is one forced me to do the test on internet and it seems I’m from Ravenclaw? x)

10. Choose an option: your husbando/waifu comes to life, and he/she/it/they, is/are madly in love with you OR you can join when and where you want your favorite anime, book or movie world.

Haaaa it’s hard!!!! I mean it seems cruel to force my favourite character to leave everything behind him like that.... XD (I love Trafalgar Law from One Piece) Like his dream, his life and all but I don’t see myself surviving in the xorld of One Piece at my current state soooo... Neither? XD Sorry x)

I won’t tagged anyone I’m not good with this type of things but it was fun to do XD Hoped it was fun to read? X)

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4 years ago
Doodles Of An Oc That I Made For My Fanfiction About Trafalgar Law! Quite Happy With How It Turned Out
Doodles Of An Oc That I Made For My Fanfiction About Trafalgar Law! Quite Happy With How It Turned Out

Doodles of an Oc that I made for my fanfiction about Trafalgar Law! Quite happy with how it turned out so not ready to use watercolor on it yet x) but maybe later? Her name is Elpis! *^*

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